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<H1><A NAME="SECTION0021400000000000000000">
19.4 Using Visitors to Walk ASTs</A>


The visitor pattern is ...  The <tt class="module"><a href="module-compiler.html">compiler</a></tt> package uses a
variant on the visitor pattern that takes advantage of Python's
introspection features to elminiate the need for much of the visitor's

The classes being visited do not need to be programmed to accept
visitors.  The visitor need only define visit methods for classes it
is specifically interested in; a default visit method can handle the

XXX The magic <tt class="method">visit()</tt> method for visitors.

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-3849"><tt class="function">walk</tt></a></b>(<var>tree, visitor</var><big>[</big><var>, verbose</var><big>]</big>)

<dl><dt><b><span class="typelabel">class</span> <a name="l2h-3850"><tt class="class">ASTVisitor</tt></a></b>()

The <tt class="class">ASTVisitor</tt> is responsible for walking over the tree in the
correct order.  A walk begins with a call to <tt class="method">preorder()</tt>.  For
each node, it checks the <var>visitor</var> argument to <tt class="method">preorder()</tt>
for a method named `visitNodeType,' where NodeType is the name of the
node's class, e.g. for a <tt class="class">While</tt> node a <tt class="method">visitWhile()</tt>
would be called.  If the method exists, it is called with the node as
its first argument.

The visitor method for a particular node type can control how child
nodes are visited during the walk.  The <tt class="class">ASTVisitor</tt> modifies
the visitor argument by adding a visit method to the visitor; this
method can be used to visit a particular child node.  If no visitor is
found for a particular node type, the <tt class="method">default()</tt> method is

<tt class="class">ASTVisitor</tt> objects have the following methods:

XXX describe extra arguments

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-3851"><tt class="method">default</tt></a></b>(<var>node</var><big>[</big><var>, ...</var><big>]</big>)

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-3852"><tt class="method">dispatch</tt></a></b>(<var>node</var><big>[</big><var>, ...</var><big>]</big>)

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-3853"><tt class="method">preorder</tt></a></b>(<var>tree, visitor</var>)


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.2, documentation updated on December 21, 2001.</span>
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