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<H2><A NAME="SECTION003620000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
1.6.2 Writing a Python Script 

In addition to using the <b class="program">Python IDE</b> interactively, you can
also type out a complete Python program, saving it incrementally, and
execute it or smaller selections of it.

You can create a new script, open a previously saved script, and save
your currently open script by selecting the appropriate item in the
``File'' menu. Dropping a Python script onto the
<b class="program">Python IDE</b> will open it for editting.

If you try to open a script with the <b class="program">Python IDE</b> but either
can't locate it from the ``Open'' dialog box, or you get an error
message like ``Can't open file of type ...'' see section
<A href="creator-code.html#creator-code">1.3.2</A>.

When the <b class="program">Python IDE</b> saves a script, it uses the creator code
settings which are available by clicking on the small black triangle
on the top right of the document window, and selecting ``save
options''. The default is to save the file with the <b class="program">Python
IDE</b> as the creator, this means that you can open the file for editing
by simply double-clicking on its icon. You might want to change this
behaviour so that it will be opened by the
<b class="program">PythonInterpreter</b>, and run. To do this simply choose
``Python Interpreter'' from the ``save options''. Note that these
options are associated with the <i>file</i> not the application.


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.2, documentation updated on December 21, 2001.</span>
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