

distrib > Mandriva > 2011.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release-debug > by-pkgid > fb47758680c4af71d8176f69d8bd7c63 > files > 17


// Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Federico Montesino Pouzols <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however    
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.    
// This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
// ccRTP.  If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
// ccRTP, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
// not apply to the code that you add in this way.  To avoid misleading
// anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
// this exception notice from them.
// If you write modifications of your own for GNU ccRTP, it is your choice
// whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
// If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.


#include <ccrtp/base.h>

#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
inline size_t ccioctl(SOCKET so, int request, size_t& len) 
{ return ::ioctl(so,request,&len); }
inline size_t ccioctl(SOCKET so, int request, size_t& len )
	unsigned long l; 
	size_t result = 0;
	len = l; 
	return result;

namespace ost {

 * @file channel.h
 * Definition of socket classes for different underlying transport
 * and/or network protocols that can be used to instantiate the
 * TRTPSessionBase template.

 * @defgroup sockets Underlying transport protocol socket classes.
 * @{

 * @class RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket
 * @short A UDP/IPv4 socket class targetted at RTP stacks.
 * This class provides a flat interface that includes all the services
 * required by an RTP stack.
 * It can be used in two ways:
 * To instantiate the DualSocket template, which will be used to
 * instantiate an RTP stack template (such as TRTPSessionBase).
 * To directly instantiate an RTP stack template (such as
 * TRTPSessionBase).
 * This class offers an example of the interface that other classes
 * should provide in order to specialize the ccRTP stack for different
 * underlying protocols.
 * @author Federico Montesino Pouzols <>
class RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket : private UDPSocket
	 * Constructor for receiver.
	RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket(const InetAddress& ia, tpport_t port) :
	{ }
	inline ~RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket()
	{ endSocket(); }
	inline bool
	isPendingRecv(microtimeout_t timeout)
	{ return UDPSocket::isPending(UDPSocket::pendingInput, timeout); }

	inline InetHostAddress
	getSender(tpport_t& port) const
	{ return UDPSocket::getSender(&port); }

	inline size_t
	recv(unsigned char* buffer, size_t len)
	{ return UDPSocket::receive(buffer, len); }

	 * Get size of next datagram waiting to be read.
	inline size_t
	getNextPacketSize() const
	{ size_t len; ccioctl(UDPSocket::so,FIONREAD,len); return len; }

	setMulticast(bool enable)
	{ return UDPSocket::setMulticast(enable); }

	inline Socket::Error
	join(const InetMcastAddress& ia, uint32 iface)
	{ return UDPSocket::join(ia,iface); }

	inline Socket::Error
	drop(const InetMcastAddress& ia)
	{ return UDPSocket::drop(ia); }

        inline Socket::Error 
	setTimeToLive(unsigned char ttl)
	{ return UDPSocket::setTimeToLive(ttl); }
	 * Constructor for transmitter.
	RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket() :
	{ }

	inline void 
	setPeer(const InetAddress &ia, tpport_t port)
		{UDPSocket::setPeer((InetHostAddress&)ia, port);}

	inline size_t
	send(const unsigned char* const buffer, size_t len)
	{ return UDPSocket::send(buffer, len); }

	inline SOCKET getRecvSocket() const
	{ return UDPSocket::so; }

	// common
	inline void
	{ UDPSocket::endSocket(); }

 * @class DualUDPIPv4Socket
 * @short A socket class based on two UDP/IPv4 sockets.
 * Defines a communication channel for RTP data and/or RTCP streams.
 * Sockets used to instantiate this template must define a framing
 * mechanism (UDP does not need any addition, TCP does).
 * This class implements a socket as a pair of UDP/IPv4 sockets,
 * alllowing both transmission and reception of packets in unicast as
 * well as multicast mode. The implementation of this class relies on
 * the Common C++ UDPSocket class but provides the interface needed by
 * a ccRTP stack.
 * Normally, RTP stacks will use two objects of this class, one for
 * RTP data packets transmission/reception and other for RTCP
 * (control) transmission/reception.
 * @author Federico Montesino Pouzols <>
template<class BaseSocket>
class DualRTPChannel
	DualRTPChannel(const InetAddress& ia, tpport_t port)
		recvSocket = new BaseSocket(ia,port);
		sendSocket = new BaseSocket;

	inline ~DualRTPChannel()
	{ delete sendSocket; delete recvSocket; }
	inline bool
	isPendingRecv(microtimeout_t timeout) const
	{ return recvSocket->isPendingRecv(timeout); }

	inline InetHostAddress
	getSender(tpport_t& port) const
	{ return recvSocket->getSender(port); }

	inline size_t
	recv(unsigned char* buffer, size_t len)
	{ return recvSocket->recv(buffer, len); }

	inline size_t
	getNextPacketSize() const
	{ return recvSocket->getNextPacketSize(); }

	inline Socket::Error
	setMulticast(bool enable)
	{ Socket::Error error = recvSocket->setMulticast(enable); 
	  if (error) return error;
	  return sendSocket->setMulticast(enable); }

	inline Socket::Error
	join(const InetMcastAddress& ia, uint32 iface)
	{ return recvSocket->join(ia,iface); }

	inline Socket::Error
	drop(const InetMcastAddress& ia)
	{ return recvSocket->drop(ia); }

        inline Socket::Error 
	setTimeToLive(unsigned char ttl)
	{ return sendSocket->setTimeToLive(ttl); }
	inline void 
	setPeer(const InetAddress& host, tpport_t port)
	{ sendSocket->setPeer(host,port); }

	inline size_t
	send(const unsigned char* const buffer, size_t len)		  
	{ return sendSocket->send(buffer, len); }

	inline SOCKET getRecvSocket() const
	{ return recvSocket->getRecvSocket(); }

	// common.
	inline void
	{ sendSocket->endSocket(); recvSocket->endSocket(); }

	BaseSocket* sendSocket;
	BaseSocket* recvSocket;

#ifdef	CCXX_IPV6

 * @class RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket
 * @short A UDP/IPv6 socket class targetted at RTP stacks.
 * This class provides a flat interface that includes all the services
 * required by an RTP stack.
 * It can be used in two ways:
 * To instantiate the DualSocket template, which will be used to
 * instantiate an RTP stack template (such as TRTPSessionBaseIPV6).
 * To directly instantiate an RTP stack template (such as
 * TRTPSessionBaseIPV6).
 * This class offers an example of the interface that other classes
 * should provide in order to specialize the ccRTP stack for different
 * underlying protocols.
 * @author David Sugar <>
class RTPBaseUDPIPv6Socket : private UDPSocket
	 * Constructor for receiver.
	RTPBaseUDPIPv6Socket(const IPV6Address& ia, tpport_t port) :
	{ }
	inline ~RTPBaseUDPIPv6Socket()
	{ endSocket(); }
	inline bool
	isPendingRecv(microtimeout_t timeout)
	{ return UDPSocket::isPending(UDPSocket::pendingInput, timeout); }

	inline IPV6Host
	getSender(tpport_t& port) const
	{ return UDPSocket::getIPV6Sender(&port); }

	inline size_t
	recv(unsigned char* buffer, size_t len)
	{ return UDPSocket::receive(buffer, len); }

	 * Get size of next datagram waiting to be read.
	inline size_t
	getNextPacketSize() const
	{ size_t len; ccioctl(UDPSocket::so,FIONREAD,len); return len; }

	setMulticast(bool enable)
	{ return UDPSocket::setMulticast(enable); }

	inline Socket::Error
	join(const IPV6Multicast& ia, uint32 iface)
	{ return Socket::join(ia); }

	inline Socket::Error
	drop(const IPV6Multicast& ia)
	{ return UDPSocket::drop(ia); }

        inline Socket::Error 
	setTimeToLive(unsigned char ttl)
	{ return UDPSocket::setTimeToLive(ttl); }
	 * Constructor for transmitter.
	RTPBaseUDPIPv6Socket() :
	{ }

	inline void 
	setPeer(const IPV6Host &ia, tpport_t port)
		{UDPSocket::setPeer(ia, port);}

	inline size_t
	send(const unsigned char* const buffer, size_t len)
	{ return UDPSocket::send(buffer, len); }

	inline SOCKET getRecvSocket() const
	{ return UDPSocket::so; }

	// common
	inline void
	{ UDPSocket::endSocket(); }

 * @class DualUDPIPv6Socket
 * @short A socket class based on two UDP/IPv6 sockets.
 * Defines a communication channel for RTP data and/or RTCP streams.
 * Sockets used to instantiate this template must define a framing
 * mechanism (UDP does not need any addition, TCP does).
 * This class implements a socket as a pair of UDP/IPv6 sockets,
 * alllowing both transmission and reception of packets in unicast as
 * well as multicast mode. The implementation of this class relies on
 * the Common C++ UDPSocket class but provides the interface needed by
 * a ccRTP stack.
 * Normally, RTP stacks will use two objects of this class, one for
 * RTP data packets transmission/reception and other for RTCP
 * (control) transmission/reception.
 * @author David Sugar <>
template<class BaseSocket>
class DualRTPChannelIPV6
	DualRTPChannelIPV6(const IPV6Host& ia, tpport_t port)
		recvSocket = new BaseSocket(ia,port);
		sendSocket = new BaseSocket;

	inline ~DualRTPChannelIPV6()
	{ delete sendSocket; delete recvSocket; }
	inline bool
	isPendingRecv(microtimeout_t timeout) const
	{ return recvSocket->isPendingRecv(timeout); }

	inline IPV6Host
	getSender(tpport_t& port) const
	{ return recvSocket->getIPV6Sender(port); }

	inline size_t
	recv(unsigned char* buffer, size_t len)
	{ return recvSocket->recv(buffer, len); }

	inline size_t
	getNextPacketSize() const
	{ return recvSocket->getNextPacketSize(); }

	inline Socket::Error
	setMulticast(bool enable)
	{ Socket::Error error = recvSocket->setMulticast(enable); 
	  if (error) return error;
	  return sendSocket->setMulticast(enable); }

	inline Socket::Error
	join(const IPV6Multicast& ia, uint32 iface)
	{ return recvSocket->join(ia,iface); }

	inline Socket::Error
	drop(const IPV6Multicast& ia)
	{ return recvSocket->drop(ia); }

        inline Socket::Error 
	setTimeToLive(unsigned char ttl)
	{ return sendSocket->setTimeToLive(ttl); }
	inline void 
	setPeer(const IPV6Host& host, tpport_t port)
	{ sendSocket->setPeer(host,port); }

	inline size_t
	send(const unsigned char* const buffer, size_t len)		  
	{ return sendSocket->send(buffer, len); }

	inline SOCKET getRecvSocket() const
	{ return recvSocket->getRecvSocket(); }

	// common.
	inline void
	{ sendSocket->endSocket(); recvSocket->endSocket(); }

	BaseSocket* sendSocket;
	BaseSocket* recvSocket;

typedef DualRTPChannelIPV6<RTPBaseUDPIPv6Socket> DualRTPUDPIPv6Channel; 
typedef	RTPBaseUDPIPv6Socket SingleRTPChannelIPV6;
typedef SingleRTPChannelIPV6 SymmetricRTPChannelIPV6;


typedef DualRTPChannel<RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket> DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel;

 * May be used in applications where using the same socket for both
 * sending and receiving is not a limitation.
typedef RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket SingleRTPChannel;

 * Actually, RTP with a single channel can be called 'Symmetric RTP'
typedef SingleRTPChannel SymmetricRTPChannel;

/** @}*/ // sockets


#endif  //CCRTP_CHANNEL_H_

/** EMACS **
 * Local variables:
 * mode: c++
 * c-basic-offset: 8
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