

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 23c06752fd3c793197b66d687f49b9a1 > files > 6



Version 1.01
* Updated Spanish, Czech, French, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian translations (thanks translators) 
* Fixed a problem where the player could get stuck in the Fortress Mine
* Bats and Books no longer get stuck after attacking you
* Prevented certain items from being used when Edgar is a Slime, such as the Ice Spray
* Resetting a mirror while it is reflecting light no longer leaves it unusable
* Fixed a random crash when the Green Scanners spot you in the Armoury
* Chaos's tendrils now release Edgar when he dies
* Fixed a problem where Evil Edgar could get blocked by a spring during his first cutscene
* The Awesome Foursome now longer freeze if one of them is killed during their super attacks
* More fixes to Mataeus's rift sounds

Version 1.00
* Added a basic introduction to set up the story
* The Queen Wasp's defeated status is now displayed correctly in the credits
* Fixed a potential crash after defeating Chaos
* The medals in the menu are now translated correctly
* Changed Azriel's intro
* Made a minor change to the Dungeon map
* Automatic language selection can be overridden on the commandline. Type edgar -help for details

Version 0.99
* The game is now 100% completable (barring any bugs)
* Added the final boss
* Windows should now render UTF-8 strings correctly (such as Russian)
* The Watchdog no longer occasionally freezes after charging at Edgar
* The secret wall in the Crypt can now be destroyed
* Made the final flooded tunnel in the Dungeon wider
* The Lightning Sword charges are no longer reset to 10 when an enemy steals it
* The Black Book now turns into the Gargoyle rather than the Golem
* Fixed a bug in the cutscene when fixing the power generators
* Fixed a potential crash when changing maps from the Outskirts to the Fortress
* Fixed a problem where you sometimes could not jump on ice cubes or floating snappers

Version 0.98
* Added French, Czech, Simplified Chinese and Russian translations
* Updated the Fortress Outskirts map
* Made the data and save files architecture independent (so a 32bit x86 save will work on a 64bit PPC machine etc.)
* Fixed a problem with objects falling through pressure plates
* Fixed the trapdoor puzzle in the Laboratory
* Fixed a crash when entering the Sewer after returning from the Wasteland
* Made the Ant Lion in the Forbidden Swamp harder to simply walk past
* Fixed a problem with Red Grubs getting stuck in some walls after bouncing off them
* Hitting the small trees no longer plays multiple sound effects
* Attacking the Black Book's version of the Golem after it has been defeated no longer causes a crash
* The Black Book's version of the Queen Wasp now does damage when it head butts you
* Fixed a small problem with Edgar sometimes being able to walk in the water in the Right Tower
* The Watchdog's saw blade attack is no longer blockable
* Various other minor fixes
* Just one more major release to go...

Version 0.97
* Added the next part of the optional quest
* Changed a puzzle in the Laboratory map
* Made a change to the Fortress Mine map
* Added a new medal: "Completed the game without continuing"
* Added another cheat that prevents instant death in lava
* Fixed memory leaks in the menus
* Corrected some speling problems

Version 0.96
* Fixed a problem with some level exits not activating (making the Crypt accessible)
* Home directory lookup now more stable on Linux

Version 0.95
* The Crypt is now accessible
* Added a basic title screen
* Fixed more crashes on Windows
* Removed dependency on SDL_Net
* Made one the light pillars in the Catacombs stay active longer
* Raising and lowering the music volume now works correctly
* Fixed a possible hang during the end credits
* Bombs grabbed by the Borer no longer play their sound effect endlessly
* Dud Gazer Eyes no longer float in the air when thrown
* Renamed Continue to Restart Checkpoint
* The Restart Checkpoint option is now disabled after defeating the Watchdog
* Added a new medal: "Completed the game with only 5 hit points"

Version 0.94
* Fixed the crash on Windows
* Fixed a problem with the ice cubes moving too quickly
* Jacob no longer drops infinite swords
* The rift summoned by Mataeus no longer plays its sound effect endlessly
* Fixed a problem with The Sewer Dweller's attacks being unblockable
* Ice cubes now vanish after a few seconds instead of hanging around forever
* Dark Summoners no longer get stuck after casting lightning

Version 0.93
* Fixed the description on the scrap of paper after loading a game

Version 0.92
* Fixed a crash when loading a game

Version 0.91
* Fixed a problem with the book in the Occult section of the Library
* Added support for offline medals

Version 0.90
* The Windows version no longer crashes when trying to load GNU gettext files
* Added the final part of the story, the main quest is now completable
* Made the Watchdog easier to defeat

Version 0.87
* Made the Village a lot smaller

Version 0.86
* Fixed the Salamander only performing one attack in its ice form
* Finally fixed the map resetting bug
* The Armour Changers can now be hurt by the lightning sword
* Fixed a crash when destroying Grimlore's armour
* Fixed a crash in the control menu when configuring a joystick control
* Added a large number of sound effects
* Apples can now be used without having to reload a game

Version 0.85
* Added the next part of the story
* Fixed a bug with the Salamander not changing to its fire form
* Filling up the potion bottle no longer creates an additional bottle in the map
* Fixed a problem with games not being able to be loaded if Mini Centurions were on the map

Version 0.82
* Fixed a crash when defeating Grimlore
* Reduced the amount of memory required by the Sewer map
* Fixed a problem with the safe in the Library (it's not ready yet)

Version 0.81
* Fixed a crash when creating the Disintegration Shield

Version 0.80
* Added the next part of the story
* Fixed a problem with the robot on the third floor of the Library
* Added a reset switch to the start of the Sewer
* Fixed a slight problem with some of the conveyor belts in the Dungeon
* Green Centipedes can be walked on again after loading a game (really fixed this time)
* The game should work on 16 bit resolutions

Version 0.77
* Green Centipedes can be walked on again after loading a game
* Fixed a bug with Evil Edgar's sword attack
* Fighting Mataeus before reading the enchanting weapons book no longer breaks the game

Version 0.76
* Fixed a crash when killing a centurion
* Corrected the makefile version number
* The fish in the Left Tower no longer become stuck if the player falls in the water
* Fixed a bug when the player becomes frozen in ice
* Fixed a bug where the player could not turn into a Slime if standing on the ground
* Added Spanish translation

Version 0.75
* Added the next part of the story
* The Left Tower is now accessible
* The Graveyard is now accessible
* Fixed the bug allowing the player to collect an infinite number of lightning sword charges
* Fixed an animation error with the Dragon Flies
* Fixed a bug with the thunder cloud created by the yellow book in the Library
* Loading a game whilst being eaten no longer results in Edgar being unable to move
* Loading a game whilst the huge spider is stunned no longer freezes it

Version 0.73
* Added the next part of the story
* The number of arrows / Lightning Sword charges is now displayed under the item box
* Damage points now appear when an entity is hit

Version 0.72
* Added the next part of the story
* Fixed the default key for the Action command
* The continue option is now disabled after defeating the Phoenix
* Fixed a problem with collectable items not vanishing if they can't be picked up

Version 0.71
* Logs can now be reset correctly
* The Icicles now break when landing on objects
* It is now possible to find all your items in the Wasteland

Version 0.70
* Added the next part of the story
* Fixed a scrolling error after defeating the Sewer boss
* Loading a game correctly sets the Bow
* Made Mataeus completely optional
* Fixed a bug with the Sewer boss
* You can now choose the audio quality which should prevent audio underrun messages

Version 0.67
* Fixed the Armadillo Spike Ball duplication bug
* Fixed a problem with the Dice blocks in the laboratory
* Finally added the Sewer Restricted Zone Key
* Added the ability to disable the joystick via the command line, see the manual for details

Version 0.66
* Starting the game with no sound and then enabling it no longer causes an error
* The ice balls thrown by the Ice Tortoises no longer crash the game if they fall out of the map
* Attempting to squash a little Splitter when it's growing bigger no longer causes an error
* Made the Dungeon easier
* Fixed a problem with the antigravity fields
* Added incremental backups of save files to protect against corruption

Version 0.65
* Added the next part of the story
* Dying and then being stunned by a Centurion no longer leaves you immortal
* Fixed a crash when creating the Fire Shield

Version 0.62
* Fixed a bug with the Golem
* Fixed a bug with the Medals meaning that you could only earn 1 per session
* The Large Green Book no longer attacks you if you move off screen
* The slime covering the player now vanishes again after a moment
* The red grubs no longer keep moving during their spin attack startup

Version 0.61
* Fixed the Lightning Sword going into negative charges
* Fixed a bug when failing to Transmogrify
* The Armoury Boss no longer gets stuck when dropping from the ceiling
* Updated the tutorial to include general item use
* The Basement Boss can now be hurt when continuing
* Fixed a memory leak in the menu
* Added the ability to set the audio buffer size. Use this if the sound stutters
* Enemies now drop charges if you load a game with an uncharged Lightning Sword
* The Red Centurions can now hurt you again after reforming
* Added support for sorting inventory items using the previous and next inventory item buttons

Version 0.60
* Edgar now animates when firing the bow
* Added the next part of the story
* Fixed the fish swimming out of the water
* The game should now compile OK on Macs

Version 0.59
* Fixed a problem with the lasers in the Basement and the Laboratory
* Fixed a potential crash when fighting Mataeus
* Added 64 bit binaries :)

Version 0.58
* Fixed a problem with bombs dropped by the Borer
* The Borer can no longer grab more than 1 item at a time
* The potion bottle is no longer lost when creating the spell

Version 0.57
* Water purifiers should no longer crash various maps
* Added the next part of the story
* Secret tally is now reset when a new game is started

Version 0.56
* Explosions that kill enemies no longer crash the game
* Added the Armoury Boss
* Added the ability to continue against most bosses

Version 0.55
* Added the Armoury map, you can get to it via the Fortress Ground Floor
* Fixed a problem with some key mappings
* Added some statistics, such as play time and enemies killed
* Fixed a bunch of memory leaks
* Added more Medals to earn, check Parallel Realities for details
* Scripts no longer freeze when they are interrupted when loading a game

Version 0.52
* Minor update to the Basement boss

Version 0.51
* Added the missing Basement boss
* Fixed the broken translations in the Windows build
* The repellent clouds can no longer be picked up when you reload a game
* Fixed the crash in the Library when reading the book
* The game no longer segfaults if it is installed incorrectly

Version 0.50
* Added the 2nd Mine map, you can get to it via the Basement
* Added a large number of translations from Google
* Added support for Medals, you will need to register with Parallel Realities to use this feature
* Changed the Ant Lion puzzle

Version 0.46
* Fixed / removed broken lift switches in the Village and Mines
* Fixed a crash in the Mines
* Fixed the robot on the 3rd floor of the Library
* Fixed a potential crash when the whirlwinds steal your weapons
* The Fire Shield objective cannot be accepted multiple times
* Weapons can no longer be permanently lost in the water
* Fixed the Fly Boss's death sequence
* Saved games now store the currently selected inventory item

Version 0.45
* Added the rest of the Library Map
* Health dropping now works correctly when the bow is equipped
* Music and sound effects are halted when the game is paused
* Items in a grabber should now stay put better
* Energy drainers now drop between 1 and 3 arrows when they die
* The Blob Boss should no longer get stuck when reforming
* Added switches that reset puzzle blocks, play the tutorial to see how they work
* Boss music actually plays now
* Increased the inventory size

Version 0.41
* Fixed the Golem Boss (again)
* Fixed a broken Action Point in the Fortress
* Sequence blocks can no longer be grabbed and moved around

Version 0.40
* Updated the Basement Map
* Sprite flipping is cached rather than being done on the fly
* Added missing lift call switches
* Fixed the arrows falling through the lift after the first Maggot encounter
* The game now reports any catchable errors (segfaults still need to be caught with gdb)
* Added the Library Map
* The Golem Boss should no longer get stuck when reforming
* Removed redundant translation strings
* Items such as Bombs can no longer be thrown while in the inventory screen
* The wooden doors now look slightly more like wooden doors

Version 0.33
* The game now works correctly for locales using comma as their decimal separator
* Fixed behaviour of lifts when loading games
* Polish characters should now be displayed correctly in the translation

Version 0.32
* Corrected errors in the translation handling
* Edgar's weapon and shield are re-equipped after transforming back
* The inventory screen now shows the current Objectives and their completion status
* Fixed behaviour of flying creatures hitting slopes
* Countdown timer no longer flickers when trying to display other messages
* Fixed a potentially nasty bug on the Golem Boss
* Weapons no longer fall through lifts, pressure plates and other objects
* Fixed weapon collision detection
* Added Polish translation
* Fixed a problem with Map Triggers accumulating which would eventually lead to a crash when changing maps
* Starting a new game during a Gazer's flash no longer leaves the screen white
* Blob Boss's punch can no longer get stuck in the scenery

Version 0.31
* Gravity now affects Edgar again when updating from an older version
* Added most translation strings

Version 0.30

* Fixed the scorpion's movement after its attack is blocked
* Lifts no longer change direction when using your weapon in a tight passage
* Added the Fortress Map
* Added the Laboratory Map
* Added proper joypad support
* Fixed scrolling speed when standing on a lift

Version 0.26

* The Forbidden Swamp boss can no longer be frozen by standing behind her
* Game no longer crashes when the fading music is interrupted

Version 0.25

* Fixed the chickens (again)
* Reduced the number of chickens to catch to 3 (and there was much rejoicing)
* Fixed the sprite priorities (again)
* Added the Basement map
* Fixed health drop chance when using the bow
* Fixed corruption of items when swapping items in the inventory
* Selecting an inventory item using the block or interact button will only select it for use rather than using it immediately. Useful for bombs.
* Slight performance improvements
* Added a tutorial level
* Added confirmations to menu options
* Used sound frequency 44100 to prevent crackles (thanks Fish Fillets)
* More arrows are now dropped by enemies
* Minor update to the Mine

Version 0.22

* Fixed a problem with sprite priorities, so now you know what killed you in the Forbidden Swamp

Version 0.20

* The game should now work on 64 bit CPUs
* Added the Forbidden Swamp boss
* Added basic inventory system so the player can see items and their quantities
* The Forest map now has proper scroll limits
* Water animates
* Raft interaction point only takes away the logs when the objective has been completed
* Added the Sewer and Fortress Outskirts maps
* Made Edgar move 25% faster
* Persistance file is now deleted when starting a new game
* Fixed a problem with some Entities moving into a non existant collision grid
* The game attempts to patch your saved game but YMMV

Version 0.11

* Fixed a problem with music loading
* Edgar can now attack in the air whilst moving
* Added save slots
* Added Objective item counter
* Improved slope code

Version 0.10

* Initial release

Richard Sweeney