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<center><h1>Module <a href="type_Graphviz.CommonAttributes.html">Graphviz.CommonAttributes</a></h1></center>
<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> CommonAttributes: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="Graphviz.CommonAttributes.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>The <code class="code">CommonAttributes</code> module defines attributes for graphs, vertices and
    edges that are available in the two engines, dot and neato.<br>
<hr width="100%">
<pre><span class="keyword">type</span> <a name="TYPEgraph"></a><code class="type"></code>graph = <code class="type">[ `Center of bool<br>       | `Fontcolor of <a href="Graphviz.html#TYPEcolor">Graphviz.color</a><br>       | `Fontname of string<br>       | `Fontsize of int<br>       | `Label of string<br>       | `OrderingOut<br>       | `Orientation of [ `Landscape | `Portrait ]<br>       | `Page of float * float<br>       | `Pagedir of [ `LeftToRight | `TopToBottom ]<br>       | `Size of float * float ]</code> </pre>
<div class="info">
Attributes of graphs.<br>

<pre><span class="keyword">type</span> <a name="TYPEvertex"></a><code class="type"></code>vertex = <code class="type">[ `Color of <a href="Graphviz.html#TYPEcolor">Graphviz.color</a><br>       | `Fontcolor of <a href="Graphviz.html#TYPEcolor">Graphviz.color</a><br>       | `Fontname of string<br>       | `Fontsize of int<br>       | `Height of float<br>       | `Label of string<br>       | `Orientation of float<br>       | `Peripheries of int<br>       | `Regular of bool<br>       | `Shape of<br>           [ `Box<br>           | `Circle<br>           | `Diamond<br>           | `Doublecircle<br>           | `Ellipse<br>           | `Plaintext<br>           | `Polygon of int * float<br>           | `Record ]<br>       | `Style of [ `Bold | `Dashed | `Dotted | `Filled | `Invis | `Solid ]<br>       | `Width of float ]</code> </pre>
<div class="info">
Attributes of vertices.<br>

<pre><span class="keyword">type</span> <a name="TYPEedge"></a><code class="type"></code>edge = <code class="type">[ `Color of <a href="Graphviz.html#TYPEcolor">Graphviz.color</a><br>       | `Decorate of bool<br>       | `Dir of [ `Back | `Both | `Forward | `None ]<br>       | `Fontcolor of <a href="Graphviz.html#TYPEcolor">Graphviz.color</a><br>       | `Fontname of string<br>       | `Fontsize of int<br>       | `Label of string<br>       | `Labelfontcolor of <a href="Graphviz.html#TYPEcolor">Graphviz.color</a><br>       | `Labelfontname of string<br>       | `Labelfontsize of int<br>       | `Style of [ `Bold | `Dashed | `Dotted | `Invis | `Solid ] ]</code> </pre>
<div class="info">
Attributes of edges.<br>
