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<H2><A NAME="SECTION009340000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
7.3.4 Tuple Objects 

<a name="l2h-487">&nbsp;</a><dl><dt><b><tt class="ctype"><a name="l2h-472">PyTupleObject</a></tt></b>
  This subtype of <tt class="ctype">PyObject</tt> represents a Python tuple object.

<dl><dt>PyTypeObject <b><a name="l2h-473"><tt class="cdata">PyTuple_Type</tt></a></b>
  This instance of <tt class="ctype">PyTypeObject</tt> represents the Python tuple
  type; it is the same object as <code>types.TupleType</code> in the Python
  layer.<a name="l2h-475">&nbsp;</a>.

<dl><dt>int <b><a name="l2h-476"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_Check</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p</var>)
  Return true if <var>p</var> is a tuple object or an instance of a subtype
  of the tuple type.
<span class="versionnote">Changed in version 2.2:
Allowed subtypes to be accepted.</span>


<dl><dt>int <b><a name="l2h-477"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_CheckExact</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p</var>)
  Return true if <var>p</var> is a tuple object, but not an instance of a
  subtype of the tuple type.
<span class="versionnote">New in version 2.2.</span>


<dl><dt>PyObject* <b><a name="l2h-478"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_New</tt></a></b>(<var>int len</var>)
<div class="refcount-info">
  <span class="label">Return value:</span>
  <span class="value">New reference.</span>
  Return a new tuple object of size <var>len</var>, or <tt class="constant">NULL</tt> on failure.

<dl><dt>int <b><a name="l2h-479"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_Size</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p</var>)
  Takes a pointer to a tuple object, and returns the size of that

<dl><dt>int <b><a name="l2h-480"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_GET_SIZE</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p</var>)
  Return the size of the tuple <var>p</var>, which must be non-<tt class="constant">NULL</tt> and
  point to a tuple; no error checking is performed.

<dl><dt>PyObject* <b><a name="l2h-481"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_GetItem</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p, int pos</var>)
<div class="refcount-info">
  <span class="label">Return value:</span>
  <span class="value">Borrowed reference.</span>
  Returns the object at position <var>pos</var> in the tuple pointed to by
  <var>p</var>.  If <var>pos</var> is out of bounds, returns <tt class="constant">NULL</tt> and sets an
  <tt class="exception">IndexError</tt> exception.

<dl><dt>PyObject* <b><a name="l2h-482"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_GET_ITEM</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p, int pos</var>)
<div class="refcount-info">
  <span class="label">Return value:</span>
  <span class="value">Borrowed reference.</span>
  Like <tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_GetItem()</tt>, but does no checking of its

<dl><dt>PyObject* <b><a name="l2h-483"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_GetSlice</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p,
                                               int low, int high</var>)
<div class="refcount-info">
  <span class="label">Return value:</span>
  <span class="value">New reference.</span>
  Takes a slice of the tuple pointed to by <var>p</var> from <var>low</var> to
  <var>high</var> and returns it as a new tuple.

<dl><dt>int <b><a name="l2h-484"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_SetItem</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p,
                                        int pos, PyObject *o</var>)
  Inserts a reference to object <var>o</var> at position <var>pos</var> of the
  tuple pointed to by <var>p</var>. It returns <code>0</code> on success.
  <span class="note"><b class="label">Note:</b>
This function ``steals'' a reference to <var>o</var>.</span>

<dl><dt>void <b><a name="l2h-485"><tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_SET_ITEM</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject *p,
                                          int pos, PyObject *o</var>)
  Like <tt class="cfunction">PyTuple_SetItem()</tt>, but does no error checking, and
  should <i>only</i> be used to fill in brand new tuples.  <span class="note"><b class="label">Note:</b>
  function ``steals'' a reference to <var>o</var>.</span>

<dl><dt>int <b><a name="l2h-486"><tt class="cfunction">_PyTuple_Resize</tt></a></b>(<var>PyObject **p, int newsize</var>)
  Can be used to resize a tuple.  <var>newsize</var> will be the new length
  of the tuple.  Because tuples are <i>supposed</i> to be immutable,
  this should only be used if there is only one reference to the
  object.  Do <i>not</i> use this if the tuple may already be known to
  some other part of the code.  The tuple will always grow or shrink
  at the end.  Think of this as destroying the old tuple and creating
  a new one, only more efficiently.  Returns <code>0</code> on success.
  Client code should never assume that the resulting value of
  <code>*<var>p</var></code> will be the same as before calling this function.
  If the object referenced by <code>*<var>p</var></code> is replaced, the
  original <code>*<var>p</var></code> is destroyed.  On failure, returns
  <code>-1</code> and sets <code>*<var>p</var></code> to <tt class="constant">NULL</tt>, and raises
  <tt class="exception">MemoryError</tt> or
  <tt class="exception">SystemError</tt>.
<span class="versionnote">Changed in version 2.2:
Removed unused third parameter, <var>last_is_sticky</var>.</span>



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<span class="release-info">Release 2.2, documentation updated on December 21, 2001.</span>
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