

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > b2392e2bab3459aa4eec68cd0e44713c > files > 111



    This is default template file for mnoGoSearch 3.2
    (C) 1999-2001, mnoGoSearch developers team <>

    Please rename to search.htm and edit as desired.
    See doc/msearch-templates.html for detailed information.
    You may want to keep the original file for future reference.

    WARNING: Use proper chmod to protect your passwords!
# Database parameters
# Format: <DBType>:[//[DBUser[:DBPass]@]DBHost[:DBPort]]/DBName/[?dbmode=mode]
DBAddr	mysql://root@localhost/test/?dbmode=blob

# Uncomment this line to enable search result cache
#Cache yes

# Uncomment this line if you want to detect and eliminate clones
#DetectClones yes

# Use proper local and browser charsets
# Default charset is iso-8859-1 (latin1)
# which is suitable for the most Western European languages

LocalCharset   iso-8859-1
BrowserCharset iso-8859-1

# Load stopwords file.  File name is either absolute
# or relative to /etc directory of mnoGoSearch installation.
#StopwordFile stopwords/
#StopwordFile stopwords/

# Minimum and maximum word lengths
#MinWordLength 1
#MaxWordLength 32

# Number of pages in navigator bar
#PagesPerScreen 10

# Load synonyms file.  File name is either absolute
# or relative to /etc directory of mnoGoSearch installation.
#Synonym synonym/english.syn
#Synonym synonym/russian.syn

# How to hilight searched words.
HlBeg	'<span style="background-color: #ff0; color: #f00; font-weight: bold;">'
HlEnd	'</span>'

# Uncomment this line to enable error logging to stderr
#Log2stderr yes

# Uncomment this line to change default maximal excerpt size. Default value is 256.
#ExcerptSize 1024

# Uncomment this line to change number of characters before and after search words
# in excerpts. Default value is 40.
#ExcerptPadding 64

# Uncomment this line to change Last-Modified format output
# Use strftime function meta variables
#DateFormat '%d %b %Y %X %Z'

# Uncomment this line if you want to generate misspelled
# search word suggestions. You need to run "indexer -Ewrdstat"
# before using this feature.
#Suggest yes

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$&(BrowserCharset)" />
<title>mnoGoSearch: $&(q)</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { background-color: #fff; }
a { color: #00c; } { text-align: center; }
table.grey { background-color: #eee; width: 100%; }
table.white { background-color: #fff; width: 100%; }
img.logo { border: none; }


<!IF NAME="form" CONTENT="extended">
<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE border=0>
    <TD>Search for:</TD>
    <TD COLSPAN=4>
      <INPUT TYPE="text"   NAME="q"    VALUE="$&(qprev)" SIZE=50 >
      <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="cmd"  VALUE="Search!">
      <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAMe="form" VALUE="extended">
      <small><a href="?qprev=$%(qprev)">Simple mode</a></small>
      <INPUT TYPE="text"   NAME="q"    VALUE="$&(q)" SIZE=50 >
      <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="cmd"  VALUE="Search!">
      <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAMe="form" VALUE="extended">
      <small><a href="?qprev=$%(q)">Simple mode</a></small>

      <SELECT NAME="m">
        <OPTION VALUE="all"  SELECTED="$&(m)">All
        <OPTION VALUE="any"  SELECTED="$&(m)">Any
    <TD>Results per page:</TD>
      <SELECT NAME="ps">
        <OPTION VALUE="10" SELECTED="$&(ps)">10
        <OPTION VALUE="20" SELECTED="$&(ps)">20
        <OPTION VALUE="50" SELECTED="$&(ps)">50
    <TD>Output format:</TD>
      <SELECT NAME="fmt">
        <OPTION VALUE="long"  SELECTED="$&(fmt)">Long
        <OPTION VALUE="short" SELECTED="$&(fmt)">Short
        <OPTION VALUE="url"   SELECTED="$&(fmt)">URL

    <TD>Search for:</TD>
      <SELECT NAME="wm">
        <OPTION VALUE="wrd" SELECTED="$&(wm)">Whole word
        <OPTION VALUE="beg" SELECTED="$&(wm)">Beginning
        <OPTION VALUE="end" SELECTED="$&(wm)">Ending
        <OPTION VALUE="sub" SELECTED="$&(wm)">Substring
    <TD>Words forms:</TD>
       <SELECT NAME="sp">
         <OPTION VALUE="1"  SELECTED="$&(sp)">All
         <OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED="$&(sp)">Exact
    <TD>Use synonyms:</TD>
      <SELECT NAME="sy">
        <OPTION VALUE="1"  SELECTED="$&(sy)">Yes
        <OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED="$&(sy)">No

      <SELECT NAME="wf">
        <OPTION VALUE="2221"  SELECTED="$&(wf)">Whole document
        <OPTION VALUE="2000"  SELECTED="$&(wf)">Description
        <OPTION VALUE="0200"  SELECTED="$&(wf)">Keywords
        <OPTION VALUE="0020"  SELECTED="$&(wf)">Title
        <OPTION VALUE="0001"  SELECTED="$&(wf)">Body
    <TD>Document types:</TD>
      <SELECT NAME="type">
        <OPTION VALUE=""           SELECTED="$&(type)">all types
        <OPTION VALUE="text/html"  SELECTED="$&(type)">text/html
        <OPTION VALUE="text/plain" SELECTED="$&(type)">text/plain
	<select name="GroupBySite">
	<option value="no" selected="$&(GroupBySite)">do not group</option>
	<option value="yes" selected="$&(GroupBySite)">group by site</option>

    <TD>URL matches:</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ul" VALUE="$&(ul)"></TD>
    <TD COLSPAN=4>
      <small>e.g., /manual/ , index.html</small>

<!-- Uncomment this to limit database subsection by "tag" -->
    <TD>Search through:</TD>
      <SELECT NAME="t">
        <OPTION VALUE=""  SELECTED="$&(t)">All sites
        <OPTION VALUE="1" SELECTED="$&(t)">Sport
        <OPTION VALUE="2" SELECTED="$&(t)">Technology
        <OPTION VALUE="3" SELECTED="$&(t)">Shopping


<!ELIF NAME="form" CONTENT="hidden">


<div class="center">
<form method="get" action="">
<table class="grey" summary="">
      <br /> Search for:
      <input type="text"   name="q"   value="$&(qprev)" size="50" />
      <input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Search!" />
      <small><a href="?form=extended&amp;qprev=$%(qprev)">Extended</a></small>
      <INPUT TYPE="text"   NAME="q"    VALUE="$&(q)" SIZE=50 />
      <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="cmd" VALUE="Search!" />
      <small><a href="?form=extended&amp;qprev=$%(q)">Extended</a></small>
      <br /><br />
<!IF NAME="qid" CONTENT="">
      <input type="checkbox" value="$&(qid)" name="pqid">in found



<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE width=100% border=0>
      <small>Search for <b>$&(q)</b>.</small>
      <small>Search results: <b>$&(WE)</b>.</small>
      <small>Results <b>$(first)-$(last)</b> of <B>$(total)</B>.</small>
      <small>Search took <b>$(SearchTime)</b> seconds</small>
  <tr><td colspan="2">
      Sort by:
      <!IF NAME="s" CONTENT="DRP">
      <a href="$(FirstPage)&s=RPD">relevancy</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<b>last modified date</b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="$(FirstPage)&s=SRPD&su=title">title</a><!ELSEIF NAME="s" CONTENT="SRPD">
      <a href="$(FirstPage)&s=RPD">relevancy</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="$(FirstPage)&s=DRP">last modified date</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<b>title</b><!ELSE>
      <b>relevancy</b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="$(FirstPage)&s=DRP">last modified date</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="$(FirstPage)&s=SRPD&su=title">title</a><!ENDIF>

<!IFGT NAME="StrictModeFound" CONTENT="0">
<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE width=100% border=0>
Too few results were found in strict mode: $(StrictModeFound)
Displaying results in less strict mode.

<!IF   NAME="fmt" CONTENT="url">
  <a href="$(URL)" TARGET="_blank">$(URL:40)</a>
<!ELSEIF NAME="fmt" CONTENT="short">
  <a href="$(URL)" TARGET="_blank">
    <!IF NAME="Title" CONTENT="">$(URL:40)<!ELSE>$&(Title)<!ENDIF>
  <a href="$(URL)" TARGET="_blank">
    <!IF NAME="Title" CONTENT="">$(URL:40)<!ELSE>$&(Title)<!ENDIF>
    <!IFNOT NAME="Pop_Rank" CONTENT="0.00000">Popularity: <b>$(Pop_Rank)</b><!ENDIF>
  <table width=60%>
             <A HREF="$(URL)" TARGET="_blank">$(URL:40)</A>
             <font color="#008800">
              - $(Content-Length) bytes [$(Content-Type)] 
              - $(Last-Modified) 
	      <!IFNOT NAME="stored_href" CONTENT="">
	      <DD><small>[<a href="$(stored_href)" TARGET="_blank">Cached copy</a>]</small></DD>
	      <!IFNOT NAME="sitelimit_href" CONTENT="">
	      <!IFGT NAME="PerSite" CONTENT="0">
              [<a href="$(sitelimit_href)">More results from this site ($(PerSite) total) </a>]

<table width=100% bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
    <td align=center>
      <TABLE BORDER=0>
        <TR><TD><small>Result pages: <TD>&nbsp;</TD></TD>$(NL)$(NB)$(NR)</TD></TR>

  <A HREF="$(URL)" TARGET="_blank">$(URL:40)</A>
  <font color="#008800">
  - $(Content-Length) bytes
  - $(Last-Modified) 

<TD><small><A HREF="$(NH)">&lt;&lt; Prev</A></TD>

<TD><small><FONT COLOR=gray>&lt;&lt; Prev</FONT></TD>

<TD><small><A HREF="$(NH)">$(NP)</A></TD>


<TD><small><A HREF="$(NH)">Next &gt;&gt;</A></TD>

<TD><small><FONT COLOR=gray>Next &gt;&gt;</FONT></TD>

Did you mean <b><a href="?q=$%(WS)">$(WS)</a></b>?
<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE width=100%>
      <small>Search for <b>$&(q)</b>.</small>
      <small>Search results: <b>$&(WE)</b></small>

Sorry, your search for <b>$&(q)</b> did not find any results.<br>
No documents were found containing <b>"$&(q)"</b>.<br>

  <LI> Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  <LI> Try different keywords.
  <LI> Try more general keywords. 
<!IFNOT NAME="form" CONTENT="extended">
  Also, you can try <a href="?form=extended">extended search mode</a>.

<div class="center">Please enter one or more words and press Search.</div>

<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">An error occurred!</FONT>

<table class="grey" summary="">

<table class="white" summary="">
  <td align="left">
    <a href=""><img class="logo" src="/icons/mnogosearch.png" alt="Powered by mnoGoSearch" /></a>
    <a href=""><small>Powered by mnoGoSearch $(version) - web search engine software</small></a><br />


<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr>
<td><b>Document ID:</b> $(ID)</td>
<td><b>Last modified:</b> $(Last-Modified)</td>
<td><b>Language:</b> $(Content-Language)</td>
<td><b>Charset:</b> $(Charset)</td>
<td><b>Size:</b> $(Content-Length)</td>


<a href=""><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="/icons/mnogosearch.png"></A>
<FONT SIZE=1><A HREF="">Powered by mnoGoSearch $(version) - web search engine software</A></FONT>