

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 07e50cafac9da67d9e9336db4030817a > files > 147



A plugin set is a set of one or more plugin objects derived from the
KNDPlugin class, defined in "knd_plugin.h".

Plugins can be divided into two groups, configuration and display plugins.
In principal, a configuration plugin is a dialog into which the user can
enter configuration information, while a display plugin is used to display
results. However, the only real distinction is that a configuration plugin
can be accesed at any time, while a display plugin is only available when
a sniffer is executing.

A simple case is a plugin set that consists of a single display instance of
KNDPlugin for which there is no configuration information; the included
"summary" and "endtoend" plugins are examples of these. A second simple
case would be a single configuration instance of KNDPlugin which also
displays results. The included "demo" plugin comprises one configuration
and one display instance of KNDPlugin.

A plugin derived from KNDPlugin should implement some of the following
virtual methods, of which the first two, "getLabel" and "isConfig" must be
implemented (they are defined kn "knd_plugin.h" to be pure virtual).
Most of these appear as examples in the "demo" plugin.


const char *getLabel ()
	This method should return the text which is to appear in the
	tab bar. Note that this is distinct to the second argument to
	the KNDPlugin object, which is a distinct name used to identify
	the tab under which the plug appears to the parent KTabCrl

bool isConfig ()
	Configuration plugins should return true, display plugins should
	return false. As noted above, the tabs for configuration plugins
	are always enabled; those for display plugins are only enabled
	once the sniffer has been started.

void clickSet ()
	Called when the "Set" button is clicked. Typically, this is used to
	copy configuration information for fields in configuration plugins.
	To be consistent with the main sniffer configuration object, values
	in configuration fields should be copied when "clickSet" is called,
	and the copied values subsequently used in "setOptions" calls.

void clickReset ()
	Called when the "Reset" button is clicked. This should restore
	configuration field values to those values copied the last time that
	"clickSet" was invoked.

void clickClear ()
	Called when the "Clear" button is clicked. Configuration fields (but
	not any values copied on "clickSet") should be cleared to their
	default values.

void *setOptions (void *)
	Configuration information is passed between configuration and
	display plugins using this method. This method is called on each
	plugin in the plugin set in turn; for the first plugin it is called
	with a null argument; each subsequent plugin is called with the
	result of the call to the previous plugin. Generally, he first
	plugin should return a pointer at a configuration structure (into
	which it places configuration information); subsequent plugins
	should add or extract information as appropriate, and return the
	argument as the result.

void setOnView (bool)
	This method is called when the plugin becomes visible (with the
	argument set to true), or is hidden (with the arguement set to
	false). It can be used by plugins which may consume significant
	amounts of CPU time in updating the display, so that update can
	be skipped when they are hidden.

void execute (bool)
	This method is called with a true argument when the sniffer starts
	executing, and a false argument when the sniffer stops executing.
	The plugin object should only receive "addPacket", "timerTick"
	and "freeze" calls while the sniffer is executing.

void freeze (bool)
	This method is called when the used freezes or unfreezes the
	display; a true argument indicates freezing. Generally, a display
	plugin should continue to accumulate network information while it
	is froze, but should not update the display.

void timerTick (long)
	This method is called once per second. The argument is the
	system time in seconds. Note that ticks are never missed, and are
	always interleaved correctly with captured packets.

void writeConfig (KConfig *)
	This method is called when the program configuration is to be saved.
	The plugin should write whatever configuration information is
	appropriate. Note that the KConfig object will have been set to the
	correct group, and the plugin should not call "setGroup" on the
	KConfig configuration object.

void addPacket (PktInfo *)
	This method is called for each captured packet that passes the
	sniffer filter and trigger settings. The PktInfo structure is
	defined in "pktinfo.h". If the plugin needs to ensure that the
	PktInfo pointer remains valid after returning from "addPacket",
	it can call the "usePktInfo" routine with the packet pointer as
	its argument. However, the plugin must at some later time (and
	certainly before exiting from its destructor) call "freePktInfo",
	or memory leakage will occur.


A plugin set must be built as a single dyncamically linked library file,
and must export the routine "getPlugin". Note that this must be defined as
'extern "C"' in order to prevent name mangling. 

When a plugin is loaded, this routine is called with the appropriate
KNDView * and KNDConfig * arguments; it should return a pointer at a
malloc'ed PluginSet structure (see "knd_plugin.h"). This should contain
the number of plugins in the plugin set, plus pointers at each
KNDPlugin object. In addition (as of V0.6) it contains a pointer at the
plugin name. This _must_ match the name under which it is installed: ie.,
"/opt/kde/share/apps/ksnuffle/plugins/" must have the name
"aplugin". A warning should be issued if there is a mismatch, and you
will not be able to unload the plugin.

Note that a plugin library file is only loaded once, however many plugins
are instantiated. Hence, plugins should be re-entrant. In addition, since
the main executable program is linked with the "-rdynamic" flag, all
global symbols in the main executable are available to the plugin.

If an attempt to load a plugin fails (specifically the call to dlopen(3)
fails), then the error message returned by dlerror(3) is written to
standard output.


Assuming you are working from the KSnuffle source distribution, and
want to create a new plugin called "myplugin", the following is a
simple cookbook method that should work.

Create a subdirectory called "myplugin" in the "plugins" directory,
and copy the files, knd_demo.cpp and knd_demo.h from the
"demo" subdirectory. Rename the C++ files as "knd_myplugin.cpp" and
"knd_myplugin.h", and edit to replace each instance of
"demo" with "myplugin".

You will also need to edit "plugins/" to include the "myplugin"
subdirectory, and "" (in the top-level directory) to include
"plugins/myplugin/Makefile" in the list of makefile's to be built.

Next, from the top-level directory, run the following commands:


The "plugins/myplugin" directory should now, in addition, contain the
files "" and "Makefile". Issuing the command


should build the program in the normal way; in addition, it should
build a library file called "myplugin" in the "plugins/myplugin"

Now, create a file in "plugins/myplugin" called "myplugin.spec". This
should contain a short text description of the plugin, the first line
of which appears in the R/H column of the plugin selection dialog. Change
to the directory "plugins/plugins" and execute the commands:

ln -s ../myplugin/myplugin
ln -s ../myplugin/myplugin.spec myplugin.spec

You can test the plugin without installing anything by changing to
the "ksnuffle" directory and, as root, executing the command (with
the appropriate path):

./ksnuffle -P/home/mike/....../ksnuffle-0.6/plugins/plugins

Your plugin should appear in the plugin list when the "Plugin" button
is clicked; clicking on its entry should display its description. Note
that the -P option only works if root runs KSnuffle (ie., not when the
program is running setuid-root), so privileged users cannot run their
own, possibly trojan, plugins.