

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 16465c47189328eb656e178f3aeada34 > files > 5


Changes in release 1.2.0:

2001-06-01	The source block takes a new argument: continue. With this
		command an ipaddress or user can be configured in serval 
		sourceblocks. If a client is found but not blocked, squidGuard
		will continue to search in the next source block, if the 
		continue command is defined. Thanks to Valentin Chopov 
		<> for the patch
2001-06-01	Fixed so that it detects the supported
		db lib.
2001-05-15 	Userquota: userqouta <seconds> <sporadic> <renew>
		<renew> can be hourly|dayly|weekly|seconds. <sporadic>
		if a request comes within the number of seconds given
		in the sporadic field the remaining time of the user will
		decrease. userquota 3600 60 14400, gives the user one hour
		surfing every 4th hour. If a user have a pause for more 
		than a minute, the used timed does not increase.

		userquota 3600 0 14400, gives the user one hour surfing
		every 4th hour. userquota 3600 0 daily gies the user
		one hour surfing a day.
2001-05-11	Userquota. In an source block you can now write 
		"userquota seconds hourly|daily|weekly". This meens that
		a timer starts ticking when a user access an url. The user
		is blocked when the time is used up. The user does not get
		access until the next hour,day or week. userquota 3600 daily,
		gives the user one hour surfing a day. 
2001-03-02	Support for 3.2.* version of BerkleyDB. Previous version of
		bdb 3.* is not suported. SquidGuard is still 2.7.7 compatible.
		configure will check for vallid versions of bdb. (leh)

Changes in release 1.1.5:

2000-04-25	Removed dependency on LYNX in doc/ This should
		make reported /bin/false dependency problems on some
		platforms go away. (pb)

Changes in release 1.1.4:

2000-03-29	the %xx codes for whitespaces and newlines in the url, is not
		decoded (0x20, 0x09, 0x0a and 0x0d) (leh) 
2000-03-27	old .db files is now truncated (with the DB_TRUNCATE flagg) 
		instead of removed (with unlink syscall) when running with the
		-C option. defined() can now return DB_NOTFOUND. DB_NOTFOUND
		from defined() indicates an empty database (leh)
2000-03-27      %f in redirects will expand to file part of the url (leh)
2000-03-27      the sgReloadConfig moved to the end of the while loop (leh)
2000-03-21	sgReloadConfig uses execve instead of execvp, hopefully
		solving exec problems with FreeBSD systems (leh)
2000-03-21	squidGuard logs the version number when starting (leh)
2000-03-21	squidGuard -C will not make .db files with no content (leh)
2000-03-21	sgSourceIpList, sgSourceUserList and sgReadConfig now closes
		open filehandle (leh)
2000-03-21	sgReloadConfig closes the logfile and all DBs before exec(leh)
2000-03-21	a sigHUP only sets a flag, sgReloadConfig is then called in the
		main loop (leh)
2000-03-21	the %u macro is not affected by the %xx decoding (leh)
2000-03-09	uses sigaction() instead of signal() for masking the HUP 
		signal, With signal() the HUP signal would only work once 
		(on FreeBSD and Linux systems) (leh)	
2000-03-09	squidGuard would core when no pass statement was defined
		in an acl block (specially when expanding the %t macro in the 
		redirect statement) (leh)
2000-03-07	leading spaces in the redirect field in destination files 
		are removed. Defined RM = rm -f in (Not defined
		on FreeBSD 3.4) Thanks to Michail Vidiassov 
		<> for patch (leh)

Changes in release 1.1.3:

2000-03-06	ident information is processed in lowercase (leh)
2000-02-25	On the fly update should work, and small a change to usage(leh)
2000-02-24	Contributed contrib/hostbyname (pb)
2000-02-07	Fixed fopen mode when opening logfiles from "at" ??? to
		"a"ppend. (leh)
2000-02-07	Fixed db_open to use DB_RDONLY when DB_CREATE 
		isn't necessary. (pb)
2000-02-01	speeding up the code of 2000-01-27 (and removed a small 
		case bug) (leh)
2000-01-27	the url is %xx decoded, test data is updated (leh) 

Changes in release 1.1.2:

1999-12-27	now ip, and
		works as expected. Thanks to 
		and for fix (leh)
1999-12-20	A crash caused by operating *p++ on a static string (leh)
1999-12-20	BSD/OS doesn't have SA_NODEFER (leh)
1999-12-07	two redirect bugs in sgDb.c  defined() function fixed (leh)

Changes in release 1.1.1:

1999-11-02	fixed possible problem in the time scheduler when internal
		clock has been changed by some external source like ntp (leh)
1999-10-29      You can now define more than one timerange on a line in 
                the configfile: date 1999-*-* 08:00-09:00 16:00-18:00. So
                now, at last is the doc right. Thanks to Andrew (
		for patch (leh)
1999-10-25	fixed small bug with url lists. If an url was not found in db
		sg would find the first entry in the db insted of the last(leh)
1999-10-25	fixed problems with tabs in acl block (leh)
1999-10-01	removed the restriction on redefinition of acl in the acl block
		so you can write something like 

		acl {
			clients within weekend { pass any }
			clients within holidays { pass none  }
		} (leh)
1999-09-30      All rewrites now works on the original url not the
		stripped version. (leh)
1999-09-24      SquidGuard now goes into emergency mode if default acl is 
                missing in the configfile (leh)
1999-09-24      logfile will be placed relative to logdir (leh)
1999-09-23      cleanup in the regexp functions. You can now use the @g switch
                to substitute all occurences of a string. Uptil now only the
                first one would be substituted (leh)
1999-09-21	fixed a bug with cidr/mask notation in iplist and a bug 
		where /32 notation where not recognized in both ip and 
		iplist. (leh)
1999-09-17      .db files will be opened with 644 mode (664 mode prev) (leh)
1999-09-17      fixed rewrite logging, the request log is now on the 
		format: Request(src/dest/rew) url src/domain ident method (leh)
1999-09-13      fixed bug in the domainCompare function. Thanks again
                to Fabrice Prigent's contribution (leh)
1999-09-13	added sgclean perl script. Use it to remove redudant entries
		in domain and url files. Look in the contrib dir (leh) 
1999-09-10	fixed bug in string returned to squid during rewrite (leh)

Changes in release 1.1.0:

1999-08-24	Brought the doc up to date. (pb)

Changes in release 1.1.0.beta1:

1999-08-23	fixed bug with userlists. squidGuard used wrongly DB_SET_RANGE 
		flag when searching for users. Thanks to Joseph Lesko
                <> for patch. (leh)
1999-08-06      A redirect string now expands %p to the path part of an url.
                So you could do something like this in a url file: 
       (Thanks again to 
                Jiri A. Randus pointing out the need of %p) (leh)
1999-08-05      squidGuard will now save case in the url when doing rewrite,
                and the %u macro will now expand to the original url instead
		of the lowercase version (Thanks to Jiri A. Randus 
		( for finding this bug) (leh)
1999-08-05      fixed seg fault bug in the rewrite function (Thanks to
                Jiri A. Randus ( for patch) (leh)
1999-08-02	autoconf now uses /usr/local/BerkleyDB instead of 
		$prefix/BerkleyDB. use --with-db=DIR to change location.(leh)
1999-07-30      seg fault bug fixed, seg faulted if lines in expressionlists
	 	didn't have newline (!) (leh)
1999-07-26	updated usage function (leh)
1999-07-26	Two new switches to squidGuard -u and -C. If squidGuard is 
		started with the "-C block" argument. squidGuard will make
		a .db files out of the domain/url files belonging to that
		destination block. An existsing .db file will be removed before
		a new file is created. The argument "-C all" will create .db
		files for all domain/url files found (look at the fix of 
		If squidGuard is started with -u. SquidGuard will look for
		.diff files in the directory where the domain/urls files
  		lies. squidGuard will add lines to the .db file if a line in 
		the .diff begins with a '+', and remove it, if the line begins
		with a '-'. (leh)
1999-07-26	fix of 1999-06-21 broke the lexer so that an ip adresses 
		begining with the number 3 would be parsed as a word not 
		as an ipaddress. The lexer now uses states to fix this (leh)
1999-07-26      squidGuard logs a error if a logfile command is inserted into
		an acl other than "default". The logfile command should be
                used in the source block instead.(leh) 
1999-07-14	changed the parseLine function so it doesn't strip www|ftp 
                when searching in the domain base. urls searches will be
	        done with stripped url. (leh)
1999-07-14	fixed small bug in parsing of date wildcard format, ignored 
                dot as separator. Now dot and dash can be used (leh)
1999-07-09	Removed trailing slashes for DEFAULT_LOGDIR and DEFAULT_DBHOME
		in src/ (pb)
1999-06-28	Renamed the blacklists "blacklist" so people don't jump
		too easy into wrong conclusions in case they get a glimpse
		of your screen.. (pb)
1999-06-21	Problems with redirects commands begining with 301|302:http...,
		fixed regexp in sg.l to cope with this (leh) 
1999-06-16	Added automatic fallback to prebuilt versions of, and lex.yy.c to make it easier for those who have
		problems with their yacc or lex (pb)
1999-06-16	Added a prerelease of the squidGuardRobot in contrib (pb)
1999-06-15	When loading urllist and domainlist squidGuard checks if a
		.db file exists. If it does it will use the db
		file instead of loading the textfile into memory. This will
		speed up the initialization of squidGuard, and limit the
		memory usage. (leh)
1999-06-15	Fixed a bug with empty dest blocks, and dest blocks under time
		control. Pre 1.1 an empty destblock would stop further 
		checks of the pass statment. Now an empty destblock will be 
		ignored	(leh)
1999-06-10	Added French texts to samples/squidGuard.cgi thanks to
		Fabrice Prigent (pb)
1999-06-09	Changed all functions and prototypes to start support for
		both ANSI and old K&R C (pb)
1999-06-09	Added own yywrap() (pb)

Changes in release 1.0.0:

1999-06-07	squidGuard skips chars after the first ':' in an userlist.
		You can use this for something like: userlist /etc/passwd (leh)

Changes in release 1.0.0.beta3:

1999-06-03	Changed the test requestst to be more realistic. (pb)
1999-06-02	squdiGuard takes a new commandline argument:
		-t yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS, and uses the value to -t in every
		time calculation in squidGuard. With this you can easily 
		test your time blocks without altering the config all the 
		time. (leh)

Changes in release 1.0.0.beta2:

1999-05-31	The default acl block can take a log|logfile argument (leH)
1999-05-31	A substitution in a rewrite block now can take a [rR]
		argument in addition to [i]. With the lowercase r 
		squidGuard will return an 302 (redirect temporarily) code
		in front of the rewritten url. And an 301 (redirect permanent) 
		with the uppercase R. (leh)
1999-05-28	A src block can have a "userlist filename" command. (leh)
1999-05-27	More cleaning in and
		Removed less portable :sh= dependencies
		Added make tar (pb)
1999-05-26	Completed the documentation (pb)
1999-05-26	The global logfunctions now uses the same logfunctions 
		that the logfile command in the configfile. This means 
		one open filedescriptor per file. The file is also open
		for writing aslong as squidGuard is running. (leh)
1999-05-26	/dev/null as configfile will pass all (not seg fault) (leh)
1999-05-25	configure now takes --with-sg-dbhome=DIR argument (leh)
1999-05-20	src blocks can have a "iplist filename" command where the
		ipaddresses of a src block is stored in the file "filename". 
		The file can look like this:
		# iplist file for the admin src block
		# # the managers	# the servers #the rest		  (leh)
1999-05-20	Added time support for the rewrite block (leh)
1999-05-20	Added new log functionality. The source, destination and
		rewrite blocks now take log|logfile commands. You can 
		src client {
			    user root
			    log anonymous /log/client.log

		squidGuard will then log every redirects triggered by
		the user root. The ident entry in the logfile will be "-". (leh)
1999-05-19	dbfiles can have #comments (leh)
1999-05-18	removed the hostpart stripping functionality from version 
		0.0.9. Now only www[0-9]*, web[0-9]* and ftp[0-9]* will
		be stripped from the hostpart of an url. (leh)
1999-05-18	empty src blocks made some problems. Every src/dest block
		is now terminated with a call to sgSourceEnd/sgDestEnd. The
		functions check if a block is empty, and sets it to
		innactive if that's the case. (leh)
1999-05-18	fixed some very dangerous memmory allocations. I forgot to add
		1 to some of the strlen() calls. Thanks to Bruce Perens's
		tool ElectricFence, for findig these ugly bugs so fast. (leh)
1999-05-16	Added test and benchmark suite (pb)
1999-05-16	Added test and benchmark suite (pb)
1999-05-16	Added time logging for start, ready and stop to main.c (pb)
1999-05-16	Reorganized the doc source in split files with
		server side include (pb)
1999-05-15	Added update uption and did some cleanup in the Makefiles.
		Cleanup in the new samples/squidGuard.cgi. Now with
		prototypes (pb)
1999-05-12	Written a new heavily improved samples/squidGuard.cgi with
		strict perl, subroutines, reverse lookup on
		targetgroup=in-addr with optional auto redirect on 1-1 or
		1-N match, configurable multilingual messages and more.
		Saved the old samples/squidGuard.cgi to
		samples/squidGuard-simple.cgi as a simpler more straight
		forward example (pb)
1999-05-11	INSTALL now points to the online doc (pb)
1999-05-11	Added make options dist, distribution, version,
		readme and changelog (pb)
1999-05-11	Added automatic update facility for doc/* from the
		online versions via lynx (pb)
1999-05-11	Renamed contrib/blocked.cgi samples/squidGuard.cgi (pb)
1999-05-11	Done some code cleanup in contrib/blocked.cgi (pb)
1999-05-11	Added in-addr hook in contrib/blocked.cgi (pb)
1999-05-11	Added expires header in contrib/blocked.cgi (pb)
1999-05-11	Fixed a minor (cosmetic) bug in sgParseRedirect
		targetclass token %t now expands to
		destgroup|none|in-addr|unknown (leh)
Changes in release 1.0.0.beta1:

1999-05-10	Added the latest documentation to the doc/ directory (pb)
1999-05-10	Removed the out of date documentation from the README file (pb)
1999-05-05	Removed the two last calls to scanf in parseLine (leh)
1999-05-05	Rewrite will now fallback to the default acl's rewrite (leh)
1999-05-05	Empty dbs will now be removed from memory. (leh) 
1999-04-23	Exchanged four strcmp functioncalls in sgAclAccess, with 
		two integer tests (leh)
1999-04-21	Fixed minor bug in sgParseRedirect targetclass token %t
		now expands to any,none and ipaddress (leh)
1999-04-21	The pass command in an acl block got a new predefined
		destination token "in-addr"
		acl lan {
			pass good !in-addr !adult any

		all urls witch is not found in good or adult and the
		hostpart is an ipaddress will be stopped. If the url does
		not contains an ipaddress then squidGuard will continue
		with the next token ("any" in this example) (leh)
1999-04-30	New time function: (leh)

		The config file can now take a new object; time <name> 
		The time object has to be configured before the src and
		dest blocks 
		time workhours {
			weekly mtwhf	 08:00 - 16:00
			1999-12-24	 08:00 - 12:00
			1999-06-10 - 1999-06-20
			*-*-01		 08:00 - 16:00 # every first in month
			*-05-17		 08:00 - 16:00 # every 17 may

		the workhours object can now be used in the src and dest
		block like this:

		src lan {
			ip ....
			within workhours

		dest good {
			urllist -
			outside workhours

		or in the acl block

		acl {
			lan within workhours {
				pass good !ipaddress !adult any
			} else {
				pass any
			default {

Changes in release 0.9.11:

1999-05-18	Added some ; in the yacc code, so yacc, not only bison
		can compile. (leh)

Changes in release 0.9.10:

1999-04-07	If protocol is https squids sends a line to squidGuard
		without the https:// in the url. Pre 0.9.10 squidGuard would 
		skip the line and log an error. Now squidGuard sets the 
		protocol to "unknown", and continues to parse the rest of the
		line (leh)
1999-03-31	fixed bug in parseLine (leh)

Changes in release 0.9.9:

1999-03-16	sgDbLoadTextFile will now strip user:pass, hostpart
		and :port from the url before it's loaded into the db. So will be 
		loaded as The same goes for the 
		strippedurl in the SquidInfo struct. If a line in the urllist
		begins with a '.',  the hostpart of the url will be unchanged.
		The line in a urllist textfile 
		will be loaded as (leh)
Changes in release 0.9.8:

1999-03-15	Rewrite of the function parsing the url from squid.
		the function will now take an url like 
		and normalize it to (used in domainlist searches) 
		and (used in urllist searches) (leh)
1999-03-15	squidGuard will only lowercase the urlpart of the line
		squid sends to squidGuard (GET where converted to get 
		pre 0.9.8) (leh)
1999-03-12	Fixed bug in sgStrRncmp (leh)

Changes in release 0.9.7:

1999-03-10	Attempt to fix a problem with domains like 
		and in domainfiles. Pre 0.9.7 may not find
		the url (leh)
1999-03-09	Domain/url files can have trailing spaces (leh)
1999-03-08	Any lines in domainfile or urlfile can have an optional 
		redirect field after the key (separted by space or tab). (leh) 
1999-03-08	A dest block can now take redirect and rewrite 
		directives as in the acl block. If both redirect and
		rewrite is defined only redirect will be used. Both
		directives will be triggered if one of domainlist, urllist
		or expressionlist matches whith the destination url (leh)
1999-03-08	squidGuard -v shows, beside the squidGuard version,
		the BerkleyDB version (leh)
1999-03-08	sgDbLoadTextFile and sgDestExpressionList now removes ^M 
		from end of line (leh)

Changes in release 0.9.6:

1999-02-24	Fixed bugs in sgLog.c (leh)
1999-02-23	Fixed bug in checking db_version. (leh)
1999-02-23	Default location of configfile is now	
		prefix/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf. You can change this	
		--with-sg-config= argument to configure. (leh)

Changes in release 0.9.5:

1999-02-22	Fixed  a bug in our reverse-string-compare functions
		Thanks to Gary Lindstrom (
		for the patch (leh)
1999-02-22	Now with configure script. Removed regex-0.12
		distribution. Using native regexlib instead.
1999-02-22	Changes in the directory structure (leh)
1999-02-22	Fixed a couple of compiler warnings (leh)

Changes in release 0.9.4:

1999-02-01	Some minor changes in the README file (pb)
1999-02-01	Somewhat stronger check of lines from squid (leh)
1999-02-01	Db and Lines from squid is convertet to lowercase (leh)
1999-02-01	Support for db-2.6.4 (leh)

Changes in release 0.9.3:

1999-01-04	Updated the sample adult database and README (pb)
1998-12-18	Added Lex/Flex choice in the Makefile (pb)

Changes in release 0.9.2:

1998-12-07	Removed unnecessary lib dependencies from the Makefile (pb)
		Added a more useful sample adult database (pb)
		Changed sample.conf accordingly (pb)

1998-10-18	Changed the sgLog time format to "%Y-%m-%d %T" (pb)

Changes in release 0.9.1:

1998-10-12	Fixed problems with db 2.4.14 (leh)
		Added version.h (pb)
		Added -v option to print version number and exit (pb)