

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 287e30a63a8fd54a793afceedfc94147 > files > 98


	<title>Metakit CatFish Sample</title>
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<h2><img src="e4app.gif" alt="App Icon" border=0 align=left>
Metakit sample code - CatFish</h2><br clear=left>

<p>CatFish is the flagship of these sample applications. It is a very fast
disk catalog browser which can easily deal with the huge file collections
often found on current hard disks and CD-ROM software collections. </p>

<p><b>What it does</b>: CatFish allows you to create disk catalogs by scanning
disks, either entirely or from a specified directory, and to browse through
the directories in each catalog to list the files, their sizes, and their
modification dates. In addition, CatFish displays statistics about each
directory, such as the total number of sub-directories, files, and kilobytes
in each (including all nested entries). It also tells you the date of the
most recent file in each directory (even if that file is inside a sub-directory).
There is a flexible search facility to find files by (partial) name, size,
and/or date. Finally, CatFish can be used as an application/document launcher
- a bit like the File Manager (or the Explorer in Windows 95). </p>

<p>The data files used by CatFish use the same format as those created
by DisCat and FtpCat. You can use FtpCat to create FTP server catalogs
- and then use CatFish to browse through them. </p>

<p><b>What it illustrates</b>: CatFish is a 16-bit Windows application
(it runs on Windows 95, and probably Windows NT, as well). The freeware
version has been built with the static library version of Metakit and is
fully self-contained. The size of the executable file illustrates how small
complete applications can be when using Metakit for persistent storage.
The makefile included with the sources are configured for dynamic linkage,
which will produce an even smaller executable. </p>

<p>CatFish uses a carefully chosen data structure with a high &quot;locality
of reference&quot;, which generates very compact catalog files and which
makes browsing extremely fast - even for full CD-ROM catalogs and large
FTP archive server catalogs (created with FtpCat). </p>

<p>There are several goodies in this sample application. Among other things,
CatFish demonstrates: </p>

	<li>How to use a sorted view subset (selection) of Metakit in a CListBox (MFC) </li>
	<li>How to implement customizable sort order for a listbox, with clickable headers</li>
	<li>How to scan directories recursively - in Win16 / Win32 / Win95 (long filenames) </li>
	<li>How to quickly display huge lists - using the owner-draw listbox control </li>
	<li>How to simplify columnar list formatting - using the MS Sans Serif font </li>
	<li>How to implement the ellipsis (...) for text strings which are too long to show </li>
	<li>How to deal with international dates, times, and numbers - but only a little bit </li>
	<li>How to launch applications and/or documents - using ShellExecute()</li> 
	<li>How to make a modal dialog main window deal with menus and accelerators</li>

<p><b>How to use it</b>: This sample application is also separately distributed
as freeware, and includes more of the standard features you would expect
than the other sample applications in this library. Using CatFish is simple:
set up one or more catalog files (which will be stored in the same directory
as the executable) and start browsing by clicking on the various lists
in the main window. To descend into a subdirectory, double-click on its
name. To go back, double-click on one of the parent directory names. </p>

<p>To search for a file, you can use the Edit / Find menu entry or use
keyboard shortcuts, such as CTRL+F (find), F3 (find next), SHIFT+F3 (find

<p>If you want to use FtpCat in combination with CatFish, make sure that
you give all catalog files the extension &quot;.cf4&quot; and that you
place them in the same directory as the CatFish utility itself. That's
all. </p>

<p><b>Known problems</b>: None.</p>

<p><b>Files in EXAMPLES\CATFISH</b>: </p>

<p>CATFISH.H, CATFISH.CPP - Main MFC application code 
<br>CATFISH.MAK - MSVC 1.52 project makefile for Win16 
<br>CATFISH.DEF, CATFISH.RC - Linker definitions, Application resources

<br>PICKDIR.H, PICKDIR.CPP - Directory picker 
<br>RESOURCE.H - Resource symbol definitions 
<br>SCANDISK.H, SCANDISK.CPP - Creates a disk catalog object using Metakit

<br>SETUPDLG.H, SETUPDLG.CPP - Setup dialog 
<br>STDAFX.H, STDAFX.CPP - Used for precompiled headers 
<br>RES\*.* - Application resources </p>

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