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<title>Readme for analog -- the domains file</title>

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<h1><img src="analogo.gif" alt=""> Analog 6.0: The domains file</h1>
<hr size=2 noshade>

The domains file tells analog which country is represented by each domain.
You can tell analog where to find your domains file with a command like
Normally you don't need this command, because if there is a domains file in
your language, it should be selected automatically. But the
<kbd>DOMAINSFILE</kbd> command can be useful if you want to use a domains file
in a new language, for example.
If the name of the file doesn't include a directory, it will be
looked for wherever analog normally expects to find its language files.
You should have got a domains file with the program, but if you've lost it,
you can download one from
<a href=""></a>.
It should contain on each line a domain code, followed by a number, followed
by its location, like this:
ad  2  Andorra
ae  3  United Arab Emirates
It does not need to be in alphabetical order, though humans may prefer it that
way. Subdomains do not go in the domains file: you can list them in the Domain
Report using the <kbd><a href="hierreps.html">SUBDOMAIN</a></kbd> command.

<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="orgrules">The number</a> beside each domain represents how many
levels deep an &quot;organisation&quot; is
considered to be, for the purposes of the Organisation Report. For example,
consider the hostname <kbd></kbd>. The organisation is
<kbd></kbd>, at the second level, so Andorra has a 2 in the above
list. But in the UAE, a host looks like <kbd></kbd>.
There is an extra level in the hierarchy, so the UAE has its organisations at
level 3.
There are some problems with this. A few countries have organisations at both
levels 2 and 3 (for example <kbd></kbd> and
<kbd></kbd>). In those cases I've favoured false negatives over
false positives by using the bigger number. (Also there is a correction which
will make most of them right again: the first component is always removed from
a hostname of three or more components.) For other
countries, I don't have enough information to tell what the level should
be. I've just given those a 1. Do <a href="mailing.html">let me know</a> if
you have any more information, or corrections, for the numbers.
For numerical addresses, the organisation is considered to be at level 2 if
the first component is 24, 61-68, 80-81 or 128-255; and otherwise at level 1.
Again this is only an approximation -- for example, many organisations use two
adjacent blocks of numbers, or subdivided blocks -- but it's the best we can
do without looking up every address we come across. (Note that you can always
see more detail using the <kbd><a href="hierreps.html">SUBORG</a></kbd>

<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="unkdoms">Only domains</a> which occur in the domains file will get
their own line in the
Domain Report: the rest are probably spurious, and will be accumulated
together as "unknown domains". If analog couldn't find the domains file, then
all the domains will be unknown. If you have
<a href="debug.html#debugs">debugging</a>
turned on, you can see which domains were unknown.

Lines starting with a hash (<kbd>#</kbd>) in the domains file are considered
to be comments.

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Go to the <a href="">analog home page</a>.
<address>Stephen Turner
<br>19 December 2004</address>
<p><em>Need help with analog? <a href="mailing.html">Use the analog-help
mailing list</a>.</em>
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