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* revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
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  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<TITLE>Linux Client with Linux Kernel-Space NFS server</TITLE>
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00090000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="linux"></A>
Linux Client with Linux Kernel-Space NFS server

Here is the Connectathon testsuites on Linux client.

Start tests on path /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test [y/n]? 
sh ./runtests -a -t /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test

Starting BASIC tests: test directory /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test (arg: -t)

test1: File and directory creation test
	created 155 files 62 directories 5 levels deep in 1.6  seconds
	test1 ok.

test2: File and directory removal test
	removed 155 files 62 directories 5 levels deep in 0.24 seconds
	test2 ok.

test3: lookups across mount point
	500 getcwd and stat calls in 0.0  seconds
	test3 ok.

test4: setattr, getattr, and lookup
	1000 chmods and stats on 10 files in 1.13 seconds
	test4 ok.

test5: read and write
	wrote 1048576 byte file 10 times in 1.95 seconds (5365632 bytes/sec)
	read 1048576 byte file 10 times in 0.3  seconds (281572502 bytes/sec)
	test5 ok.

test6: readdir
	20500 entries read, 200 files in 0.59 seconds
	test6 ok.

test7: link and rename
	200 renames and links on 10 files in 0.33 seconds
	test7 ok.

test8: symlink and readlink
	400 symlinks and readlinks on 10 files in 0.43 seconds
	test8 ok.

test9: statfs
	1500 statfs calls in 0.65 seconds
	test9 ok.

Congratulations, you passed the basic tests!

GENERAL TESTS: directory /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test
cd /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test; rm -f Makefile runtests runtests.wrk *.sh *.c mkdummy rmdummy makefile.tst
cp Makefile runtests runtests.wrk *.sh *.c mkdummy rmdummy makefile.tst /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test

Small Compile
  File: "smcomp.time"
  Size: 661          Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0666/-rw-rw-rw-)         Uid: (10000/    spec)  Gid: (10000/    spec)
Device:  0,12  Inode: 12303     Links: 1    
Access: Mon Jun 21 16:03:57 1999(00000.00:00:01)
Modify: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:00)
Change: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:00)

  File: "tbl.time"
  Size: 1625         Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0666/-rw-rw-rw-)         Uid: (10000/    spec)  Gid: (10000/    spec)
Device:  0,12  Inode: 12306     Links: 1    
Access: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:00)
Modify: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:00)
Change: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:00)

  File: "nroff.time"
  Size: 654          Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0666/-rw-rw-rw-)         Uid: (10000/    spec)  Gid: (10000/    spec)
Device:  0,12  Inode: 12308     Links: 1    
Access: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:00)
Modify: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:00)
Change: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:00)

Large Compile
  File: "lrgcomp.time"
  Size: 1595         Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0666/-rw-rw-rw-)         Uid: (10000/    spec)  Gid: (10000/    spec)
Device:  0,12  Inode: 12305     Links: 1    
Access: Mon Jun 21 16:03:58 1999(00000.00:00:02)
Modify: Mon Jun 21 16:04:00 1999(00000.00:00:00)
Change: Mon Jun 21 16:04:00 1999(00000.00:00:00)

Four simultaneous large compiles
  File: "4lrg.time"
  Size: 4460         Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0666/-rw-rw-rw-)         Uid: (10000/    spec)  Gid: (10000/    spec)
Device:  0,12  Inode: 12307     Links: 1    
Access: Mon Jun 21 16:04:00 1999(00000.00:00:02)
Modify: Mon Jun 21 16:04:02 1999(00000.00:00:00)
Change: Mon Jun 21 16:04:02 1999(00000.00:00:00)

  File: "makefile.time"
  Size: 645          Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0666/-rw-rw-rw-)         Uid: (10000/    spec)  Gid: (10000/    spec)
Device:  0,12  Inode: 12359     Links: 1    
Access: Mon Jun 21 16:04:02 1999(00000.00:00:02)
Modify: Mon Jun 21 16:04:03 1999(00000.00:00:01)
Change: Mon Jun 21 16:04:03 1999(00000.00:00:01)

General tests complete

SPECIAL TESTS: directory /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test
cd /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test; rm -f runtests runtests.wrk READWIN.txt Makefile op_unlk op_ren op_chmod dupreq excltest negseek rename holey truncate nfsidem nstat stat stat2 touchn fstat rewind telldir bigfile freesp 
cp runtests runtests.wrk READWIN.txt Makefile op_unlk op_ren op_chmod dupreq excltest negseek rename holey truncate nfsidem nstat stat stat2 touchn fstat rewind telldir bigfile freesp  /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test

check for proper open/unlink operation
nfsjunk files before unlink:
  ./nfsfMUDri open; unlink ret = 0
nfsjunk files after unlink:
  -rw-rw-rw-   1 spec     spec            0 Jun 21 16:04 .nfs000030190000000f
data compare ok
nfsjunk files after close:
  test completed successfully.

check for proper open/rename operation
nfsjunk files before rename:
  ./nfsbebYkBv open; rename ret = 0
nfsjunk files after rename:
  -rwxrwxrwx   1 spec     spec            0 Jun 21 16:04 .nfs0000301a00000010
data compare ok
nfsjunk files after close:
  test completed successfully.

check for proper open/chmod 0 operation
testfile before chmod:
  -rw-rw-rw-   1 spec     spec            0 Jun 21 16:04 ./nfslxPegn
./nfslxPegn open; chmod ret = 0
testfile after chmod:
  ----------   1 spec     spec            0 Jun 21 16:04 ./nfslxPegn
data compare ok
testfile after write/read:
  ----------   1 spec     spec          100 Jun 21 16:04 ./nfslxPegn
test completed successfully.

check for lost reply on non-idempotent requests
100 tries

test exclusive create.

test negative seek, you should get: read: Invalid argument
or lseek: Invalid argument

test rename

test truncate
truncate succeeded

test holey file support
Holey file test ok

second check for lost reply on non-idempotent requests
testing 50 idempotencies in directory "testdir"

test rewind support

test telldir cookies (slow)

write/read 30 MB file

test freesp and file size
fcntl(...F_FREESP...) not available on this platform.

Special tests complete

Starting LOCKING tests: test directory /mnt/nfstest/osmium.test (arg: -t)

Testing native pre-LFS locking

Creating parent/child synchronization pipes.

Test #1 - Test regions of an unlocked file.
	Parent: 1.1  - F_TEST  [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Parent: 1.2  - F_TEST  [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: 1.3  - F_TEST  [       0,7fffffff] PASSED.
	Parent: 1.4  - F_TEST  [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Parent: 1.5  - F_TEST  [       1,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: 1.6  - F_TEST  [       1,7fffffff] PASSED.
	Parent: 1.7  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,       1] PASSED.
	Parent: 1.8  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: 1.9  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,7fffffff] PASSED.

Test #2 - Try to lock the whole file.
	Parent: 2.0  - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  2.1  - F_TEST  [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  2.2  - F_TEST  [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  2.3  - F_TEST  [       0,7fffffff] PASSED.
	Child:  2.4  - F_TEST  [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  2.5  - F_TEST  [       1,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  2.6  - F_TEST  [       1,7fffffff] PASSED.
	Child:  2.7  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  2.8  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  2.9  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,7fffffff] PASSED.
	Parent: 2.10 - F_ULOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.

Test #3 - Try to lock just the 1st byte.
	Parent: 3.0  - F_TLOCK [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  3.1  - F_TEST  [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  3.2  - F_TEST  [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  3.3  - F_TEST  [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  3.4  - F_TEST  [       1,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: 3.5  - F_ULOCK [       0,       1] PASSED.

Test #4 - Try to lock the 2nd byte, test around it.
	Parent: 4.0  - F_TLOCK [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  4.1  - F_TEST  [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  4.2  - F_TEST  [       0,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  4.3  - F_TEST  [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  4.4  - F_TEST  [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  4.5  - F_TEST  [       1,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  4.6  - F_TEST  [       1,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  4.7  - F_TEST  [       2,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  4.8  - F_TEST  [       2,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  4.9  - F_TEST  [       2,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: 4.10 - F_ULOCK [       1,       1] PASSED.

Test #5 - Try to lock 1st and 2nd bytes, test around them.
	Parent: 5.0  - F_TLOCK [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Parent: 5.1  - F_TLOCK [       2,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  5.2  - F_TEST  [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  5.3  - F_TEST  [       0,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  5.4  - F_TEST  [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  5.5  - F_TEST  [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  5.6  - F_TEST  [       1,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  5.7  - F_TEST  [       1,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  5.8  - F_TEST  [       2,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  5.9  - F_TEST  [       2,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  5.10 - F_TEST  [       2,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  5.11 - F_TEST  [       3,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  5.12 - F_TEST  [       3,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  5.13 - F_TEST  [       3,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: 5.14 - F_ULOCK [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Parent: 5.15 - F_ULOCK [       2,       1] PASSED.

Test #6 - Try to lock the MAXEOF byte.
	Parent: 6.0  - F_TLOCK [7fffffff,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  6.1  - F_TEST  [7ffffffe,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  6.2  - F_TEST  [7ffffffe,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  6.3  - F_TEST  [7ffffffe,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  6.4  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  6.5  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,       2] PASSED.
	Child:  6.6  - F_TEST  [7fffffff,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  6.7  - F_TEST  [80000000,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  6.8  - F_TEST  [80000000,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  6.9  - F_TEST  [80000000,7fffffff] PASSED.
	Child:  6.10 - F_TEST  [80000000,80000000] PASSED.
	Parent: 6.11 - F_ULOCK [7fffffff,       1] PASSED.

Test #7 - Test parent/child mutual exclusion.
	Parent: 7.0  - F_TLOCK [       0,       4] PASSED.
	Parent: Wrote 'aaaa' to testfile [ 0, 4 ].
	Parent: Now free child to run, should block on lock.
	Parent: Check data in file to insure child blocked.
	Parent: Read 'aaaa' from testfile [ 0, 4 ].
	Parent: 7.1  - COMPARE [       0,       4] PASSED.
	Parent: Now unlock region so child will unblock.
	Parent: 7.2  - F_ULOCK [       0,       4] PASSED.
	Child:  7.3  - F_LOCK  [       0,       4] PASSED.
	Child:  Write child's version of the data and release lock.
	Parent: Now try to regain lock, parent should block.
	Child:  Wrote 'bbbb' to testfile [ 0, 4 ].
	Child:  7.4  - F_ULOCK [       0,       4] PASSED.
	Parent: 7.5  - F_LOCK  [       0,       4] PASSED.
	Parent: Check data in file to insure child unblocked.
	Parent: Read 'bbbb' from testfile [ 0, 4 ].
	Parent: 7.6  - COMPARE [       0,       4] PASSED.
	Parent: 7.7  - F_ULOCK [       0,       4] PASSED.

Test #8 - Rate test performing lock/unlock cycles.
	Parent: Performed 1000 lock/unlock cycles in 710 msecs. [169014 lpm].

Test #10 - Make sure a locked region is split properly.
	Parent: 10.0  - F_TLOCK [       0,       3] PASSED.
	Parent: 10.1  - F_ULOCK [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  10.2  - F_TEST  [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  10.3  - F_TEST  [       2,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  10.4  - F_TEST  [       3,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  10.5  - F_TEST  [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Parent: 10.6  - F_ULOCK [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Parent: 10.7  - F_ULOCK [       2,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  10.8  - F_TEST  [       0,       3] PASSED.
	Parent: 10.9  - F_ULOCK [       0,       1] PASSED.
	Parent: 10.10 - F_TLOCK [       1,       3] PASSED.
	Parent: 10.11 - F_ULOCK [       2,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  10.12 - F_TEST  [       1,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  10.13 - F_TEST  [       3,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  10.14 - F_TEST  [       4,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  10.15 - F_TEST  [       2,       1] PASSED.
	Child:  10.16 - F_TEST  [       0,       1] PASSED.

Test #11 - Make sure close() releases the process's locks.
	Parent: 11.0  - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: Closed testfile.
	Child:  11.1  - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  11.2  - F_ULOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: 11.3  - F_TLOCK [      1d,     5b7] PASSED.
	Parent: 11.4  - F_TLOCK [    2000,      57] PASSED.
	Parent: Closed testfile.
	Child:  11.5  - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  11.6  - F_ULOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: Wrote '123456789abcdef' to testfile [ 0, 16 ].
	Parent: 11.7  - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: Wrote '123456789abcdef' to testfile [ 13, 16 ].
	Parent: Closed testfile.
	Child:  11.8  - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  11.9  - F_ULOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: Wrote '123456789abcdef' to testfile [ 0, 16 ].
	Parent: 11.10 - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: Truncated testfile.
	Parent: Closed testfile.
	Child:  11.11 - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Child:  11.12 - F_ULOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.

Test #12 - Signalled process should release locks.
	Child:  12.0  - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: Killed child process.
	Parent: 12.1  - F_TLOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.

Test #13 - Check locking and mmap semantics.
	Parent: 13.0  - F_TLOCK [     ffe,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: 13.1  - mmap [       0,    1000] WARNING!
	Parent: **** Expected EAGAIN, returned success...
	Parent: 13.2  - F_ULOCK [       0,  ENDING] PASSED.
	Parent: unmap testfile.
	Parent: 13.3  - mmap [       0,    1000] PASSED.
	Parent: 13.4  - F_TLOCK [     ffe,  ENDING] PASSED.

** PARENT pass 1 results: 44/44 pass, 1/1 warn, 0/0 fail (pass/total).

**  CHILD pass 1 results: 64/64 pass, 0/0 warn, 0/0 fail (pass/total).
Congratulations, you passed the locking tests!

All tests completed

<I>H.J. Lu</I>