

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > b5d6e5e84fc6929edbdeef5ef92c2500 > files > 1785


    Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman

    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
    file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_MINI_C)

#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_container.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_statement.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using boost::phoenix::function;
using boost::phoenix::ref;
using boost::phoenix::size;

using namespace boost::spirit;
using namespace boost::spirit::qi;

//  The Virtual Machine
enum byte_code
    op_neg,         //  negate the top stack entry
    op_add,         //  add top two stack entries
    op_sub,         //  subtract top two stack entries
    op_mul,         //  multiply top two stack entries
    op_div,         //  divide top two stack entries

    op_not,         //  boolean negate the top stack entry
    op_eq,          //  compare the top two stack entries for ==
    op_neq,         //  compare the top two stack entries for !=
    op_lt,          //  compare the top two stack entries for <
    op_lte,         //  compare the top two stack entries for <=
    op_gt,          //  compare the top two stack entries for >
    op_gte,         //  compare the top two stack entries for >=

    op_and,         //  logical and top two stack entries
    op_or,          //  logical or top two stack entries

    op_load,        //  load a variable
    op_store,       //  store a variable

    op_int,         //  push constant integer into the stack
    op_true,        //  push constant 0 into the stack
    op_false,       //  push constant 1 into the stack

    op_jump_if,     //  jump to an absolute position in the code if top stack
                    //  evaluates to false
    op_jump,        //  jump to an absolute position in the code

    op_stk_adj,     // adjust the stack (for args and locals)
    op_call,        // function call
    op_return       // return from function

class vmachine

    vmachine(unsigned stackSize = 4096)
      : stack(stackSize)

    int execute(
        std::vector<int> const& code            // the program code
      , std::vector<int>::const_iterator pc     // program counter
      , std::vector<int>::iterator frame_ptr    // start of arguments and locals

    std::vector<int> stack;

//  A generic compiler that compiles 1 to 3 codes
struct function_info
    int arity;
    int address;

struct compile_op
    template <typename A, typename B = unused_type, typename C = unused_type>
    struct result { typedef void type; };

    compile_op(std::vector<int>& code)
      : code(code)

    void operator()(int a) const

    void operator()(int a, int b) const

    void operator()(int a, int b, int c) const

    // special overload for function calls
    void operator()(function_info const& info, int got_nargs, bool& parse_result) const
        if (got_nargs == info.arity)
            parse_result = false; // fail the parse
            std::cerr << "wrong number of args" << std::endl;

    std::vector<int>& code;

//  Our error handler
struct error_handler_
    template <typename, typename, typename>
    struct result { typedef void type; };

    template <typename Iterator>
    void operator()(
        info const& what
      , Iterator err_pos, Iterator last) const
            << "Error! Expecting "
            << what                         // what failed?
            << " here: \""
            << std::string(err_pos, last)   // iterators to error-pos, end
            << "\""
            << std::endl

function<error_handler_> const error_handler = error_handler_();

//  A functor that adds variables to our (variables) symbol-table
struct var_adder
    template <typename>
    struct result { typedef void type; };

    var_adder(symbols<char, int>& vars, int& nvars)
      : vars(vars), nvars(nvars)

    void operator()(std::string const& var) const
        vars.add(var.begin(), var.end(), nvars++);

    symbols<char, int>& vars;
    int& nvars;

//  A functor that adds functions to our (function) symbol-table
struct function_adder
    template <typename, typename, typename>
    struct result { typedef void type; };

    function_adder(symbols<char, function_info>& functions)
      : functions(functions)

    void operator()(std::string const& function_id, int arity, int address) const
        function_info info = {arity, address};
        functions.add(function_id.begin(), function_id.end(), info);

    symbols<char, function_info>& functions;

//  A functor that resets the function-related state variables
struct function_state_reset
    template <typename>
    struct result { typedef void type; };

        std::vector<int>& code
      , symbols<char, int>& vars
      , int& nvars)
      : code(code)
      , vars(vars)
      , nvars(nvars)

    void operator()(int address) const
        code[address+1] = nvars;
        nvars = 0; // reset
        vars.clear(); // reset

    std::vector<int>& code;
    symbols<char, int>& vars;
    int& nvars;

//  White-space and comments grammar definition
template <typename Iterator>
struct white_space : grammar<Iterator>
    white_space() : white_space::base_type(start)
        using boost::spirit::ascii::char_;

        start =
                space                               // tab/space/cr/lf
            |   "/*" >> *(char_ - "*/") >> "*/"     // C-style comments

    rule<Iterator> start;

//  Our expression grammar and compiler
template <typename Iterator>
struct expression : grammar<Iterator, white_space<Iterator> >
        std::vector<int>& code
      , symbols<char, int>& vars
      , symbols<char, function_info>& functions);

    typedef white_space<Iterator> white_space_;

    rule<Iterator, white_space_>
        expr, equality_expr, relational_expr
      , logical_expr, additive_expr, multiplicative_expr
      , unary_expr, primary_expr, variable

    rule<Iterator, locals<function_info, int>, white_space_> function_call;

    std::vector<int>& code;
    symbols<char, int>& vars;
    symbols<char, function_info>& functions;
    function<compile_op> op;

//  Our statement grammar and compiler
template <typename Iterator>
struct statement : grammar<Iterator, white_space<Iterator> >
    statement(std::vector<int>& code, symbols<char, function_info>& functions);

    typedef white_space<Iterator> white_space_;

    std::vector<int>& code;
    symbols<char, int> vars;
    symbols<char, function_info>& functions;
    int nvars;
    bool has_return;

    expression<Iterator> expr;
    rule<Iterator, white_space_>
        statement_, statement_list, var_decl, compound_statement
      , return_statement;

    rule<Iterator, locals<int>, white_space_> if_statement;
    rule<Iterator, locals<int, int>, white_space_> while_statement;
    rule<Iterator, std::string(), white_space_> identifier;
    rule<Iterator, int(), white_space_> var_ref;
    rule<Iterator, locals<int>, white_space_> assignment;
    rule<Iterator, void(int), white_space_> assignment_rhs;

    function<var_adder> add_var;
    function<compile_op> op;

//  Our program grammar and compiler
template <typename Iterator>
struct program : grammar<Iterator, white_space<Iterator> >
    program(std::vector<int>& code);

    typedef white_space<Iterator> white_space_;

    std::vector<int>& code;
    rule<Iterator, std::string(), white_space_> identifier;
    rule<Iterator, white_space_> start;

            std::string // function name
          , int         // address

    symbols<char, function_info> functions;
    statement<Iterator> statement_;

    rule<Iterator, function_locals, white_space_> function;
    boost::phoenix::function<function_adder> add_function;
    boost::phoenix::function<function_state_reset> state_reset;
    boost::phoenix::function<compile_op> op;
