

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > f0118cb42e3f940f4135af2822455e13 > files > 370


=head1 NAME

HTTP Handlers

=head1 Description

This chapter explains how to implement the HTTP protocol handlers in

=head1 HTTP Request Handler Skeleton

All HTTP Request handlers have the following structure:

  package MyApache2::MyHandlerName;

  # load modules that are going to be used
  use ...;

  # compile (or import) constants
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);

  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      # handler code comes here
      return Apache2::Const::OK; # or another status constant

First, the package is declared. Next, the modules that are going to be
used are loaded and constants compiled.

The handler itself coming next and usually it receives the only
argument: the
C<L<Apache2::RequestRec|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::RequestRec>> object.
If the handler is declared as L<a method handler

  sub handler : method {
      my ($class, $r) = @_;

the handler receives two arguments: the class name and the
C<L<Apache2::RequestRec|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::RequestRec>> object.

The handler ends with L<a return
code|docs::2.0::user::handlers::intro/Stacked_Handlers> and the file
is ended with C<1;> to return true when it gets loaded.

=head1 HTTP Request Cycle Phases

Those familiar with mod_perl 1.0 will find the HTTP request cycle in
mod_perl 2.0 to be almost identical to the mod_perl 1.0's model. The
different things are:


=item *

a new directive C<L<PerlMapToStorageHandler|/PerlMapToStorageHandler>>
was added to match the new phase I<map_to_storage> added by Apache

=item *

the C<PerlHandler> directive has been renamed to
C<PerlResponseHandler> to better match the corresponding Apache phase
name (I<response>).

=item *

the I<response> phase now includes filtering.


The following diagram depicts the HTTP request life cycle and
highlights which handlers are available to mod_perl 2.0:

=for html
<img src="http_cycle.gif" width="600" height="560" 
 align="middle" alt="HTTP cycle"><br><br>

From the diagram it can be seen that an HTTP request is processed by
12 phases, executed in the following order:


=item 1 PerlPostReadRequestHandler (PerlInitHandler)

=item 2 PerlTransHandler

=item 3 PerlMapToStorageHandler

=item 4 PerlHeaderParserHandler (PerlInitHandler)

=item 5 PerlAccessHandler

=item 6 PerlAuthenHandler

=item 7 PerlAuthzHandler

=item 8 PerlTypeHandler

=item 9 PerlFixupHandler

=item 10 PerlResponseHandler

=item 11 PerlLogHandler

=item 12 PerlCleanupHandler


It's possible that the cycle will not be completed if any of the
phases terminates it, usually when an error happens. In that case
Apache skips to the logging phase (mod_perl executes all registered
C<PerlLogHandler> handlers) and finally the cleanup phase happens.

Notice that when the response handler is reading the input data it can
be filtered through request input filters, which are preceded by
connection input filters if any. Similarly the generated response is
first run through request output filters and eventually through
connection output filters before it's sent to the client. We will talk
about filters in detail later in L<the dedicated to filters

Before discussing each handler in detail remember that if you use
L<the stacked handlers
feature|docs::2.0::user::handlers::intro/Stacked_Handlers> all
handlers in the chain will be run as long as they return C<Apache2::Const::OK>
or C<Apache2::Const::DECLINED>. Because stacked handlers is a special case. So
don't be surprised if you've returned C<Apache2::Const::OK> and the next
handler was still executed. This is a feature, not a bug.

Now let's discuss each of the mentioned handlers in detail.

=head2 PerlPostReadRequestHandler

The I<post_read_request> phase is the first request phase and happens
immediately after the request has been read and HTTP headers were

This phase is usually used to do processing that must happen once per
request. For example C<Apache2::Reload> is usually invoked at this
phase to reload modified Perl modules.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is
C<L<SRV|docs::2.0::user::config::config/item_SRV>>, because at this
phase the request has not yet been associated with a particular
filename or directory.

Now, let's look at an example. Consider the following registry script:
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
  use Apache2::RequestIO ();
  use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
  my $r = shift;
  my $conf_file = catfile Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root,
    "conf", "httpd.conf";
  printf "$conf_file is %0.2f minutes old\n", 60*24*(-M $conf_file);

This registry script is supposed to print when the last time
I<httpd.conf> has been modified, compared to the start of the request
process time. If you run this script several times you might be
surprised that it reports the same value all the time. Unless the
request happens to be served by a recently started child process which
will then report a different value. But most of the time the value
won't be reported correctly.

This happens because the C<-M> operator reports the difference between
file's modification time and the value of a special Perl variable
C<$^T>. When we run scripts from the command line, this variable is
always set to the time when the script gets invoked. Under mod_perl
this variable is getting preset once when the child process starts and
doesn't change since then, so all requests see the same time, when
operators like C<-M>, C<-C> and C<-A> are used.

Armed with this knowledge, in order to make our code behave similarly
to the command line programs we need to reset C<$^T> to the request's
start time, before C<-M> is used. We can change the script itself, but
what if we need to do the same change for several other scripts and
handlers? A simple C<PerlPostReadRequestHandler> handler, which will
be executed as the very first thing of each requests, comes handy

  package MyApache2::TimeReset;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      $^T = $r->request_time;
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

We could do:

  $^T = time();

But to make things more efficient we use C<$r-E<gt>request_time> since
the request object C<$r> already stores the request's start time, so
we get it without performing an additional system call.

To enable it just add to I<httpd.conf>:

  PerlPostReadRequestHandler MyApache2::TimeReset

either to the global section, or to the C<E<lt>VirtualHostE<gt>>
section if you want this handler to be run only for a specific virtual

=head2 PerlTransHandler

The I<translate> phase is used to perform the manipulation of a
request's URI. If no custom handler is provided, the server's standard
translation rules (e.g., C<Alias> directives, mod_rewrite, etc.) will
be used. A C<PerlTransHandler> handler can alter the default
translation mechanism or completely override it. This is also a good
place to register new handlers for the following phases based on the
URI. C<L<PerlMapToStorageHandler|/PerlMapToStorageHandler>> is to be
used to override the URI to filename translation.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is
C<L<SRV|docs::2.0::user::config::config/item_SRV>>, because at this
phase the request has not yet been associated with a particular
filename or directory.

There are many useful things that can be performed at this
stage. Let's look at the example handler that rewrites request URIs,
similar to what mod_rewrite does. For example, if your web-site was
originally made of static pages, and now you have moved to a dynamic
page generation chances are that you don't want to change the old
URIs, because you don't want to break links for those who link to your
site. If the URI:

is now handled by:;id=09;page=index.html

the following handler can do the rewriting work transparent to
I<>, so you can still use the former URI mapping:

  package MyApache2::RewriteURI;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(DECLINED);
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      my ($date, $id, $page) = $r->uri =~ m|^/news/(\d+)/(\d+)/(.*)|;
      return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;

The handler matches the URI and assigns a new URI via C<$r-E<gt>uri()>
and the query string via C<$r-E<gt>args()>. It then returns
C<Apache2::Const::DECLINED>, so the next translation handler will get
invoked, if more rewrites and translations are needed.

Of course if you need to do a more complicated rewriting, this handler
can be easily adjusted to do so.

To configure this module simply add to I<httpd.conf>:

  PerlTransHandler +MyApache2::RewriteURI

=head2 PerlMapToStorageHandler

The I<map_to_storage> phase is used to perform the translation of a
request's URI into a corresponding filename. If no custom handler is
provided, the server will try to walk the filesystem trying to find
what file or directory corresponds to the request's URI. Since usually
mod_perl handler don't have corresponding files on the filesystem, you
will want to shortcut this phase and save quite a few CPU cycles.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is
C<L<SRV|docs::2.0::user::config::config/item_SRV>>, because at this
phase the request has not yet been associated with a particular
filename or directory.

For example if you don't want Apache to try to attempt to translate
URI into a filename, just add a handler:

  PerlMapToStorageHandler MyApache2::NoTranslation

using the following code:

  package MyApache2::NoTranslation;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      # skip ap_directory_walk stat() calls
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

But this can be done from F<httpd.conf> too!

  PerlMapToStorageHandler Apache2::Const::OK

If you haven't already compiled C<Apache2::Const::OK> elsewhere, you
should add:

      use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);

Apache also uses this phase to handle C<TRACE> requests. So if you
shortcut it, C<TRACE> calls will be not handled. In case you need to
handle such, you may rewrite it as:

  package MyApache2::NoTranslation2;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();

  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(DECLINED OK M_TRACE);
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      return Apache2::Const::DECLINED
          if $r->method_number == Apache2::Const::M_TRACE;
      # skip ap_directory_walk stat() calls
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

BTW, the HTTP TRACE method asks a web server to echo the contents of
the request back to the client for debugging purposes. i.e., the
complete request, including HTTP headers, is returned in the
entity-body of a TRACE response. Attackers may abuse HTTP TRACE
functionality to gain access to information in HTTP headers such as
cookies and authentication data. In the presence of other cross-domain
vulnerabilities in web browsers, sensitive header information could be
read from any domains that support the HTTP TRACE method.

Another way to prevent the core translation is to set
C<$r-E<gt>filename()> to some value, which can also be done in the
C<L<PerlTransHandler|/PerlTransHandler>>, if you are already using it.

=head2 PerlHeaderParserHandler

The I<header_parser> phase is the first phase to happen after the
request has been mapped to its C<E<lt>LocationE<gt>> (or an equivalent
container). At this phase the handler can examine the request headers
and to take a special action based on these. For example this phase
can be used to block evil clients targeting certain resources, while
little resources were wasted so far.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

This phase is very similar to
C<L<PerlPostReadRequestHandler|/PerlPostReadRequestHandler>>, with the
only difference that it's run after the request has been mapped to the
resource. Both phases are useful for doing something once per request,
as early as possible. And usually you can take any
C<L<PerlPostReadRequestHandler|/PerlPostReadRequestHandler>> and turn
it into C<L<PerlHeaderParserHandler|/PerlHeaderParserHandler>> by
simply changing the directive name in I<httpd.conf> and moving it
inside the container where it should be executed. Moreover, because of
this similarity mod_perl provides a special directive
C<L<PerlInitHandler|/PerlInitHandler>> which if found outside resource
containers behaves as
otherwise as C<L<PerlHeaderParserHandler|/PerlHeaderParserHandler>>.

You already know that Apache handles the C<HEAD>, C<GET>, C<POST> and
several other HTTP methods. But did you know that you can invent your
own HTTP method as long as there is a client that supports it. If you
think of emails, they are very similar to HTTP messages: they have a
set of headers and a body, sometimes a multi-part body. Therefore we
can develop a handler that extends HTTP by adding a support for the
C<EMAIL> method.  We can enable this protocol extension and push the
real content handler during the
C<L<PerlHeaderParserHandler|/PerlHeaderParserHandler>> phase:

  <Location /email>
      PerlHeaderParserHandler MyApache2::SendEmail

and here is the C<MyApache2::SendEmail> handler:

  package MyApache2::SendEmail;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::RequestIO ();
  use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
  use Apache2::ServerRec ();
  use Apache2::Process ();
  use APR::Table ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(DECLINED OK);
  use constant METHOD        => 'EMAIL';
  use constant SMTP_HOSTNAME => "localhost";
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      return Apache2::Const::DECLINED unless $r->method eq METHOD;
      $r->push_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => \&send_email_handler);
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub send_email_handler {
      my $r = shift;
      my %headers = map {$_ => $r->headers_in->get($_)} 
		qw(To From Subject);
	  my $content = content($r);
      my $status = send_email(\%headers, \$content);
      $r->print($status ? "ACK" : "NACK");
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub send_email {
      my ($rh_headers, $r_body) = @_;
      require MIME::Lite;
      MIME::Lite->send("smtp", SMTP_HOSTNAME, Timeout => 60);
      my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(%$rh_headers, Data => $$r_body);
      #warn $msg->as_string;
  use APR::Brigade ();
  use APR::Bucket ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(MODE_READBYTES);
  use APR::Const    -compile => qw(SUCCESS BLOCK_READ);
  use constant IOBUFSIZE => 8192;
  sub content {
      my $r = shift;
      my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($r->pool, $r->connection->bucket_alloc);
      my $data = '';
      my $seen_eos = 0;
      do {
              APR::Const::BLOCK_READ, IOBUFSIZE);
          for (my $b = $bb->first; $b; $b = $bb->next($b)) {
              if ($b->is_eos) {
              if ($b->read(my $buf)) {
                  $data .= $buf;
              $b->remove; # optimization to reuse memory
      } while (!$seen_eos);
      return $data;

Let's get the less interesting code out of the way. The function
content() grabs the request body. The function send_email() sends the
email over SMTP. You should adjust the constant C<SMTP_HOSTNAME> to
point to your outgoing SMTP server. You can replace this function with
your own if you prefer to use a different method to send email.

Now to the more interesting functions. The function C<handler()>
returns immediately and passes the control to the next handler if the
request method is not equal to C<EMAIL> (set in the C<METHOD>

      return Apache2::Const::DECLINED unless $r->method eq METHOD;

Next it tells Apache that this new method is a valid one and that the
C<perl-script> handler will do the processing.


Finally it pushes the function C<send_email_handler()> to the
C<PerlResponseHandler> list of handlers:

      $r->push_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => \&send_email_handler);

The function terminates the header_parser phase by:

      return Apache2::Const::OK;

All other phases run as usual, so you can reuse any HTTP protocol
hooks, such as authentication and fixup phases. 

When the response phase starts C<send_email_handler()> is invoked,
assuming that no other response handlers were inserted before it.  The
response handler consists of three parts. Retrieve the email headers
C<To>, C<From> and C<Subject>, and the body of the message:

      my %headers = map {$_ => $r->headers_in->get($_)} 
	    qw(To From Subject);
      my $content = $r->content;

Then send the email:

      my $status = send_email(\%headers, \$content);

Finally return to the client a simple response acknowledging that
email has been sent and finish the response phase by returning

      $r->print($status ? "ACK" : "NACK");
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

Of course you will want to add extra validations if you want to use
this code in production. This is just a proof of concept

As already mentioned when you extend an HTTP protocol you need to have
a client that knows how to use the extension. So here is a simple
client that uses C<LWP::UserAgent> to issue an C<EMAIL> method request
over HTTP protocol:
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  require LWP::UserAgent;
  my $url = "http://localhost:8000/email/";
  my %headers = (
      From    => '',
      To      => '',
      Subject => '3 weeks in Tibet',
  my $content = <<EOI;
  I didn't have an email software,
  but could use HTTP so I'm sending it over HTTP
  my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new(%headers);
  my $req = HTTP::Request->new("EMAIL", $url, $headers, $content);
  my $res = LWP::UserAgent->new->request($req);
  print $res->is_success ? $res->content : "failed";

most of the code is just a custom data. The code that does something
consists of four lines at the very end. Create C<HTTP::Headers> and
C<HTTP::Request> object. Issue the request and get the
response. Finally print the response's content if it was successful or
just I<"failed"> if not.

Now save the client code in the file I<>, adjust the
I<To> field, make the file executable and execute it, after you have
restarted the server. You should receive an email shortly to the
address set in the I<To> field.

=head2 PerlInitHandler

When configured inside any container directive, except
C<E<lt>VirtualHostE<gt>>, this handler is an alias for
C<L<PerlHeaderParserHandler|/PerlHeaderParserHandler>> described
earlier.  Otherwise it acts as an alias for
C<L<PerlPostReadRequestHandler|/PerlPostReadRequestHandler>> described

It is the first handler to be invoked when serving a request.

This phase is of type

The best example here would be to use
C<L<Apache2::Reload|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Reload>> which takes the
benefit of this directive. Usually
C<L<Apache2::Reload|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Reload>> is configured

  PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
  PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
  PerlSetVar ReloadModules "MyApache2::*"

which during the current HTTP request will monitor and reload all
C<MyApache2::*> modules that have been modified since the last HTTP
request. However if we move the global configuration into a
C<E<lt>LocationE<gt>> container:

  <Location /devel>
      PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
      PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
      PerlSetVar ReloadModules "MyApache2::*"
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
      Options +ExecCGI

C<L<Apache2::Reload|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Reload>> will reload the
modified modules, only when a request to the I</devel> namespace is
issued, because C<L<PerlInitHandler|/PerlInitHandler>> plays the role
of C<L<PerlHeaderParserHandler|/PerlHeaderParserHandler>> here.

=head2 PerlAccessHandler

The I<access_checker> phase is the first of three handlers that are
involved in what's known as AAA: Authentication and Authorization, and
Access control.

This phase can be used to restrict access from a certain IP address,
time of the day or any other rule not connected to the user's

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

The concept behind access checker handler is very simple, return
C<Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN> if the access is not allowed, otherwise
return C<Apache2::Const::OK>.

The following example handler denies requests made from IPs on the

  package MyApache2::BlockByIP;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::Connection ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(FORBIDDEN OK);
  my %bad_ips = map {$_ => 1} qw(;
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      return exists $bad_ips{$r->connection->remote_ip}
          ? Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN
          : Apache2::Const::OK;

The handler retrieves the connection's IP address, looks it up in the
hash of blacklisted IPs and forbids the access if found. If the IP is
not blacklisted, the handler returns control to the next access
checker handler, which may still block the access based on a different

To enable the handler simply add it to the container that needs to be
protected. For example to protect an access to the registry scripts
executed from the base location I</perl> add:

  <Location /perl/>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
      PerlAccessHandler MyApache2::BlockByIP
      Options +ExecCGI

It's important to notice that C<PerlAccessHandler> can be configured
for any subsection of the site, no matter whether it's served by a
mod_perl response handler or not. For example to run the handler from
our example for all requests to the server simply add to

  <Location />
      PerlAccessHandler MyApache2::BlockByIP

=head2 PerlAuthenHandler

The I<check_user_id> (I<authen>) phase is called whenever the
requested file or directory is password protected.  This, in turn,
requires that the directory be associated with C<AuthName>,
C<AuthType> and at least one C<require> directive.

This phase is usually used to verify a user's identification
credentials. If the credentials are verified to be correct, the
handler should return C<Apache2::Const::OK>.  Otherwise the handler
returns C<Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED> to indicate that the user
has not authenticated successfully.  When Apache sends the HTTP header
with this code, the browser will normally pop up a dialog box that
prompts the user for login information.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

The following handler authenticates users by asking for a username and
a password and lets them in only if the length of a string made from
the supplied username and password and a single space equals to the
secret length, specified by the constant C<SECRET_LENGTH>.

  package MyApache2::SecretLengthAuth;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::Access ();
  use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
  use constant SECRET_LENGTH => 14;
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      my ($status, $password) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
      return $status unless $status == Apache2::Const::OK;
      return Apache2::Const::OK 
          if SECRET_LENGTH == length join " ", $r->user, $password;
      return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;

First the handler retrieves the status of the authentication and the
password in plain text. The status will be set to
C<Apache2::Const::OK> only when the user has supplied the username and
the password credentials. If the status is different, we just let
Apache handle this situation for us, which will usually challenge the
client so it'll supply the credentials.

Note that C<get_basic_auth_pw()> does a few things behind the scenes,
which are important to understand if you plan on implementing your own
authentication mechanism that does not use C<get_basic_auth_pw()>.
First, is checks the value of the configured C<AuthType> for the
request, making sure it is C<Basic>.  Then it makes sure that the
Authorization (or Proxy-Authorization) header is formatted for
C<Basic> authentication.  Finally, after isolating the user and
password from the header, it populates the I<ap_auth_type> slot in the
request record with C<Basic>.  For the first and last parts of this
process, mod_perl offers an API. C<$r-E<gt>auth_type> returns the
configured authentication type for the current request - whatever was
set via the C<AuthType> configuration directive.
C<$r-E<gt>ap_auth_type> populates the I<ap_auth_type> slot in the
request record, which should be done after it has been confirmed that
the request is indeed using C<Basic> authentication.  (Note:
C<$r-E<gt>ap_auth_type> was C<$r-E<gt>connection-E<gt>auth_type> in
the mod_perl 1.0 API.)

Once we know that we have the username and the password supplied by
the client, we can proceed with the authentication. Our authentication
algorithm is unusual. Instead of validating the username/password pair
against a password file, we simply check that the string built from
these two items plus a single space is C<SECRET_LENGTH> long (14 in
our example). So for example the pair I<mod_perl/rules> authenticates
correctly, whereas I<secret/password> does not, because the latter
pair will make a string of 15 characters. Of course this is not a
strong authentication scheme and you shouldn't use it for serious
things, but it's fun to play with. Most authentication validations
simply verify the username/password against a database of valid pairs,
usually this requires the password to be encrypted first, since
storing passwords in clear is a bad idea.

Finally if our authentication fails the handler calls
note_basic_auth_failure() and returns
C<Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED>, which sets the proper HTTP
response headers that tell the client that its user that the
authentication has failed and the credentials should be supplied

It's not enough to enable this handler for the authentication to
work. You have to tell Apache what authentication scheme to use
(C<Basic> or C<Digest>), which is specified by the C<AuthType>
directive, and you should also supply the C<AuthName> -- the
authentication realm, which is really just a string that the client
usually uses as a title in the pop-up box, where the username and the
password are inserted. Finally the C<Require> directive is needed to
specify which usernames are allowed to authenticate. If you set it to
C<valid-user> any username will do.

Here is the whole configuration section that requires users to
authenticate before they are allowed to run the registry scripts from

  <Location /perl/>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
      PerlAuthenHandler MyApache2::SecretLengthAuth
      Options +ExecCGI
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "The Gate"
      Require valid-user

Just like C<PerlAccessHandler> and other mod_perl handlers,
C<PerlAuthenHandler> can be configured for any subsection of the site,
no matter whether it's served by a mod_perl response handler or
not. For example to use the authentication handler from the last
example for any requests to the site, simply use:

  <Location />
      PerlAuthenHandler MyApache2::SecretLengthAuth
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "The Gate"
      Require valid-user

=head2 PerlAuthzHandler

The I<auth_checker> (I<authz>) phase is used for authorization
control. This phase requires a successful authentication from the
previous phase, because a username is needed in order to decide
whether a user is authorized to access the requested resource.

As this phase is tightly connected to the authentication phase, the
handlers registered for this phase are only called when the requested
resource is password protected, similar to the auth phase. The handler
is expected to return C<Apache2::Const::DECLINED> to defer the
decision, C<Apache2::Const::OK> to indicate its acceptance of the
user's authorization, or C<Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED> to
indicate that the user is not authorized to access the requested

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

Here is the C<MyApache2::SecretResourceAuthz> handler which grants
access to certain resources only to certain users who have already
properly authenticated:

  package MyApache2::SecretResourceAuthz;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::Access ();
  use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
  my %protected = (
      'admin'  => ['stas'],
      'report' => [qw(stas boss)],
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      my $user = $r->user;
      if ($user) {
          my ($section) = $r->uri =~ m|^/company/(\w+)/|;
          if (defined $section && exists $protected{$section}) {
              my $users = $protected{$section};
              return Apache2::Const::OK if grep { $_ eq $user } @$users;
          else {
              return Apache2::Const::OK;
      return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;

This authorization handler is very similar to the authentication
handler L<from the previous section|/PerlAuthenHandler>. Here we rely
on the previous phase to get users authenticated, and now as we have
the username we can make decisions whether to let the user access the
resource it has asked for or not. In our example we have a simple hash
which maps which users are allowed to access what resources. So for
example anything under I</company/admin/> can be accessed only by the
user I<stas>, I</company/report/> can be accessed by users I<stas> and
I<boss>, whereas any other resources under I</company/> can be
accessed by everybody who has reached so far. If for some reason we
don't get the username, we or the user is not authorized to access the
resource the handler does the same thing as it does when the
authentication fails, i.e, calls:

      return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;

The configuration is similar to the one in L<the previous
section|/PerlAuthenHandler>, this time we just add the 
C<PerlAuthzHandler> setting. The rest doesn't change.

  Alias /company/ /home/httpd/httpd-2.0/perl/
  <Location /company/>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
      PerlAuthenHandler MyApache2::SecretLengthAuth
      PerlAuthzHandler  MyApache2::SecretResourceAuthz
      Options +ExecCGI
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "The Secret Gate"
      Require valid-user

And if you want to run the authentication and authorization for the
whole site, simply add:

  <Location />
      PerlAuthenHandler MyApache2::SecretLengthAuth
      PerlAuthzHandler  MyApache2::SecretResourceAuthz
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "The Secret Gate"
      Require valid-user

=head2 PerlTypeHandler

The I<type_checker> phase is used to set the response MIME type
(C<Content-type>) and sometimes other bits of document type
information like the document language.

For example C<mod_autoindex>, which performs automatic directory
indexing, uses this phase to map the filename extensions to the
corresponding icons which will be later used in the listing of files.

Of course later phases may override the mime type set in this phase.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

The most important thing to remember when overriding the default
I<type_checker> handler, which is usually the mod_mime handler, is
that you have to set the handler that will take care of the response
phase and the response callback function or the code won't
work. mod_mime does that based on C<SetHandler> and C<AddHandler>
directives, and file extensions. So if you want the content handler to
be run by mod_perl, set either:

  $r->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => \&handler);


  $r->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => \&handler);

depending on which type of response handler is wanted.

Writing a C<PerlTypeHandler> handler which sets the content-type value
and returns C<Apache2::Const::DECLINED> so that the default handler
will do the rest of the work, is not a good idea, because mod_mime
will probably override this and other settings.

Therefore it's the easiest to leave this stage alone and do any
desired settings in the I<fixups> phase.

=head2 PerlFixupHandler

The I<fixups> phase is happening just before the content handling
phase. It gives the last chance to do things before the response is
generated. For example in this phase C<mod_env> populates the
environment with variables configured with I<SetEnv> and I<PassEnv>

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

The following fixup handler example tells Apache at run time which
handler and callback should be used to process the request based on
the file extension of the request's URI.

  package MyApache2::FileExtDispatch;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::RequestIO ();
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
  use constant HANDLER  => 0;
  use constant CALLBACK => 1;
  my %exts = (
      cgi => ['perl-script',     \&cgi_handler],
      pl  => ['modperl',         \&pl_handler ],
      tt  => ['perl-script',     \&tt_handler ],
      txt => ['default-handler', undef        ],
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      my ($ext) = $r->uri =~ /\.(\w+)$/;
      $ext = 'txt' unless defined $ext and exists $exts{$ext};
      if (defined $exts{$ext}->[CALLBACK]) {
          $r->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => $exts{$ext}->[CALLBACK]);
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub cgi_handler { content_handler($_[0], 'cgi') }
  sub pl_handler  { content_handler($_[0], 'pl')  }
  sub tt_handler  { content_handler($_[0], 'tt')  }
  sub content_handler {
      my ($r, $type) = @_;
      $r->print("A handler of type '$type' was called");
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

In the example we have used the following mapping.

  my %exts = (
      cgi => ['perl-script',     \&cgi_handler],
      pl  => ['modperl',         \&pl_handler ],
      tt  => ['perl-script',     \&tt_handler ],
      txt => ['default-handler', undef        ],

So that I<.cgi> requests will be handled by the C<perl-script> handler
and the C<cgi_handler()> callback, I<.pl> requests by C<modperl> and
C<pl_handler()>, I<.tt> (template toolkit) by C<perl-script> and the
C<tt_handler()>, finally I<.txt> request by the C<default-handler>
handler, which requires no callback.

Moreover the handler assumes that if the request's URI has no file
extension or it does, but it's not in its mapping, the
C<default-handler> will be used, as if the I<txt> extension was used.

After doing the mapping, the handler assigns the handler:


and the callback if needed:

      if (defined $exts{$ext}->[CALLBACK]) {
			  PerlResponseHandler => $exts{$ext}->[CALLBACK]);

In this simple example the callback functions don't do much but
calling the same content handler which simply prints the name of the
extension if handled by mod_perl, otherwise Apache will serve the
other files using the default handler. In real world you will use
callbacks to real content handlers that do real things.

Here is how this handler is configured:

  Alias /dispatch/ /home/httpd/httpd-2.0/htdocs/
  <Location /dispatch/>
      PerlFixupHandler MyApache2::FileExtDispatch

Notice that there is no need to specify anything, but the fixup
handler. It applies the rest of the settings dynamically at run-time.

=head2 PerlResponseHandler

The I<handler> (I<response>) phase is used for generating the
response. This is arguably the most important phase and most of the
existing Apache modules do most of their work at this phase.

This is the only phase that requires two directives under
mod_perl. For example:

  <Location /perl>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlResponseHandler MyApache2::WorldDomination

C<SetHandler> set to
C<L<perl-script|docs::2.0::user::config::config/C_perl_script_>> or
C<L<modperl|docs::2.0::user::config::config/C_modperl_>> tells Apache
that mod_perl is going to handle the response
generation. C<PerlResponseHandler> tells mod_perl which callback is
going to do the job.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

Most of the C<Apache::> modules on CPAN are dealing with this
phase. In fact most of the developers spend the majority of their time
working on handlers that generate response content.

Let's write a simple response handler, that just generates some
content. This time let's do something more interesting than printing
I<"Hello world">. Let's write a handler that prints itself:

  package MyApache2::Deparse;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::RequestIO ();
  use B::Deparse ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      $r->print('sub handler ', B::Deparse->new->coderef2text(\&handler));
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

To enable this handler add to I<httpd.conf>:

  <Location /deparse>
      SetHandler modperl
      PerlResponseHandler MyApache2::Deparse

Now when the server is restarted and we issue a request to
I<http://localhost/deparse> we get the following response:

  sub handler {
      package MyApache2::Deparse;
      use warnings;
      use strict 'refs';
      my $r = shift @_;
      $r->print('sub handler ', 'B::Deparse'->new->coderef2text(\&handler));
      return 0;

If you compare it to the source code, it's pretty much the same
code. C<B::Deparse> is fun to play with!

=head2 PerlLogHandler

The I<log_transaction> phase happens no matter how the previous phases
have ended up. If one of the earlier phases has aborted a request,
e.g., failed authentication or 404 (file not found) errors, the rest of
the phases up to and including the response phases are skipped. But
this phase is always executed.

By this phase all the information about the request and the response
is known, therefore the logging handlers usually record this
information in various ways (e.g., logging to a flat file or a

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

Imagine a situation where you have to log requests into individual
files, one per user. Assuming that all requests start with
I</~username/>, so it's easy to categorize requests by the
username. Here is the log handler that does that:

  package MyApache2::LogPerUser;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::Connection ();
  use Fcntl qw(:flock);
  use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED);
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      my ($username) = $r->uri =~ m|^/~([^/]+)|;
      return Apache2::Const::DECLINED unless defined $username;
      my $entry = sprintf qq(%s [%s] "%s" %d %d\n),
          $r->connection->remote_ip, scalar(localtime),
          $r->uri, $r->status, $r->bytes_sent;
      my $log_path = catfile Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root,
          "logs", "$username.log";
      open my $fh, ">>$log_path" or die "can't open $log_path: $!";
      flock $fh, LOCK_EX;
      print $fh $entry;
      close $fh;
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

First the handler tries to figure out what username the request is
issued for, if it fails to match the URI, it simply returns
C<Apache2::Const::DECLINED>, letting other log handlers to do the
logging. Though it could return C<Apache2::Const::OK> since all other
log handlers will be run anyway.

Next it builds the log entry, similar to the default I<access_log>
entry. It's comprised of remote IP, the current time, the uri, the
return status and how many bytes were sent to the client as a response

Finally the handler appends this entry to the log file for the user
the request was issued for. Usually it's safe to append short strings
to the file without being afraid of messing up the file, when two
files attempt to write at the same time, but just to be on the safe
side the handler exclusively locks the file before performing the

To configure the handler simply enable the module with the
C<PerlLogHandler> directive, for the desired URI namespace (starting
with : I</~> in our example):

  <LocationMatch "^/~">
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
      PerlLogHandler MyApache2::LogPerUser
      Options +ExecCGI

After restarting the server and issuing requests to the following


The C<MyApache2::LogPerUser> handler will append to I<logs/stas.log>: [Sat Aug 31 01:50:38 2002] "/~stas/" 200 8 [Sat Aug 31 01:50:40 2002] "/~stas/" 200 44

and to I<logs/eric.log>: [Sat Aug 31 01:50:39 2002] "/~eric/" 200 8

It's important to notice that C<PerlLogHandler> can be configured for
any subsection of the site, no matter whether it's served by a
mod_perl response handler or not. For example to run the handler from
our example for all requests to the server, simply add to

  <Location />
      PerlLogHandler MyApache2::LogPerUser

Since the C<PerlLogHandler> phase is of type
C<L<RUN_ALL|docs::2.0::user::handlers::intro/item_RUN_ALL>>, all other
logging handlers will be called as well.

=head2 PerlCleanupHandler

There is no I<cleanup> Apache phase, it exists only inside mod_perl.
It is used to execute some code immediately after the request has been
served (the client went away) and before the request object is

There are several usages for this use phase. The obvious one is to run
a cleanup code, for example removing temporarily created files. The
less obvious is to use this phase instead of
C<L<PerlLogHandler|/PerlLogHandler>> if the logging operation is time
consuming. This approach allows to free the client as soon as the
response is sent.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is

There are two ways to register and run cleanup handlers:


=item 1 Using the C<PerlCleanupHandler> phase

  PerlCleanupHandler MyApache2::Cleanup


  $r->push_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler => \&cleanup);

This method is identical to all other handlers.

In this technique the C<cleanup()> callback accepts C<$r> as its only

=item 2 Using C<cleanup_register()> acting on the request object's pool

Since a request object pool is destroyed at the end of each request,
we can use
to register a cleanup callback which will be executed just before the
pool is destroyed. For example:

    $r->pool->cleanup_register(\&cleanup, $arg);

The important difference from using the C<PerlCleanupHandler> handler,
is that here you can pass an optional arbitrary argument to the
callback function, and no C<$r> argument is passed by
default. Therefore if you need to pass any data other than C<$r> you
may want to use this technique.


Here is an example where the cleanup handler is used to delete a
temporary file. The response handler is running C<ls -l> and stores
the output in temporary file, which is then used by
C<$r-E<gt>sendfile> to send the file's contents. We use
C<push_handlers()> to push C<PerlCleanupHandler> to unlink the file at
the end of the request.

  package MyApache2::Cleanup1;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::RequestIO ();
  use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED);
  use APR::Const    -compile => 'SUCCESS';
  my $file = catfile "/tmp", "data";
  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      local @ENV{qw(PATH BASH_ENV)};
      qx(/bin/ls -l > $file);
      my $status = $r->sendfile($file);
      die "sendfile has failed" unless $status == APR::Const::SUCCESS;
      $r->push_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler => \&cleanup);
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub cleanup {
      my $r = shift;
      die "Can't find file: $file" unless -e $file;
      unlink $file or die "failed to unlink $file";
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

Next we add the following configuration:

  <Location /cleanup1>
      SetHandler modperl
      PerlResponseHandler MyApache2::Cleanup1

Now when a request to I</cleanup1> is made, the contents of the
current directory will be printed and once the request is over the
temporary file is deleted.

This response handler has a problem of running in a multi-process
environment, since it uses the same file, and several processes may
try to read/write/delete that file at the same time, wrecking
havoc. We could have appended the process id C<$$> to the file's name,
but remember that mod_perl 2.0 code may run in the threaded
environment, meaning that there will be many threads running in the
same process and the C<$$> trick won't work any longer. Therefore one
really has to use this code to create unique, but predictable, file
names across threads and processes:

  sub unique_id {
      require Apache2::MPM;
      require APR::OS;
      return Apache2::MPM->is_threaded
          ? "$$." . ${ APR::OS::current_thread_id() }
          : $$;

In the threaded environment it will return a string containing the
process ID, followed by a thread ID. In the non-threaded environment
only the process ID will be returned. However since it gives us a
predictable string, they may still be a non-satisfactory
solution. Therefore we need to use a random string. We can either
either Perl's C<rand>, some CPAN module or the APR's C<APR::UUID>:

 sub unique_id {
  require APR::UUID;
  return APR::UUID->new->format;

Now the problem is how do we tell the cleanup handler what file should
be cleaned up? We could have stored it in the C<$r-E<gt>notes> table
in the response handler and then retrieve it in the cleanup
handler. However there is a better way - as mentioned earlier, we can
register a callback for request pool cleanup, and when using this
method we can pass an arbitrary argument to it. Therefore in our case
we choose to pass the file name, based on random string. Here is a
better version of the response and cleanup handlers, that uses this

 #file:  MyApache2/
 package MyApache2::Cleanup2;
 use strict;
 use warnings FATAL => 'all';
 use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
 use Apache2::RequestRec ();
 use Apache2::RequestIO ();
 use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
 use APR::UUID ();
 use APR::Pool ();
 use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED);
 use APR::Const    -compile => 'SUCCESS';
 my $file_base = catfile "/tmp", "data-";
 sub handler {
         my $r = shift;
     my $file = $file_base . APR::UUID->new->format;
     local @ENV{qw(PATH BASH_ENV)};
     qx(/bin/ls -l > $file);
     my $status = $r->sendfile($file);
     die "sendfile has failed" unless $status == APR::Const::SUCCESS;
     $r->pool->cleanup_register(\&cleanup, $file);
     return Apache2::Const::OK;
 sub cleanup {
     my $file = shift;
     die "Can't find file: $file" unless -e $file;
     unlink $file or die "failed to unlink $file";
     return Apache2::Const::OK;

Similarly to the first handler, we add the configuration:

 <Location /cleanup2>
     SetHandler modperl
     PerlResponseHandler MyApache2::Cleanup2

And now when requesting I</cleanup2> we still get the same output --
the listing of the current directory -- but this time this code will
work correctly in the multi-processes/multi-threaded environment and
temporary files get cleaned up as well.

=head3 Possible Caveats

C<PerlCleanupHandler> may fail to be completed on server
shutdown/graceful restart since Apache will kill the registered
handlers via SIGTERM, before they had a chance to run or even in the
middle of its execution. See:

=head1 Miscellaneous Issues

=head2 Handling HEAD Requests

In order to avoid the overhead of sending the data to the client when
the request is of type HEAD in mod_perl 1.0 we L<used to return
early|docs::1.0::guide::porting/Generating_correct_HTTP_Headers> from
the handler:

 return Apache2::Const::OK if $r->header_only;

This logic should not be used in mod_perl 2.0, because Apache 2.0
automatically discards the response body for HEAD requests. It expects
the full body to generate the correct set of response headers, if you
don't send the body you may encounter problems.

(You can also read the comment in for C<ap_http_header_filter()> in
I<modules/http/http_protocol.c> in the Apache 2.0 source.)

=head2 C<Content-Length> Response Header

You may encounter some issues with the C-L (C<Content-Length>)
header. Some of them are discussed here.


=item * The special case of C<Content-Length: 0>

Since Apache proclaims itself governor of the C-L header via the C-L
filter (ap_content_length_filter at F<httpd-2.0/server/protocol.c>),
for the most part C<GET> and C<HEAD> behave exactly the same.
However, when Apache sees a C<HEAD> request with a C-L header of zero
it takes special action and removes the C-L header.  This is done to
protect against handlers that called C<$r-E<gt>header_only> (L<which
was ok in 1.3 but is not in 2.0|/Handling_HEAD_Requests>).  Therefore,
C<GET> and C<HEAD> behave identically, except when the content
handler (and/or filters) end up sending no content.  For more details
refer to the lengthy comments in C<ap_http_header_filter()> in

For more discussion on why it is important to get HEAD requests right,
see these threads from the mod_perl list:

as well as this bug report from mozilla, which shows how C<HEAD>
requests are used in the wild:

=item * Not getting C<Content-Length> header with C<HEAD> requests

Even though the spec says that content handlers should send an
identical response for GET and HEAD requests, some folks try to
L<avoid the overhead of generating the response
body|/Handling_HEAD_Requests>, which Apache is going to discard anyway
for HEAD requests. The following discussion assumes that we deal with
a HEAD request.

When Apache sees EOS and no headers and no response body were sent,
C<ap_content_length_filter()> (F<httpd-2.0/server/protocol.c>) sets
C-L to 0. Later on C<ap_http_header_filter()>
(F<httpd-2.0/modules/http/http_protocol.c>) removes the C-L header for
the HEAD requests.

The workaround is to force the sending of the response headers, before
C<EOS> was sent (which happens when the response handler returns). The
simplest solution is to use rflush():

 if ($r->header_only) { # HEAD
     $body_len = calculate_body_len();
 else {                 # GET
     # generate and send the body

now if the handler sets the C-L header it'll be delivered to the
client unmodified.


=head1 Misc Notes

These items will need to be extended and integrated in this or other
HTTP related documents:


=item * front-end back-end setup: mod_proxy+X-Forwarded-For


frontend: mod_proxy_add_forward

backend: mod_rpaf (reverse proxy add forward):


frontend: mod_proxy

backend: mod_rpaf:


=head1 Extending HTTP Protocol

Extending HTTP under mod_perl is a trivial task.  Look at L<the
example of adding a new method C<EMAIL>|/PerlHeaderParserHandler> for

=head1 HTTP Status Codes

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level
protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information
systems. It is a generic, stateless, protocol which can be used for
many tasks beyond its use for hypertext, such as name servers and
distributed object management systems, through extension of its
request methods, error codes and headers. A feature of HTTP is the
typing and negotiation of data representation, allowing systems to be
built independently of the data being transferred.

HTTP 1.0 is described in Requests For Comments (RFC) 1945. HTTP 1.1 is
the latest version of the specifications and as of this writing HTTP
1.1 is covered in RFC 2616.

When writing mod_perl applications, usually only a small subset of HTTP
response codes is used, but sometimes you need to know others as
well. We will give a short description of each code and you will find
the extended explanation in the appropriate RFC. (Section 9 in RFC
1945 and section 10 in RFC 2616). You can always find the latest link
to these RFCs at the Web Consortium site,

While HTTP 1.1 is widely supported, HTTP 1.0 still remains the
mainstream standard. Therefore we will supply a summary of the both
versions including the corresponding Apache constants.

In mod_perl these constants can be accessed the 
package (e.g., to access the HTTP_OK constant use
C<Apache::Constants::HTTP_OK>). See the 
C<L<Apache::Constants|docs::1.0::api::Apache::Constants>> manpage
for more information.

In mod_perl2 these constants can be accessed the 
package (e.g., to access the HTTP_OK constant use
C<Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK>). See the 
C<L<Apache2::Const|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Const>> manpage
for more information.

=head2 HTTP 1.0 Status Codes

=over 4

=item *

Successful 2xx: 

 200 HTTP_OK                    OK
 201 HTTP_CREATED               Created
 202 HTTP_ACCEPTED              Accepted
 204 HTTP_NO_CONTENT            No Content

=item *

Redirection 3xx:

 301 HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY     Multiple Choices
 302 HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY     Moved Permanently
 303 HTTP_SEE_OTHER             Moved Temporarily
 304 HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED          Not Modified

=item *

Client Error 4xx:

 400 HTTP_BAD_REQUEST           Bad Request
 401 HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED          Unauthorized
 403 HTTP_FORBIDDEN             Forbidden
 404 HTTP_NOT_FOUND             Not Found

=item *

Server Error 5xx:

 500 HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Internal Server Error
 501 HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED       Not Implemented
 502 HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY           Bad Gateway
 503 HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE   Service UnavailableStatus Codes


=head2 HTTP 1.1 Status Codes

=over 4

=item *

Informational 1xx:

 100 HTTP_CONTINUE                        Continue
 101 HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS             Switching Protocols

=item *

Successful 2xx:

 200 HTTP_OK                              OK
 201 HTTP_CREATED                         Created
 202 HTTP_ACCEPTED                        Accepted
 203 HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE               Non-Authoritative Information
 204 HTTP_NO_CONTENT                      No Content
 205 HTTP_RESET_CONTENT                   Reset Content
 206 HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT                 Partial Content

=item *

Redirection 3xx:

 300 HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES                Multiple Choices
 301 HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY               Moved Permanently
 302 HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY               Found
 303 HTTP_SEE_OTHER                       See Other
 304 HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED                    Not Modified
 305 HTTP_USE_PROXY                       Use Proxy
 306                                      (Unused)
 307 HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT              Temporary Redirect

=item *

Client Error 4xx:

 400 HTTP_BAD_REQUEST                     Bad Request
 401 HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED                    Unauthorized
 402 HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED                Payment Required
 403 HTTP_FORBIDDEN                       Forbidden
 404 HTTP_NOT_FOUND                       Not Found
 405 HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED              Method Not Allowed
 406 HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE                  Not Acceptable
 407 HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED   Proxy Authentication Required
 408 HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT                 Request Timeout
 409 HTTP_CONFLICT                        Conflict
 410 HTTP_GONE                            Gone
 411 HTTP_LENGTH REQUIRED                 Length Required
 412 HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED             Precondition Failed
 413 HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE        Request Entity Too Large
 414 HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE           Request-URI Too Long
 415 HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE          Unsupported Media Type
 416 HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE           Requested Range Not Satisfiable
 417 HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED              Expectation Failed

=item *

Server Error 5xx:

 500 HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR           Internal Server Error
 501 HTTP_NOT IMPLEMENTED                 Not Implemented
 502 HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY                     Bad Gateway
 503 HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE             Service Unavailable
 504 HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT                Gateway Timeout
 505 HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED           HTTP Version Not Supported


=head2 References

All the information related to web protocols can be found at the World
Wide Web Consortium site, I<>.

There are many mirrors of the RFCs all around the world. One of the
good starting points might be I<>.

The Eagle Book provided much of the HTTP constants material shown here 

=head1 Maintainers

Maintainer is the person(s) you should contact with updates,
corrections and patches.


=item *

L<The mod_perl development team and numerous


=head1 Authors


=item *

Stas Bekman []


Only the major authors are listed above. For contributors see the
Changes file.
