

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > f0118cb42e3f940f4135af2822455e13 > files > 454


=head1 NAME

Porting Apache:: Perl Modules from mod_perl 1.0 to 2.0

=head1 Description

This document describes the various options for porting a mod_perl 1.0
Apache module so that it runs on a Apache 2.0 / mod_perl 2.0
server. It's also helpful to those who start developing mod_perl 2.0

Developers who need to port modules using XS code, should also read
about L<porting Apache:: XS

There is also: L<Porting CPAN modules to mod_perl 2.0

=head1 Introduction

In the vast majority of cases, a perl Apache module that runs under
mod_perl 1.0 will B<not> run under mod_perl 2.0 without at least some
degree of modification.

Even a very simple module that does not in itself need any changes
will at least need the mod_perl 2.0 Apache modules loaded, because in
mod_perl 2.0 basic functionality, such as access to the request object
and returning an HTTP status, is not found where, or implemented how
it used to be in mod_perl 1.0.

Most real-life modules will in fact need to deal with the following


=item *

methods that have moved to a different (new) package

=item *

methods that must be called differently (due to changed prototypes)

=item *

methods that have ceased to exist (functionality provided in some
other way)


B<Do not be alarmed!> One way to deal with all of these issues is to
load the C<L<Apache2::compat|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::compat>>
compatibility layer bundled with mod_perl 2.0. This magic spell will
make almost any 1.0 module run under 2.0 without further changes. It
is by no means the solution for every case, however, so please read
carefully the following discussion of this and other options.

There are three basic options for porting. Let's take a quick look at
each one and then discuss each in more detail.


=item 1 Run the module on 2.0 under C<Apache2::compat> with no further changes

As we have said mod_perl 2.0 ships with a module,
C<L<Apache2::compat|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::compat>>, that provides a
complete drop-in compatibility layer for 1.0
modules. C<Apache2::compat> does the following:


=item *

Loads all the mod_perl 2.0 Apache2:: modules

=item *

Adjusts method calls where the prototype has changed

=item *

Provides Perl implementation for methods that no longer exist in 2.0


The drawback to using C<Apache2::compat> is the performance hit, which
can be significant.

Authors of CPAN and other publicly distributed modules should not use
C<Apache2::compat> since this forces its use in environments where the
administrator may have chosen to optimize memory use by making all
code run natively under 2.0.

=item 2 Modify the module to run only under 2.0

If you are not interested in providing backwards compatibility with
mod_perl 1.0, or if you plan to leave your 1.0 module in place and
develop a new version compatible with 2.0, you will need to make
changes to your code. How significant or widespread the changes are
depends largely of course on your existing code.

Several sections of this document provide detailed information on how
to rewrite your code for mod_perl 2.0 Several tools are provided to
help you, and it should be a relatively painless task and one that you
only have to do once.

=item 3 Modify the module so that it runs under both 1.0 and 2.0

You need to do this if you want to keep the same version number for
your module, or if you distribute your module on CPAN and want to
maintain and release just one codebase.

This is a relatively simple enhancement of option (2) above. The module
tests to see which version of mod_perl is in use and then executes the
appropriate method call.


The following sections provide more detailed information and
instructions for each of these three porting strategies.

=head1 Using C<Apache2::porting>

META: to be written. this is a new package which makes chunks of this
doc simpler. for now see the
C<L<Apache2::porting|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::porting>> manpage.

=head1 Using the C<Apache2::compat> Layer

The C<L<Apache2::compat|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::compat>> module tries
to hide the changes in API prototypes between version 1.0 and 2.0 of
mod_perl, and implements "virtual methods" for the methods and
functions that actually no longer exist.

C<Apache2::compat> is extremely easy to use. Either add at the very
beginning of

  use Apache2::compat;

or add to httpd.conf:

  PerlModule Apache2::compat

That's all there is to it. Now you can run your 1.0 module unchanged.

Remember, however, that using C<Apache2::compat> will make your module
run slower. It can create a larger memory footprint than you need and
it implements functionality in pure Perl that is provided in much
faster XS in mod_perl 1.0 as well as in 2.0. This module was really
designed to assist in the transition from 1.0 to 2.0. Generally you
will be better off if you port your code to use the mod_perl 2.0 API.

It's also especially important to repeat that C<L<CPAN module
developers are requested not to use this module in their
code|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::compat/Use_in_CPAN_Modules>>, since this
takes the control over performance away from users.

=head1 Porting a Perl Module to Run under mod_perl 2.0

Note: API changes are listed in L<the mod_perl 1.0 backward
compatibility document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat/>.

The following sections will guide you through the steps of porting
your modules to mod_perl 2.0.

=head2 Using C<ModPerl::MethodLookup> to Discover Which mod_perl 2.0 Modules Need to Be Loaded

It would certainly be nice to have our mod_perl 1.0 code run on the
mod_perl 2.0 server unmodified. So first of all, try your luck and
test the code.

It's almost certain that your code won't work when you try, however,
because mod_perl 2.0 splits functionality across many more modules
than version 1.0 did, and you have to load these modules before the
methods that live in them can be used. So the first step is to figure
out which these modules are and C<use()> them.

The C<L<ModPerl::MethodLookup|docs::2.0::api::ModPerl::MethodLookup>>
module provided with mod_perl 2.0 allows you to find out which module
contains the functionality you are looking for. Simply provide it with
the name of the mod_perl 1.0 method that has moved to a new module,
and it will tell you what the module is.

For example, let's say we have a mod_perl 1.0 code snippet:

  $r->print("Hello cruel world!");

If we run this, mod_perl 2.0 will complain that the method
C<content_type()> can't be found. So we use C<ModPerl::MethodLookup>
to figure out which module provides this method. We can just run this
from the command line:

  % perl -MModPerl::MethodLookup -e print_method content_type

This prints:

  to use method 'content_type' add:
           use Apache2::RequestRec ();

We do what it says and add this C<use()> statement to our code,
restart our server (unless we're using
C<L<Apache2::Reload|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Reload>>), and mod_perl
will no longer complain about this particular method.

Since you may need to use this technique quite often you may want to
C<L<define an
alias|docs::2.0::api::ModPerl::MethodLookup/Command_Line_Lookups>>. Once 
defined the last command line lookup can be accomplished with:

  % lookup content_type

C<L<ModPerl::MethodLookup|docs::2.0::api::ModPerl::MethodLookup>> also
provides helper functions for finding C<L<which methods are defined in
a given
module|docs::2.0::api::ModPerl::MethodLookup/C_lookup_module___>>, or
C<L<which methods can be invoked on a given

=head3 Handling Methods Existing In More Than One Package

Some methods exists in several classes. For example this is the case
with the C<print()> method. We know the drill:

  % lookup print

This prints:

  There is more than one class with method 'print'
  try one of:
        use Apache2::RequestIO ();
        use Apache2::Filter ();

So there is more than one package that has this method. Since we know
that we call the C<print()> method with the C<$r> object, it must be
the C<Apache2::RequestIO> module that we are after. Indeed, loading
this module solves the problem.

=head3 Using C<ModPerl::MethodLookup> Programmatically

The issue of picking the right module, when more than one matches, can
be resolved when using C<ModPerl::MethodLookup> programmatically --
accepts an object as an optional second argument, which is used if
there is more than one module that contains the method in
question. C<ModPerl::MethodLookup> knows that C<Apache2::RequestIO> and
and C<Apache2::Filter> expect an object of type C<Apache2::RequestRec>
and type C<Apache2::Filter> respectively. So in a program running under
mod_perl we can call:

  ModPerl::MethodLookup::lookup_method('print', $r);

Now only one module will be matched.

This functionality can be used in
C<L<AUTOLOAD|docs::2.0::api::ModPerl::MethodLookup/AUTOLOAD>>, for
example, although most users will not have a need for this robust of

=head3 Pre-loading All mod_perl 2.0 Modules

Now if you use a wide range of methods and functions from the mod_perl
1.0 API, the process of finding all the modules that need to be loaded
can be quite frustrating. In this case you may find the function
to be the right tool for you. This function preloads B<all> mod_perl
2.0 modules, implementing their API in XS.

While useful for testing and development, it is not recommended to use
this function in production systems. Before going into production you
should remove the call to this function and load only the modules that
are used, in order to save memory.

CPAN module developers should B<not> be tempted to call this function
from their modules, because it prevents the user of their module from
optimizing her system's memory usage.

=head2 Handling Missing and Modified mod_perl 1.0 Methods and Functions

The mod_perl 2.0 API is modeled even more closely upon the Apache API
than was mod_perl version 1.0. Just as the Apache 2.0 API is
substantially different from that of Apache 1.0, therefore, the
mod_perl 2.0 API is quite different from that of mod_perl
1.0. Unfortunately, this means that certain method calls and functions
that were present in mod_perl version 1.0 are missing or modified in
mod_perl 2.0.

If mod_perl 2.0 tells you that some method is missing and it can't be
found using
it's most likely because the method doesn't exist in the mod_perl 2.0
API. It's also possible that the method does still exist, but
nevertheless it doesn't work, since its usage has changed (e.g. its
prototype has changed, or it requires different arguments, etc.).

In either of these cases, refer to L<the backwards compatibility
document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat/> for an exhaustive list of
API calls that have been modified or removed.

=head3 Methods that No Longer Exist

Some methods that existed in mod_perl 1.0 simply do not exist anywhere
in version 2.0 and you must therefore call a different method o
methods to get the functionality you want.

For example, suppose we have a mod_perl 1.0 code snippet:

  $r->log_reason("Couldn't open the session file: $@");

If we try to run this under mod_perl 2.0 it will complain about the
call to C<log_reason()>. But when we use C<ModPerl::MethodLookup> to see
which module to load in order to call that method, nothing is found:

  % perl -MModPerl::MethodLookup -le \
    'print((ModPerl::MethodLookup::lookup_method(shift))[0])' \

This prints:

  don't know anything about method 'log_reason'

Looks like we are calling a non-existent method! Our next step is to
refer to L<the backwards compatibility
document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat/>, wherein we find that as we
suspected, the method C<log_reason()> no longer exists, and that
L<instead we should use the other standard logging
provided by the C<Apache2::Log> module.

=head3 Methods Whose Usage Has Been Modified

Some methods still exist, but their usage has been modified, and your
code must call them in the new fashion or it will generate an
error. Most often the method call requires new or different arguments.

For example, say our mod_perl 1.0 code said:

  $parsed_uri = Apache2::URI->parse($r, $r->uri);

This code causes mod_perl 2.0 to complain first about not being able
to load the method C<parse()> via the package Apache2::URI. We use the
tools described above to discover that the package containing our
method has moved and change our code to load and use C<APR::URI>:

  $parsed_uri = APR::URI->parse($r, $r->uri);

But we still get an error. It's a little cryptic, but it gets the
point across:

  p is not of type APR::Pool at /path/to/ line 9.

What this is telling us is that the method C<parse> requires an
APR::Pool object as its first argument. (Some methods whose usage has
changed emit more helpful error messages prefixed with "Usage: ...")
So we change our code to:

  $parsed_uri = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $r->uri);

and all is well in the world again.

=head2 Requiring a specific mod_perl version.

To require a module to run only under 2.0, simply add:

  use mod_perl 2.0;

META: In fact, before 2.0 is released you really have to say:

  use mod_perl 1.99;

And you can even require a specific version (for example when a
certain API has been added only starting from that version). For
example to require version 1.99_08, you can say:

  use mod_perl 1.9908;

=head2 Should the Module Name Be Changed?

If it is not possible to make your code run under both mod_perl
versions (see below), you will have to maintain two separate versions
of your own code. While you can change the name of the module for the
new version, it's best to try to preserve the name and use some

META: need to discuss this more.

=head2 Using C<Apache2::compat> As a Tutorial

Even if you have followed the recommendation and eschewed use of the
C<L<Apache2::compat|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::compat>> module, you may
find it useful to learn how the API has been changed and how to modify
your own code. Simply look at the C<Apache2::compat> source code and see
how the functionality should be implemented in mod_perl 2.0.

For example, mod_perl 2.0 doesn't provide the C<Apache-E<gt>gensym>
method. As we can see if we look at the C<Apache2/> source,
the functionality is now available via the core Perl module C<Symbol>
and its C<gensym()> function. (Since mod_perl 2.0 works only with Perl
versions 5.6 and higher, and C<> is included in the core Perl
distribution since version 5.6.0, there was no reason to keep
providing C<Apache-E<gt>gensym>.)

So if the original code looked like:

  my $fh = Apache->gensym;
  open $fh, $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";

in order to port it mod_perl 2.0 we can write:

  my $fh = Symbol::gensym;
  open $fh, $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";

Or we can even skip loading C<>, since under Perl version 5.6
and higher we can just do:

  open my $fh, $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";

=head2 How C<Apache::MP3> was Ported to mod_perl 2.0

C<Apache::MP3> is an elaborate application that uses a lot of mod_perl
API. After porting it, I have realized that if you go through the
notes or even better try to do it by yourself, referring to the notes
only when in trouble, you will most likely be able to port any other
mod_perl 1.0 module to run under mod_perl 2.0. So here the log of what
I have done while doing the porting.

Please notice that this tutorial should be considered as-is and I'm
not claiming that I have got everything polished, so if you still find
problems, that's absolutely OK. What's important is to try to learn
from the process, so you can attack other modules on your own.

I've started to work with C<Apache::MP3> version 3.03 which you can
retrieve from Lincoln's CPAN directory:
Even though by the time you'll read this there will be newer versions
available it's important that you use the same version as a starting
point, since if you don't, the notes below won't make much sense.

=head3 Preparations

First of all, I scratched most of mine I<httpd.conf> and I<>
leaving the bare minimum to get mod_perl started. This is needed to
ensure that once I've completed the porting, the module will work
correct on other users systems. For example if my I<httpd.conf> and
I<> were loading some other modules, which in turn may load
modules that a to-be-ported module may rely on, the ported module may
work for me, but once released, it may not work for others. It's the
best to create a new I<httpd.conf> when doing the porting putting only
the required bits of configuration into it.

=head4 I<httpd.conf>

Next, I configure the C<Apache2::Reload> module, so we don't have to
constantly restart the server after we modify C<Apache::MP3>. In order
to do that add to I<httpd.conf>:

  PerlModule Apache2::Reload
  PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
  PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
  PerlSetVar ReloadModules "ModPerl::* Apache2::*"
  PerlSetVar ReloadConstantRedefineWarnings Off

You can refer to C<L<the Apache2::Reload
manpage|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Reload>> for more information if 
you aren't familiar with this module. The part:

  PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
  PerlSetVar ReloadModules "ModPerl::* Apache::*"

tells C<Apache2::Reload> to monitor only modules in the C<ModPerl::>
and C<Apache::> namespaces. So C<Apache::MP3> will be monitored. If
your module is named C<Foo::Bar>, make sure to include the right
pattern for the C<ReloadModules> directive. Alternatively simply have:

  PerlSetVar ReloadAll On

which will monitor all modules in C<%INC>, but will be a bit slower,
as it'll have to C<stat(3)> many more modules on each request.

Finally, C<Apache::MP3> uses constant subroutines. Because of that you
will get lots of warnings every time the module is modified, which I
wanted to avoid. I can safely shut those warnings off, since I'm not
going to change those constants. Therefore I've used the setting

  PerlSetVar ReloadConstantRedefineWarnings Off

If you do change those constants, refer to the section on

Next I configured C<Apache::MP3>. In my case I've followed the
C<Apache::MP3> documentation, created a directory I<mp3/> under the
server document root and added the corresponding directives to

Now my I<httpd.conf> looked like this:

  #... standard Apache configuration bits omitted ...
  LoadModule perl_module modules/
  PerlSwitches -wT
  PerlRequire "/home/httpd/2.0/perl/"
  PerlModule Apache2::Reload
  PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
  PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
  PerlSetVar ReloadModules "ModPerl::* Apache::*"
  PerlSetVar ReloadConstantRedefineWarnings Off
  AddType audio/mpeg     mp3 MP3
  AddType audio/playlist m3u M3U
  AddType audio/x-scpls  pls PLS
  AddType application/x-ogg ogg OGG
  <Location /mp3>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler Apache::MP3
    PerlSetVar PlaylistImage playlist.gif
    PerlSetVar StreamBase http://localhost:8002
    PerlSetVar BaseDir /mp3

=head4 I<>

Since chances are that no mod_perl 1.0 module will work out of box
without at least preloading some modules, I've enabled the
C<Apache2::compat> module. Now my I<> looked like this:
  use lib qw(/home/httpd/2.0/perl);
  use Apache2::compat;

=head4 I<Apache/>

Before I even started porting C<Apache::MP3>, I've added the warnings
pragma to I<Apache/> (which wasn't there because mod_perl 1.0
had to work with Perl versions prior to 5.6.0, which is when the
C<warnings> pragma was added):

  --- Apache/ 2003-06-03 18:44:21.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/      2003-06-03 18:44:47.000000000 +1000
  @@ -4,2 +4,5 @@
   use strict;
  +use warnings;
  +no warnings 'redefine';  # XXX: remove when done with porting

From now on, I'm going to use unified diffs which you can apply using
C<patch(1)>. Though you may have to refer to its manpage on your
platform since the usage flags may vary. On linux I'd apply the above
patch as:

  % cd ~/perl/blead-ithread/lib/site_perl/5.9.0/
  % patch -p0 < apache_mp3_prep.diff

(note: I've produced the above patch and one more below with C<diff
-u1>, to avoid the RCS Id tag geting into this document. Normally I
produce diffs with C<diff -u> which uses the default context of 3.)

assuming that I<Apache/> is located in the directory

I've enabled the C<warnings> pragma even though I did have warnings
turned globally in I<httpd.conf> with:

  PerlSwitches -wT

it's possible that some badly written module has done:

  $^W = 0;

without localizing the change, affecting other code. Also notice that
the I<taint> mode was enabled from I<httpd.conf>, something that you
shouldn't forget to do.

I have also told the C<warnings> pragma not to complain about
redefined subs via:

  no warnings 'redefine';  # XXX: remove when done with porting

I will remove that code, once porting is completed.

At this point I was ready to start the porting process and I have
started the server.

  % hup2

I'm using the following aliases to save typing:

  alias err2      "tail -f ~/httpd/prefork/logs/error_log"
  alias acc2      "tail -f ~/httpd/prefork/logs/access_log"
  alias stop2     "~/httpd/prefork/bin/apachectl stop"
  alias start2    "~/httpd/prefork/bin/apachectl start"
  alias restart2  "~/httpd/prefork/bin/apachectl restart"
  alias graceful2 "~/httpd/prefork/bin/apachectl graceful"
  alias hup2 "stop2; sleep 3; start2; err2"

(I also have a similar set of aliases for mod_perl 1.0)

=head3 Porting with C<Apache2::compat>

I have configured my server to listen on port 8002, so I issue a
request http://localhost:8002/mp3/ in one console:

  % lynx --dump http://localhost:8002/mp3/

keeping the I<error_log> open in the other:

  % err2

which expands to:

  % tail -f ~/httpd/prefork/logs/error_log

When the request is issued, the I<error_log> file tells me:

  [Thu Jun 05 15:29:45 2003] [error] [client] 
  Usage: Apache2::RequestRec::new(classname, c, base_pool=NULL) 
  at .../Apache/ line 60.

Looking at the code:

  58: sub handler ($$) {
  59:   my $class = shift;
  60:   my $obj = $class->new(@_) or die "Can't create object: $!";

The problem is that handler wasn't invoked as method, but had C<$r>
passed to it (we can tell because C<new()> was invoked as
C<Apache2::RequestRec::new()>, whereas it should have been
C<Apache::MP3::new()>. Why I<Apache::MP3> wasn't passed as the first
argument? I go to L<the mod_perl 1.0 backward compatibility
document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat/> and find that
L<method handlers|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat/Method_Handlers>
are now marked using the I<method> subroutine attribute. So I modify
the code:

  --- Apache/     2003-06-05 15:29:19.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-05 15:38:41.000000000 +1000
  @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   my $NO  = '^(no|false)$';  # regular expression
   my $YES = '^(yes|true)$';  # regular expression
  -sub handler ($$) {
  +sub handler : method {
     my $class = shift;
     my $obj = $class->new(@_) or die "Can't create object: $!";
     return $obj->run();

and issue the request again (no server restart needed).

This time we get a bunch of looping redirect responses, due to a bug
in mod_dir which kicks in to handle the existing dir and messing up
with C<$r-E<gt>path_info> keeping it empty at all times. I thought I
could work around this by not having the same directory and location
setting, e.g. by moving the location to be I</songs/> while keeping
the physical directory with mp3 files as I<$DocumentRoot/mp3/>, but
C<Apache::MP3> won't let you do that. So a solution suggested by
Justin Erenkrantz is to simply shortcut that piece of code with:

  --- Apache/     2003-06-06 14:50:59.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 14:51:11.000000000 +1000
  @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
     my $self = shift;
     my $dir = shift;
  -  unless ($self->r->path_info){
  +  unless ($self->r->path_info eq ''){
       #Issue an external redirect if the dir isn't tailed with a '/'
       my $uri = $self->r->uri;
       my $query = $self->r->args;

which is equivalent to removing this code, until the bug is fixed (it
was still there as of Apache 2.0.46). But the module still works
without this code, because if you issue a request to I</mp3> (w/o
trailing slash) mod_dir, will do the redirect for you, replacing the
code that we just removed. In any case this got me past this problem.

Since I have turned on the warnings pragma now I was getting loads of
I<uninitialized value> warnings from C<$r-E<gt>dir_config()> whose
return value were used without checking whether they are defined or
not. But you'd get them with mod_perl 1.0 as well, so they are just an
example of not-so clean code, not really a relevant obstacle in my
pursuit to port this module to mod_perl 2.0. Unfortunately they were
cluttering the log file so I had to fix them. I've defined several
convenience functions:

  sub get_config {
      my $val = shift->r->dir_config(shift);
      return defined $val ? $val : '';
  sub config_yes { shift->get_config(shift) !~ /$YES/oi; }
  sub config_no  { shift->get_config(shift) !~ /$NO/oi; }

and replaced them as you can see in this patch:
F<code/apache_mp3_2.diff>, it was 194 lines long so I didn't inline it
here, but it was quick to create with a few regexes search-n-replace
manipulations in xemacs.

Now I have the browsing of the root I</mp3/> directory and its
sub-directories working. If I click on I<'Fetch'> of a particular song
it works too. However if I try to I<'Stream'> a song, I get a 500
response with error_log telling me:

  [Fri Jun 06 15:33:33 2003] [error] [client] Bad arg length
  for Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in, length is 31, should be 16 at
  .../5.9.0/i686-linux-thread-multi/ line 370.

It would be certainly nice for I<> to use C<Carp::carp()>
instead of C<warn()> so we will know where in the C<Apache::MP3> code
this problem was triggered. However reading the I<> manpage
reveals that C<sockaddr_in()> in the list context is the same as
calling an explicit C<unpack_sockaddr_in()>, and in the scalar context
it's calling C<pack_sockaddr_in()>. So I have found C<sockaddr_in> was
the only I<> function used in C<Apache::MP3> and I have found
this code in the function C<is_local()>:

  my $r = $self->r;
  my ($serverport,$serveraddr) = sockaddr_in($r->connection->local_addr);
  my ($remoteport,$remoteaddr) = sockaddr_in($r->connection->remote_addr);
  return $serveraddr eq $remoteaddr;

Since something is wrong with function calls
C<$r-E<gt>connection-E<gt>local_addr> and/or
C<$r-E<gt>connection-E<gt>remote_addr> and I referred to L<the
mod_perl 1.0 backward compatibility
document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat> and found L<the relevant
on these two functions. Indeed the API have changed. Instead of
returning a packed C<SOCKADDR_IN> string, Apache now returns an
C<L<APR::SockAddr|docs::2.0::api::APR::SockAddr>> object, which I can
query to get the bits of information I'm interested in. So I applied
this patch:

  --- Apache/     2003-06-06 15:36:15.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 15:56:32.000000000 +1000
  @@ -1533,10 +1533,9 @@
   # allows the player to fast forward, pause, etc.
   sub is_local {
     my $self = shift;
  -  my $r = $self->r;
  -  my ($serverport,$serveraddr) = sockaddr_in($r->connection->local_addr);
  -  my ($remoteport,$remoteaddr) = sockaddr_in($r->connection->remote_addr);
  -  return $serveraddr eq $remoteaddr;
  +  my $c = $self->r->connection;
  +  require APR::SockAddr;
  +  return $c->local_addr->ip_get eq $c->remote_addr->ip_get;
   # Check if the requesting client is on the local network, as defined by

And voila, the streaming option now works. I get a warning on I<'Use
of uninitialized value'> on line 1516 though, but again this is
unrelated to the porting issues, just a flow logic problem, which
wasn't triggered without the warnings mode turned on. I have fixed it

  --- Apache/     2003-06-06 15:57:15.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 16:04:48.000
  @@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@
     my $suppress_auth = shift;
     my $r = $self->r;
  -  my $auth_info;
  +  my $auth_info = '';
     # the check for auth_name() prevents an anno
     # the apache server log when authentication
     if ($r->auth_name && !$suppress_auth) {
  @@ -1509,10 +1509,9 @@
     my $vhost = $r->hostname;
  -  unless ($vhost) {
  -    $vhost = $r->server->server_hostname;
  -    $vhost .= ':' . $r->get_server_port unless
  -  }
  +  $vhost = $r->server->server_hostname unless
  +  $vhost .= ':' . $r->get_server_port unless $
     return "http://${auth_info}${vhost}";

This completes the first part of the porting. I have tried to use all
the visible functions of the interface and everything seemed to work
and I haven't got any warnings logged. Certainly I may have missed
some usage patterns which may be still problematic. But this is good
enough for this tutorial.

=head3 Getting Rid of the C<Apache2::compat> Dependency

The final stage is going to get rid of C<Apache2::compat> since this is
a CPAN module, which must not load C<Apache2::compat> on its own.  I'm
going to make C<Apache::MP3> work with mod_perl 2.0 all by itself.

The first step is to comment out the loading of C<Apache2::compat> in
  use lib qw(/home/httpd/2.0/perl);
  #use Apache2::compat ();

=head3 Ensuring that C<Apache2::compat> is not loaded

The second step is to make sure that C<Apache2::compat> doesn't get
loaded indirectly, through some other module. So I've added this line
of code to I<Apache/>:

  --- Apache/     2003-06-06 16:17:50.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 16:21:14.000000000 +1000
  @@ -3,2 +3,6 @@
  +BEGIN {
  +    die "Apache2::compat is loaded loaded" if $INC{'Apache2/'};
   use strict;

and indeed, even though I've commented out the loading of
C<Apache2::compat> from I<>, this module was still getting
loaded. I knew that because the request to I</mp3> were failing with
the error message:

  Apache2::compat is loaded loaded at ...

There are several ways to find the guilty party, you can C<grep(1)>
for it in the perl libraries, you can override
C<CORE::GLOBAL::require()> in I<>:

  BEGIN { 
    use Carp;
    *CORE::GLOBAL::require = sub { 
        Carp::cluck("Apache2::compat is loaded") if $_[0] =~ /compat/;

or you can modify I<Apache2/> and make it print the calls
trace when it gets compiled:

  --- Apache2/   2003-06-03 16:11:07.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache2/        2003-06-03 16:11:58.000000000 +1000
  @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
   package Apache2::compat;
  +BEGIN {
  +    use Carp;
  +    Carp::cluck("Apache2::compat is loaded by");

I've used this last technique, since it's the safest one to use.
Remember that C<Apache2::compat> can also be loaded with:

    do "Apache2/";

in which case, neither C<grep(1)>'ping for C<Apache2::compat>, nor
overriding C<require()> will do the job.

When I've restarted the server and tried to use C<Apache::MP3> (I
wasn't preloading it at the server startup since I wanted the server
to start normally and cope with problem when it's running), the
I<error_log> had an entry:

  Apache2::compat is loaded by at .../Apache2/ line 6
    Apache2::compat::BEGIN() called at .../Apache2/ line 8
    eval {...} called at .../Apache2/ line 8
    require Apache2/ called at .../5.9.0/ line 169
    require called at .../site_perl/5.9.0/Apache/ line 8
    Apache::MP3::BEGIN() called at .../Apache2/ line 8

(I've trimmed the whole paths of the libraries and the trace itself,
to make it easier to understand.)

We could have used C<Carp::carp()> which would have told us only the
fact that C<Apache2::compat> was loaded by C<>, but by using
C<Carp::cluck()> we've obtained the whole stack backtrace so we also
can learn which module has loaded C<>.

Here I've learned that I had an old version of C<> (2.89) which
automatically loaded C<Apache2::compat> (which L<should be never done
modules|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::compat/Use_in_CPAN_Modules>). Once
I've upgraded C<> to version 2.93 and restarted the server,
C<Apache2::compat> wasn't getting loaded any longer.

=head3 Installing the C<ModPerl::MethodLookup> Helper

Now that C<Apache2::compat> is not loaded, I need to deal with two
issues: modules that need to be loaded and APIs that have changed.

For the second issue I'll have to refer to the L<the mod_perl 1.0
backward compatibility document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat>.

But the first issue can be easily worked out using
As explained in the section L<Using C<ModPerl::MethodLookup>
I've added the
C<L<AUTOLOAD|docs::2.0::api::ModPerl::MethodLookup/C_AUTOLOAD_>> code to
my I<> so it'll automatically lookup the packages that I
need to load based on the request method and the object type.

So now my I<> looked like:
  use lib qw(/home/httpd/2.0/perl);
    package ModPerl::MethodLookupAuto;
    use ModPerl::MethodLookup;
    use Carp;
    sub handler {
        # look inside mod_perl:: Apache2:: APR:: ModPerl:: excluding DESTROY
        my $skip = '^(?!DESTROY$';
        *UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
            return if $method =~ /DESTROY/;
            my ($hint, @modules) =
                ModPerl::MethodLookup::lookup_method($method, @_);
            $hint ||= "Can't find method $AUTOLOAD";
            croak $hint;
        return 0;

and I add to my I<httpd.conf>:

  PerlChildInitHandler ModPerl::MethodLookupAuto

=head3 Adjusting the code to run under mod_perl 2

I restart the server and off I go to complete the second porting

The first error that I've received was:

  [Fri Jun 06 16:28:32 2003] [error] failed to resolve handler `Apache::MP3'
  [Fri Jun 06 16:28:32 2003] [error] [client] Can't locate
  object method "boot" via package "mod_perl" at .../Apache/
  line 8. Compilation failed in require at .../Apache/ line 12.

I go to line 12 and find the following code:

  use Apache::Constants qw(:common REDIRECT HTTP_NO_CONTENT
                           DIR_MAGIC_TYPE HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED);

Notice that I did have mod_perl 1.0 installed, so the
C<Apache::Constant> module from mod_perl 1.0 couldn't find the
C<boot()> method which doesn't exist in mod_perl 2.0. If you don't
have mod_perl 1.0 installed the error would simply say, that it can't
find I<Apache/> in C<@INC>. In any case, we are going to
replace this code with mod_perl 2.0 equivalent:

  --- Apache/     2003-06-06 16:33:05.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 17:03:43.000000000 +1000
  @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
   use warnings;
   no warnings 'redefine';  # XXX: remove when done with porting
  +use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:common REDIRECT HTTP_NO_CONTENT
  +                                 DIR_MAGIC_TYPE HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED);
   use Apache::MP3::L10N;
   use IO::File;
   use Socket 'sockaddr_in';

and I also had to adjust the constants, since what used to be C<OK>,
now has to be C<Apache2::Const::OK>, mainly because in mod_perl 2.0 there is
an enormous amount of constants (coming from Apache and APR) and most
of them are grouped in C<Apache2::> or C<APR::> namespaces. The
C<L<Apache2::Const|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Const>> and
C<L<APR::Const|docs::2.0::api::APR::Const>> manpage provide more
information on available constants.

This search and replace accomplished the job:

  % perl -pi -e 's/return\s(OK|DECLINED|FORBIDDEN| \
    HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED)/return Apache2::$1/xg' Apache/

As you can see the regex explicitly lists all constants that were used
in C<Apache::MP3>. Your situation may vary. Here is the patch:

I had to manually fix the C<DIR_MAGIC_TYPE> constant which didn't fit
the regex pattern:

  --- Apache/     2003-06-06 17:24:33.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 17:26:29.000000000 +1000
  @@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@
       my $mime = $self->r->lookup_file("$dir/$d")->content_type;
  -    push(@directories,$d) if !$seen{$d}++ && $mime eq DIR_MAGIC_TYPE;
  +    push(@directories,$d) if !$seen{$d}++ && $mime eq Apache2::Const::DIR_MAGIC_TYPE;
       # .m3u files should be configured as audio/playlist MIME types in your apache .conf file
       push(@playlists,$d) if $mime =~ m!^audio/(playlist|x-mpegurl|mpegurl|x-scpls)$!;

And I move on, the next error is:

  [Fri Jun 06 17:28:00 2003] [error] [client]
  Can't locate object method "header_in" via package 
  "Apache2::RequestRec" at .../Apache2/ line 85.

The L<porting document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat> quickly
me that C<header_in()> and its brothers C<header_out()> and
C<err_header_out()> are R.I.P. and that I have to use the
corresponding functions C<headers_in()>, C<headers_out()> and
C<err_headers_out()> which are available in mod_perl 1.0 API as well.

So I adjust the code to use the new API:

  % perl -pi -e 's|header_in\((.*?)\)|headers_in->{$1}|g' Apache/
  % perl -pi -e 's|header_out\((.*?)\s*=>\s*(.*?)\);|headers_out->{$1} = $2;|g' Apache/

which results in this patch: F<code/apache_mp3_9.diff>.

On the next error C<L<ModPerl::MethodLookup's
AUTOLOAD|docs::2.0::api::ModPerl::MethodLookup/AUTOLOAD>> kicks in. 
Instead of complaining:

  [Fri Jun 06 18:35:53 2003] [error] [client] 
  Can't locate object method "FETCH" via package "APR::Table" 
  at .../Apache/ line 85.

I now get:

  [Fri Jun 06 18:36:35 2003] [error] [client] 
  to use method 'FETCH' add:
        use APR::Table ();
  at .../Apache/ line 85

So I follow the suggestion and load C<APR::Table()>:

  --- Apache/    2003-06-06 17:57:54.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 18:37:33.000000000 +1000
  @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
   use warnings;
   no warnings 'redefine';  # XXX: remove when done with porting
  +use APR::Table ();
   use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:common REDIRECT HTTP_NO_CONTENT
                                    DIR_MAGIC_TYPE HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED);

I continue issuing the request and adding the missing modules again
and again till I get no more complaints. During this process I've
added the following modules:

  --- Apache/    2003-06-06 18:38:47.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 18:39:10.000000000 +1000
  @@ -9,6 +9,14 @@
   use warnings;
   no warnings 'redefine';  # XXX: remove when done with porting
  +use Apache2::Connection ();
  +use Apache2::SubRequest ();
  +use Apache2::Access ();
  +use Apache2::RequestIO ();
  +use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  +use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  +use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
  +use Apache2::Log;
   use APR::Table ();
   use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:common REDIRECT HTTP_NO_CONTENT

The AUTOLOAD code helped me to trace the modules that contain the
existing APIs, however I still have to deal with APIs that no longer
exist. Rightfully the helper code says that it doesn't know which
module defines the method: C<send_http_header()> because it no longer
exists in Apache 2.0 vocabulary:

  [Fri Jun 06 18:40:34 2003] [error] [client] 
  Don't know anything about method 'send_http_header'
  at .../Apache/ line 498

So I go back to the L<porting
document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat> and find the L<relevant 
In 2.0 lingo, we just need to set the C<content_type()>:

  --- Apache/    2003-06-06 18:43:42.000000000 +1000
  +++ Apache/       2003-06-06 18:51:23.000000000 +1000
  @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
   sub help_screen {
     my $self = shift;
  -  $self->r->send_http_header( $self->html_content_type );
  +  $self->r->content_type( $self->html_content_type );
     return Apache2::Const::OK if $self->r->header_only;
     print start_html(
  @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
     my $r = $self->r;
     my $base = $self->stream_base;
  -  $r->send_http_header('audio/mpegurl');
  +  $r->content_type('audio/mpegurl');
     return Apache2::Const::OK if $r->header_only;
     # local user
  @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
     return Apache2::Const::DECLINED unless my ($directories,$mp3s,$playlists,$txtfiles)
       = $self->read_directory($dir);
  -  $self->r->send_http_header( $self->html_content_type );
  +  $self->r->content_type( $self->html_content_type );
     return Apache2::Const::OK if $self->r->header_only;

also I've noticed that there was this code:

  return Apache2::Const::OK if $self->r->header_only;

This technique is no longer needed in 2.0, since Apache 2.0
automatically discards the body if the request is of type C<HEAD> --
the handler should still deliver the whole body, which helps to
calculate the content-length if this is relevant to play nicer with
proxies. So you may decide not to make a special case for C<HEAD>

At this point I was able to browse the directories and play files via
most options without relying on C<Apache2::compat>.

There were a few other APIs that I had to fix in the same way, while
trying to use the application, looking at the I<error_log> referring
to the L<porting document|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat> and
applying the suggested fixes. I'll make sure to send all these fixes
to Lincoln Stein, so the new versions will work correctly with
mod_perl 2.0. I also had to fix other C<Apache::MP3::> files, which
come as a part of the C<Apache-MP3> distribution, pretty much using
the same techniques explained here. A few extra fixes of interest in
C<Apache::MP3> were:


=item C<send_fd()>

As of this writing we don't have this function in the core, because
Apache 2.0 doesn't have it (it's in C<Apache2::compat> but implemented
in a slow way). However we may provide one in the future. Currently
one can use the function C<sendfile()> which requires a filename as an
argument and not the file descriptor. So I have fixed the code:

  -    if($r->request($r->uri)->content_type eq 'audio/x-scpls'){
  -      open(FILE,$r->filename) || return 404;
  -      $r->send_fd(\*FILE);
  -      close(FILE);
  +    if($r->content_type eq 'audio/x-scpls'){
  +      $r->sendfile($r->filename) || return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND;

=item C<log_reason>

C<log_reason> is now C<log_error>:

  -  $self->r->log_reason('Invalid parameters -- possible attempt to circumvent checks.');
  +  $r->log_error('Invalid parameters -- possible attempt to circumvent checks.')


I have found the porting process to be quite interesting, especially
since I have found several bugs in Apache 2.0 and documented a few
undocumented API changes. It was also fun, because I've got to listen
to mp3 files when I did things right, and was getting silence in my
headphones and a visual irritation in the form of I<error_log>
messages when I didn't ;)

=head1 Porting a Module to Run under both mod_perl 2.0 and mod_perl 1.0

Sometimes code needs to work with both mod_perl versions. For example
this is the case with CPAN module developers who wish to continue to
maintain a single code base, rather than supplying two separate

=head2 Making Code Conditional on Running mod_perl Version

In this case you can test for which version of mod_perl your code is
running under and act appropriately.

To continue our example above, let's say we want to support opening a
filehandle in both mod_perl 2.0 and mod_perl 1.0. Our code can make
use of the environment variable C<$ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION}>

  use mod_perl;
  use constant MP2 => ( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} and 
                        $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} >= 2 ); 
  # ...
  require Symbol if MP2;
  # ...
  my $fh = MP2 ? Symbol::gensym : Apache->gensym;
  open $fh, $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";

Some modules, like C<> may work under mod_perl and without it,
and will want to use the mod_perl 1.0 API if that's available, or
mod_perl 2.0 API otherwise. So the following idiom could be used for
this purpose.

  use constant MP_GEN => $ENV{MOD_PERL}
      ? { ( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} and 
            $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} >= 2 ) ? 2 : 1 }
      : 0;

It sets the constant C<MP_GEN> to 0 if mod_perl is not available, to 1
if running under mod_perl 1.0 and 2 for mod_perl 2.0.

Here's another way to find out the mod_perl version. In the server
configuration file you can use a special configuration "define" symbol
C<MODPERL2>, which is magically enabled internally, as if the server
had been started with C<-DMODPERL2>.

  # in httpd.conf
  <IfDefine MODPERL2>
      # 2.0 configuration
  <IfDefine !MODPERL2>
      # else

From within Perl code this can be tested with
C<Apache2::exists_config_define()>. For example, we can use this method
to decide whether or not to call C<$r-E<gt>send_http_header()>, which
no longer exists in mod_perl 2.0:

  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      $r->send_http_header() unless Apache2::exists_config_define("MODPERL2");

Relevant links to other places in the porting documents:


=item *

L<mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0 Constants Coexistence|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat/mod_perl_1_0_and_2_0_Constants_Coexistence>


=head2 Method Handlers

Method handlers in mod_perl are declared L<using the I<'method'>
attribute|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat/Method_Handlers>. However 
if you want to have the same code base for mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0
applications, whose handler has to be a method, you will need to do
the following trick:

  sub handler_mp1 ($$)     { ... }
  sub handler_mp2 : method { ... }
  *handler = MP2 ? \&handler_mp2 : \&handler_mp1;

Note that this requires at least Perl 5.6.0, the I<:method> attribute
is not supported by older Perl versions, which will fail to compile
such code.

Here are two complete examples. The first example implements
C<MyApache2::Method> which has a single method that works for both
mod_perl generations:

The configuration:

  PerlModule MyApache2::Method
  <Location /method>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler MyApache2::Method->handler

The code:

  package MyApache2::Method;
  # PerlModule MyApache2::Method
  # <Location /method>
  #      SetHandler perl-script
  #      PerlHandler MyApache2::Method->handler
  #  </Location>
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use mod_perl;
  use constant MP2 => ( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} and 
                        $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION >= 2 ); 
      if (MP2) {
          require Apache2::RequestRec;
          require Apache2::RequestIO;
          require Apache2::Const;
          Apache2::Const->import(-compile => 'OK');
      else {
          require Apache;
          require Apache::Constants;
  sub handler_mp1 ($$)     { &run }
  sub handler_mp2 : method { &run }
  *handler = MP2 ? \&handler_mp2 : \&handler_mp1;
  sub run {
     my ($class, $r) = @_;
     MP2 ? $r->content_type('text/plain')
         : $r->send_http_header('text/plain');
     print "$class was called\n";
     return MP2 ? Apache2::Const::OK : Apache::Constants::OK;

Here are two complete examples. The second example implements
C<MyApache2::Method2>, which is very similar to C<MyApache2::Method>,
but uses separate methods for mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0 servers.

The configuration is the same:

  PerlModule MyApache2::Method2
  <Location /method2>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler MyApache2::Method2->handler

The code:

  package MyApache2::Method2;
  # PerlModule MyApache2::Method
  # <Location /method>
  #      SetHandler perl-script
  #      PerlHandler MyApache2::Method->handler
  #  </Location>
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use mod_perl;
  use constant MP2 => ( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} and 
                        $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION >= 2 ); 
      warn "running $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION}\n";
      if (MP2) {
          require Apache2::RequestRec;
          require Apache2::RequestIO;
          require Apache2::Const;
          Apache2::Const->import(-compile => 'OK');
      else {
          require Apache;
          require Apache::Constants;
  sub handler_mp1 ($$)     { &mp1 }
  sub handler_mp2 : method { &mp2 }
  *handler = MP2 ? \&handler_mp2 : \&handler_mp1;
  sub mp1 {
     my ($class, $r) = @_;
     $r->print("mp1: $class was called\n");
     return Apache::Constants::OK();
  sub mp2 {
      my ($class, $r) = @_;
      $r->print("mp2: $class was called\n");
      return Apache2::Const::OK();

Assuming that mod_perl 1.0 is listening on port 8001 and mod_perl 2.0
on 8002, we get the following results:

  % lynx --source http://localhost:8001/method
  MyApache2::Method was called

  % lynx --source http://localhost:8001/method2
  mp1: MyApache2::Method2 was called

  % lynx --source http://localhost:8002/method
  MyApache2::Method was called

  % lynx --source http://localhost:8002/method2
  mp2: MyApache2::Method2 was called

=head1 The Conflict of mp1 vs mp2 vs mp22 vs ... vs mpNN

META: should something be said here?

=head2 Distributors

Distributors should mark the different generations of mod_perl core as
conflicting, so only one version can be installed using the binary
package. Users requiring more than one installation should do a manual

In order to have any of the 3rd party modperl modules installed users
need to have the correct modperl package installed. So there is no
need to mark the 3rd party modules as conflicting, since their most
important prerequisite (the modperl-core) is already handling that.

Of course packagers can decide to make the two generation packages as
non-conflicting, by building all mp2 core and 3rd party modules into
F<Apache2/> subdir, in which case the two will always co-exist. But
this is not the most logical approach since 99% of users will want
only one generation of mod_perl core and 3rd party modules.

=head1 Maintainers

Maintainer is the person(s) you should contact with updates,
corrections and patches.

Stas Bekman []

=head1 Authors


=item *

Nick Tonkin E<lt>nick (at) tonkinresolutions.comE<gt>

=item *

Stas Bekman []


Only the major authors are listed above. For contributors see the
Changes file.
