

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a589abdee5af8a6e18b4d0a8cc9df0cd > files > 9


%define	major 0
%define libname %mklibname ft %{major}
%define develname %mklibname ft -d

Summary:	Tool set for working with NetFlow data
Name:		flow-tools
Version:	0.68
Release:	%mkrel 7
License:	BSD
Group:		Monitoring
Source1:	flow-capture.init
Source2:	flow-capture.conf
Patch0:		flow-tools-0.67-shared.diff
Patch1:		flow-tools-0.68-debug.diff
Patch2:		flow-tools-0.68-gcc4.diff
Patch3:		flow-tools-libtool_fixes.diff
Patch4:		flow-tools-0.68-format_not_a_string_literal_and_no_format_arguments.diff
Requires:	tcp_wrappers
BuildRequires:	docbook-utils
BuildRequires:	bison
BuildRequires:	flex
BuildRequires:	zlib-devel
BuildRequires:	tcp_wrappers-devel
BuildRequires:	autoconf2.5
BuildRequires:	automake1.7
BuildRequires:	libtool
#BuildRequires:	mysql-devel
#BuildRequires:	postgresql-libs-devel
#BuildRequires:	postgresql-devel
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot

Flow-tools is library and a collection of programs used to
collect, send, process, and generate reports from NetFlow data.
The tools can be used together on a single server or distributed
to multiple servers for large deployments. The flow-toools library
provides an API for development of custom applications for NetFlow
export versions 1,5,6 and the 14 currently defined version 8

%package -n	%{libname}
Summary:	Flow-tools shared libraries
Group:          System/Libraries

%description -n	%{libname}
Flow-tools is library and a collection of programs used to
collect, send, process, and generate reports from NetFlow data.
The tools can be used together on a single server or distributed
to multiple servers for large deployments. The flow-toools library
provides an API for development of custom applications for NetFlow
export versions 1,5,6 and the 14 currently defined version 8

%package -n	%{develname}
Summary:	Development headers and libraries for %{name}
Group:		Development/C
Requires:	%{libname} = %{version}-%{release}
Provides:	%{name}-devel libft-devel
Obsoletes:	%{name}-devel
Obsoletes:	%{mklibname ft 0 -d}

%description -n	%{develname}
Flow-tools is library and a collection of programs used to
collect, send, process, and generate reports from NetFlow data.
The tools can be used together on a single server or distributed
to multiple servers for large deployments. The flow-toools library
provides an API for development of custom applications for NetFlow
export versions 1,5,6 and the 14 currently defined version 8

%package -n	flow-capture
Summary:	Manage storage of flow file archives by expiring old data
Group:		System/Servers
Requires(post): rpm-helper
Requires(preun): rpm-helper
Requires:	flow-tools = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n	flow-capture
The flow-capture utility will receive and store NetFlow exports to


%setup -q 
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p0
%patch4 -p0

cp %{SOURCE1} flow-capture.init
cp %{SOURCE2} flow-capture.conf

export WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5=1
libtoolize --copy --force; aclocal-1.7; autoconf; automake-1.7 --add-missing

%configure2_5x \
    --bindir=%{_sbindir} \
    --localstatedir=%{_sysconfdir}/ft \

#    --with-mysql=%{_prefix} \
#    --with-pgsql=%{_prefix}

%make CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fPIC"

rm -rf %{buildroot}

# don't fiddle with the initscript!

%makeinstall \
    localstatedir=%{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/ft \

install -d %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/ft
install -d %{buildroot}/var/lib/flow-capture

install -m0755 flow-capture.init %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/flow-capture
install -m0644 flow-capture.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/flow-capture.conf

# python path fix
perl -pi -e "s|/usr/local/bin/python|%{_bindir}/python|g" %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/flow-log2rrd
perl -pi -e "s|/usr/local/bin/python|%{_bindir}/python|g" %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/flow-rpt2rrd
perl -pi -e "s|/usr/local/bin/python|%{_bindir}/python|g" %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/flow-rptfmt

%post -n flow-capture
%_post_service flow-capture

%preun -n flow-capture
%_preun_service flow-capture

%if %mdkversion < 200900
%post -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%if %mdkversion < 200900
%postun -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ft/cfg/*
%attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ft/sym/*
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/ft

%files -n flow-capture
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_initrddir}/flow-capture
%config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/flow-capture.conf
%dir /var/lib/flow-capture

%files -n %{libname}

%files -n %{develname}
%doc docs/*.html

* Sun Oct 04 2009 Oden Eriksson <> 0.68-7mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 453590
- fix build
- rebuild
- use lowercase mysql-devel

  + Thierry Vignaud <>
    - rebuild

* Sun Jul 20 2008 Oden Eriksson <> 0.68-5mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 238992
- added libtool fixes
- hardcode %%{_localstatedir}

  + Pixel <>
    - do not call ldconfig in %%post/%%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers
    - adapt to %%_localstatedir now being /var instead of /var/lib (#22312)

  + Olivier Blin <>
    - restore BuildRoot

  + Thierry Vignaud <>
    - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request

* Tue Sep 04 2007 Oden Eriksson <> 0.68-4mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 79253
- new devel naming

* Thu Aug 23 2007 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.68-3mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 70216
- convert prereq

* Fri Nov 17 2006 Oden Eriksson <> 0.68-2mdv2007.0
+ Revision: 85287
- Import flow-tools

* Fri Nov 17 2006 Oden Eriksson <> 0.68-2mdv2007.1
- rebuild

* Sat Sep 10 2005 Oden Eriksson <> 0.68-1mdk
- 0.68
- added one gcc4 patch (debian)
- rediffed P1
- drop upstream implemented patches (P2)

* Mon Aug 09 2004 Oden Eriksson <> 0.67-1mdk
- 0.67
- provide a shared lib as well (P0)
- added P1 & P2 (debian)
- made flow-capture a service as debian does it
- use autoconf2.5

* Sat Feb 28 2004 Michael Scherer <> 0.66-2mdk 
- [DIRM]