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<H2><A NAME="SECTION00151310000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
13.13.1 XML Namespaces 

This module has support for XML namespaces as defined in the XML
Namespaces proposed recommendation.
<a name="l2h-3434">&nbsp;</a>
Tag and attribute names that are defined in an XML namespace are
handled as if the name of the tag or element consisted of the
namespace (the URL that defines the namespace) followed by a
space and the name of the tag or attribute.  For instance, the tag
<code>&lt;html xmlns=''&gt;</code> is treated as if 
the tag name was <code>' html'</code>, and
the tag <code>&lt;html:a href=''&gt;</code> inside the above
mentioned element is treated as if the tag name were
<code>' a'</code> and the attribute name as
if it were <code>' href'</code>.

An older draft of the XML Namespaces proposal is also recognized, but
triggers a warning.

<div class="seealso">
  <p class="heading"><b>See Also:</b></p>

  <dl compact class="seetitle">
    <dt><em class="citetitle"><a href=""
        >Namespaces in XML</a></em>
           This World Wide Web Consortium recommendation describes the
           proper syntax and processing requirements for namespaces in


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.2, documentation updated on December 21, 2001.</span>
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