

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > e8f30f65d11a7cabb10aaa9c18583979 > files > 626


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<keyword>System Settings</keyword>

<sect1 id="kcm_desktopthemedetails">
<title><guilabel>Desktop Theme Details</guilabel></title>

<para>A &kde; plasma desktop theme is made up of several components or items,
consisting mostly in svg backgrounds and colors schemes. This module allows you
to customize your desktop Plasma theme and to replace theme items 
with items from other themes or from files.

<para>Desktop theme items consist in panel theme item, kickoff theme item,
analog clock, ...</para>

If you want to change your current theme for a full new theme (for example from
Air to Glassified) then you can do so in <interface>System Settings -&gt;
General -&gt; Appearance -&gt; Style -&gt; Workspace tab</interface>.

<sect2 id="start">
<title>Quick start</title>
<para>First download one or several themes you want to use to customize your 
desktop items by clicking the <guibutton>Get New Theme...</guibutton>
button in <interface>System Settings -&gt;
General -&gt; Appearance -&gt; Style -&gt; Workspace tab</interface>.</para>

<para>All the available themes will be displayed on top, the current one being highlighted.</para>

<para>In the theme list, select a base theme that will be used for most widgets and start
customizing each item you want to change with a new theme, for example you can
have the panel in Glassified theme, the widget
backgrounds in Air and so on.</para>

<para>Here Air is the theme for most widgets and we changed the panel background
to Glassified, the Analog clock to Glassified and the Notes to Oxygen.</para>

<screeninfo>Customizing your plasma theme</screeninfo>
      <imagedata fileref="customizing.png" format="PNG"/>
      <phrase>Customizing your plasma theme</phrase>

Clicking the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> will create a new theme named
<guilabel>(Customized)</guilabel> and will apply it to your desktop.

<sect2 id="custom">
<title>Creating a custom theme</title>
<para>When the module is opened, it will show items from the current desktop
theme. If you would like to start customizing with a different theme, select it
the drop box above the list of theme items. This theme from the drop box is the
starting theme, the base for your new customized desktop theme.</para>

In the list of items, for each item you would like to replace, select 
replacement item from the drop list for that item.  You may select the 
corresponding item from another theme, or you may select a file. Plasma 
desktop theme items are svg files, except for the color scheme which is a KDE 
color scheme file.

Click <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> when all the changes have been made.  This
will create a new theme named <guilabel>(Customized)</guilabel> which you can
select from the Appearance Settings dialog on the desktop.

<screeninfo>Your custom theme</screeninfo>
      <imagedata fileref="clicking-apply.png" format="PNG"/>

The theme items listed are the most visible components of the plasma 
desktop theme.  Other theme components are not listed.  Your newly created 
theme will use these unlisted components from the theme that you  selected at 
the start of creating the customized theme.

<sect2 id="naming">
<title>Naming a custom theme</title>
To provide a name for your customized theme, click on the
<guilabel>More</guilabel> checkbox and 
enter the name of the theme.  You may also provide your name (author), a theme 
version and a description of your theme.  Click <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>
when done.

<sect2 id="removing">
<title>Removing a theme</title>
Select the theme you would like to remove from the drop box above the list of 
theme items. Click on the <guilabel>More</guilabel> check box. Click the
<guibutton>Remove Theme</guibutton> button to 
remove the selected theme.

<sect2 id="exporting">
<title>Exporting a theme to a file</title>
You can share your newly customized theme with the community by exporting the 
theme to a file. Select your customized theme from the drop box above the list 
of theme items.  Click on the <guilabel>More</guilabel> check box.  Click the
<guibutton>Export Theme to 
File...</guibutton>.  Enter the name of the zip file to which the theme will be


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