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<H2><A NAME="SECTION0007120000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
6.12 Grammar Production Displays 

Special markup is available for displaying the productions of a
    formal grammar.  The markup is simple and does not attempt to
    model all aspects of BNF (or any derived forms), but provides
    enough to allow context-free grammars to be displayed in a way
    that causes uses of a symbol to be rendered as hyperlinks to the
    definition of the symbol.  There is one environment and a pair of


<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>productionlist</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>productionlist</b>}</tt>
      This environment is used to enclose a group of productions.  The
      two macros are only defined within this environment.  If a
      document descibes more than one language, the optional parameter
      <var>language</var> should be used to distinguish productions between
      languages.  The value of the parameter should be a short name
      that can be used as part of a filename; colons or other
      characters that can't be used in filename across platforms
      should be included.


<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;production</tt></b>
      A production rule in the grammar.  The rule defines the symbol
      <var>name</var> to be <var>definition</var>.  <var>name</var> should not
      contain any markup, and the use of hyphens in a document which
      supports more than one grammar is undefined.  <var>definition</var>
      may contain <tt class='macro'>&#92;token</tt> macros and any additional content
      needed to describe the grammatical model of <var>symbol</var>.  Only
      one <tt class='macro'>&#92;production</tt> may be used to define a symbol --
      multiple definitions are not allowed.


<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;token</tt></b>
      The name of a symbol defined by a <tt class='macro'>&#92;production</tt> macro, used
      in the <var>definition</var> of a symbol.  Where possible, this will
      be rendered as a hyperlink to the definition of the symbol

Note that the entire grammar does not need to be defined in a
    single <tt class='environment'>&#92;productionlist</tt> environment; any number of
    groupings may be used to describe the grammar.  Every use of the
    <tt class='macro'>&#92;token</tt> must correspond to a <tt class='macro'>&#92;production</tt>.

The following is an example taken from the
    <em class="citetitle"><a
 title="Python Reference Manual"
 >Python Reference Manual</a></em>:

<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
             {(\token{letter}|"_") (\token{letter} | \token{digit} | "_")*}
             {\token{lowercase} | \token{uppercase}}


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.2, documentation updated on December 21, 2001.</span>
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