

distrib > Mandriva > 2011.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > d1be6f65f2c3c9b75cf9b48fad7ff85f > files > 258


 * libyahoo2: yahoo2_callbacks.h
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Philip S Tellis <philip.tellis AT>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

 * The functions in this file *must* be defined in your client program
 * If you want to use a callback structure instead of direct functions,
 * then you must define USE_STRUCT_CALLBACKS in all files that #include
 * this one.
 * Register the callback structure by calling yahoo_register_callbacks -
 * declared in this file and defined in libyahoo2.c


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "yahoo2_types.h"

 * yahoo2_callbacks.h
 * Callback interface for libyahoo2

	typedef enum {
		YAHOO_INPUT_READ = 1 << 0,
	} yahoo_input_condition;

 * A callback function called when an asynchronous connect completes.
 * Params:
 *     fd    - The file descriptor object that has been connected, or NULL on 
 *             error
 *     error - The value of errno set by the call to connect or 0 if no error
 *	       Set both fd and error to 0 if the connect was cancelled by the
 *	       user
 *     callback_data - the callback_data passed to the ext_yahoo_connect_async
 *	       function
	typedef void (*yahoo_connect_callback) (void *fd, int error,
		void *callback_data);

 * The following functions need to be implemented in the client
 * interface.  They will be called by the library when each
 * event occurs.

 * should we use a callback structure or directly call functions
 * if you want the structure, you *must* define USE_STRUCT_CALLBACKS
 * both when you compile the library, and when you compile your code
 * that uses the library

#define YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(x)	(*x)
	struct yahoo_callbacks {

 * Name: ext_yahoo_login_response
 * 	Called when the login process is complete
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	succ - enum yahoo_login_status
 * 	url  - url to reactivate account if locked
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_login_response) (int id, int succ,
		const char *url);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_buddies
 * 	Called when the contact list is got from the server
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	buds - the buddy list
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_buddies) (int id, YList *buds);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_ignore
 * 	Called when the ignore list is got from the server
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	igns - the ignore list
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_ignore) (int id, YList *igns);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_identities
 * 	Called when the contact list is got from the server
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	ids  - the identity list
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_identities) (int id, YList *ids);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_cookies
 * 	Called when the cookie list is got from the server
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_cookies) (int id);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_ping
 * 	Called when the ping packet is received from the server
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 *  errormsg - optional error message
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_ping) (int id,
		const char *errormsg);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_status_changed
 * 	Called when remote user's status changes.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	who  - the handle of the remote user
 * 	stat - status code (enum yahoo_status)
 * 	msg  - the message if stat == YAHOO_STATUS_CUSTOM
 * 	away - whether the contact is away or not (YAHOO_STATUS_CUSTOM)
 * 	idle - this is the number of seconds he is idle [if he is idle]
 *	mobile - this is set for mobile users/buddies
 *	TODO: add support for pager, chat, and game states
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_status_changed) (int id,
		const char *who, int stat, const char *msg, int away, int idle,
		int mobile);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_buzz
 * 	Called when remote user sends you a buzz.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity the message was sent to
 * 	who  - the handle of the remote user
 * 	tm   - timestamp of message if offline
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_buzz) (int id, const char *me,
		const char *who, long tm);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_im
 * 	Called when remote user sends you a message.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity the message was sent to
 * 	who  - the handle of the remote user
 * 	msg  - the message - NULL if stat == 2
 * 	tm   - timestamp of message if offline
 * 	stat - message status - 0
 * 				1
 * 				2 == error sending message
 * 				5
 * 	utf8 - whether the message is encoded as utf8 or not
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_im) (int id, const char *me,
		const char *who, const char *msg, long tm, int stat, int utf8);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_conf_invite
 * 	Called when remote user sends you a conference invitation.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity the invitation was sent to
 * 	who  - the user inviting you
 * 	room - the room to join
 * 	msg  - the message
 *	members - the initial members of the conference (null terminated list)
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_conf_invite) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *room,
		const char *msg, YList *members);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_conf_userdecline
 * 	Called when someone declines to join the conference.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the conference
 * 	who  - the user who has declined
 * 	room - the room
 * 	msg  - the declining message
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_conf_userdecline) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *room,
		const char *msg);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_conf_userjoin
 * 	Called when someone joins the conference.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the conference
 * 	who  - the user who has joined
 * 	room - the room joined
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_conf_userjoin) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *room);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_conf_userleave
 * 	Called when someone leaves the conference.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the conference
 * 	who  - the user who has left
 * 	room - the room left
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_conf_userleave) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *room);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_chat_cat_xml
 * 	Called when ?
 * Params:
 * 	id      - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	xml     - ?
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_chat_cat_xml) (int id,
		const char *xml);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_chat_join
 * 	Called when joining the chatroom.
 * Params:
 * 	id      - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the chatroom
 * 	room    - the room joined, used in all other chat calls, freed by 
 * 	          library after call
 * 	topic   - the topic of the room, freed by library after call
 *	members - the initial members of the chatroom (null terminated YList 
 *	          of yahoo_chat_member's) Must be freed by the client
 *	fd	- the object where the connection is coming from (for tracking)
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_chat_join) (int id, const char *me,
		const char *room, const char *topic, YList *members, void *fd);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_chat_userjoin
 * 	Called when someone joins the chatroom.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the chatroom
 * 	room - the room joined
 * 	who  - the user who has joined, Must be freed by the client
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_chat_userjoin) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *room,
		struct yahoo_chat_member *who);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_chat_userleave
 * 	Called when someone leaves the chatroom.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the chatroom
 * 	room - the room left
 * 	who  - the user who has left (Just the User ID)
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_chat_userleave) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *room, const char *who);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_chat_message
 * 	Called when someone messages in the chatroom.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the chatroom
 * 	room - the room
 * 	who  - the user who messaged (Just the user id)
 * 	msg  - the message
 * 	msgtype  - 1 = Normal message
 * 		   2 = /me type message
 * 	utf8 - whether the message is utf8 encoded or not
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_chat_message) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *room,
		const char *msg, int msgtype, int utf8);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_chat_yahoologout
 *	called when yahoo disconnects your chat session
 *	Note this is called whenver a disconnect happens, client or server
 *	requested. Care should be taken to make sure you know the origin 
 *	of the disconnect request before doing anything here (auto-join's etc)
 * Params:
 *	id   - the id that identifies this connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the chatroom
 * Returns:
 *	nothing.
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_chat_yahoologout) (int id,
		const char *me);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_chat_yahooerror
 *	called when yahoo sends back an error to you
 *	Note this is called whenver chat message is sent into a room
 *	in error (fd not connected, room doesn't exists etc)
 *	Care should be taken to make sure you know the origin 
 *	of the error before doing anything about it.
 * Params:
 *	id   - the id that identifies this connection
 * 	me   - the identity in the chatroom
 * Returns:
 *	nothing.
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_chat_yahooerror) (int id,
		const char *me);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_conf_message
 * 	Called when someone messages in the conference.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity the conf message was sent to
 * 	who  - the user who messaged
 * 	room - the room
 * 	msg  - the message
 * 	utf8 - whether the message is utf8 encoded or not
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_conf_message) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *room,
		const char *msg, int utf8);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_file
 * 	Called when someone sends you a file
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the identity the file was sent to
 * 	who  - the user who sent the file
 * 	msg  - the message
 * 	fname- the file name if direct transfer
 * 	fsize- the file size if direct transfer
 * 	trid - transfer id. Unique for this transfer
 * NOTE: Subsequent callbacks for file transfer do not send all of this
 * information again since it is wasteful. Implementations are expected to
 * save this information and supply it as callback data when the file or
 * confirmation is sent
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_file) (int id, const char *me,
		const char *who, const char *msg, const char *fname,
		unsigned long fesize, char *trid);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_ft_data
 * 	Called multiple times when parts of the file are received
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	in   - The data
 * 	len  - Length of the data
 * 	data - callback data
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_ft_data) (int id,
		const unsigned char *in, int len, void *data);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_file_transfer_done
 * 	File transfer is done
 * Params:
 * 	id     - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	result - To notify if it finished successfully or with a failure
 * 	data   - callback data
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_file_transfer_done) (int id,
		int result, void *data);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_contact_added
 * 	Called when a contact is added to your list
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	myid - the identity he was added to
 * 	who  - who was added
 * 	msg  - any message sent
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_contact_added) (int id,
		const char *myid, const char *who, const char *msg);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_rejected
 * 	Called when a contact rejects your add
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	who  - who rejected you
 * 	msg  - any message sent
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_rejected) (int id, const char *who,
		const char *msg);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_typing_notify
 * 	Called when remote user starts or stops typing.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the handle of the identity the notification is sent to
 * 	who  - the handle of the remote user
 * 	stat - 1 if typing, 0 if stopped typing
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_typing_notify) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, int stat);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_game_notify
 * 	Called when remote user starts or stops a game.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the handle of the identity the notification is sent to
 * 	who  - the handle of the remote user
 * 	stat - 1 if game, 0 if stopped gaming
 * 	msg  - game description and/or other text
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_game_notify) (int id, const char *me,
		const char *who, int stat, const char *msg);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_mail_notify
 * 	Called when you receive mail, or with number of messages
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	from - who the mail is from - NULL if only mail count
 * 	subj - the subject of the mail - NULL if only mail count
 * 	cnt  - mail count - 0 if new mail notification
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_mail_notify) (int id,
		const char *from, const char *subj, int cnt);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_system_message
 * 	System message
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - the handle of the identity the notification is sent to
 * 	who  - the source of the system message (there are different types)
 * 	msg  - the message
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_system_message) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *msg);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon
 * 	Buddy icon received
 * Params:
 * 	id - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me - the handle of the identity the notification is sent to
 * 	who - the person the buddy icon is for
 * 	url - the url to use to load the icon
 * 	checksum - the checksum of the icon content
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *url, int checksum);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_checksum
 * 	Buddy icon checksum received
 * Params:
 * 	id - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me - the handle of the identity the notification is sent to
 * 	who - the yahoo id of the buddy icon checksum is for
 * 	checksum - the checksum of the icon content
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_checksum) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, int checksum);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_request
 * 	Buddy icon request received
 * Params:
 * 	id - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me - the handle of the identity the notification is sent to
 * 	who - the yahoo id of the buddy that requested the buddy icon
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_request) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_request
 * 	Buddy icon request received
 * Params:
 * 	id - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	url - remote url, the uploaded buddy icon can be fetched from
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_buddyicon_uploaded) (int id,
		const char *url);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_webcam_image
 * 	Called when you get a webcam update
 *	An update can either be receiving an image, a part of an image or
 *	just an update with a timestamp
 * Params:
 * 	id         - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	who        - the user who's webcam we're viewing
 *	image      - image data
 *	image_size - length of the image in bytes
 *	real_size  - actual length of image data
 *	timestamp  - milliseconds since the webcam started
 *	If the real_size is smaller then the image_size then only part of
 *	the image has been read. This function will keep being called till
 *	the total amount of bytes in image_size has been read. The image
 *	received is in JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax (ISO/IEC 15444-1).
 *	The size of the image will be either 160x120 or 320x240.
 *	Each webcam image contains a timestamp. This timestamp should be
 *	used to keep the image in sync since some images can take longer
 *	to transport then others. When image_size is 0 we can still receive
 *	a timestamp to stay in sync
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_webcam_image) (int id,
		const char *who, const unsigned char *image,
		unsigned int image_size, unsigned int real_size,
		unsigned int timestamp);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_webcam_invite
 * 	Called when you get a webcam invitation
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - identity the invitation is to
 * 	from - who the invitation is from
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_webcam_invite) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *from);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_webcam_invite_reply
 * 	Called when you get a response to a webcam invitation
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	me   - identity the invitation response is to
 * 	from - who the invitation response is from
 *	accept - 0 (decline), 1 (accept)
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_webcam_invite_reply) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *from, int accept);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_webcam_closed
 * 	Called when the webcam connection closed
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	who  - the user who we where connected to
 *	reason - reason why the connection closed
 *	         1 = user stopped broadcasting
 *	         2 = user cancelled viewing permission
 *	         3 = user declines permission
 *	         4 = user does not have webcam online
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_webcam_closed) (int id,
		const char *who, int reason);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_search_result
 *      Called when the search result received from server
 * Params:
 *      id  	 - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	found	 - total number of results returned in the current result set
 * 	start	 - offset from where the current result set starts
 * 	total	 - total number of results available (start + found <= total)
 * 	contacts - the list of results as a YList of yahoo_found_contact
 * 		   these will be freed after this function returns, so
 * 		   if you need to use the information, make a copy
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_search_result) (int id,
		int found, int start, int total, YList *contacts);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_error
 * 	Called on error.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	err  - the error message
 * 	fatal- whether this error is fatal to the connection or not
 * 	num  - Which error is this
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_error) (int id, const char *err,
		int fatal, int num);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_webcam_viewer
 *	Called when a viewer disconnects/connects/requests to connect
 * Params:
 *	id  - the id that identifies the server connection
 *	who - the viewer
 *	connect - 0=disconnect 1=connect 2=request
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_webcam_viewer) (int id,
		const char *who, int connect);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_webcam_data_request
 *	Called when you get a request for webcam images
 * Params:
 *	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 *	send - whether to send images or not
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_webcam_data_request) (int id,
		int send);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_log
 * 	Called to log a message.
 * Params:
 * 	fmt  - the printf formatted message
 * Returns:
 * 	0
	int YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_log) (const char *fmt, ...);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_add_handler
 * 	Add a listener for the fd.  Must call yahoo_read_ready
 * 	when a YAHOO_INPUT_READ fd is ready and yahoo_write_ready
 * 	when a YAHOO_INPUT_WRITE fd is ready.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the server connection
 * 	fd   - the fd object on which to listen
 * 	cond - the condition on which to call the callback
 * 	data - callback data to pass to yahoo_*_ready
 * Returns: a tag to be used when removing the handler
	int YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_add_handler) (int id, void *fd,
		yahoo_input_condition cond, void *data);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_remove_handler
 * 	Remove the listener for the fd.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies the connection
 * 	tag  - the handler tag to remove
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_remove_handler) (int id, int tag);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_connect
 * 	Connect to a host:port
 * Params:
 * 	host - the host to connect to
 * 	port - the port to connect on
 * Returns:
 * 	a unix file descriptor to the socket
	int YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_connect) (const char *host, int port);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_connect_async
 * 	Connect to a host:port asynchronously. This function should return
 * 	immediately returing a tag used to identify the connection handler,
 * 	or a pre-connect error (eg: host name lookup failure).
 * 	Once the connect completes (successfully or unsuccessfully), callback
 * 	should be called (see the signature for yahoo_connect_callback).
 * 	The callback may safely be called before this function returns, but
 * 	it should not be called twice.
 * Params:
 * 	id   - the id that identifies this connection
 * 	host - the host to connect to
 * 	port - the port to connect on
 * 	callback - function to call when connect completes
 * 	callback_data - data to pass to the callback function
 * 	use_ssl - Whether we need an SSL connection
 * Returns:
 * 	a tag signifying the connection attempt
	int YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_connect_async) (int id,
		const char *host, int port, yahoo_connect_callback callback,
		void *callback_data, int use_ssl);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_get_ip_addr
 * 	get IP Address for a domain name
 * Params:
 * 	domain - Domain name
 * Returns:
 * 	Newly allocated string containing the IP Address in IPv4 notation
	char *YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_get_ip_addr) (const char *domain);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_write
 * 	Write data from the buffer into the socket for the specified connection
 * Params:
 * 	fd  - the file descriptor object that identifies this connection
 * 	buf - Buffer to write the data from
 * 	len - Length of the data
 * Returns:
 * 	Number of bytes written or -1 for error
	int YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_write) (void *fd, char *buf, int len);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_read
 * 	Read data into a buffer from socket for the specified connection
 * Params:
 * 	fd  - the file descriptor object that identifies this connection
 * 	buf - Buffer to read the data into
 * 	len - Max length to read
 * Returns:
 * 	Number of bytes read or -1 for error
	int YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_read) (void *fd, char *buf, int len);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_close
 * 	Close the file descriptor object and free its resources. Libyahoo2 will not
 * 	use this object again.
 * Params:
 * 	fd  - the file descriptor object that identifies this connection
 * Returns:
 * 	Nothing
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_close) (void *fd);

 * Name: ext_yahoo_got_buddy_change_group
 * 	Acknowledgement of buddy changing group
 * Params:
 * 	id: client id
 * 	me: The user
 * 	who: Buddy name
 * 	old_group: Old group name
 * 	new_group: New group name
 * Returns:
 * 	Nothing
	void YAHOO_CALLBACK_TYPE(ext_yahoo_got_buddy_change_group) (int id,
		const char *me, const char *who, const char *old_group,
		const char *new_group);


 * if using a callback structure, call yahoo_register_callbacks
 * before doing anything else
void yahoo_register_callbacks(struct yahoo_callbacks *tyc);



#ifdef __cplusplus
