

distrib > Mandriva > 2011.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 55919a653de3b6b92cb6be1402a5d54d > files > 98



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de uso.


#ifndef __CLIO_H__
#define __CLIO_H__

#include <blocktypes.h>

#define IO_IS_CLAUER     1
#define IO_IS_NOT_CLAUER 0

#define IO_IS_REMOVABLE     1

#define MAX_DEVICE_LEN   1024     /* The maximum device name in characters */
#define MAX_SCSI_DEV     128      /* The maximum devices to consider (Linux only) */
#define BLOCK_SIZE       10240
#define IO_MAX_DEVICES   128

#define IO_RDWR    1
#define IO_RD      0

/* Some enumeration types */

#define IO_ENUM_ALL       10  /* Enumerate scsi devices and cryf files on floppy drives also */
#define IO_ENUM_USB       11  /* Enumerate just usb clauer devices */
#define IO_ENUM_FILES     12  /* Enumerate usb devices and cryf files NOT on floppy drives*/
#define IO_ENUM_USB_ALL   13  /* Enumerate just usb devices clauer or not */


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
     * Defines the whence parameter values of the IO_Seek function
    typedef enum { 
    } io_whence_t;
    /* The handle is opaque from the outside
    typedef void * clauer_handle_t;
    /* Function prototypes
    int IO_EnumClauers  ( unsigned char *nDevs, char *devices[IO_MAX_DEVICES], int mode );
    int IO_Is_Clauer        ( const char *device );
   int IO_Is_Removable      ( const char *device );
    /* Returns a checksum that represent the actual state of the system related with the devices */

    int IO_Get_Checksum     ( void );
     The last parameter could be 0 or IO_CHECK_IS_CLAUER, with the first value, this function 
     does not check if the device you're opening is a clauer, with the second parameter, this 
     check it is done.
  int IO_GetBytesSectorByPath (const char * device);
  int IO_Open             ( const char * device, clauer_handle_t *hClauer, int type, int check);
  int IO_Close            ( clauer_handle_t hClauer );
  int IO_Read             ( clauer_handle_t hClauer, unsigned char *block );
  int IO_Write            ( clauer_handle_t hClauer, unsigned char *block );
  int IO_UpdateProperties ( clauer_handle_t hClauer );
  int IO_WriteSector      ( clauer_handle_t hClauer, int offset, unsigned char *sector );
  int IO_Seek             ( clauer_handle_t hClauer, unsigned long long offset, io_whence_t whence );
  int IO_ReadInfoBlock    ( clauer_handle_t hClauer, block_info_t *ib );
  int IO_WriteInfoBlock   ( clauer_handle_t hClauer, block_info_t *ib );
  int IO_obtenerBytesSector(int dispositivo);

  int IO_GetDriveLetter(clauer_handle_t * hClauer, char * logical_unit, int * found);
  /* Interface for setting the clauer's info block without reading from the device */
  int IO_SetInfoBlock     ( clauer_handle_t * hClauer, block_info_t *ib ); 
  /* TBE */
  int IO_Block ( clauer_handle_t hClauer );
  /* Return values
#define IO_SUCCESS                      0
#define ERR_IO                         -1
#define ERR_IO_OUT_OF_MEMORY           -3
#define ERR_IO_NOT_CLAUER           -1001
#define ERR_IO_READ                 -1002
#define ERR_IO_CLOSE                -1003
#define ERR_IO_DISK_FULL            -1004
#define ERR_IO_WRITE                -1005
#define ERR_IO_SEEK                 -1006
#define ERR_IO_OUT_OF_BOUNDS        -1007
#define ERR_IO_NO_PERM              -1008
#define ERR_IO_EOF                  -1009
#define ERR_IO_GET_BYTES_SECTOR     -1010
#define ERR_IO_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE    -1011
#define ERR_IO_END_PARTITION        -1012
#define ERR_IO_IOCTL                -1014
#ifdef __cplusplus
