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<!-- $Id: mod_rewrite.html,v 1.6 2009/03/23 02:04:31 castaglia Exp $ -->
<!-- $Source: /cvsroot/proftp/proftpd/doc/contrib/mod_rewrite.html,v $ -->

<title>ProFTPD module mod_rewrite</title>

<body bgcolor=white>

<h2><b>ProFTPD module <code>mod_rewrite</code></b></h2>

This module is contained in the <code>mod_rewrite.c</code> file for ProFTPD
1.3.<i>x</i>, and is not compiled by default.  Installation instructions are
discussed <a href="#Installation">here</a>.

The most current version of <code>mod_rewrite</code> is distributed with the
ProFTPD source code.

A discussion of the <a href="#Usage">usage</a> of this module follows.

Please contact TJ Saunders &lt;tj <i>at</i>; with any
questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.

  <li><a href="#RewriteCondition">RewriteCondition</a>
  <li><a href="#RewriteEngine">RewriteEngine</a>
  <li><a href="#RewriteLock">RewriteLock</a>
  <li><a href="#RewriteLog">RewriteLog</a>
  <li><a href="#RewriteMap">RewriteMap</a>
  <li><a href="#RewriteRule">RewriteRule</a>

<h2><a name="RewriteCondition">RewriteCondition</a></h2>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> RewriteCondition <em>condition pattern [flags]</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Anonymous&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_rewrite<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.6rc1 and later

The <code>RewriteCondition</code> directive defines a rule condition. Precede a
<a href="#RewriteRule"><code>RewriteRule</code></a> directive with one or more
<code>RewriteCondition</code> directives. The following rewriting rule is only
used if its pattern matches the current state of the FTP command <em>and</em>
if these additional conditions apply too.

<em>Condition</em> is a string which can contain the following expanded
constructs in addition to plain text:
  <li><b><code>RewriteRule</code> backreferences</b><br>
    These are backreferences of the form:
    (0 &lt;= <em>N</em> &lt;= 9) which provide access to the grouped parts
    (parentheses!) of the pattern from the corresponding
    <code>RewriteRule</code> directive (the one following the current bunch of
    <code>RewriteCondition</code> directives).  Note that <em>$0</em> will
    refer back to the entire original string being matched.

    Use an extra <code>$</code> character to escape a sequence which
    <i>looks</i> like a <code>RewriteRule</code> backreference, <i>e.g.</i>

  <li><b><code>RewriteCondition</code> backreferences</b><br>
    These are backreferences of the form:
    (0 &lt;= <em>N</em> &lt;= 9) which provide access to the grouped parts
    (parentheses!) of the pattern from the previous
    <code>RewriteCondition</code> attached to this <code>RewriteRule</code>.

    Use an extra <code>%</code> character to escape a sequence which
    <i>looks</i> like a <code>RewriteCondition</code> backreference, <i>e.g.</i>

  <li><b><code>RewriteMap</code> expansions:</b><br>
     These are expansions of the form:
     See the documentation for <a href="#RewriteMap"><code>RewriteMap</code></a>
     for more details. 

  <li><b>Variable substitutions:</b><br>
    These are substitutions of the form:
   <b>%a</b>   client IP address
   <b>%c</b>   name of Class for current session
   <b>%f</b>   filename
   <b>%F</b>   transfer path, as seen by the client (only useful for upload/download commands)
   <b>%g</b>   primary group of authenticated user
   <b>%G</b>   supplemental groups of authenticated user
   <b>%h</b>   client DNS name
   <b>%m</b>   FTP command
   <b>%p</b>   port of server handling the session
   <b>%u</b>   name of authenticated user
   <b>%U</b>   name of user sent by client via <code>USER</code>
   <b>%v</b>   <code>ServerName</code> of server handling the session

  <li><b>Environment Variable substitutions:</b><br>
    These are substitutions of the form:
    If the <em>variable-name</em> environment variable is not present,
    it will be substituted with the empty string.

<em>Pattern</em> is the condition pattern, <i>i.e.</i>, a regular expression
which is applied to the current instance of the <em>condition</em>,
<i>i.e.</i>, <em>condition</em> is evaluated and then matched against
<em>pattern</em>.  You can prefix the <em>pattern</em> string with a '!'
character (exclamation mark) to specify a non-matching pattern.

The <em>pattern</em> can also be one of these special variants:
  <li><code>&lt;</code><em>pattern</em> (is lexically lower)<br>
      Treats the <em>pattern</em> as a plain string and compares it lexically
      to <em>condition</em>. True if <em>condition</em> is lexically lower
      than <em>pattern</em>

  <li><code>&gt;</code><em>pattern</em> (is lexically greater)<br>
      Treats the <em>pattern</em> as a plain string and compares it lexically
      to <em>condition</em>. True if <em>condition</em> is lexically greater
      than <em>pattern</em>

  <li><code>=</code><em>pattern</em> (is lexically equal)<br>
      Treats the <em>pattern</em> as a plain string and compares it lexically
      to <em>condition</em>. True if <em>condition</em> is lexically equal to
      <em>pattern</em>, <i>i.e.</i> the two strings are exactly equal
      (character by character). If <em>pattern</em> is just &quot;&quot; (two
      quotation marks) this compares <em>condition</em> to the empty string

  <li><code>-d</code> (is directory)<br>
      Treats the <em>condition</em> as a pathname and tests if it exists and
      is a directory

  <li><code>-f</code> (is regular file)<br>
      Treats the <em>condition</em> as a pathname and tests if it exists and
      is a regular file

  <li><code>-s</code> (is regular file with size)<br>
      Treats the <em>condition</em> as a pathname and tests if it exists and
      is a regular file with size greater than zero

  <li><code>-l</code> (is symbolic link)<br>
      Treats the <em>condition</em> as a pathname and tests if it exists and
      is a symbolic link
Notice: All of these variants can also be prefixed by an exclamation mark
('!') to negate their meaning.

<em>Flags</em>, if present, modify how this <code>RewriteCondition</code> is
evaluated.  Supported flags are:
  <li><b>nocase|NC</b> (<b>n</b>o <b>c</b>ase)<br>
      This makes the <em>pattern</em> case-insensitive, <i>i.e.</i> there is
      no difference between 'A-Z' and 'a-z' when <em>pattern</em> is matched
      against the <em>condition</em>

  <li><b>ornext|OR</b> (<b>or</b> next condition)<br>
      Use this to combine rule conditions with a logical <coe>OR</code>
      instead of the implicit <code>AND</code>. Typical example:
    RewriteCondition %h  ^host1.*  [OR]
    RewriteCondition %h  ^host2.*  [OR]
    RewriteCondition %h  ^host3.*
    RewriteRule <i>...some special stuff for any of these hosts...</i>
     Without this flag you would have to write the condition/rule combination
     three times.

<h2><a name="RewriteEngine">RewriteEngine</a></h2>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> RewriteEngine <em>on|off</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> off<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_rewrite<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.6rc1 and later

The <code>RewriteEngine</code> directive enables or disables the module's
runtime rewriting engine.  If it is set to <em>off</em> this module does no
parsing or rewriting at all. Use this directive to disable the module instead
of commenting out all <code>mod_rewrite</code> directives.

<h2><a name="RewriteLock">RewriteLock</a></h2>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> RewriteLock <em>file</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_rewrite<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.6rc1 and later

The <code>RewriteLock</code> directive sets the filename for a synchronization
lockfile which <code>mod_rewrite</code> needs to communicate with
<code>RewriteMap</code>s of type <i>fifo</i>. Set <em>file</em> to a local
absolute path (not on a NFS-mounted device) when you want to use a rewriting
FIFO. It is not required for other types of rewriting maps.

<h2><a name="RewriteLog">RewriteLog</a></h2>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> RewriteLog <em>file|&quot;none&quot;</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_rewrite<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.6rc1 and later

The <code>RewriteLog</code> directive is used to a specify a log file for
<code>mod_rewrite</code> reporting and debugging, and can be done a per-server
basis.  The <em>file</em> parameter must be the full path to the file to use for
logging.  Note that this path must <b>not</b> be to a world-writeable
directory and, unless <code>AllowLogSymlinks</code> is explicitly set to
<em>on</em> (generally a bad idea), the path must <b>not</b> be a symbolic
link.  In general, this directive should <i>only be used</i> for debugging
your <code>mod_rewrite</code> configuration, and should be removed once
debugging is completed; <b>do not use this directive in a production

If <em>file</em> is &quot;none&quot;, no logging will be done at all; this
setting can be used to override a <code>RewriteLog</code> setting inherited from
a <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code> context.

<h2><a name="RewriteMap">RewriteMap</a></h2>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> RewriteMap <em>map-name map-type:map-source</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_rewrite<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.6rc1 and later

The <code>RewriteMap</code> directive defines a <em>rewriting map</em> which
can be used inside rule substitution strings by the mapping-functions to
insert/substitute fields through a key lookup. The source of this lookup can
be of various types.

The <em>map-name</em> is the name of the map and will be used to specify a
mapping-function for the substitution strings of a rewriting rule via one of
the following constructs:

  <code>${</code> <em>map-name</em> <code>:</code>
    <em>lookup-key</em> <code>}</code><br>
  <code>${</code> <em>map-name</em> <code>:</code>
    <em>lookup-key</em> <code>|</code> <em>default-value</em><code>}</code>

When such a construct occurs the map <em>map-name</em> is consulted and the
key <em>lookup-key</em> is resolved. If the key is found, the map-function
construct is substituted by <em>subst-value</em>. If the key is not found
then it is substituted by <em>default-value</em> or by the empty string if no
<em>default-value</em> was specified. 

The following combinations for <em>map-type</em> and <em>map-src</em> can be

  <li><strong>Standard Plain Text</strong><br>
    <em>map-type</em>: <code>txt</code>, <em>map-src</em>: Unix filesystem
    path to valid regular file.

    This is the standard rewriting map feature where the <em>map-src</em> is
    a plain ASCII file containing either blank lines, comment lines (starting
    with a '#' character) or pairs like the following - one per line.

      <strong><em>matching-key</em> <em>subst-value</em></strong>

    # --------------------------------------------
    # usermap.txt -- map for rewriting user names
    # --------------------------------------------

    Dave.Admin      dave       # The Uber-admin
    root            anonymous  # no one should be logging in as root anyway
    And, to configure this map to be used:
    RewriteMap real-to-user txt:/path/to/file/usermap.txt

  <li><strong>FIFO/Named Pipe</strong><br>
    <em>map-type</em>: <code>fifo</code>, <em>map-src</em>: Unix filesystem
    path to valid FIFO.

    For this rewriting map, <em>map-src</em> is a FIFO (<i>a.k.a.</i> named
    pipe). To create it, you can use the <code>mkfifo(1)</code> command.

    An external program that opens the FIFO for reading and writing <b>must</b>
    be started <i>before</i> <code>proftpd</code> is started.  This program
    can communicate with the rewriting engine via the FIFO. For each mapping
    lookup, it can read the key to lookup as a newline-terminated string from
    the FIFO. It then has to write back to the FIFO the looked-up value as a
    newline-terminated string, or just simply newline character (denoting an
    empty string) if there is no corresponding value for the given key).

    An example program which will implement a 1:1 mapping (<i>i.e.</i>,
    key == value) could be:
    use strict;

    use File::Basename qw(basename);
    use Getopt::Long;
    use IO::Handle;
    use IO::Select;

    my $default_delay = 0.5;
    my $program = basename($0);
    my %opts = ();

    GetOptions(\%opts, 'delay=f', 'fifo=s', 'help', 'verbose');

    usage() if $opts{'help'};

    my $delay = $opts{'delay'} ? $opts{'delay'} : $default_delay;

    die &quot;$program: missing required --fifo parameter\n&quot; unless $opts{'fifo'};
    my $fifo = $opts{'fifo'};

    my $verbose = $opts{'verbose'} ? 1 : 0;

    open(my $fifo_fh, &quot;+&gt; $fifo&quot;) or die &quot;$program: unable to open $fifo: $!\n&quot;;

    # Instantiate a Select object for knowing when to read from and write to
    # the FIFO.
    my $sel = IO::Select-&gt;new();

    while (1) {

      # Blocking select() for reading.

      print STDERR &quot;$program: selecting for reading\n&quot; if $verbose;
      my ($rfh) = $sel->can_read();

      my $key = &lt;$rfh&gt;;
      print STDERR &quot;$program: read '$key'\n&quot; if $verbose;

      # Lookup a value for the given key.
      my $value = lookup_value($key);

      # Clear the Select object's filehandles.

      print $fifo_fh &quot;$value\n&quot; if $verbose;

      print STDERR &quot;$program: wrote '$value'\n&quot; if $verbose;

      # Wait for the buffer's byte to be cleared before reading again.

    print STDOUT &quot;$program: done\n&quot; if $verbose;

    exit 0;

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub lookup_value {
      my ($key) = @_;

      # NOTE: do something to obtain a value for the given key here.
      chomp(my $value = $key);

      return $value;

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub usage {
      print STDOUT &lt;&lt;END_OF_USAGE;

    usage: $program [options]

      --delay         Configure the buffer check delay.
                      The default is $default_delay seconds.

      --fifo          Configure the path to the FIFO.  Required.

      --help          Displays this message.

      --verbose       Enables verbose output while $program runs.


      exit 0;

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub wait_fifo {
      my ($fh) = @_;

      # Now we get tricky.  Use ioctl(2) to poll the number of bytes to
      # be read from the FIFO filehandle.  When the number drops to zero,
      # it means that the data we just wrote has been read from the buffer
      # by some other process, so we can go back to the top of this loop.
      # Otherwise, if this program loops faster than the reader/writer on
      # the other end of the FIFO, we'd end up reading the data we just
      # wrote.  Quite annoying, actually.
      # Note: this value must be manually extracted from the system header files
      # using the following program:
      # -------- fionread.c -------------------
      #  #include &lt;sys/ioctl.h&gt;
      #  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      #   printf(&quot;%#08x\n&quot;, FIONREAD);
      #   return 0;
      # }
      # ---------------------------------------
      # > cc -o fionread fionread.c
      # > ./fionread

      my $FIONREAD = 0x00541b;

      my $size = pack('L', 0);
      ioctl($fh, $FIONREAD, $size) or die &quot;$program: unable to use ioctl: $!\n&quot;;
      $size = unpack('L', $size);

      while ($size != 0) {
        print STDERR &quot;$program: waiting for buffer to be read\n&quot; if $verbose;
        select(undef, undef, undef, $delay);

        $size = pack('L', 0);
        ioctl($fh, $FIONREAD, $size) or die &quot;$program: unable to use ioctl: $!\n&quot;;
        $size = unpack('L', $size);

    To make use of this example script, simply implement your lookup code
    in the <code>lookup_value()</code> subroutine. Be very careful with
    such scripts, though:

      <li>&quot;Keep it simple, stupid&quot; (KISS), because if this program
        hangs it will hang <code>proftpd</code> when the rule occurs.
        Well, keep it as simple as possible...<br>

      <li>Avoid one common mistake: avoid buffered I/O if possible. This can
        cause a deadloop.  If necessary, be sure to flush the filehandle
        before reading, and after writing.<br>

      <li>Use the <code>RewriteLock</code> directive to define a lockfile
        <code>mod_rewrite</code> can use to synchronize the communication to
        the FIFO program. By default no such synchronization takes place.<br>

  <li><strong>Internal Function</strong><br>
    <em>map-type</em>: <code>int</code>, <em>map-src</em>: Internal
    <code>mod_rewrite</code> function.

    Here the <em>map-src</em> is a <code>mod_rewrite</code> built-in function.
    Currently you cannot create your own, but the following functions already

        Replace all occurrences, in the looked up key, of one string with
        another string

        Converts the looked up key to all upper case.

        Converts the looked up key to all lower case.

        Translates hex encodings (<i>i.e.</i> "URL encoding"; see <a href="">RFC2396</a>, Section 2.4.1), in the looked up
        key back to special characters.

        Translates UTF-8 encodings in the lookup up key into Latin-1

The <code>RewriteMap</code> directive can occur more than once. For each
mapping-function use one <code>RewriteMap</code> directive to declare its
rewriting map name.

<strong>Note:</strong> For plain text files the looked-up keys are cached
in-core until the <code>mtime</code> of the text map file changes or the
server does a restart. This way you can have map-functions in rules which are
used for <strong>every</strong> request.  This is no problem, because the
parsing of the text files only happens once!

<h2><a name="RewriteRule">RewriteRule</a></h2>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> RewriteRule <em>pattern substitution [flags]</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Global&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Anonymous&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_rewrite<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.6rc1 and later

The <code>RewriteRule</code> directive is the real rewriting workhorse. The
configuration directive can occur more than once. Each directive defines a
single rewriting rule. The order of definition of these rules is important,
because this order is used when applying the rules at run-time.

<em>Pattern</em> can be POSIX regular expression which gets applied to the
current FTP command argument(s).

Some hints about the syntax of regular expressions:
  .           <em>Any single character</em>
  [chars]     <em>Character class: one of <code>chars</code></em>
  [^chars]    <em>Character class: none of <code>chars</code></em>
  text1|text2 <em>Alternative: <code>text1</code> or <code>text2</code></em>

  ?           <em>0 or 1 of the preceding text</em>
  *           <em>0 or N of the preceding text (N > 0)</em>
  +           <em>1 or N of the preceding text (N > 1)</em>

 (text)       <em>Grouping of text
              (either to set the borders of an alternative or
              for making backreferences where the Nth group can 
              be used on the RHS of a <code>RewriteRule</code> with $N)</em>

  ^           <em>Start of line anchor</em>
  $           <em>End of line anchor</em>

  \char       <em>Escape that particular char
              (for instance to specify the chars &quot;.[]()&quot; etc.)</em>

For more information about regular expressions have a look at your local
<code>regex(3)</code> manpage. If you are interested in more detailed
information about regular expressions and their variants (POSIX regex, Perl
regex, <i>etc.</i>) have a look at the following dedicated book on this topic:
    Mastering Regular Expressions<br>
    Jeffrey E.F. Friedl<br>
    Nutshell Handbook Series<br>
    O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1997<br>
    ISBN 1-56592-257-3<br>

Additionally in <code>mod_rewrite</code> the NOT character ('!') is a possible
pattern prefix. This gives you the ability to negate a pattern; to say, for
instance: &quot;if the current argument(s) does NOT match this pattern&quot;.
This can be used for exceptional cases, where it is easier to match the
negative pattern, or as a last default rule.

<b>Notice</b>: When using the NOT character to negate a pattern you cannot
have grouped wildcard parts in the pattern. This is impossible because when
the pattern does NOT match, there are no contents for the groups. In
consequence, if negated patterns are used, you cannot use $N in the
substitution string.

Substitution of a rewriting rule is the string which is substituted for
(or replaces) the original argument(s) for which <em>pattern</em> matched.
Beside plain text you can use:
  <li><code>$N</code> backreferences to the <code>RewriteRule</code> pattern 
  <li><code>%N</code> backreferences to the last matched
    <code>RewriteCondition</code> pattern 
  <li>variables as in <code>RewriteCondition</code> test strings
  <li>map function calls (<code>${map-name:lookup-key|default-value}</code>) 
  <li>environment variable substitutions (<code>%{ENV:<i>variable-name</i>}</code>)
Backreferences are $<b>N</b> (<b>N</b>=0..9) identifiers which will be replaced
by the contents of the <b>N</b>th group of the matched <em>pattern</em>. The
variables are the same as for the <em>condition</em> of a
<a href="#RewriteCondition"><code>RewriteCondition</code></a> directive, with
two additions:
   <b>%P</b>   process ID
   <b>%t</b>   Unix time since the epoch, in seconds
The map functions come from the
<a href="#RewriteMap"><code>RewriteMap</code></a> directive and are explained
there.  These four types of variables are expanded in the order of the above

All of the rewriting rules are applied to <em>substitution</em>. The command
argument(s) is completely replaced by the <em>substitution</em>.

<em>Flags</em>, if present, modify how this <code>RewriteRule</code> is
evaluated.  Supported flags are:
  <li><b>nocase|NC</b> (<b>n</b>o <b>c</b>ase)<br>
      This makes the <em>pattern</em> case-insensitive, <i>i.e.</i> there is
      no difference between 'A-Z' and 'a-z' when <em>pattern</em> is matched
      against the command arguments

<h2><a name="Usage">Usage</a></h2>
The <code>mod_rewrite</code>'s regular expressions are POSIX extended regular
expressions, <b>not</b> Perl regular expressions.  This can catch the
unsuspecting admin unawares, especially if they are used to Perl.

When processing a <code>RewriteRule</code>, the <code>mod_rewrite</code>
engine will first execute the <code>RewriteRule</code>'s regular expression
against the command parameters.  If that expression fails, the
<code>RewriteRule</code> is skipped.  Any <code>RewriteCondition</code>s that
are attached to the rule are processed only if the rule's expression matches

One of the consequences is that the rewritten path may run afoul of any
configured <code>AllowFilter</code>, <code>DenyFilter</code>,
<code>PathAllowFilter</code>, or <code>PathDenyFilter</code> directives,
causing unexpected or unwanted transfers.  Please keep this in mind when
configuring <code>RewriteRule</code>s.

Some metas are not available at certain times (e.g. %U/%u for USER/PASS
commands, etc)...

The following example configuration shows how to configure
<code>mod_rewrite</code> so that all files uploaded to the server will have
all-uppercase filenames:
  &lt;IfModule mod_rewrite.c&gt;
    RewriteEngine on

    # Have a log for double-checking any errors
    RewriteLog /var/log/ftpd/rewrite.log

    # Define a map that uses the internal "toupper" function
    RewriteMap uppercase int:toupper

    # Make the file names used by STOR be in all uppercase
    RewriteCondition %m STOR

    # Apply the map to the command parameters
    RewriteRule ^(.*) ${uppercase:$1}

This example shows how to convert all spaces in uploaded file names to
  &lt;IfModule mod_rewrite.c&gt;
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteLog /var/log/ftpd/rewrite.log

    # Define a map that uses the internal "replaceall" function
    RewriteMap replace int:replaceall

    # We only want to use this rule on STOR commands
    RewriteCondition %m STOR

    # Apply the map to the command parameters
    RewriteRule ^(.*) "${replace:/$1/ /_}"


<h2><a name="Installation">Installation</a></h2>
To install <code>mod_rewrite</code>, follow the usual steps for using
third-party modules in proftpd:
  ./configure --with-modules=mod_rewrite
  make install


Author: <i>$Author: castaglia $</i><br>
Last Updated: <i>$Date: 2009/03/23 02:04:31 $</i><br>


<font size=2><b><i>
&copy; Copyright 2000-2009 TJ Saunders<br>
 All Rights Reserved<br>

