

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 6790d4edd6971a92eb42cfe1dfc90700 > files > 100



package require BLT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Starting with Tcl 8.x, the BLT commands are stored in their own 
# namespace called "blt".  The idea is to prevent name clashes with
# Tcl commands and variables from other packages, such as a "table"
# command in two different packages.  
# You can access the BLT commands in a couple of ways.  You can prefix
# all the BLT commands with the namespace qualifier "blt::"
#    blt::graph .g
#    blt::table . .g -fill both
# or you can import all the command into the global namespace.
#    namespace import blt::*
#    graph .g
#    table . .g -fill both
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

if { $tcl_version >= 8.0 } {
    namespace import blt::*
#    namespace import -force blt::tile::*
#source scripts/demo.tcl

# Script to test the "busy" command.

# General widget class resource attributes
option add *Button.padX 	10
option add *Button.padY 	2
option add *Scale.relief 	sunken
#option add *Scale.orient	horizontal
option add *Entry.relief 	sunken
option add *Frame.borderWidth 	2

set visual [winfo screenvisual .] 
if { $visual == "staticgray"  || $visual == "grayscale" } {
    set activeBg black
    set normalBg white
    set bitmapFg black
    set bitmapBg white
    option add *f1.background 		white
} else {
    set activeBg red
    set normalBg springgreen
    set bitmapFg blue
    set bitmapBg green
    option add *Button.background       khaki2
    option add *Button.activeBackground khaki1
    option add *Frame.background        khaki2
    option add *f2.tile		textureBg
#    option add *Button.tile		textureBg

    option add *releaseButton.background 		limegreen
    option add *releaseButton.activeBackground 	springgreen
    option add *releaseButton.foreground 		black

    option add *holdButton.background 		red
    option add *holdButton.activeBackground	pink
    option add *holdButton.foreground 		black
    option add *f1.background 		springgreen

# Instance specific widget options
option add *f1.relief 		sunken
option add *f1.background 	$normalBg
option add *testButton.text 	"Test"
option add *quitButton.text 	"Quit"
option add *newButton.text 	"New button"
option add *holdButton.text 	"Hold"
option add *releaseButton.text 	"Release"
option add *buttonLabel.text	"Buttons"
option add *entryLabel.text	"Entries"
option add *scaleLabel.text	"Scales"
option add *textLabel.text	"Text"

proc LoseFocus {} { 
    focus -force . 
proc KeepRaised { w } {
    bindtags $w keepRaised

bind keepRaised <Visibility> { raise %W } 

set file ./images/chalk.gif
image create photo textureBg -file $file

# This never gets used; it's reset by the Animate proc. It's 
# here to just demonstrate how to set busy window options via
# the host window path name
#option add *f1.busyCursor 	bogosity 

# Counter for new buttons created by the "New button" button
set numWin 0

menu .menu 
.menu add command -label "First"
.menu add command -label "Second"
.menu add command -label "Third"
.menu add command -label "Fourth"
. configure -menu .menu

# Create two frames. The top frame will be the host window for the
# busy window.  It'll contain widgets to test the effectiveness of
# the busy window.  The bottom frame will contain buttons to 
# control the testing.
frame .f1
frame .f2

# Create some widgets to test the busy window and its cursor
label .buttonLabel
button .testButton -command { 
    puts stdout "Not busy." 
button .quitButton -command { exit }
entry .entry 
scale .scale
text .text -width 20 -height 4

# The following buttons sit in the lower frame to control the demo
button .newButton -command {
    global numWin
    incr numWin
    set name button#${numWin}
    button .f1.$name -text "$name" \
	-command [list .f1 configure -bg blue]
    table .f1 \
	.f1.$name $numWin+3,0 -padx 10 -pady 10

button .holdButton -command {
    if { [busy isbusy .f1] == "" } {
        global activeBg
	.f1 configure -bg $activeBg
    busy .f1 
    busy .#menu
button .releaseButton -command {
    if { [busy isbusy .f1] == ".f1" } {
        busy release .f1
        busy release .#menu
    global normalBg
    .f1 configure -bg $normalBg

# Notice that the widgets packed in .f1 and .f2 are not their children
table .f1 \
    .testButton 0,0 \
    .scale 1,0 \
    .entry 0,1 \
    .text 1,1 -fill both \
    .quitButton 2,0 

table .f2 \
    .newButton 0,0 \
    .holdButton 1,0 \
    .releaseButton 2,0  

table configure .f1 .testButton .scale .entry .quitButton -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both
table configure .f2 .newButton .holdButton .releaseButton -padx 10 -pady 10 
table configure .f2 c0 -resize none
# Finally, realize and map the top level window
table . \
    .f1 0,0  \
    .f2 1,0 

table configure . .f1 .f2 -fill both
# Initialize a list of bitmap file names which make up the animated 
# fish cursor. The bitmap mask files have a "m" appended to them.

table configure . r1 -resize none

set bitmapList { left left1 mid right1 right }

# Simple cursor animation routine: Uses the "after" command to 
# circulate through a list of cursors every 0.075 seconds. The
# first pass through the cursor list may appear sluggish because 
# the bitmaps have to be read from the disk.  Tk's cursor cache
# takes care of it afterwards.
proc StartAnimation { widget count } {
    global bitmapList
    set prefix "bitmaps/fish/[lindex $bitmapList $count]"
    set cursor [list @${prefix}.xbm ${prefix}m.xbm black white ]
    busy configure $widget -cursor $cursor

    incr count
    set limit [llength $bitmapList]
    if { $count >= $limit } {
	set count 0
    global afterId
    set afterId($widget) [after 125 StartAnimation $widget $count]

proc StopAnimation { widget } {    
    global afterId
    after cancel $afterId($widget)

proc TranslateBusy { window } {
    #set widget [string trimright $window "_Busy"]
    set widget [string trimright $window "Busy"]
    set widget [string trimright $widget "_"]
#    if { [winfo toplevel $widget] != $widget } {
#        set widget [string trimright $widget "."]
#    }
    return $widget

if { [info exists tcl_platform] && $tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } {
    bind Busy <Map> { 
	StartAnimation [TranslateBusy %W] 0
    bind Busy <Unmap> { 
	StopAnimation  [TranslateBusy %W] 

# For testing, allow the top level window to be resized 
wm min . 0 0

# Force the demo to stay raised
raise .
KeepRaised .