

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 7828c02b00dca3135d71478de0381034 > files > 18


# Do not modify this file!  Instead, create two files in the same directory this file is in.
#     settings_custom.cfg
#         Actual gameplay settings
#     server_info.cfg
#         The server name, network setup, etc.
# You only need to put in these two files what is different from here.  Also,
# settings_custom.cfg will override server_info.cfg

# special settings useful for dedicated servers

# Network interface setup

# if you are running the server on a machine with no fixed IP address, but have a dynamic DNS 
# address that always resolves to your machine's IP, uncomment the following line and enter the 
# correct dynamic DNS name. This will help the master and the clients to remember your server 
# even after its IP changed.

#Notice: the master server can't handle this currently. I hope to get it
#upgraded for Leave this setting alone for now.

# SERVER_IP can be set to the IPs you want the server to listen on. Special
# values are:
#   ANY     opens one socket listening to all IPs ( this was the only available
#           option for and before ). You need one entry of this form if 
#           your server is to appear on the LAN browsers.
#   ALL     opens one socket for each IP. ( equivalent to typing your hostname  )
#   ONEOF   only one socket is opened after this keyword.
#   RELAXED will consider the initialization as successful if at least one 
#           socket was opened. 
# IGNOREERRORS will continue despite fatal errors like DNS lookup failures and
#           attempts to bind to IPs not owned by the local machine.

# You can also specify a hostname instead of an IP. In that case, every IP that 
# the hostname is known under will get its own socket. 
# You can modify the port to listen on by adding an offset to the current port after a colon.
# If you bind your server to multiple IPs, only one of them ( the first from which the connection 
# to the master server succeeds ) will be made public by the master server. 

# If your settings of SERVER_IP fails to initialize, "ANY" is tried insead, if that fails, 
# "ALL" is tried.

# examples:

# default: bind to one generic socket on one port.

# bind to all available sockets on the default port

# only bind to the loopback interface on the default port (this
# server will only be visible on your own machine)

# bind to all local IPs with one socket each ( for the internet traffic )
# and open another socket listening to no specific IP on the next port 
# ( to catch LAN server browser broadcasts ). Relies on a thoroughly
# configured hosts file that maps your hostname to all IPs your computer
# has.

# the settings for my CVS test servers. will resolve to the
# current dynamic IP of my server. Additionally, a broadcast listening socket is created.
# use this (adapted to your IP, of course), maybe without the ANY:1 part, 
# if you want your own sever to appear on your internet server list.

# hypothetical server setup: bind to the first of the listed IPs availablbe.
# This is for running multiple servers with the same config that should bind to
# different IPs instead of to differnt ports.
#SERVER_IP ONEOF ip1 ip2 ip2 ip3 ip4 ...

# same as above, but open three servers per IP before going to the next.
#SERVER_IP ONEOF ip1:0 ip1:1 ip1:2 ip2:0 ip2:1 ip2:2 ....

# the port the server listens on


MAX_IN_RATE 8          # network bandwidth limitation, incoming ( useless right now )
MAX_OUT_RATE 8         # per client network bandwidth limitation

DEDICATED_IDLE 0     # if you run a dedicated server and set this
                     # value to something greater than zero, the server will quit afer
                     # running that many hours in an idle moment (to avoid hitting a
                     # cpulimit or server stability issues)

DEDICATED_FPS 200    # maximum simulation steps per second the dedicated server will perform

# Public information

TALK_TO_MASTER 0     # set this to 1 if you want this server to be known
                     # on the internet

# the message of the day sent to connecting clients. use \n to break it into
# several lines. A \ before the newline lets you write the message in multiple
# lines.


# example:
# MESSAGE_OF_DAY Line1\nLine2\n\

# messages displayed between rounds on the console and in big letters,
# same rules for multi-line messages as MESSAGE_OF_DAY:

# URL associated with this server. Maximal length: 75 characters.


# the server name as it appears in the server browser.

SERVER_NAME Unnamed Server

# a short description of the options you set, or server policies. Has no effect
# on gameplay, it will only be displayed in the server browser.
# Maximal length: 240 characters (but keep in mind longer descriptions make
# your server look bad in the browser, and they increase your displayed ping.)

SERVER_OPTIONS All settings at default values.

# default language
LANGUAGE_FIRST American English
# fallback language
LANGUAGE_SECOND American English

# Politics: Voting and Spam protection

SPAM_PROTECTION_REPEAT 5.0 # minimum time between identical chat messages.

SPAM_PROTECTION 4.0      # minimum average time between chat messages in seconds so they are not considered spamming. Increase for more spam protection.
SPAM_PROTECTION_VOTE 50.0 # Extra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for votes. Increase for more spam protection.
SPAM_PROTECTION_CHAT 1.0 # Extra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for chat messages. Increase for more spam protection.
SPAM_PENALTY 3.0         # spam penalty to add on spam detection
SPAM_AUTOKICK 14.0       # spam protection value that causes someone to get instantly kicked
SPAM_MAXLEN 80           # maximal length of chat message

# voting

ALLOW_VOTING 1           # allow voting?
MAX_VOTES 5              # maximum number of concurrent votes
MAX_VOTES_PER_VOTER 2    # maximum number of concurrent votes per voter
ALLOW_VOTING_SPECTATOR 0 # allow voting for spectators
VOTING_BIAS 0            # number of virtual voters opposing every change
VOTING_PRIVACY 1         # level of secrecy of the votes. 2 makes the vote as secret as possible, -2 makes it fully public. 
VOTING_SPAM_ISSUE 1      # spam level for issuing a vote
VOTING_SPAM_REJECT 5     # spam level for issuing a vote that gets rejected

MIN_VOTERS 3             # number of voters that need to be online to enable voting

VOTING_TIMEOUT 60        # base number of seconds before a vote times out
VOTING_TIMEOUT_PER_VOTER 15 # additional number of seconds before a vote times out for every voter present
VOTING_START_DECAY 60    # number of seconds after that the non-voters start to get ignored
VOTING_DECAY 60          # one non-voter is ignored everytime this many secons pass
						 # note: if DECAY < TIMEOUT or START_DECAY < TIMEOUT, votes that get ignored by everyone may be accepted.

VOTING_SPAM_ISSUE 1.0    # The spam level of issuing a vote.
VOTING_SPAM_REJECT 5.0   # The spam level of getting your vote rejected.
VOTING_KICK_TIME 300     # Minimum time in seconds between kick votes against the same player.

VOTE_USE_SERVER_CONTROLLED_KICK 0 # Set to 1 to use the enhanced server controlled vote items for kick votes. Does not work for clients prior to

CONSOLE_DECORATE_ID 1    # Decorates every line of console output with the client ID
CONSOLE_DECORATE_IP 0    # Decorates every line of console output with the client IP

SINCLUDE server_info.cfg
# ping flood response DOS protection: if pings from a single machine are requested more often than this,
# they are not answered. Setting the last item to a negative value disables the system.
PING_FLOOD_TIME_10  1.0   # Minimum time for 10 ping packets to arrive.
PING_FLOOD_TIME_20  4.0   # Minimum time for 20 ping packets to arrive.
PING_FLOOD_TIME_50  20.0  # Minimum time for 50 ping packets to arrive.
PING_FLOOD_TIME_100 100.0 # Minimum time for 100 ping packets to arrive.
PING_FLOOD_GLOBAL   .1    # The same times, multiplied by this value, count for all pings from all machines. Negative values disable global flood protection.

# Game settings

# cycle physics
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_LEGACY 1   # extra factor for minimal distance to walls enforced by the rubber code, active when peers with the rip bug are connected

# single player settings, active while only one client is connected.
# Either SP_MIN_PLAYERS or SP_MIN_TEAMS must be bigger than 1, otherwise there will
# be no opponent and no meaningful rounds. SP_TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS needs to stay enabled,
# too.

SP_EXPLOSION_RADIUS 4               # blast radius of cycle explosions
SP_WALLS_LENGTH -1                  # cycle trail length
SP_WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY 8            # cycle trail stay up this long after the cycle's destruction
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT 0           # balance teams if a member quits?
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS 1          # balance teams with AI players?
SP_TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE 1             # maximum team imbalance
SP_TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS 1               # maximum number of players per team ( Don't change, it's meaningless in SP mode anyway. The only effect would be a bug when the second player connects. )
SP_TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS 1               # minimum number of players per team
SP_TEAMS_MAX 16                     # maximum number of teams
SP_TEAMS_MIN 1                      # minimum number of teams
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME 1000000  # minimum time ( seconds ) the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH 1000000  # minimum time ( seconds ) since the last interesting event ( player death ) before the instant win zone is activated
SP_FINISH_TYPE 1                    # what happens if all human players are dead? 0 for almost immediate round restart, 1 for slow round restart, 2 to let the remaining AIs fight in fast forward mode, 3 to let the AIs fight on normally
SP_GAME_TYPE 1                      # 1 for normal duel, 0 for freestyle ( round only ends when everyone is dead )
SP_SIZE_FACTOR -3                   # arena size factor; increase this by two to double the arena size
SP_SPEED_FACTOR 0                   # cycle speed factor increase this by two to double the speed
SP_AUTO_IQ 0                        # flag indicating whether the IQ of the AIs should be automatically adapted to the player strength
SP_AUTO_AIS 0                       # flag indicating whether the number of AIs should be automatically adapted to the player strength
SP_AI_IQ 50                         # IQ of the AIs
SP_MIN_PLAYERS 4                    # minimum number of players; missing humans are filled up with AIs
SP_NUM_AIS 0                        # minimum number of AIs

# the same settings, active when more than one client is connected

EXPLOSION_RADIUS 4                  # blast radius of cycle explosions
WALLS_LENGTH -1                     # cycle trail length
WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY 8               # cycle trail stay up this long after the cycle's destruction
TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT 1              # balance teams if a member quits?
TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS 1             # balance teams with AI players? ( set it to 0 to disable AIs completely )
TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE 1                # maximum team imbalance
TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS 5                  # maximum number of players per team ( set it to 1 to disable teams )
TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS 1                  # minimum number of players per team
TEAMS_MAX 16                        # maximum number of teams
TEAMS_MIN 1                         # minimum number of teams
WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME 60          # minimum time ( seconds ) the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated
WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH 30          # minimum time ( seconds ) since the last interesting event ( player death ) before the instant win zone is activated
FINISH_TYPE 2                       # what happens if all human players are dead? 0 for almost immediate round restart, 1 for slow round restart, 2 to let the remaining AIs fight in fast forward mode, 3 to let the AIs fight on normally
GAME_TYPE 1                         # 1 for normal duel, 0 for freestyle ( round only ends when everyone is dead )
SIZE_FACTOR 0                       # arena size factor; increase this by two to double the arena size
SPEED_FACTOR 0                      # cycle speed factor increase this by two to double the speed
AUTO_IQ 0                           # flag indicating whether the IQ of the AIs should be automatically adapted to the player strength
AUTO_AIS 0                          # flag indicating whether the number of AIs should be automatically adapted to the player strength
AUTO_TEAM 1                         # flag indicating whether players should be put into a team automatically
AI_IQ 50                            # IQ of the AIs
MIN_PLAYERS 0                       # minimum number of players; missing humans are filled up with AIs
NUM_AIS 0                           # minimum number of AIs

# team name
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_COLOR 1             # allow teams to be named after a color
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_PLAYER 1            # allow teams to be named after the leading player

TEAM_ALLOW_SHUFFLE_UP 0             # if set to 1, players are allowed to change their position in the team as they wish. If 0, they only can drop in rank.
TEAM_CENTER_IS_BOSS 1               # if set to 1, the center player is the team's boss. If at 0, it's the player who is on that team longest.

# Debugging (only available if compiled for debug)

# Debugging a game on a dedicated server can be tricky since you don't have a
# representation of the world handy in visual form. Therefore, the game offers
# to log all cycle movements in text files for easy processing in a display
# tool ( plain gnuplot is often enough ). The files' names are the player
# name with appended _sync for the network sync turn positions, _step for
# dumps of every timestep and _turn for all turns. All topology police a
# posteriory wall collision events are logged in _topology.
# Activate this crude debugging help by uncommenting the following line:

# For Master Server

MASTER_PORT 4533                    # port the master server should listen on
MASTER_IDLE 2.0                     # after this many hours, the master server process quits and gets restarted by the script
MASTER_SAVE_INTERVAL 300.0          # interval in seconds between saves of the server list
MASTER_QUERY_INTERVAL 10.0          # time in seconds between query packets sent out

# put your own config settings in this file

SINCLUDE settings_custom.cfg