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<title>CDDB Retrieval</title>





<othercredit role="developer">

<othercredit role="developer">

<othercredit role="developer">

<othercredit role="reviewer">

<holder>J Singer</holder>



<releaseinfo>&kde; 4.4</releaseinfo>


<sect1 id="cddb-page">
<title>CDDB Retrieval</title>
<para>The module <guilabel>CDDB Retrieval</guilabel> is divided in the <guilabel>Lookup</guilabel> tab
and the <guilabel>Submit</guilabel> tab.</para>

<sect2 id="lookup-tab">
<title>The <guilabel>Lookup</guilabel> Tab</title>
<screeninfo>The <guilabel>Lookup</guilabel> tab</screeninfo>
<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="kscd14.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject>
<textobject><phrase>The <guilabel>Lookup</guilabel> tab</phrase></textobject>

<para> The <guilabel>Lookup</guilabel> tab sets up the <acronym>CDDB</acronym> functions
of &kde;.</para>

<para>You can select the options <guilabel>Enable MusicBrainz lookup</guilabel> or <guilabel>Enable freedb lookup</guilabel>.</para>

<para>The <guilabel>Freedb server</guilabel> section determines which CDDB mirror site is used by &kde; to 
get album information.  You can enter a server name, port number and protocol using the text boxes and drop 
down boxes or you can click the <guibutton>Show Mirror List</guibutton> button.  Clicking this button will 
open a new window with a list of CDDB mirrors and their locations.  Simply select the server you want from 
the list and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>

<para>The section labeled <guilabel>Cache Locations</guilabel> lets you determine where the CDDB information 
is saved on your computer.  To add a folder, enter the folder location in the text box at the top of the section and click 
<guibutton>Add</guibutton>.  You can also select a 
folder by clicking on the blue file folder to the right of the text box. To delete a folder, click on the folder name 
once with the &LMB; and click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>. You can change the order the folders are searched by 
clicking on the folder name and clicking on the <guibutton>Move Up</guibutton> and <guibutton>Move Down</guibutton> buttons.</para>

<para>The <guibutton>Help</guibutton> button opens the this help contents
page. The <guibutton>Defaults</guibutton> button restores the default values of all entries in this dialog; <guibutton>OK</guibutton> saves the current settings and exits;
<guibutton>Apply</guibutton> saves the current settings without exiting.</para>


<sect2 id="submit-tab">
<title>The <guilabel>Submit</guilabel> Tab</title>

<screeninfo>The Submit tab</screeninfo>
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="kscd16.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>

<para>The <guilabel>Submit</guilabel> tab sets up connection to a mail
server or a web server to submit new <acronym>CDDB</acronym> entries. This is useful
if you do not have your own system configured as a server. </para>

<para>If you plan to submit a CDDB entry, enter your email address into the first textbox,
then you must decide between submitting between &HTTP;
and submitting the entry as an email (via &SMTP;).  </para>

<tip><para>It is simpler to submit new entries using &HTTP;.  Some firewalls block this traffic.  If your 
firewall prevents you from sending new entries using &HTTP;, you can use &SMTP;.</para></tip>

<para>First select either <guilabel>&HTTP;</guilabel> or <guilabel>SMTP (Email)</guilabel> to determine which 
protocol to use.</para>

<sect3 id="http-options">
<title>Using &HTTP; to send CDDB information</title>
<para>You can enter a server name or port number in the text boxes provided.  If 
you want to send this information to the international servers, you do not need to 
change anything.</para>

<sect3 id="smtp-options">
<title>Using &SMTP; (Email) to send CDDB information</title>

<para>To prepare to submit information using email, enter your email address in the 
text box labeled <guilabel>Reply-To:</guilabel>, your email server in the text box 
labeled <guilabel>SMTP server:</guilabel> and select the port number in the spinbox 
labeled <guilabel>Port:</guilabel>.</para>
<para>If you need to use a password to send email using the email server, place a mark in the 
check box labeled <guilabel>Server needs authentication</guilabel> and enter your 
username in the text box labeled <guilabel>Username</guilabel>.</para>


<!-- follwing chapters need proofreading -->
<sect1 id="cddb-editor">
<title>The CD Database Editor</title>

<screeninfo>The &CD; Database Editor</screeninfo>
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="kscd13.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<textobject><phrase>The &CD; Database Editor</phrase></textobject>

<para>The &CD; Database Editor allows you to modify, download, save, annotate,
and upload <link linkend="cddb-support"><acronym>CDDB</acronym> (Compact Disc
Data Base)</link> entries.</para>

<para>If there is an entry in your local <acronym>CDDB</acronym> tree
(see the <link linkend="cddb-page">CDDB subsection</link> in the
Configuration chapter) for the &CD; in your &CD-ROM; drive, or if the
disc could be found in the freedb, you will see the name of the artist
and the title of the &CD; in the <guilabel>Artist:</guilabel> and
<guilabel>Title</guilabel> fields and a list of tracks with song
titles in the <interface>Tracks</interface> selection box. Otherwise,
you will see a list of tracks and play times without titles.</para>

<para>You can make an annotation for the entire disc with the
<guilabel>Comment</guilabel> field under the
<guilabel>Title</guilabel> field, or for a selected track in the
<guilabel>Tracks</guilabel> selection box with the adjacent
<guibutton>Comment</guibutton> button. If you select a track in the
<guilabel>Tracks</guilabel> selection box, the title, if present, will
appear in the <guilabel>Title</guilabel> field below. You can type a
title for the track in the box, or edit the entry to suit your
needs. Press the <keycap>Return</keycap> key on your keyboard, and the
text will appear in the proper line in the selection box.</para>

<para>Once all tracks have been given titles and the
<guilabel>Artist:</guilabel> and <guilabel>Title</guilabel> fields have
been filled out, you can press the <guibutton>Upload</guibutton>
button to send your submission by email to freedb.</para>

<para>You will be prompted to select a category for the
submission. The <guilabel>Disc ID</guilabel> section displays the 32
bit <acronym>ID</acronym> code used by freedb to identify a compact
disc. Above the <acronym>ID</acronym> code is the category of the
<guilabel>freedb</guilabel> entry. These categories correspond to the
subfolders tree of the folder chosen in the <guilabel>freedb
Base Folder:</guilabel> in the <link
linkend="cddb-page"><guilabel>CDDB</guilabel> page</link> of the 
configuration window.</para>

<para>The <guilabel>Length:</guilabel> display shows the total play time of
the &CD;.</para>

<para>Press the <guibutton>Fetch Info</guibutton> button to download 
<acronym>CDDB</acronym> data.
Press the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button to save your changes locally.
The <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button closes the &CD;
Database Editor without saving.</para>


<sect1 id="cddb-support">
<title><acronym>CDDB</acronym> Support</title>

<para>freedb is a distributed network database accessible
over the Internet that contains information about most audio &CD;s in
circulation. If you have Internet access, you will likely never have to manually
enter track information for your &CD;s if you have this set up properly. See
<link linkend="cddb-page">The CDDB Page</link> section 
for detailed instructions on how to configure this service, and
the <link linkend="cddb-editor">&CD; Database Editor</link> section for
instructions on how to edit <acronym>CDDB</acronym> entries.</para>

<para>Use of the <acronym>CDDB</acronym> is free. Submissions from users are

<para>When preparing entries for the <acronym>CDDB</acronym>, please keep the
following points in mind:</para>

<listitem><para>Use <quote>standard</quote> latin characters in the entries. Some
special characters are supported, but Cyrillic or Greek alphabet submissions,
for example, cannot be accepted.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Use only one <keysym>/</keysym> character in the
<guilabel>Disc Artist / Title</guilabel> field in the &CD; Database

<para>For classical &CD;s, it is standard practice to put the composer's name in
the Artist section (before the slash) and the performer's name in the Title
section (after the slash).</para></listitem> 
<listitem><para>If you send an entry that already exists in the database, any
additional information you provide may be added to the existing entry.</para>

<para>By default, the standard <acronym>CDDB</acronym>
categories are installed in <filename class="directory">$HOME/.cddb</filename>. You can create as
many category subfolders as you like. However, when uploading, only the
official <acronym>CDDB</acronym> categories are displayed. The default upload
address is <email></email>. For more information about
<abbrev>freedb</abbrev> visit the <abbrev>freedb</abbrev> homepage.</para>

<para>The local <acronym>CDDB</acronym> entry for a particular &CD; is stored in
the file <filename><replaceable>category name</replaceable>/<replaceable>disc
ID</replaceable></filename> under the <acronym>CDDB</acronym> Base
Folder. These files can be edited with any text editor.</para>

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