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<!-- $Id: mod_shaper.html,v 1.2 2009/04/28 22:24:25 castaglia Exp $ -->
<!-- $Source: /cvsroot/proftp/proftpd/doc/contrib/mod_shaper.html,v $ -->

<title>ProFTPD module mod_shaper</title>

<body bgcolor=white>

<h2><b>ProFTPD module <code>mod_shaper</code></b></h2>

The <code>mod_shaper</code> module is designed to split overall rates, both
download and upload, for the <code>proftpd</code> daemon among all connected
FTP clients, shaping each session to use only a portion of the overall rate.
<code>mod_shaper</code> shapes both <i>transmitted</i> traffic,
<i>e.g.</i> bits being downloaded via the <code>RETR</code> command, and
<i>received</i> traffic, <i>e.g.</i> bits being uploaded via the
<code>APPE</code>, <code>STOR</code>, and <code>STOU</code> commands.

This module is contained in the <code>mod_shaper.c</code> file for
ProFTPD 1.2.<i>x</i>/1.3.<i>x</i>, and is not compiled by default.
Installation instructions are discussed <a href="#Installation">here</a>.
Detailed documentation on <code>mod_shaper</code> usage can be found
<a href="#Usage">here</a>.

The most current version of <code>mod_shaper</code> is distributed with the
ProFTPD source code.

Please contact TJ Saunders &lt;tj <i>at</i>; with any
questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.

  <li><a href="#ShaperAll">ShaperAll</a>
  <li><a href="#ShaperControlsACLs">ShaperControlsACLs</a>
  <li><a href="#ShaperEngine">ShaperEngine</a>
  <li><a href="#ShaperLog">ShaperLog</a>
  <li><a href="#ShaperSession">ShaperSession</a>
  <li><a href="#ShaperTable">ShaperTable</a>

<h2>Control Actions</h2>
  <li><a href="#shaper_all"><code>shaper all</code></a>
  <li><a href="#shaper_info"><code>shaper info</code></a>
  <li><a href="#shaper_sess"><code>shaper sess</code></a>

<h3><a name="ShaperAll">ShaperAll</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ShaperAll <em>[&quot;priority&quot; num] [&quot;rate&quot; num] [&quot;downrate&quot; num] [&quot;uprate&quot; num] [&quot;shares&quot; num] [&quot;downshares&quot; num] [&quot;upshares&quot; num]</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> ShaperAll priority 10 rate -1.0 shares 5<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_shaper<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later

The <code>ShaperAll</code> directive is used to configure the overall
<code>mod_shaper</code> settings: the rate for the entire daemon, the
default shares for shaped sessions, and the default priority for shaped
sessions.  If specified, the <em>priority</em> cannot be a negative number,
the <em>rates</em> are in KB/s and must be greater than zero, and the
<em>shares</em> must be greater than one.  For configuring the priority and
shares for individual sessions, use the <code>ShaperSession</code> directive.

The <em>rate</em> parameter sets both the <em>downrate</em> (<i>i.e.</i>
download rate <b>from</b> the server) and the <em>uprate</em> (<i>i.e.</i> the
upload rate <b>to</b> the server) at the same time.  Use <em>downrate</em> and
<em>uprate</em> if you wish to configure different rates for downloads and
uploads.  Similarly, the <em>shares</em> parameter sets both
<em>downshares</em> and <em>upshares</em>.

The default <em>rate</em> is -1.0, which means that in order for
<code>mod_shaper</code> to function properly, a rate, either <em>rate</em>,
<em>downrate</em> or <em>uprate</em>, <b>must</b> be specified.
The default shares setting is 5, the default priority is 10.

  # Change the overall daemon rate to 100 KB/s
  ShaperAll rate 100

  # Give 20 shares to each session by default, and have an overall rate of 1000
  ShaperAll rate 1000 shares 20

  # Have a larger number of downshares than upshares
  ShaperAll rate 1000 downshares 2000 upshares 20

  # Configure separate download and upload rates
  ShaperAll downrate 1000 uprate 500

See also: <a href="#ShaperSession"><code>ShaperSession</code></a>

<h3><a name="ShaperControlsACLs">ShaperControlsACLs</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ShaperControlsACLs <em>actions|&quot;all&quot; &quot;allow&quot;|&quot;deny&quot; &quot;user&quot;|&quot;group&quot; list</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_shaper<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later

The <code>ShaperControlsACLs</code> directive configures access lists of
<em>users</em> or <em>groups</em> who are allowed (or denied) the ability to
use the <em>actions</em> implemented by <code>mod_shaper</code>. The default
behavior is to deny everyone unless an ACL allowing access has been explicitly

If &quot;allow&quot; is used, then <em>list</em>, a comma-delimited list
of <em>users</em> or <em>groups</em>, can use the given <em>actions</em>; all
others are denied.  If &quot;deny&quot; is used, then the <em>list</em> of
<em>users</em> or <em>groups</em> cannot use <em>actions</em> all others are
allowed.  Multiple <code>ShaperControlsACLs</code> directives may be used to
configure ACLs for different control actions, and for both users and groups.

The <em>actions</em> provided by <code>mod_shaper</code> are &quot;all&quot;,
&quot;info&quot;, and &quot;sess&quot;.

  # Allow only user root to alter the overall settings
  ShaperControlsACLs all allow user root

  # Allow the ftpadm group to shape current sessions
  ShaperControlsACLs sess allow group ftpadm

  # Allow everyone but user bob to see the current shaper stats
  ShaperControlsACLs info deny user bob

<h3><a name="ShaperEngine">ShaperEngine</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ShaperEngine <em>on|off</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> off<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_shaper<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later

The <code>ShaperEngine</code> directive enables or disables the
&quot;shaping&quot; of sessions by <code>mod_shaper</code>.  If it is set to
<em>off</em> this module does no shaping of transmitted traffic. Use this
directive to disable the module instead of commenting out all
<code>mod_shaper</code> directives.

<h3><a name="ShaperLog">ShaperLog</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ShaperLog <em>path|&quot;none&quot;</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_shaper<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later

The <code>ShaperLog</code> directive is used to a specify a log file for
<code>mod_shaper</code> reporting and debugging. The <em>path</em> parameter
must be the full path to the file to use for logging.  Note that this path must
<b>not</b> be to a world-writeable directory and, unless
<code>AllowLogSymlinks</code> is explicitly set to <em>on</em>
(generally a bad idea), the path must <b>not</b> be a symbolic link.

If <em>path</em> is &quot;none&quot;, no logging will be done at all.

<h3><a name="ShaperSession">ShaperSession</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ShaperSession <em>[&quot;priority&quot; num] [&quot;shares&quot; +|-num] [&quot;downshares&quot; +|-num] [&quot;upshares&quot; +|-num]</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> ShaperSession priority 10<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Anonymous&gt;</code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_shaper<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later

The <code>ShaperSession</code> directive is used to set shaping data on a
per-session basis.  It is intended to be used within <code>mod_ifsession</code>
conditional configuration blocks.  If used, the <em>priority</em> must not
be a negative number.  The <em>shares</em> parameters must start with '+' or
'-'; these values <i>adjust</i> the default numbers of shares allotted to a
session, increasing or reducing the sessions's shares.  The
<code>ShaperAll</code> directive is used for configuring overall shaping

The <em>shares</em> parameter sets both the <em>downshares</em> (<i>i.e.</i>
shares of the download rate) and the <em>upshares</em> (<i>i.e.</i> shares of
the upload rate) at the same time.  Use <em>downshares</em> and
<em>upshares</em> if you wish to configure different shares for downloads and
uploads for the session.

  # Reward my friends
  ShaperSession shares +2

  # Punish my enemies
  ShaperSession shares -4

  # Allow for finer control over downloads by allocating more download
  # shares than upload shares for this session
  ShaperSession downshares +3 upshares -1

  # Let &lt;Directory&gt;-level TransferRate directives take priority
  ShaperSession priority 3

See also: <a href="#ShaperAll"><code>ShaperAll</code></a>

<h3><a name="ShaperTable">ShaperTable</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ShaperTable <em>path</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_shaper<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later

The <code>ShaperTable</code> directive configures a <em>path</em> to a file
that <code>mod_shaper</code> uses for storing its shaping data.  The given
<em>path</em> must be an absolute path.  <b>Note</b>: this directive is
<b>required</b> for <code>mod_shaper</code> to function.

<h2>Control Actions</h2>

<h3><a name="shaper_all"><code>shaper all</code></a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ftpdctl shaper all <em>[priority num] [rate num] [downrate num] [uprate num] [shares num] [downshares num] [upshares num]</em><br>
<strong>Purpose:</strong> Alter overall mod_shaper settings<br>

The <code>shaper all</code> action is used to change the overall
<code>mod_shaper</code> settings on-the-fly.  If specified, the
<em>priority</em> cannot be a negative number, the <em>rates</em> are in KB/s
and must be greater than zero, and the <em>shares</em> must be greater than
one.  For changing the priority and shares for individual sessions, use the
<code>shaper sess</code> control action.

The <em>rate</em> parameter sets both the <em>downrate</em> (<i>i.e.</i>
download rate <b>from</b> the server) and the <em>uprate</em> (<i>i.e.</i> the
upload rate <b>to</b> the server) at the same time.  Use <em>downrate</em> and
<em>uprate</em> if you wish to configure different rates for downloads and
uploads.  Similarly, the <em>shares</em> parameter sets both
<em>downshares</em> and <em>upshares</em>.

For example, to set the overall rate for the entire daemon to be 2000 KB/s:
  ftpdctl shaper all rate 2000
To give every session 10 shares, both downshares and upshares, by default:
  ftpdctl shaper all shares 10
To set the default priority for sessions:
  ftpdctl shaper all priority 3
Note that multiple parameters can also be used simultaneously:
  ftpdctl shaper all rate 2000 shares 10 priority 3

See also: <a href="#shaper_sess"><code>shaper sess</code></a>

<h3><a name="shaper_info"><code>shaper info</code></a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ftpdctl shaper info<br>
<strong>Purpose:</strong> Print information about current shaped sessions<br>

The <code>shaper info</code> control action can be used to view information
on currently shaped sessions.  This includes the current overall rate, the
default number of shares per session, and the total number of currently
shaped sessions.  It also lists the following for each shaped session:
process ID (PID), priority, downshare (&quot;D&quot;) and upshare
(&quot;U&quot;) adjustments, and session downrate and uprate.

Example listing:
  # ftpdctl shaper info
  ftpdctl: Overall Rates: 1000.00 KB/s down, 500.00 KB/s up
  ftpdctl: Default Shares Per Session: 10 down, 10 up
  ftpdctl: Default Priority: 2
  ftpdctl: Number of Shaped Sessions: 2
  ftpdctl: PID   Priority DShares        DRate (KB/s) UShares        URate (KB/s)
  ftpdctl: ----- -------- -------------- ------------ -------------- ------------
  ftpdctl: 21750        2     12/24 (+2)       500.00      7/14 (-3)       250.00
  ftpdctl: 21753        2     12/24 (+2)       500.00      7/14 (-3)       250.00

The &quot;DShares&quot; and &quot;UShares&quot; columns are formatted as:
  shares<sub>session</sub>/shares<sub>total</sub> (<i>+|-</i>shares<sub>adjust</sub>)
The <code>+2</code> and <code>-3</code> in the listing above is due to a
<code>ShaperSession</code> affecting these sessions:
  ShaperSession downshares +2 upshares -3

<h3><a name="shaper_sess"><code>shaper sess</code></a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ftpdctl shaper sess <em>class|host|user name [priority num] [shares +|-num]</em><br>
<strong>Purpose:</strong> Alter specific session's mod_shaper settings<br>

The <code>shaper sess</code> action is used to change session-specific shaping
data on-the-fly.  If given, the <em>priority</em> must not be a
negative number.  The <em>shares</em> parameters must start with '+' or '-';
these values adjust the default numbers of shares allotted to a session,
increasing or reducing the sessions's shares.

The <em>shares</em> parameter sets both the <em>downshares</em> (<i>i.e.</i>
shares of the download rate) and the <em>upshares</em> (<i>i.e.</i> shares of
the upload rate) at the same time.  Use <em>downshares</em> and
<em>upshares</em> if you wish to configure different shares for downloads and
uploads for the session.  

This example gives user <code>alex</code> an additional 10 shares:
  ftpdctl shaper sess user alex shares +10
The following sets the priority for host <code></code> such
that <code>TransferRate</code> directives in <code>&lt;Anonymous&gt;</code>
sections, <code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code> sections and <code>.ftpacccess</code>
files have precedence (see the <a href="#Usage">usage</a> instructions for
more details on priority):
  ftpdctl shaper sess host priority 2
One can even change the settings on entire Classes of sessions:
  ftpdctl shaper sess class proxy downshares -3 priority 1

See also: <a href="#shaper_all"><code>shaper all</code></a>

<h2><a name="Installation">Installation</a></h2>
To install <code>mod_shaper</code>, copy the <code>mod_shaper.c</code> file
after unpacking the latest proftpd-1.2.<i>x</i> or proftpd-1.3.<i>x</i> source
code.  Then follow the usual steps for using third-party modules in proftpd,
making sure to include the <code>--enable-ctrls</code> configure option,
which <code>mod_shaper</code> requires:
  ./configure --enable-ctrls --with-modules=mod_shaper
  make install

<h2><a name="Usage">Usage</a></h2>

The <code>ShaperTable</code> is used to hold overall rates, both download
and upload, for the entire daemon, the default number of shares and the
default priority for each session.  Then there is a list of shaping data for
each particular session.  To determine the portion of the overall rate that a
session gets, <code>mod_shaper</code> calculates the total number of shares,
and divides the overall rate by the total number of shares, resulting in a
rate-per-share value:
  rate<sub>total</sub> / shares<sub>total</sub> = rate<sub>share</sub>
The rate for a session is then the rate-per-share multiplied by the number
of shares for that session:
  rate<sub>share</sub> * shares<sub>session</sub> = rate<sub>session</sub>
Whenever a session starts or ends, <code>mod_shaper</code> recalculates the
total number of shares and each session's rate, thus always adjusting values
for each session so that the total of the session transfer rates never
exceeds the overall <code>mod_shaper</code> rate.  This means that
<code>mod_shaper</code> divides the overall rate among <b>all</b> sessions
(unless exempted), not just those sessions that are currently transferring
files.  Only if all shaped sessions are transferring data simultaneously will
the overall rates be reached.  Note that this calculation is performed
separately for downloads and for uploads; sessions can have different shares
of the download and upload rates.

Also, the transfer rate is calculated at the start of each transfer; the core
<code>proftpd</code> engine does not recalculate the rate <i>during</i>
the data transfer.  This means, for example, that if a session gets 100 KB/s
and starts a transfer, then a second session begins and gets 50 KB/s, the first
session's transfer will continue to get 100 KB/s, until that transfer ends.
The next transfer started by the first session would then get 50 KB/s, just
like the second session.

By default, <code>mod_shaper</code> allots 5 shares for every session.
Increasing the default number of shares for a session (using the
<code>ShaperAll</code> configuration directive or the <code>shaper all</code>
control action) does <b>not</b> increase the rate used by every session.  If
every session has the same number of shares, then the overall rate is divided
evenly among the sessions; a higher default shares value results in a smaller
rate-per-share value.

What is the benefit of increasing the default shares setting, then?  It
allows for finer-grained tuning of shaped sessions, using the
<code>ShaperSession</code> directive and the <code>shaper sess</code>
control actions.  An example: given an overall rate of 100 KB/s, a default
shares of 1, and 4 sessions, the rate-per-share will be 25 KB/s
(100 / 4 = 25), and since each session has 1 share, the download rate for
each session is 25 KB/s.  Now, what if you want to change these setting
on-the-fly, allow one of the sessions a higher transfer rate, and reduce the
transfer rate for another session?  You could add another share to the session
for user <code>dave</code>:
  ftpdctl sess user dave shares +1
After this, the rate-per-share is 20 KB/s. The session belonging to user
<code>dave</code> now has 2 shares, which means it has a download rate of
40 KB/s; the other sessions now have download rates of 20 KB/s.  What about
reducing the rate for one of the other sessions, one belonging to user
 <code>anonymous</code>?  One might think that:
  ftpdctl sess user ftp shares -1
would work.  It will not.  You cannot reduce the number of shares for a
given session below 1.  <code>mod_shaper</code> rules do not allow this.
However, if the default shares setting was higher, like 5 or 10, then the
administrator would have enough shares for reducing a session's rate.  The
more default shares, the smaller the rate-per-share value, and thus the
finer control, by adding or removing smaller increments, the administrator
has over the shaped sessions.

<code>mod_shaper</code> uses the same mechanism that the standard
<code>proftpd</code> configuration directive, <code>TransferRate</code>, uses
for controlling a session's download rate.  Using the same mechanism, though, 
means that <code>mod_shaper</code> may interfere with any
<code>TransferRate</code> directives in your <code>proftpd.conf</code>.
Which takes priority, <code>mod_shaper</code> or <code>TransferRate</code>?
This is handled by assigning a <i>priority</i> to each each shaped
session.  The priority for <code>TransferRate</code> directives depends on
the configuration context in which the directive appears:
<b>TransferRate Priority</b><br>
<table border=1>
    <td align=left><i>Context</i></td>
    <td align=left><i>Priority</i></td>
    <td align=left><code>&lt;Global&gt;</code></td>
    <td align=right>1</td>
    <td align=left>server config</td>
    <td align=right>2</td>
    <td align=left><code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code></td>
    <td align=right>2</td>
    <td align=left><code>&lt;Anonymous&gt;</code></td>
    <td align=right>3</td>
    <td align=left><code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code></td>
    <td align=right>4</code>
    <td align=left><code>.ftpaccess</code></td>
    <td align=right>5</code>
The default priority assigned to <code>mod_shaper</code> sessions is 10.
This means that <code>mod_shaper</code> takes precedence over
<code>TransferRate</code>.  However, if the site administrator needs
<code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code>-level or <code>.ftpaccess</code>-level
<code>TransferRate</code> directives to take priority, then the
<code>ShaperSession</code> directive and <code>shaper sess</code> control
action can be used to assign a priority to shaped sessions that is lower
than that for <code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code> and <code>.ftpaccess</code>.

<b>Configuring <code>mod_shaper</code></b><br>
Now that you know how the module works, it's time to see how to construct
a <code>proftpd.conf</code> that enforces the desired shaper policy.
Configuration directives that affect the shaping of sessions have control
action equivalents, <i>i.e.</i> <a href="#ShaperAll"><code>ShaperAll</code></a>
and <a href="#shaper_all"><code>shaper all</code></a>,
<a href="#ShaperSession"><code>ShaperSession</code></a> and
<a href="#shaper_sess"><code>shaper sess</code></a>.

This example <code>mod_shaper</code> configuration uses the defaults and
shapes all sessions:
  &lt;IfModule mod_shaper.c&gt;
    ShaperEngine on
    ShaperLog /var/log/ftpd/shaper.log
    ShaperTable /var/log/ftpd/

    # An overall rate (in KB/s) <b>must</b> be set.  This line explicitly
    # sets both the download and upload rates to be the same.
    ShaperAll downrate 1500 uprate 1500

    # Allow all system users to see shaper info
    ShaperControlsACLs info allow user *

    # Allow FTP admins to alter settings both overall and per-session
    ShaperControlsACLs all,sess allow group ftpadm

To exclude some user from having their sessions shaped by
<code>mod_shaper</code>, use <code>mod_ifsession</code> for a configuration
that adds the following:
  &lt;IfModule mod_shaper.c&gt;
    &lt;IfUser lucky&gt;
      ShaperEngine off
which says &quot;If <code>mod_shaper</code> is present, and if the user logging
in is named 'lucky', then disable <code>mod_shaper</code> for this
session.&quot;  Note that sessions that are not shaped by
<code>mod_shaper</code> cannot be shaped once the user has logged in.  Normal
<code>TransferRate</code> directives will still apply to non-shaped sessions.

Similarly, you may wish to have a user that should have a greater portion
of the overall download rate available to them:
  &lt;IfModule mod_shaper.c&gt;
    &lt;IfUser lucky&gt;
      ShaperSession downshares +5
This gives user <code>lucky</code> an additional 5 shares of the download rate,
on top of the default number of shares for a session.  Users can likewise have
their default number of shares reduced, if necessary:
  &lt;IfModule mod_shaper.c&gt;
    &lt;IfGroup anonftp&gt;
      ShaperSession downshares -3
The control actions supported by <code>mod_shaper</code> can also be used,
while the daemon and sessions are running, to set the desired shaping values.


Author: <i>$Author: castaglia $</i><br>
Last Updated: <i>$Date: 2009/04/28 22:24:25 $</i><br>


<font size=2><b><i>
&copy; Copyright 2004 TJ Saunders<br>
 All Rights Reserved<br>

