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<H3><A NAME="SECTION0051452000000000000000"> Pickling and unpickling extension types</A>

When the <tt class="class">Pickler</tt> encounters an object of a type it knows
nothing about -- such as an extension type -- it looks in two places
for a hint of how to pickle it.  One alternative is for the object to
implement a <tt class="method">__reduce__()</tt> method.  If provided, at pickling
time <tt class="method">__reduce__()</tt> will be called with no arguments, and it
must return either a string or a tuple.

If a string is returned, it names a global variable whose contents are
pickled as normal.  When a tuple is returned, it must be of length two
or three, with the following semantics:


<LI>A callable object, which in the unpickling environment must be
      either a class, a callable registered as a ``safe constructor''
      (see below), or it must have an attribute
      <tt class="member">__safe_for_unpickling__</tt> with a true value.  Otherwise,
      an <tt class="exception">UnpicklingError</tt> will be raised in the unpickling
      environment.  Note that as usual, the callable itself is pickled
      by name.

<LI>A tuple of arguments for the callable object, or <code>None</code>.

<LI>Optionally, the object's state, which will be passed to
      the object's <tt class="method">__setstate__()</tt> method as described in
      section&nbsp;<A href="pickle-inst.html#pickle-inst">3.14.5</A>.  If the object has no
      <tt class="method">__setstate__()</tt> method, then, as above, the value must
      be a dictionary and it will be added to the object's
      <tt class="member">__dict__</tt>.


Upon unpickling, the callable will be called (provided that it meets
the above criteria), passing in the tuple of arguments; it should
return the unpickled object.  If the second item was <code>None</code>, then
instead of calling the callable directly, its <tt class="method">__basicnew__()</tt>
method is called without arguments.  It should also return the
unpickled object.

An alternative to implementing a <tt class="method">__reduce__()</tt> method on the
object to be pickled, is to register the callable with the
<tt class="module"><a href="module-copyreg.html">copy_reg</a></tt> module.  This module provides a way
for programs to register ``reduction functions'' and constructors for
user-defined types.   Reduction functions have the same semantics and
interface as the <tt class="method">__reduce__()</tt> method described above, except
that they are called with a single argument, the object to be pickled.

The registered constructor is deemed a ``safe constructor'' for purposes
of unpickling as described above.


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.2, documentation updated on December 21, 2001.</span>
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