

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 6fe8933235a2583d5d31201aac3c63cc > files > 12


This file contains new features introduced by particular pavuk versions.
For more precise description of changes look into ChangeLog file.
Fileds signed as <CLI> are for commandline new features, <GUI> are for new
feature available only for GUI, <DOC> significant changes in documentation.

version 0.9pl22
<CLI> new option -ssl_version used to set required SSL protocol version
<CLI> new options -unique_sslid/-nounique_sslid used to specify if pavuk
      should use unique SSL ID with each SSL session
<GUI> New Append URL dialog used to append URLs while running downloading
<CLI> new option -httpad used for adding user defined HTTP headers to HTTP
<CLI> new option -statfile for saving download progress statistics to file
      when finished
<GUI> new dialog window for previewing statistics reports
<CLI> new option -debug_level to enable control on amount of debug messages
<CLI> new WIN32 specific option -ewait to disable pavuk console close when
      pavuk finished his job
<GUI> new posibility to save tree structure from URL tree preview dialog

version 0.9pl23
<CLI> new option -aip_pattern & -dip_pattern to specify allowed/disallowed
      server IP addreses with regular expressions
<CLI> new option -site_level for limiting through how many site in URL tree
      can pavuk go
<CLI> new mode "ftpdir" for listing FTP directories
<CLI> new option -site_level for limiting how many site levels can be
<CLI> new protocol added - FTP over SSL
<CLI> new option -FTPS/-noFTPS for enabling/disabling of documents via
      FTP over SSL
<CLI> new option -ssl_cipher_list to specify list of preffered ciphers in 
      SSL communication
<CLI> new protocol added - HTTP/1.1
<CLI> new option -use_http11/-nouse_http11 for enabling/disabling use of 
      HTTP/1.1 protocol in communication with HTTP server
<CLI> new option -max_time to specify maximal time of downloading
<CLI> new option -local_ip to binf specified network interface on multihomed

version 0.9pl24
<CLI> new option -request for specify richer information for request, this
      option is required for doing HTTP POST requests
<CLI> new option -hash_size used to set size of internal hash tables for
      URL and filename lookup. Usable for performance tuning when mirrorng
      huge amount of URLs
<CLI> extended posibilities of option -fnrules to be able to perform several
      functions for generating local names
<GUI> implemented droping of URLs into URL Append dialog
<GUI> implemented posibility to watch downloading process inside 
      URL tree preview dialog

version 0.9pl25
<GUI> removed support for Xt GUI
<CLI> posibility to use multiple HTTP proxy servers with round robin scheduling
<CLI/GUI> optional multithreading support (see option -nthreads)
<CLI> new multithreading related pair of options -immesg/-noimmesg for
      controling per thread bufering of messages till download is finished
<CLI> posibility to fill noninteractively matching HTML forms (see option
      -formdata in manual)
<CLI> new option -dumpfd to be able directly dump documents to pipe instead 
      of file in document tree
<GUI> 'Load scenario' now resets configuration before loading new scenario
<GUI> Added new menu entry to add scenario to current setup

version 0.9pl26
<CLI> added new option -del_after to allow removing of remote FTP documents
      after successfull download
<CLI> added new options -unique_name/-nounique_name which allows to to turn
      on/off generating of unique names for documents using numbering of 
      overlaying documents
<CLI> it is now possible to specify in -request option to specify also
      filename in which will be specified starting document stored
<CLI> added new option -dump_urlsfd to enable outputing URLs from downloaded
      HTML documents to selected file descriptor - usable for scripting
<DOC> added new document file wget-pavuk.HOWTO to aid wget users start using
<CLI> new options -singlepage/-nosinglepage to allow using single page transfers
      in different modes (this makes -mode singlepage obsoleted)

version 0.9pl27
<GUI> added support to retieve URL from currently opened document in Netscape
      browser window
<CLI> options  -disable_html_tag / -enable_html_tag now accept parameter
      "all" to disable / enable all HTML tags
<CLI> added support for reading MSIE cache on WIN32. Use options -ie_cache
      and -noie_cache to enable/disable this feature
<CLI> new macro for -fnrules option %q for handling query strings from POST
<CLI> added new functions for -fnrules option - "sif", "!", "|", "&" .
<CLI> added support for GNU getopt() like long/short commandline options
      You can now use this syntax of options:
	-lmax 3
	--lmax 3
	-l 3
      It is also able to combine multiple short options.
      For example -xl3 means -X -lmax 3
<CLI> added new options -dump_after/-nodump_after. This option can be used
      with option -dumpfd x , and you can control with it when document will
      writen to output. When -dump_after is active, document will be dumped
      just after download and processing of HTML documents. Else document
      will be dumped during download. With this option you can also use
      option -dumpfd succesfully in multithreaded version of pavuk without
      mixing documents on output
<CLI> added support for processing simple JS patterns in DOM event tags and
      script bodies and javascript:... URLs
<CLI> added support for NTLM authorization
<CLI> added support for HTTP/1.0 persistent proxy connections
<CLI> added new option -js_pattern which will allow you to specify custom
      JS RE patterns for processing
<CLI> added option -follow_cmd, which allows to cotrol pavuk with external
      command. By exit code you can tell if pavuk can follow links from
      current doc.
<CLI> new options -retrieve_symlink/-noretrieve_symlink to enable downloading
      of symbolic links like regular files/directories from server
<CLI> new option -js_transform , it is more powerfull form of -js_pattern
      option, which allows you to specify transform rule for pattern and
      also allow you to specify exact HTML tag and attribute where to look
      for the pattern
<CLI> Added support for FTP proxy athorization (new options -ftp_proxy_user
      and -ftp_proxy_pass)

version 0.9pl28
<CLI> added new option (-limit_inlines/-dont_limit_inlines) to disable
      checking of limiting options for inline objects
<CLI> added new option -ftp_list_options to allow passing options to FTP
      LIST/NLST commands
<CLI> added new option (-fix_wuftpd/-nofix_wuftpd) to workaround wuftpd
      broken responses when trying to list non existing FTP directory
<CLI> added new option (-post_update/-nopost_update) to force pavuks URL
      updating engine to update in parents documents only URL currently
<CLI> new function for -fnrules option - getval,getext,seq
<CLI> extended -fnrules option - new macros %M, %E for setting local document
      name by its MIME type (assumes using of -post_update option)
<CLI> new option -info_dir to allow storing info files outside of document
<CLI> added new option -js_transform2 which have similar function as
      -js_transform option, just it allows also rewriting of matched URLs.
      This is also very suitable to add tags/attributes which are not
      supported by pavuk at default.
<CLI> added support for loading files from Mozilla browser cache directory
<CLI> added new options (-aport/-dport) to restric loading of documents
      from servers on specified ports
<CLI> new option -default_prefix added. This option is helpfull when you
      want do directory based synchronization and use -base_level option.
<GUI> new right mouse button menu in the log window
<CLI> extended -fnrules option - new "ud" function for decoding urlencoded
<CLI> new option -egd_socket used to set path of EGD deamon socket 
<CLI> new option -js_script_file used to specify which file contains
      JavaScript functions used by pavuk
<CLI> extended -fnrules option - new "jsf" function for calling JavaScript
      functions for generating local names
<CLI> new option -ftp_login_handshake for customizing login procedure for
      FTP servers

version 0.9pl29
<CLI> added support for SSL by using of GPL'ed Netscape NSS3 as optional
      replacement for OpenSSL which is said not GPL compatible
<CLI> new option -nss_cert_dir used to set certificate directory for NSS3
<CLI> new option -nss_accept_unknown_cert/-nonss_accept_unknown_cert to
      allow controling of certificate checking with NSS3
<CLI> added new option --dont_touch_url_pattern to deny download and rewrite
      of particular URLs specified by wildcard pattern in HTML tags
<CLI> added new option --dont_touch_url_rpattern to deny download and rewrite
      of particular URLs specified by regular expresions in HTML tags
<CLI> added new option --dont_touch_tag_rpattern to deny download and rewrite
      of URLs in particular HTML tags specified by regular expresions
<GUI> improved usability of GoBg function. Now GUI disappear mostly immediatly
      without needing to wait for end of current transfer
<CLI> new options -nss_domestic_policy/-nss_export_policy for selecting
      SSL cipher suites in NSS
<CLI> added support for new cache format of Mozilla browser used in 0.9 and
      newer Mozilla versions
<CLI> added new options -tag_pattern and -tag_rpattern for precise matching of
      URLs inside HTML tags based on selection of patterns for HTML tag name
      HTML tag attribute name and URL itself. -tag_pattern option uses wildcard
      patterns form matching and -tag_rpattern option uses regular expresion

version 0.9pl30a

<CLI> Added new mode MIRROR that is supposed to get an exact copy of the remote
      server. Mode SYNC tries to get as many files from the remote site as 
      possible while mode MIRROR in case of http mirroring will not try to
      load files that are no longer linked to (as mode SYNC tries to do).

<CLI> Mode MIRROR uses the same file names as the remote site. No quoting of
      possible unsafe characters in file names is done like for mode SYNC. 

<CLI> Now the exit code of pavuk indicates if an exact
      copy of the remote server could be made. The original mode SYNC considered
      skipping of downloads (e.g. because the remote file is already present on
      the local system) to be an ERROR!

      Now exit code 0 is used to indicate an exact copy and no download errors.

<CLI> New option -active_ftp_port_range permits to specify the ports used for
      active ftp. This permits easier firewall configuration since the range
      of ports can be restricted.

      Pavuk will randomly choose a number from within the specified
      range until an open port is found. Should no open ports be found
      within the given range, pavuk will default to a normal
      kernel-assigned port, and a message (debug level net) is output.

      The port range selected must be in the non-privileged range
      (eg. greater than or equal to 1024); it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that
      the chosen range be large enough to handle many simultaneous
      active connections (for example, 49152-65534, the IANA-registered
      ephemeral port range).

<CLI> Bug fixed that caused system chrash in case of some relative links
      that specified no filename (e.g. '<a href="#top">'). See htmlparse.c
      for details (search for "'#'").

<CLI> When parsing the FTP listing pavuk now also tries to evaluate the 
      modification time of the listed files. This only works if -ftplist
      is specified (possibly also requiring -ftp_list_options -a) and
      at the moment only for UNIX file system listings.

<CLI> Originally pavuk in ftp mirror mode (e.g. SYN, MIRROR) sent the
      following commands to the remote server for every file: "TYPE I" 
      (binary mode) and then got remote file size and remote modification time.
      Now the system uses the remote file size and remote modification time
      if this was already determined when listing the remote directory.
      See above point.

      "TYPE I" is now only sent if a file (or part of) is downloaded.

      These changes reduce the amount of sent ftp commands and thus fasten 
      comparisons of remote file system and local file system.

      Note that the file system listing usually has lower time precision than
      "MDTM". This means that the local file modification time might be 
      different than on the remote system.

      Use option -always_mdtm if you need the same modification time as the
      remote file; see below.

<CLI> New option -always_mdtm can be used to assure that pavuk always uses 
      "MDTM" to determine the file modification time and never uses cached times
      determined when listing the remote files.

<CLI> New option -remove_before_store/-noremove_before_store can be used to
      unlink files before new content is stored. This is helpful if the
      local files are hardlinked to some other directory and after mirroring the
      hardlinks are checked. All "broken" hardlinks indicate a file update.

<CLI> If remote file modification times are "in the future" (e.g. if the remote
      server's clock is inaccurate), then pavuk would not download files
      silently assuming that they are not yet expired. 
      (It only loaded files older than a specified number of days. If
      this number is not specified, the value 0 is used which means: do not
      load files newer than the current time; current time == current time of

      Now such "No transfer - file not expired" is only done if an expire 
      time (option -ddays) is specified (i.e. value != 0).

<CLI> Fixed a bug that crashed pavuk when doing multi threaded downloads.

<CLI> The -max_time timeout is now also assured with alarm(). If pavuk fails
      to abort one minute after the given timeout, then alarm() will terminate

version 0.9pl30b
<CLI> added new option -referer and -noreferer to enable and disable the
      transfer of HTTP referer field.

version 0.9.32
<GUI> GTK2 compiles, still some problems.
<CLI> read support for KDE2 cookie file (~/.kde/share/apps/kcookiejar/cookies)