

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a886e37591086a1fdf7721d04e7317da > files > 4


$Id: pgsql_drv.txt,v 1.5 2005/09/24 17:48:58 jonz Exp $

pgsql_drv: PostgreSQL storage driver for DSPAM
API v3.0


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


pgsql_drv is a PostgreSQL storage driver for DSPAM. This driver enables DSPAM
to read and write all token, signature, and statistics data from a PostgreSQL 
database. The advantages of using a SQL backend are obvious:

- Centralized data storage
- Structured queries for information
- No need for context locking mechanisms


pgsql_drv storage driver requires PostgreSQL version 7.3 or higher.


To configure DSPAM to use pgsql_drv, use the following arguments while running
DSPAM's configure:

Tells DSPAM to use the pgsql_drv driver

Tells DSPAM where to find the Postgres client libraries.  They are usually
located in /usr/local/pgsql/lib

Tells DSPAM where to find the Postgres headers.  They are usually located in

Tells DSPAM to create virtual user ids for each dspam user.  Use this if your
users don't really exist on the system (e.g. via getpwuid) or if you're doing
something weird like sharing uids.

After configure has successfully finished, build and install DSPAM using the
instructions from DSPAM's readme.


Before pgsql_drv will function, you must run pgsql_objects.sql file
(located in src/tools.pgsql_drv) to create the table objects required by the 

If you plan on enabling virtual users (something you'll need to do if the users
don't actually exist on your system), also run virtual_users.sql.

NOTE: If you plan on having more than 32,768 users, you'll want to change
smallint to int for all uid fields.

NOTE: If you are running pgsql < v8.0, you may get an error when running
pgsql_objects.sql. It is safe to disregard this error, as it is for a function
that is only used in v8.0+.

NOTE: Install 'plpgsql' language on your dspam database before creating 
      actual dspam objects if postgresql server version 8.0 or higher:
      $ createlang plpgsql dspam_db


pgsql_drv needs to know how to connect to your PostgreSQL database. You will
need to specify this in dspam.conf. The file should already contain an example
as shown below:

PgSQLPort      5432
PgSQLUser      dspam
PgSQLPass      changeme
PgSQLDb        dspam

Or if you'd like to connect using /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432, use:

PgSQLServer    /tmp
PgSQLUser      dspam
PgSQLPass      changeme
PgSQLDb        dspam

DSPAM checks to see if the first character of the HOSTNAME field is a slash,
and if so will treat it like a socket file.


If you would like to purge the many stale tokens DSPAM will have lying around 
the database, you should run one of the provided purge scripts nightly. The 
dspam_clean tool may also be used for deeper cleansing.  See DSPAM's README 
for more information about the dspam_clean tool.  

If you are supporting TOE-mode users on your system, you will want to do one
of the following:

  1. TOE-Mode a user preference

     If you will support TOE-mode as a user option (preference), it is
     recommended that you enable preferences-extension support and recompile,
     then use the purge-pe.sql script nightly. The preferences-extension will 
     store user preferences in the database so that Postgres can query them.

     NOTE: You should add a preference for any global users on your system, so
     that their data is purged as if TOE-based (since global user data is
     rarely updated). You can do this using:
     dspam_admin add pref [username] trainingMode TOE

  2. Global TOE Support

     If you will be using TOE mode globally (for all users), then you should
     use purge.sql, but remove the following lines:

     DELETE FROM dspam_token_data
       WHERE CURRENT_DATE - last_hit > 90;

     This will prevent the purging of stale tokens, which could cause serious
     data loss in TOE databases (because tokens are never touched unless
     an error has occured).  All other purges should be safe even for TOE-mode

If you will NOT be supporting TOE users on your system, you may simply run
the purge.sql script nightly, as-is.


PostgreSQL use sequential scan for newly created objects which will slow 
down everything. To use index scan force statistics collection by executing
"ANALYSE" query manually, right after training first few mails. "ANALYSE" is
included in purge.sql script. Thus new statistics will be collected daily.

By default PostgreSQL sets tuneable parameters to minimum (i.e. shared memory
size). To increase performance change "shared_buffers" and other values in 
postgresql.conf file. Kernel's shared memory related parameters also need to 
be tuned.


Any SQL errors will be reported to LOGDIR/sql.errors as well as the standard
syslog facilities (although the query will be truncated).


Please contact the dspam-dev mailing list with any questions or constructive

Rustam Aliyev