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  <div class="section" id="module-netrc">
<span id="netrc-netrc-file-processing"></span><h1>13.3. <a class="reference internal" href="#module-netrc" title="netrc: Loading of .netrc files."><tt class="xref py py-mod docutils literal"><span class="pre">netrc</span></tt></a> &#8212; netrc file processing<a class="headerlink" href="#module-netrc" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p><strong>Source code:</strong> <a class="reference external" href="">Lib/</a></p>
<hr class="docutils" />
<p>The <a class="reference internal" href="#module-netrc" title="netrc: Loading of .netrc files."><tt class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">netrc</span></tt></a> class parses and encapsulates the netrc file format used by
the Unix <strong class="program">ftp</strong> program and other FTP clients.</p>
<dl class="class">
<dt id="netrc.netrc">
<em class="property">class </em><tt class="descclassname">netrc.</tt><tt class="descname">netrc</tt><big>(</big><span class="optional">[</span><em>file</em><span class="optional">]</span><big>)</big><a class="headerlink" href="#netrc.netrc" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
<dd><p>A <a class="reference internal" href="#module-netrc" title="netrc: Loading of .netrc files."><tt class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">netrc</span></tt></a> instance or subclass instance encapsulates data from  a netrc
file.  The initialization argument, if present, specifies the file to parse.  If
no argument is given, the file <tt class="file docutils literal"><span class="pre">.netrc</span></tt> in the user&#8217;s home directory will
be read.  Parse errors will raise <a class="reference internal" href="#netrc.NetrcParseError" title="netrc.NetrcParseError"><tt class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">NetrcParseError</span></tt></a> with diagnostic
information including the file name, line number, and terminating token.</p>

<dl class="exception">
<dt id="netrc.NetrcParseError">
<em class="property">exception </em><tt class="descclassname">netrc.</tt><tt class="descname">NetrcParseError</tt><a class="headerlink" href="#netrc.NetrcParseError" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
<dd><p>Exception raised by the <a class="reference internal" href="#module-netrc" title="netrc: Loading of .netrc files."><tt class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">netrc</span></tt></a> class when syntactical errors are
encountered in source text.  Instances of this exception provide three
interesting attributes:  <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">msg</span></tt> is a textual explanation of the error,
<tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">filename</span></tt> is the name of the source file, and <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">lineno</span></tt> gives the
line number on which the error was found.</p>

<div class="section" id="netrc-objects">
<span id="id1"></span><h2>13.3.1. netrc Objects<a class="headerlink" href="#netrc-objects" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>A <a class="reference internal" href="#module-netrc" title="netrc: Loading of .netrc files."><tt class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">netrc</span></tt></a> instance has the following methods:</p>
<dl class="method">
<dt id="netrc.netrc.authenticators">
<tt class="descclassname">netrc.</tt><tt class="descname">authenticators</tt><big>(</big><em>host</em><big>)</big><a class="headerlink" href="#netrc.netrc.authenticators" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
<dd><p>Return a 3-tuple <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">(login,</span> <span class="pre">account,</span> <span class="pre">password)</span></tt> of authenticators for <em>host</em>.
If the netrc file did not contain an entry for the given host, return the tuple
associated with the &#8216;default&#8217; entry.  If neither matching host nor default entry
is available, return <tt class="xref docutils literal"><span class="pre">None</span></tt>.</p>

<dl class="method">
<dt id="netrc.netrc.__repr__">
<tt class="descclassname">netrc.</tt><tt class="descname">__repr__</tt><big>(</big><big>)</big><a class="headerlink" href="#netrc.netrc.__repr__" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
<dd><p>Dump the class data as a string in the format of a netrc file. (This discards
comments and may reorder the entries.)</p>

<p>Instances of <a class="reference internal" href="#module-netrc" title="netrc: Loading of .netrc files."><tt class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">netrc</span></tt></a> have public instance variables:</p>
<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="netrc.netrc.hosts">
<tt class="descclassname">netrc.</tt><tt class="descname">hosts</tt><a class="headerlink" href="#netrc.netrc.hosts" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
<dd><p>Dictionary mapping host names to <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">(login,</span> <span class="pre">account,</span> <span class="pre">password)</span></tt> tuples.  The
&#8216;default&#8217; entry, if any, is represented as a pseudo-host by that name.</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="netrc.netrc.macros">
<tt class="descclassname">netrc.</tt><tt class="descname">macros</tt><a class="headerlink" href="#netrc.netrc.macros" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
<dd><p>Dictionary mapping macro names to string lists.</p>

<div class="admonition note">
<p class="first admonition-title">Note</p>
<p class="last">Passwords are limited to a subset of the ASCII character set.  All ASCII
punctuation is allowed in passwords, however, note that whitespace and
non-printable characters are not allowed in passwords.  This is a limitation
of the way the .netrc file is parsed and may be removed in the future.</p>

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<li><a class="reference internal" href="#netrc-objects">13.3.1. netrc Objects</a></li>

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