

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 90d028a6c975dc772d1a0add5219b966 > files > 10


INSTALL file for Pidentd 3.0

Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Peter Eriksson <>

Basic requirements:

	A working ISO (ANSI) C compiler.

	A supported operating system.

See below for OS-specific information. In case of problems, see
the "FAQ" file and also make sure you are using the latest version
of Pidentd. You can always FTP the latest version from:

Installation in principle:

	1. Run "./configure ; make"

	2. Run "make install" (or manually install the files)

	3. Install (and perhaps modify) the config file (identd.conf)
	   By default it should go into the /usr/local/etc directory,
	   but this is changeable via the `--sysconfdir' option to

	4. Modify the system startup scripts so that it starts
	   automatically at system boot. See below for more info.

	5. Start the daemon (see below for the alternatives on how
           to do this).

If step #1 (configure) complains about not being able to find any
usable threads library, see the "--without-threads" option below.

* A couple of options to "configure":


		Build the daemon without threads support. This
		is not recommended, but if you do - make sure
		you start the daemon from /etc/inetd.conf with
		the "nowait" option.


		Where LIB may be one of:

			yes 	Autoselect (the default)
			ui	Unix International (Solaris) threads
			posix	Posix threads
			dce	DCE/CMA threads (Posix draft 4)

* DES encryption

The configure script will try to locate a MIT compatible DES library
and will automatically add support for it if found. One good free
MIT DES compatible library is Eric Youngs implementation, which can
be FTP'd from a number of places around the world. I've tested Pidentd
with version 4.01 of it. The primary FTP site for this library is:

The libcrypto library included with his SSLeay package also works:

The libcrypto library is actually the prefered one since it includes
a good random DES key generator which is used (if found) by the
Ikeygen program.

To decrypt the encrypted response you can use the Idecrypt program
which you can build with "make idecrypt". There is also a DES
encryption/decryption key generator program Ikeygen that will
put a key into the keyfile that you may want to build ("make ikeygen")

Ie, to enable DES encryption of IDENT replies do this:

	1. Install a DES library
	2. Build the identd daemon ("make identd")
	3. Build the idecrypt program ("make idecrypt")
	4. Build the ikeygen progam ("make ikeygen")
	5. Install identd
	6. Run "ikeygen" once to create a keyfile and put
		a new key into it.
	7. Start/restart the identd daemon.

Each time you rerun "ikeygen" it will append a new key to the
keyfile. You must restart the Ident daemon after doing that so
that it will read the new key.

Idecrypt will attempt to decrypt the replies with each key found
in the key file until it succeeds.

* Modifying the system startup files

If you decide to not start the daemon from /etc/inittab or /etc/inetd.conf
then you must modify the system startup files to launch the daemon

For systems with SysV compatible init scrips you may wanna use the
file "etc/identd.init". Copy it to /etc/init.d/identd and modify it
so that it points to the daemon binary. Then make a symbolic link from
the right runlevel directory to this script. On Solaris this would be:

	cp etc/identd.init /etc/init.d/identd
	vi /etc/init.d/identd
	ln -s /etc/init.d/identd /etc/rc2.d/S99identd

On systems with BSD compatible init scripts you should simply
just launch the daemon from /etc/rc.local or something similar.

* Starting the daemon

The daemon will try to autodetect how it was invoked (as a standalone
daemon, from inetd.conf as either a "nowait" or "wait" service or from

*Please* note that not all implementations of Inetd support the "wait" mode
for "stream tcp" services. In that case start it as a standalone daemon
or from /etc/inittab instead.

The one situation where it will misunderstand how it should start is
if someone uses rsh to a remote machine to start it, like this:

	rsh machine /usr/sbin/identd

(It will confuse that mode (standalone, where it should fork and
bind itself to port 113) with Inetd-nowait since in both cases
file descriptor 0 will be a connected network socket).

If the autodetection fails, then it is possible to override it with
command line switches:

	-i	Inetd, nowait mode
	-w	Inetd, wait mode
	-I	/etc/inittab mode
	-b	Standalone mode

The daemon should _always_ be started as "root" (it will switch
to user "nobody" as soon as it has opened all necessary kernel
device files).

* Protecting the Ident daemon with TCP Wrappers

Don't do that. But if you do - make sure that you DO NOT CONFIGURE
YOUR TCP WRAPPER TO DO IDENT LOOKUPS for the "ident" service or you
are risking a loop if the other end has a similar configuration. You
can only do this when starting the daemon from Inetd using
the "nowait" mode (which normally you do not want to do).

* Testing the installation

Build the "ibench" program with "make ibench" and then run it
like this:


It will by default attempt to connect to your local Ident daemon
a large number of times during one minute and try to verify that
the Ident daemon successfully identifies the user to executed the
Ibench program. Please note that if you start your Ident daemon
from /etc/inetd.conf and use "nowait" then this may cause your
Inetd daemon to disable that service since it might think that
the daemon is looping due to it restarting so quickly.
Try it with "-h" for a list of the valid options.

You can also use a simple Ident testing server I run on the
machine at, port 114, like this:

	telnet 114

It should reply with your username (the username who started
the "telnet" command). Beware of any potential firewalls that
you may have at your site that may block access to this service
(or access to your IDENT daemon from my site).

* Some information for SunOS 4 users:

A more-or-less usable Pthreads library for SunOS 4.1 is Proven's, that
can be FTP'd from:

It won't support YP username lookups though, so you'll be limited
to uids (or have everything in the local /etc/passwd file).

You'll need to modify the installed sys/signal.h file to include
the struct sigstack definition (check the /usr/include/sys/signal.h
file for the struct definition).

Set the "CC" environment variable to the "pgcc" wrapper script
and then run "./configure; make".

* Some information for Solaris 7 users:

If you want to run pidentd on a 64-bit kernel, you need to compile with a
compiler capabable of producing 64-bit binaries.  Both gcc 2.8.1 and egcs
1.1 cannot do this, so you need to use SunPro C 5.0.

* Some information for Silicon Graphics IRIX users:

The same binary *may* be used over a range of different OS versions
if you are lucky (but there may be problems with different IRIXes
having different levels of threads support).

See the file "doc/sgi_irix.txt" for more information. 

					- Peter Eriksson <>