

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 101d7d736a5504f729dce9ffd22c3d0a > files > 5


# This is the easd server configuration file.
# Usage: key value
#  [ value ]		= optional value
#  { value }		= requird value
#  [ value1 | value2 ]	= value1 OR value2 is optional
#  { value1 | value2 }	= value1 OR value2 is requird
# Value: integer|string
#  integer	= 0 - 65536
#  string	= alpha-numeric string

# Section: TCP/IP
# Usage: Port { value }
# Value: integer
# Default: 5554
# Description:	Which port to listen for new requests. 1 - 65536.
Port 5554

# Syntax: KeepAlive { value }
# Value: yes | no
# Default: yes
# Description:	Specifies whether the daemon should send TCP keepalive
#		packets to the client.
KeepAlive yes

# Section: Event Notification
# Usage: NotificationHook { value }
# Value: string
# Default: disabled
# Description:	Specify an executable to be called when a user has connected
#		and authenticated to the server.  This executable will be
#		forked into the background and a clean environment will be
#		set with the following environment variables set:
#		EASH_EFFECTIVE_GID	- effective gid
#		EASH_EFFECTIVE_GR_NAME	- effective group name
#		EASH_EFFECTIVE_PW_NAME	- effective username
#		EASH_EFFECTIVE_UID	- effective uid
#		EASH_ID			- EAS Audit ID (eas_replay)
#		EASH_IP			- remote IP address
#		EASH_ORIGINAL_GID	- original gid
#		EASH_ORIGINAL_GR_NAME	- original group name
#		EASH_ORIGINAL_PW_NAME	- original username
#		EASH_ORIGINAL_UID	- original uid
#		EASH_REAL_GID		- real gid
#		EASH_REAL_GR_NAME	- real group name
#		EASH_REAL_PW_NAME	- real username
#		EASH_REAL_UID		- real uid
#		EASH_TERMINAL		- original terminal
# Note:		This is generally used to send email upon a connection.
# Example	#!/bin/sh
# script:	cat <<EOF | mailx -s "$EASH_ORIGINAL_PW_NAME opened a session"
#		$EASH_ORIGINAL_PW_NAME opened a session as
#		To review this session type `eas_replay $EASH_ID'
#		EOF
#		exit 0
#NotificationHook /usr/libexec/custom_notification_script

# Usage: HookFailureCritical { value }
# Value: yes | no
# Default: yes
# Description:	If the executable specified by NotificationHook has return
#		code of non-zero OR if the executable specified by
#		NotificationHook fails - EAS will terminate the session.
#HookFailureCritical yes

# Usage: HookTimeout { value }
# Value: integer
# Default: 5
# Description:	Use this option to set a timeout on the NotificationHook.
#		Value is in seconds.  Legal values are 1 - 65536.
#HookTimeout 5

# Section: Digital Signatures
# Usage: SignMode { value }
# Usage: SignOwner { value }
# Usage: SignInode { value }
# Usage: SignCtime { value }
# Usage: SignMtime { value }
# Value: yes | no
# Default: SignMode yes
# Default: SignOwner yes
# Default: SignInode no
# Default: SignCtime no
# Default: SignMtime no
# Description:	This option will add the file's inode to the SHA1 signature.
# Special:	Once these options are set, previous audit logs are subject
#		to the terms of the strictness.  For example if you disable
#		this option all previous audit logs using this option will
#		not be verifiable through EAS Replay.
#		You must have a standard with these options and not change it
#		mid-stream.
# Note:		It's highly recommended that the default values be not be
#		changed.  The default values represent high security and
#		integrity with the trade-off of being able to copy the audit
#		logs to a different log server.
# Option	SignMode	adds the file's permissions to the signature
# details:	SignOwner	adds the file's uid and gid to the signature
#		SignInode	adds the file's inode to the signature
#		SignCtime	adds the file's ctime to the signature
#				(the file's ctime is changed by writing or by
#				 setting inode information)
#					* owner
#					* group
#					* link count
#					* mode
#					* etc
#		SignMtime	adds the file's mtime to the signature
#				(the file's mtime is changed by file
#				 modifications)
#					* mknod(2)
#					* truncate(2)
#					* pipe(2)
#					* utime(2)
#					* write(2) (of more than zero bytes)
#				The mtime is not changed for changes in
#				owner, group, link count or mode.
#SignMode yes
#SignOwner yes
#SignInode no
#SignCtime no
#SignMtime no

# Section: EAS Server Configuration
# Usage: PidFile { value }
# Value: string
# Default: /var/run/
# Description:	This file will contain the process ID of the easd daemon.
PidFile /var/run/

# Usage: SessionDirectory { value }
# Value: string
# Default: /var/log/easd
# Description:	This directory will store session output and timing
#		information.
SessionDirectory /var/log/easd

# Usage: User { value }
# Value: string | integer
# Default: 0
# Description:	Specify the name or UID of the user easd should run as.
#		Please note that the GID will be the default GID of the UID
#		provided.
# Special:	This value needs to be set before EAS Daemon is started for
#		the first time.  It can be changed at a later date under the
#		following conditions:
#			1) StrictSignatures is off
#			2) You recursively change the owner of the
#			   SessionDirectory and all its files.
# Note:		It's recommended you never change this value once EAS has
#		been started for the first time due to the StrictSignatures.
#		Disabling StrictSignatures increases the risk for
#		manipulating audit logs.
User easd

# Syntax: IdleTimeout { value }
# Value: integer
# Default: 7200
# Description:	Specify idle timeout in seconds.  If the client does not
#		send output or input within the given timeout the server will
#		terminate the connection.  A value of -1 will disable the
#		idle timeout.  Default value of 7200 seconds (2 hours)
IdleTimeout 7200

# Usage: Sync { value }
# Value:  _IONBF | _IOLBF | _IOFBF
# Default: _IONBF
# Description:	_IONBF unbuffered
#		_IOLBF line buffered
#		_IOFBF fully buffered
# Special:	If you want to snoop on active sessions, you need to specify
#		_IOFBF to fully buffer the audit logs.  Using _IONBF or
#		_IOLBF will lead to unexpected results.
# Note:		It's recommended that you leave buffering turned off for
#		performance reasons.  _IONBF is the default setting.
#Sync _IONBF

# Section: Syslog Configuration
# Syntax: SyslogFacility { value }
# Value: string
# Default: LOG_AUTH
# Description:	Specify the syslog facility that easd should log to.
# LOG_AUTH	security/authorization messages (DEFAULT)
# LOG_CRON	cron and at
# LOG_DAEMON	system daemons without seperate facility value
# LOG_FTP	ftp daemon
# LOG_KERN	kernel messages
#		reserved for local use.
# LOG_LPR	line printer
# LOG_MAIL	mail
# LOG_SYSLOG	generally reserved for syslogd
# LOG_USER	default genertic user-level messages
SyslogFacility LOG_AUTH

# Syntax: SyslogPriority { value }
# Value: string
# Default: LOG_INFO
# Description:	Specify the default syslog priority that easd should log
#		with.
# LOG_EMERG	system is unstable
# LOG_ALERT	action must be taken immediately
# LOG_CRIT	critical conditions
# LOG_ERR	error conditions
# LOG_WARNING	warning conditions
# LOG_NOTICE	normal, but significant conditions
# LOG_INFO	information messages (DEFAULT)
# LOG_DEBUG	debug-level messages
# Special:      Please note that EAS will always use
#		LOG_CRIT on critical error conditions.
#		LOG_ERR on error conditions.
#		LOG_DEBUG when the LogLevel is set to DEBUG[123]
#		Otherwise the default SyslogPriority will be used.
SyslogPriority LOG_INFO

# Syntax: LogLevel { value }
# Value: string
# Default: INFO
# Description:	Specify the log level for easd.
# INFO		this is the default (SyslogPriority) - logs informational messages to syslog
# DEBUG1	debug level 1 (LOG_DEBUG) - logs system calls
# DEBUG2	debug level 2 (LOG_DEBUG) - logs function calls
# DEBUG3	debug level 3 (LOG_DEBUG) - (warning) logs all function calls and data
LogLevel INFO

# Syntax: Cipher { value1:value2:... }
# Value: string
# Default: HIGH:MEDIUM
# Description:	Define permitted SSL ciphers in a colon delimited list.
#		For a complete list see "openssl ciphers"

# Section: SSL Configuration
# Syntax: Method { value1 | value2 | value3 | value4 }
# Value: string
# Default: SSLv3
# Description:	OpenSSL method.
# TLSv1		TLS version 1
# SSLv2		SSL version 2
# SSLv3		SSL version 3
# SSLv23	SSL version 2 and 3 compatibility mode
Method SSLv3

# Syntax: PrivateKey { value }
# Value: string
# Default: /etc/eas/certs/server.pem
# Description:	Specify private key and certificate file.  The file should
#		begin with a PEM encoded private key followed by a PEM
#		encoded certificate.  The PEM file can contain serveral
#		certificates that you trust.
PrivateKey /etc/eas//certs/server.pem

# Syntax: CertificateAuthority { value }
# Value: string
# Default: /etc/eas/certs/root.pem
# Description:	Specify certificate authority file.  If you want to trust
#		additional certificates, append them to the file.  By
#		default the certificates in the PrivateKey are trusted.
CertificateAuthority /etc/eas//certs/root.pem

# Syntax: RandomFile { value }
# Value: string
# Default: disabled
# Description:	Specify the default file to read(2) random data so that
#		OpenSSL can be correctly seeded.  Default is /dev/urandom
#RandomFile /dev/urandom

# Syntax: EDGFile { value }
# Value: string
# Default: disabled
# Description:	Specify path to Entropy Gathering Daemon socket.  Use this
#		option if you don't have /dev/urandom or /dev/random
#EGDFile /var/run/egd-pool