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<title>namespace math</title>
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&nbsp;<font size="-2">NESTED NAMESPACES</font>
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|&nbsp;<a href="#ops"><font size="-2"><b>FUNCTIONS</b></font></a>
|&nbsp;<font size="-2">CONSTANTS</font>
|&nbsp;<font size="-2">VARIABLES</font></td>
<a href="../../../names/index.html" alt="Global Namespace in C++"><font size="+1"><b>::</b></font></a> <a href="../index.html" alt="namespace"><font size="+1"><b>rtl</b></font></a><font size="+1"> :: </font><div class="title"><h2>namespace math</h2>
<a name="ops"> </a><table class="childlist" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr class="subtitle">
<td colspan="2"><h4>Functions</h4>
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#approxAdd-1212">approxAdd</a>( double a, double b );</td>
<td width="50%"> Add two values.

<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#approxCeil-1215">approxCeil</a>( double a );</td>
<td width="50%"> ceil()method taking approxValue() into account.

<td>bool <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#approxEqual-1211">approxEqual</a>( double a, double b );</td>
<td width="50%"> Test equality of two values with an accuracy of the magnitude of the
given values scaled by 2^-48 (4 bits roundoff stripped).

<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#approxFloor-1214">approxFloor</a>( double a );</td>
<td width="50%"> floor()method taking approxValue() into account.

<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#approxSub-1213">approxSub</a>( double a, double b );</td>
<td width="50%"> Substract two values (a-b).

<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#approxValue-1207">approxValue</a>( double fValue );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_approxValue.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#atanh-1210">atanh</a>( double fValue );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_atanh.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#cos-1224">cos</a>( double d );</td>
<td width="50%"> Safe cos(), returns NAN if not valid.
<td>rtl::OString <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#doubleToString-1197">doubleToString</a>( double fValue, rtl_math_StringFormat eFormat, sal_Int32 nDecPlaces, sal_Char cDecSeparator, const sal_Int32 * pGroups, sal_Char cGroupSeparator, bool bEraseTrailingDecZeros = false );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_doubleToString.
<td>rtl::OString <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#doubleToString-1198">doubleToString</a>( double fValue, rtl_math_StringFormat eFormat, sal_Int32 nDecPlaces, sal_Char cDecSeparator, bool bEraseTrailingDecZeros = false );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_doubleToString, with no grouping.
<td>rtl::OUString <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#doubleToUString-1199">doubleToUString</a>( double fValue, rtl_math_StringFormat eFormat, sal_Int32 nDecPlaces, sal_Unicode cDecSeparator, const sal_Int32 * pGroups, sal_Unicode cGroupSeparator, bool bEraseTrailingDecZeros = false );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_doubleToUString.
<td>rtl::OUString <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#doubleToUString-1200">doubleToUString</a>( double fValue, rtl_math_StringFormat eFormat, sal_Int32 nDecPlaces, sal_Unicode cDecSeparator, bool bEraseTrailingDecZeros = false );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_doubleToUString, with no grouping.
<td>void <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#doubleToUStringBuffer-1201">doubleToUStringBuffer</a>( rtl::OUStringBuffer &amp; rBuffer, double fValue, rtl_math_StringFormat eFormat, sal_Int32 nDecPlaces, sal_Unicode cDecSeparator, const sal_Int32 * pGroups, sal_Unicode cGroupSeparator, bool bEraseTrailingDecZeros = false );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_doubleToUString that appends to an
<td>void <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#doubleToUStringBuffer-1202">doubleToUStringBuffer</a>( rtl::OUStringBuffer &amp; rBuffer, double fValue, rtl_math_StringFormat eFormat, sal_Int32 nDecPlaces, sal_Unicode cDecSeparator, bool bEraseTrailingDecZeros = false );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_doubleToUString that appends to an
rtl::OUStringBuffer, with no grouping.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#expm1-1208">expm1</a>( double fValue );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_expm1.
<td>bool <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#isFinite-1216">isFinite</a>( double d );</td>
<td width="50%"> Tests whether a value is neither INF nor NAN.
<td>bool <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#isInf-1217">isInf</a>( double d );</td>
<td width="50%"> If a value represents +INF or -INF.

<td>bool <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#isNan-1218">isNan</a>( double d );</td>
<td width="50%"> Test on any QNAN or SNAN.
<td>bool <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#isSignBitSet-1219">isSignBitSet</a>( double d );</td>
<td width="50%"> If the sign bit is set.
<td>bool <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#isValidArcArg-1222">isValidArcArg</a>( double d );</td>
<td width="50%"> If a value is a valid argument for sin(), cos(), tan().

<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#log1p-1209">log1p</a>( double fValue );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_log1p.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#pow10Exp-1206">pow10Exp</a>( double fValue, int nExp );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_pow10Exp.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#round-1205">round</a>( double fValue, int nDecPlaces = 0, rtl_math_RoundingMode eMode = rtl_math_RoundingMode_Corrected );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_round.
<td>void <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#setInf-1220">setInf</a>( double * pd, bool bNegative );</td>
<td width="50%"> Set to +INF if bNegative==false or -INF if bNegative==true.
<td>void <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#setNan-1221">setNan</a>( double * pd );</td>
<td width="50%"> Set a QNAN.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#sin-1223">sin</a>( double d );</td>
<td width="50%"> Safe sin(), returns NAN if not valid.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#stringToDouble-1203">stringToDouble</a>( const rtl::OString &amp; rString, sal_Char cDecSeparator, sal_Char cGroupSeparator, rtl_math_ConversionStatus * pStatus, sal_Int32 * pParsedEnd );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_stringToDouble.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#stringToDouble-1204">stringToDouble</a>( const rtl::OUString &amp; rString, sal_Unicode cDecSeparator, sal_Unicode cGroupSeparator, rtl_math_ConversionStatus * pStatus, sal_Int32 * pParsedEnd );</td>
<td width="50%"> A wrapper around rtl_math_uStringToDouble.
<td>double <br>
<a href="o-math.hxx.html#tan-1225">tan</a>( double d );</td>
<td width="50%"> Safe tan(), returns NAN if not valid.
<a href="#_top_" class="objchapter">Top of Page</a><hr size="3"><p class="copyright" align="center">Copyright &copy; 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.</p>

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