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<H1><A NAME="SECTION0031000000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
1.10 Reference Counts

In languages like C or C++, the programmer is responsible for
dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory on the heap.  In C,
this is done using the functions <tt class="cfunction">malloc()</tt> and
<tt class="cfunction">free()</tt>.  In C++, the operators <tt class="keyword">new</tt> and
<tt class="keyword">delete</tt> are used with essentially the same meaning; they are
actually implemented using <tt class="cfunction">malloc()</tt> and
<tt class="cfunction">free()</tt>, so we'll restrict the following discussion to the

Every block of memory allocated with <tt class="cfunction">malloc()</tt> should
eventually be returned to the pool of available memory by exactly one
call to <tt class="cfunction">free()</tt>.  It is important to call
<tt class="cfunction">free()</tt> at the right time.  If a block's address is
forgotten but <tt class="cfunction">free()</tt> is not called for it, the memory it
occupies cannot be reused until the program terminates.  This is
called a <i class="dfn">memory leak</i>.  On the other hand, if a program calls
<tt class="cfunction">free()</tt> for a block and then continues to use the block, it
creates a conflict with re-use of the block through another
<tt class="cfunction">malloc()</tt> call.  This is called <i class="dfn">using freed memory</i>.
It has the same bad consequences as referencing uninitialized data --
core dumps, wrong results, mysterious crashes.

Common causes of memory leaks are unusual paths through the code.  For
instance, a function may allocate a block of memory, do some
calculation, and then free the block again.  Now a change in the
requirements for the function may add a test to the calculation that
detects an error condition and can return prematurely from the
function.  It's easy to forget to free the allocated memory block when
taking this premature exit, especially when it is added later to the
code.  Such leaks, once introduced, often go undetected for a long
time: the error exit is taken only in a small fraction of all calls,
and most modern machines have plenty of virtual memory, so the leak
only becomes apparent in a long-running process that uses the leaking
function frequently.  Therefore, it's important to prevent leaks from
happening by having a coding convention or strategy that minimizes
this kind of errors.

Since Python makes heavy use of <tt class="cfunction">malloc()</tt> and
<tt class="cfunction">free()</tt>, it needs a strategy to avoid memory leaks as well
as the use of freed memory.  The chosen method is called
<i class="dfn">reference counting</i>.  The principle is simple: every object
contains a counter, which is incremented when a reference to the
object is stored somewhere, and which is decremented when a reference
to it is deleted.  When the counter reaches zero, the last reference
to the object has been deleted and the object is freed.

An alternative strategy is called <i class="dfn">automatic garbage collection</i>.
(Sometimes, reference counting is also referred to as a garbage
collection strategy, hence my use of ``automatic'' to distinguish the
two.)  The big advantage of automatic garbage collection is that the
user doesn't need to call <tt class="cfunction">free()</tt> explicitly.  (Another claimed
advantage is an improvement in speed or memory usage -- this is no
hard fact however.)  The disadvantage is that for C, there is no
truly portable automatic garbage collector, while reference counting
can be implemented portably (as long as the functions <tt class="cfunction">malloc()</tt>
and <tt class="cfunction">free()</tt> are available -- which the C Standard guarantees).
Maybe some day a sufficiently portable automatic garbage collector
will be available for C.  Until then, we'll have to live with
reference counts.

While Python uses the traditional reference counting implementation,
it also offers a cycle detector that works to detect reference
cycles.  This allows applications to not worry about creating direct
or indirect circular references; these are the weakness of garbage
collection implemented using only reference counting.  Reference
cycles consist of objects which contain (possibly indirect) references
to themselves, so that each object in the cycle has a reference count
which is non-zero.  Typical reference counting implementations are not
able to reclaim the memory belonging to any objects in a reference
cycle, or referenced from the objects in the cycle, even though there
are no further references to the cycle itself.

The cycle detector is able to detect garbage cycles and can reclaim
them so long as there are no finalizers implemented in Python
(<tt class="method">__del__()</tt> methods).  When there are such finalizers, the
detector exposes the cycles through the <a class="ulink" href="../lib/module-gc.html"
  ><tt class="module">gc</tt>
module</a> (specifically, the <code>garbage</code>
variable in that module).  The <tt class="module">gc</tt> module also exposes a way
to run the detector (the <tt class="function">collect()</tt> function), as well as
configuration interfaces and the ability to disable the detector at
runtime.  The cycle detector is considered an optional component;
though it is included by default, it can be disabled at build time
using the <b class="programopt">--without-cycle-gc</b> option to the
<b class="program">configure</b> script on Unix platforms (including Mac OS X)
or by removing the definition of <code>WITH_CYCLE_GC</code> in the
<span class="file">pyconfig.h</span> header on other platforms.  If the cycle detector is
disabled in this way, the <tt class="module">gc</tt> module will not be available.


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<UL CLASS="ChildLinks">
<LI><A href="refcountsInPython.html">1.10.1 Reference Counting in Python</a>
<LI><A href="ownershipRules.html">1.10.2 Ownership Rules</a>
<LI><A href="thinIce.html">1.10.3 Thin Ice</a>
<LI><A href="nullPointers.html">1.10.4 NULL Pointers</a>
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.2, documentation updated on December 21, 2001.</span>
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