

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > c371bf5affb9b1c4317876a87059cd9a > files > 7


 - fixed includes in socket.c (reported by Petr Salinger
   <> in debian bug #379887)
 - support CDDB protocol level 5 for reading and writing, which will fix
   saving of year (reported by Pelle Lundström <>)
   and genre value
 - do not lookup "." and ".." while finding local CDDB entry

 - added a nice reference (mp3cref.txt) by William Maas <>
 - fixed typos in de-translation (reported by Jens Seidel
   <> in debian bug #313972)
 - fixed typo in pt-translation (reported by Fred Maranhão
   <> in debian bug #264802)
 - fixed some typos in manual page (reported by A Costa <> in
   debian bug #302671)
 - fixed scrolling for cdda2wav output (reported by Matviychuk Oleg
 - fixed sending of DATA command on CDDB mailsession (reported by Martin
   Großhauser <>)
 - rebuild filenames after loading presets (reported by Thomas Kiess
 - fixed outputfile for oggenc on-fly (debian bug #316849).
 - fixed comment-flag for oggenc.

 - fixed perl-dependency in spec-file.
 - added presets for ogg- and mp3-encoding which can be switched in
   option menu.
 - updated defaults for mp3-encoder to use lame.
 - switched from cdparanoia to cdda2wav.
 - apply config default ogg-pattern to unknown filename if CDDB entry is
   missing (reported by Lasse Mørk <>).

 - build in with OGG defaults by using "--enable-oggdefaults" to ./configure
 - changed default cddb-path (if not detected otherwise from ./configure)
   to "~/.cddb"
 - updated contact informations
 - portability issues on s390, fixed some unsigned chars, based on Debian
   bug #181225 reported by Stefan Rink
 - option to replace spaces with user defined characters, defaults
   to "_" to not break compability. This work is based on a suggestion
   by Hugo Mills described in Debian bug #243051. It will break
   on official patch made by Debian package maintainer (if you used
   that patched 0.27 version with "pat_mode = 3", please change that
   to "pat_mode = 1" and "space_rep_char = "-"")
 - fixed non-ASCII characters in helpscreens (based on Debian patch
   closing #243050 and reported by Hugo Mills)
   -> package maintainers: please inform me about applied patches
                           to help me include them into upstream. 
 - fixed negation in batchscripts (thanks to Richard Gooch
   <> for reporting)
 - fixed bug in batch-creation when tagger-program was disabled
   (reported by Mike Castle <>)
 - added id3wrapper, a perl wrapper-script to write ID1 and ID2 tags
   in one step (contributed by Hans Engelen <>)
 - added a little Readme for applying the patches in the patches-dir
 - fixed comparison in shell-scripts (as suggested by Gus Hartmann
 - added Mandrake-ncurses problem to FAQ (problems were reported by
   Daniel Schramm <> and Thomas Juerges
 - fixed reading exportlist (was only possible when a cd was inserted)
 - fixed newline transmission in SMTP routines (was reported by Arndt
   Schoenewald <>)
 - fixed escaping of "!" in batchscript (thanks to Arndt Schoenewald
   <> for reporting)
 - fixed autosave issues which wasn't done right last time (thanks to Arndt
   Schoenewald <> for reporting this)
 - fixed error message when CDDB connect fails

 - fixed display of the filename (got corrupted sometimes)
 - removed all old stuff from MP3c ( refuses any work with
   my program, so we're supporting now and only)
 - added 64-bit support for CDDB calculation (hope it works)
   (as suggested by Fabrice Peix <>)
 - added option to enable/disable patternmask protection.
 - changed patternmask-handling. characters in the mask are now left un-
   touched, so ".mp3" won't changed to ".Mp3" any longer (as reported by
   Jan Niehusmann <>)
 - fixed wrong handling of tilde-globbing, could case wrong filenames after
   saving configuration (as reported by Jan Niehusmann <>)
 - fixed tolower convertion after a dot.
 - added second pattern for mp3-filename and m3u-filename creation. You can
   now use different patterns depending if the cd is a sampler or not
   (as suggested by Oliver Schade <>)
 - added pattern %3,%5,%6,%7,%a,%b,%c,%d for MP3-encoder (offers possibility
   to disable tag-program completly) (Jan Kujawa <> later
   suggested the addition of the TOC-number)
 - possibility to disable tag-program by using "0" (as suggested by Tobias
   Hoessl <>)
 - added function to disable m3u-creation to batch-scripts (as suggested by
   Werner Hoch <>)
 - added pattern %4 and %8 for MP3-encoder (including genre by number or
   name), for encoders which can set genre (as suggested by Tobias Hoessl
 - added key "V" to force CDDB interpretation routine for sampler cds
   (as suggested by Florian Oelmaier <>
   and Daniel Schramm <>)
 - new patterns for detecting samplers
 - added pattern %a and %b in mp3info, for tracknumber
   (as suggested by Luke Fowler <>)
 - disabled autosave by default (as suggested by John Griffith
 - new pattern for sampler detection
 - insert included libintl if system gettext is not available, as on old
   libc5 and BSD-systems (done by Scott Aaron Bamford <>)
 - include ncurses.h instead of curses.h (suggested by Scott Aaron Bamford
 - changed default cdrom-device to /dev/rcd0d on BSD-systems (as suggested
   by Scott Aaron Bamford <>)
 - added support for BSD-systems (was done by Scott Aaron Bamford
 - fixed some further string lengths (fixed segfault on entering year in
   german version, and some other possible strings)
 - fixed string length for mp3-info setting window. The old value caused
   segfault in italian translation. (was submitted by Diego Liziero
 - polnish translation by Kuba Jakubik <>
 - mostly done italian translation by Diego Liziero <>
 - migrated to as default CDDB-server, since refuses
   to accept submissions coming from MP3c and uses an anti-open-source
   (please change the server eMail address to "").
 - changed default CDDB-server to
   (please notice that will not work any longer!)

 - added option for choosing what to do with illegal characters - maybe
   removed completly or replaced by the setting of patternmode (as suggested
   by Brian Macke <>).
 - added option to replace the string for the unknown genre, to improve the
   compability to Tag-programs (as suggested by Brian Macke
 - fixed bug which caused that no ripped file was added to the right window
   (as reported by Brian Macke <>)

 - finally updated documentation, FAQ and ToDo list -> now complete for
   this release.
 - there is a hardcoded list of CDDB genres (for save and transmit), but it
   is possible to refresh this list directly from CDDB server.
 - saving and transmitting CDDB entries is now possible (as suggested
   by Oliver Schade <>).
   at the moment the transmission is done via eMail (HTTP transmit and
   proxy support is planned for next version.
 - added key "d" to remove dead tracks from the right list.
 - added option to open tray of cdrom after encoding is done (as
   suggested by Tobias Wagener <>).
 - fixed cpu-usage in filling FIFO (in on-fly encoding).
 - using defaults even for batchfiles (on-the-fly flag and encode order)
   (as suggested by Tobias Wagener <>).
 - added positionbar to external program status window.
 - ignore SIGPIPE, which will be caused by reading pipe of a failed external
 - give user the chance to read error output of failed external programs,
   instead of just printing "external program failed..."
 - fixed an ugly bug which could cause a file-descriptor leak if encoding
   too much (pipes to ripper/encoder subprocess were not closed properly).
   Many thanks to Jonathan Fletcher <> for finding,
   reporting and fixing this bug.
 - option to change case of filenames (tolower or toupper), avoids
   "SCREAMING FILES" ;-) (as suggested by Daniel van Gerpen
 - fixed quoting bug in batchcreation (as suggested by Walter Hofman
 - misc spelling fixes (done by Walter Hofman <>).
 - allow batch encoding process to restart after interruptions (done by
   Walter Hofman <>).
 - fixed comparisons in batchscripts (done by Walter Hofman
 - avoid selectboxes with unused lines.
 - lockfile handling for tracklist export/import.
 - prevent deleting already ripped files if encoding fails (as suggested
   by Ian Zepp <>).
 - option to ignore missing files on tracklist importing. (as suggested
   by Ian Zepp <>).
 - added option to warn if an other MP3c process is running. This can
   prevent deleting tmpfiles accidently. (as suggested by
   Ian Zepp <>).
 - updated match-list for sampler-cd (as suggested by Florian Oelmaier
 - added hotnews to show recent changes in new versions.
 - introducing a new file-requester for selecting files (improves the
   old handling "dir_requester + input_box" a lot).
 - completly rewrote requester-part. Directory-requester is a lot nicer now.
 - detect if files are specified instead of directories for mp3-directory,
 - updated keyhandling: Backspace and Key-End should now work,
   even in xterms.
 - updated spanish translation (Alfonso Gazo <>
 - *very* little colorbug in layout.
 - fixed one main problem with ncurses-applications: if starting MP3c in
   interactive mode without controlling terminal, it consuments much cputime.
   Now MP3c will just exit. (was reported by Ian Zepp <>).
 - starting development with CVS (outchecking MP3c via CVS is also possible

 - seems that there are problems with some disc-ids which caused an eight
   character array overflow. This should now be fixed.
   (was reported by Peix Fabrice <>)
 - portuguese translation, done by Lucas Correia Villa Real
 - there is now an easy possibility to disable remote cddb-access,
   by pressing "l". This would lock remote access, so only local
   database is used. You can force remote lookup even in locked-mode
   by press "F" (shift+f).
   (as suggested by Felix von Leitner <>)
 - added possibility for using relative filenames in m3u-playlists.
   (as suggested by Oliver Schade <> and
    Ulf Schroeder <
   There are three different modes: usage of full-path, relative to
   the main-m3u directory and relative to the playlistfile
 - fixed a bug when encoding imported list: if path for mp3s was not
   existing, encoder died and tmpfiles were deleted.
 - added globbing of tilde "~"
   (as suggested by Sven Geggus <>)
 - added option to disable directory requester and input directorynames
   manually (unfortunately without TAB-expansion currently).
   (as suggested by Tim Seipold <>)
 - fixed a little problem with filename in layout
 - some clean-ups to the code
 - improved $PATH-check to find even programs with relative path (but
   nevertheless you should use absolute paths)
 - added new keybinding for backspace. Use strg-h if backspace does not work
   (as suggested by Felix von Leitner <>)
 - added possibility to use more than one CDDB-server. Just use a comma
   separated list, eg ","
   (as suggested by Felix von Leitner <>)

 - included now id3tool instead of mp3info into complete-package.
 - default pattern for tag-editor uses now syntax of id3tool
 - updated genre-list (32 new genres -> 147)
 - disallowed character 0x7f in input-box.
 - try to detect default cddb-path while running configure, by using
   $KDEDIR-environment variable and checking various directories for
   xmcd. (as suggested Soenke J. Peters <>)
   you can also run ./configure with "--with-cddb-path=<path>" option
 - you can now use the same pattern for m3u as for filename-creation.
   (Note that %2 is now replaced by songtitle instead of albumtitle).
   This makes M3U-creation more flexible.
   (as suggested by Hamish MacEwan <>)
 - added pattern for cddb-id to filename-creation+m3u (%8) and mp3-comment
   (%9) (as suggested by Soenke J. Peters <>)
 - fixed adding to m3u after encoding on right side
   (as detected by Alfonso Gazo <>)
 - fixed a bug in export (as detected by Carsten Hahn
 - spanish translation, done by Alfonso Gazo <>

 - inserted patches in distribution again
 - added first implementation of track import and export.
 - corrected caching bug for socket operations
 - fixed bug in directory-requester, which caused hang
 - if absolute path of program was given, it was not detected. fixed.
 - external-program check hangs if $PATH is setup wrong. Uh, what have
   I done. Thanks to Nick McGrogan <>
   for reporting this problem.
 - uh, german-text for missing directory overwrites malloc-buffer, fixed.
 - corrected creation of mp3creat.h, which caused wrong etc-directory
   in RPMs.
 - updated newslog for old version (I forgot ;-)

 - updated and corrected spec-file to allow building of RPMs.
 - ripping several cds before encoding is now possible (import and
   export of ripped tracks is planed).
   (Multiripping was suggested by Jeremy Devenport <>
    and Rhys Ulerich <>)
 - updated online-help and german-translation
 - added "delete tempfiles on exit" option
 - colourfield option and setting menu
 - add deletefunction for right list
   (F8 deletes all marked tracks, F9 deletes only current track)
 - add ripped song to right list
 - let curr-song go down after ripping/encoding
   (as suggested by Harry Waschkeit <>)
 - added routine to check for external programs in $PATH
   (as suggested by Paul Wehr <>)
 - translated online-help to german.
 - rewrote online-help to allow NLS-support there.
 - improved pattern-mode, won´t insert more than one underscore any longer,
   if characters follow which are in illegal list.
 - added i18n-support. MP3c is now available with english and german texts
   (anybody for translating to other languages welcome ;-)
 - totally rewrote autoconfig-stuff (fixed a few broken things with this)
 - adding characters to directory-names (after selecting directories)
   won´t cause to delete old text in input-box any longer.
   (as suggested by Killian Krause <>)
 - improved input-box to allow caller-routine to set select-flag.

 - some CDDB-entries do not use normal convention, and album/title was not
   detected correctly, if there are two or more slashes. Fixed this in the
   way, that an alone slash is used as markers. This should work better than
   the old behaviour.
   (as suggested by Joerg Kaschny <>)
 - added -t option, to select different tmp-directory for batch-file.
 - had an unreproduceable problem with ncurses function-call newwin(), which
   resulted in a NULL-pointer (of course this caused a segfault while trying
   to write into this window ;-). I reworked my window-system and added a
   handler to detect such a situation and try to claim a new window
   (100 times). If this fails a full-screen window is claimed as last resort.
   If this also fails, termination-call with code 3 is called (cannot exactly
   say what is happing then, because termination-function need a window too
   ;-). I encourage you to mail me, if there is any segmentation fault (call
   "mp3c -v" to see what is to be done in this case).
 - new batch-options together with new tempfile-creation allows the ripping
   of some cd before encoding it (if you have enough space on your disk ;-)
 - batch-script can now start with different options, which allow to set
   encoding order, flag for on-the-fly encoding and verbose mode (you can
   now switch of messages from ripper- and encoder program which results
   in a proper output)
 - each task in batch-file-creation is now done by several functions
 - totally rewrote batch-file creation
 - changed tempfile creation. Each file now gets a unique name including
   CDDB-ID and tracknumber (that makes it difficult to leave tmp-directory
   clean, maybe I should add a readdir-task to delete matching files).
 - changed cddb_internet_lookup(). From now on, no CDBB-entries can be
   received if local CDDB-directory is missing or not writeable. The old
   behaviour seemed to be a little bit confusing.
 - added option for creating CDDB-directory (if missing)
 - new definitions for strict/non-strict ;-)
   (as suggested by Olli Sulopuisto <>
 - added keyword for sampler-detection
 - fixed little bug in cddb-receive stuff (entry was loaded but not found,
   even in force-mode).
 - rewrote cdrom i/o-stuff. device-resource is now released after every
   access. This allows you to eject cd at every time, but use this with
   caution. (as suggested by Jonathan Forgues <>
 - added automatic creation of man-page

 - added USEFUL patches for cdparanoia ;-)
 - added a lot of new things to online-help. Should be more useful
 - updated documentation
 - added option to rip all tracks first and then encode.
   (as suggested by Jeremy Devenport <>,
    Alexander N. Benner <> and
    Olli Sulopuisto <>)
   This applies even to batch-files.
 - added comment-info field for alter-menu
 - added possibility to toggle flag in alter-menu

 - added menu for altering track-informations. Input information and set
   this to the current track, all marked tracks, or all tracks.
   Can be opened with ENTER-key.
   (as suggested by Jonas Bofjall <>)
 - added option for replacing forbidden slashes in filename (to avoid
   senseless directory creation if title or artist contain a slash)
   (as suggested by Peter Mack <>)
 - added option to set strict or non-strict character handling.
   This will allow more characters (like Umlaute, etc) in input_box and
   (as suggested by Jonas Bofjall <>)
 - fixed diagnostic time in parsing config-file
 - fixed ugly bug in calculating songtitle from cddb-entry.
   On long titles string-length was calculated wrong and caused segfaults.
   (thanks to Michael Newlyn Blake <> for reporting this
    in an exemplary way)

 - eased allowed characters in infobox. allowed all printable-characters,
   including ascii-code $020 - $0ff
   (as suggested by Hakan Nillson <>)
 - added an huge number of new patterns for comment (including track-length,
   encoding-time, etc)
 - rewrote comment-creation routines
 - fixed display of estimated filesize (wrong time was substracted)
 - added automatic directory creation for mp3-, tmp-, m3u- and configfiles
   (as suggested by Sparty Broderick <>,
    Jeff Covey <>, Thomas Andres <>,
    Michael Hermes <> and
    Mikko P. Mättö <>)
 - kill double slashes in filenames
   (as suggested by Michael Hermes <>)
 - added option for forbidden characters in filenames
   (as suggested by Sparty Broderick <>)
 - rewrote pattern mode-handling
 - added "go to home" in directory-requester
 - added possibility to open and close tray of cdrom-device
   (as suggested by Hakan Nilsson <>)
 - fixed clearing of layout after inserting cd
 - changed default name for tempfile (added .wav)
 - added flag to set default value for on-fly encoding
   (as suggested by Thomas Andres <>)
 - toupper flag wasn't scanned correctly in configfile

 - added mkdir-command to directory-requester
 - remapped some keys (F1-F10 -> "1" - "0")
 - added little faq
 - when going on dir up in requester, return to old directoryname
 - added pattern for mp3-comment (can set globally)
   (as suggested by Ulf Schroeder <>)
 - failure on child processes wasn't trapped correctly
 - added m3u-playlist creation
   (as suggested by Ulf Schroeder <>)
 - total time status run wild, if a non marked track was manually converted
 - added "rm tempfile" in batchscript
 - added pattern "%7" in mp3-filename (track number with zero-padding)
   (as suggested by Jonathan Michael Hawking <>)

 - added info-file for other configurations
 - added cmdline options -device, to select other cdrom device
 - added keys SHIFT+1 - SHIFT+0 for F1-F10
 - added more status information

 - added track number
 - reorganised some things on package-format
 - little changes on documentation

 - fixed bug in proc_add_fd
 - fixed bug in save-config (missing byte in malloc)
 - first release
 - added patches for cdparanoia and encoder 1.02
 - added manual page

 - added documentation
 - handling of command line options
 - added batch-script output
 - finished configmenu
 - finished old (unready) options
 - added new feature to inputbox
 - changed filerequester to directory selector

 - added input of year and comment
 - continued working on config menu, changed things on select box therefore
 - improvements of online-help
 - finished handling of converting functions

 - on the fly works too
 - finished routines for ripping, encoding and mp3info
 - handling of child-processes
 - integrated external program config

 - fixed resizing problem of status win
 - added "change of volume"-handling
 - program initialisation finished
 - improved error handling
 - improved resize signal handler

 - config check
 - error window

 - forgot CTRL-L handling in inputbox
 - added confighandling (config will now loaded and saved)

 - reorganised handling of configvalues
 - configfile handling (load and save)
 - help window
 - main_loop handels now much nice routines
 - changed output of track-status
 - fixed bug in cddb-routines (4xx: too many users)
 - fixed bug in read_from_sock (unallowed zero)
 - yes/no box
 - infobox
 - advantages on inputbox

 - inputbox
 - filename calculation
 - fixed segfault on resizing select box

 - windoweffects
 - built in filerequester

 - signal handler
 - genre selection
 - select box
 - window lifo
 - statusbox
 - cddb access
 - lowlevel cd-functions