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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00131400000000000000000">
11.14 <tt class="module">urlparse</tt> --
         Parse URLs into components</A>


<a name="l2h-2623">&nbsp;</a>
This module defines a standard interface to break Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) strings up in components (addressing scheme, network
location, path etc.), to combine the components back into a URL
string, and to convert a ``relative URL'' to an absolute URL given a
``base URL.''

The module has been designed to match the Internet RFC on Relative
Uniform Resource Locators (and discovered a bug in an earlier

It defines the following functions:

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-2618"><tt class="function">urlparse</tt></a></b>(<var>urlstring</var><big>[</big><var>, default_scheme</var><big>[</big><var>, allow_fragments</var><big>]</big><big>]</big>)
Parse a URL into 6 components, returning a 6-tuple: (addressing
scheme, network location, path, parameters, query, fragment
identifier).  This corresponds to the general structure of a URL:
Each tuple item is a string, possibly empty.
The components are not broken up in smaller parts (e.g. the network
location is a single string), and % escapes are not expanded.
The delimiters as shown above are not part of the tuple items,
except for a leading slash in the <var>path</var> component, which is
retained if present.


<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">

yields the tuple

<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
('http', '', '/%7Eguido/Python.html', '', '', '')

If the <var>default_scheme</var> argument is specified, it gives the
default addressing scheme, to be used only if the URL string does not
specify one.  The default value for this argument is the empty string.

If the <var>allow_fragments</var> argument is zero, fragment identifiers
are not allowed, even if the URL's addressing scheme normally does
support them.  The default value for this argument is <code>1</code>.

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-2619"><tt class="function">urlunparse</tt></a></b>(<var>tuple</var>)
Construct a URL string from a tuple as returned by <code>urlparse()</code>.
This may result in a slightly different, but equivalent URL, if the
URL that was parsed originally had redundant delimiters, e.g. a ? with
an empty query (the draft states that these are equivalent).

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-2620"><tt class="function">urlsplit</tt></a></b>(<var>urlstring</var><big>[</big><var>,
                           default_scheme</var><big>[</big><var>, allow_fragments</var><big>]</big><big>]</big>)
This is similar to <tt class="function">urlparse()</tt>, but does not split the
params from the URL.  This should generally be used instead of
<tt class="function">urlparse()</tt> if the more recent URL syntax allowing
parameters to be applied to each segment of the <var>path</var> portion of
the URL (see <a class="rfc" name="rfcref-63475"
href="">RFC 2396</a>).  A separate function is needed to separate
the path segments and parameters.  This function returns a 5-tuple:
(addressing scheme, network location, path, query, fragment

<span class="versionnote">New in version 2.2.</span>


<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-2621"><tt class="function">urlunsplit</tt></a></b>(<var>tuple</var>)
Combine the elements of a tuple as returned by <tt class="function">urlsplit()</tt>
into a complete URL as a string.

<span class="versionnote">New in version 2.2.</span>


<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-2622"><tt class="function">urljoin</tt></a></b>(<var>base, url</var><big>[</big><var>, allow_fragments</var><big>]</big>)
Construct a full (``absolute'') URL by combining a ``base URL''
(<var>base</var>) with a ``relative URL'' (<var>url</var>).  Informally, this
uses components of the base URL, in particular the addressing scheme,
the network location and (part of) the path, to provide missing
components in the relative URL.


<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
urljoin('', 'FAQ.html')

yields the string

<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">

The <var>allow_fragments</var> argument has the same meaning as for

<div class="seealso">
  <p class="heading"><b>See Also:</b></p>

  <dl compact class="seerfc">
    <dt><a href=""
        title="Uniform Resource Locators (URL)"
        >RFC 1738, <em>Uniform Resource Locators (URL)</em></a>
        This specifies the formal syntax and semantics of absolute
  <dl compact class="seerfc">
    <dt><a href=""
        title="Relative Uniform Resource Locators"
        >RFC 1808, <em>Relative Uniform Resource Locators</em></a>
        This Request For Comments includes the rules for joining an
        absolute and a relative URL, including a fair normal of
        ``Abnormal Examples'' which govern the treatment of border
  <dl compact class="seerfc">
    <dt><a href=""
        title="Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax"
        >RFC 2396, <em>Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax</em></a>
        Document describing the generic syntactic requirements for
        both Uniform Resource Names (URNs) and Uniform Resource
        Locators (URLs).

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<span class="release-info">Release 2.2, documentation updated on December 21, 2001.</span>
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