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 <TITLE> S-Lang Run-Time Library Reference: Version 1.4.0: Stdio File I/O Functions</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s10">10. Stdio File I/O Functions</A></H2>

<H2><A NAME="clearerr"></A> <A NAME="ss10.1">10.1 <B>clearerr</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Clear the error of a file stream
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>clearerr (File_Type fp</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>clearerr</CODE> function clears the error and end-of-file flags
associated with the open file stream <CODE>fp</CODE>.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>ferror, feof, fopen</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fclose"></A> <A NAME="ss10.2">10.2 <B>fclose</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Close a file
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type fclose (File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fclose</CODE> function may be used to close an open file pointer
<CODE>fp</CODE>.  Upon success it returns zero, and upon failure it sets
<CODE>errno</CODE> and returns <CODE>-1</CODE>.  Failure usually indicates a that
the file system is full or that <CODE>fp</CODE> does not refer to an open file.
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>Many C programmers call <CODE>fclose</CODE> without checking the return
value.  The <B>S-lang</B> language requires the programmer to explicitly
handle any value returned by a <B>S-lang</B> function.  The simplest way to
handle the return value from <CODE>fclose</CODE> is to use it as:
     () = fclose (fp);
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fopen, fgets, fflush, pclose, errno</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fdopen"></A> <A NAME="ss10.3">10.3 <B>fdopen</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Convert a FD_Type file descriptor to a stdio File_Type object
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>File_Type fdopen (FD_Type, String_Type mode)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fdopen</CODE> function creates and returns a stdio
<CODE>File_Type</CODE> object from the open <CODE>FD_Type</CODE>
descriptor <CODE>fd</CODE>.  The <CODE>mode</CODE> parameter corresponds to the
<CODE>mode</CODE> parameter of the <CODE>fopen</CODE> function and must be
consistent with the mode of the descriptor <CODE>fd</CODE>.  The function
returns <CODE>NULL</CODE> upon failure and sets <CODE>errno</CODE>.
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fclose</CODE> function does not close the <CODE>File_Type</CODE> object
returned from this function.  The underlying file object must be
closed by the <CODE>close</CODE> function.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fileno, fopen, open, close, fclose</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="feof"></A> <A NAME="ss10.4">10.4 <B>feof</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Get the end-of-file status
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type feof (File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>This function may be used to determine the state of the end-of-file
indicator of the open file descriptor <CODE>fp</CODE>.  It returns <CODE>0</CODE>
if the indicator is not set, or non-zero if it is.  The end-of-file
indicator may be cleared by the <CODE>clearerr</CODE> function.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>ferror, clearerr, fopen</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="ferror"></A> <A NAME="ss10.5">10.5 <B>ferror</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Determine the error status of an open file descriptor
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type ferror (File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>This function may be used to determine the state of the error
indicator of the open file descriptor <CODE>fp</CODE>.  It returns <CODE>0</CODE>
if the indicator is not set, or non-zero if it is.  The error
indicator may be cleared by the <CODE>clearerr</CODE> function.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>feof, clearerr, fopen</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fflush"></A> <A NAME="ss10.6">10.6 <B>fflush</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Flush an output stream
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type fflush (File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fflush</CODE> function may be used to update the <EM>output</EM>
stream specified by <CODE>fp</CODE>.  It returns <CODE>0</CODE> upon success, or
<CODE>-1</CODE> upon failure and sets <CODE>errno</CODE> accordingly.  In
particular, this function will fail if <CODE>fp</CODE> does not represent
an output stream, or if <CODE>fp</CODE> is associated with a disk file and
there is insufficient disk space.
<DT><B> Example </B><DD><P>This example illustrates how to use the <CODE>fflush</CODE> function
without regard to the return value:
    () = fputs ("Enter value&gt; ", stdout);
    () = fflush (stdout);
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>Many C programmers disregard the return value from the <CODE>fflush</CODE>
function.  The above example illustrates how to properly do this in
the <B>S-lang</B> langauge.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fopen, fclose</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fgets"></A> <A NAME="ss10.7">10.7 <B>fgets</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Read a line from a file.
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type fgets (SLang_Ref_Type ref, File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P><CODE>fgets</CODE> reads a line from the open file specified by <CODE>fp</CODE>
and places the characters in the variable whose reference is
specified by <CODE>ref</CODE>.
It returns <CODE>-1</CODE> if <CODE>fp</CODE> is not associated with an open file
or an attempt was made to read at the end the file; otherwise, it
returns the number of characters read.
<DT><B> Example </B><DD><P>The following example returns the lines of a file via a linked list:
    define read_file (file)
       variable buf, fp, root, tail;
       variable list_type = struct { text, next };

       root = NULL;

       fp = fopen(file, "r");
       if (fp == NULL)
         error("fopen %s failed." file);
       while (-1 != fgets (&amp;buf, fp))
            if (root == NULL)
                 root = @list_type;
                 tail = root;
        = @list_type;
                 tail =;
            tail.text = buf;
   = NULL;
       () = fclose (fp);
       return root;
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fopen, fclose, fputs, fread, error</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fgetslines"></A> <A NAME="ss10.8">10.8 <B>fgetslines</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Read all the lines from an open file
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>String_Type[] fgetslines (File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fgetslines</CODE> function returns all the remaining lines as an
array of strings in the file specified by the open file pointer
<CODE>fp</CODE>.  If the file is empty, an empty string array will be
returned.  The function returns <CODE>NULL</CODE> upon error.
<DT><B> Example </B><DD><P>The following function returns the number of lines in a file:
    define count_lines_in_file (file)
       variable fp, lines;

       fp = fopen (file, "r");
       if (fp == NULL)
         return -1;
       lines = fgetslines (fp);
       if (lines == NULL)
         return -1;
       return length (lines);

Note that the file was implicitly closed by the function.
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>This function should not be used if the file contains many lines
since that would require that all the lines be read into memory.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fgets, fread, fopen</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fopen"></A> <A NAME="ss10.9">10.9 <B>fopen</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Open a file
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>File_Type fopen (String_Type f, String_Type m)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fopen</CODE> function opens a file <CODE>f</CODE> according to the mode
string <CODE>m</CODE>.  Allowed values for <CODE>m</CODE> are:
     "r"    Read only
     "w"    Write only
     "a"    Append
     "r+"   Reading and writing at the beginning of the file.
     "w+"   Reading and writing.  The file is created if it does not
              exist; otherwise, it is truncated.
     "a+"   Reading and writing at the end of the file.  The file is created
              if it does not already exist.

In addition, the mode string can also include the letter <CODE>'b'</CODE>
as the last character to indicate that the file is to be opened in
binary mode.
<P>Upon success, <CODE>fopen</CODE> a <CODE>File_Type</CODE> object which is meant to
be used in other operations that require an open file.  Upon
failure, the function returns <CODE>NULL</CODE>.
<DT><B> Example </B><DD><P>The following function opens a file in append mode and writes a
string to it:
    define append_string_to_file (file, str)
       variable fp = fopen (file, "a");
       if (fp == NULL) verror ("%s could not be opened", file);
       () = fputs (string, fp);
       () = fclose (fp);

Note that the return values from <CODE>fputs</CODE> and <CODE>fclose</CODE> are
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>There is no need to explicitly close a file opened with <CODE>fopen</CODE>.
If the returned <CODE>File_Type</CODE> object goes out of scope, <B>S-lang</B>
will automatically close the file.  However, explicitly closing a
file after use is recommended.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fclose, fgets, fputs, popen</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fprintf"></A> <A NAME="ss10.10">10.10 <B>fprintf</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Create and write a formatted string to a file
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Int_Type fprintf (File_Type fp, String_Type fmt, ...)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P><CODE>fprintf</CODE> formats the objects specified by the variable argument
list according to the format <CODE>fmt</CODE> and write the result to the
open file pointer <CODE>fp</CODE>.  
<P>The format string obeys the same syntax and semantics as the
<CODE>sprintf</CODE> format string.  See the description of the
<CODE>sprintf</CODE> function for more information.
<P><CODE>fprintf</CODE> returns the number of characters written to the file,
or <CODE>-1</CODE> upon error.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fputs, printf, fwrite, message</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fputs"></A> <A NAME="ss10.11">10.11 <B>fputs</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Write a string to an open stream
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type fputs (String_Type s, File_Type fp);</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fputs</CODE> function writes the string <CODE>s</CODE> to the open file
pointer <CODE>fp</CODE>. It returns -1 upon failure and sets <CODE>errno</CODE>,
otherwise it returns the length of the string.
<DT><B> Example </B><DD><P>The following function opens a file in append mode and uses the
<CODE>fputs</CODE> function to write to it.
    define append_string_to_file (str, file)
       variable fp;
       fp = fopen (file, "a");
       if (fp == NULL) verror ("Unable to open %s", file);
       if ((-1 == fputs (s, fp))
           or (-1 == fclose (fp)))
         verror ("Error writing to %s", file);
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>One must not disregard the return value from the <CODE>fputs</CODE>
function, as many C programmers do.  Doing so may lead to a stack
overflow error.
<P>To write an object that contains embedded null characters, use the
<CODE>fwrite</CODE> function.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fclose, fopen, fgets, fwrite</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fread"></A> <A NAME="ss10.12">10.12 <B>fread</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Read binary data from a file
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>UInt_Type fread (Ref_Type b, DataType_Type t, UInt_Type n, File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fread</CODE> function may be used to read <CODE>n</CODE> objects of type
<CODE>t</CODE> from an open file pointer <CODE>fp</CODE>.  Upon success, it
returns the number of objects read from the file and places the
objects in the variable specified by <CODE>b</CODE>.  Upon error or end of
file, it returns <CODE>-1</CODE>.  If more than one object is read from the
file, those objects will be placed in an array of the appropriate
size.  The exception to this is when reading <CODE>Char_Type</CODE> or
<CODE>UChar_Type</CODE> objects from a file, in which case the data will be
returned as a BString_Type binary string.
<DT><B> Example </B><DD><P>The following example illustrates how to read 50 bytes from a file:
     define read_50_bytes_from_file (file)
        variable fp, n, buf;
        fp = fopen (file, "rb");
        if (fp == NULL) error ("Open failed");
        n = fread (&amp;buf, Char_Type, 50, fp);
        if (n == -1)
          error ("fread failed");
        () = fclose (fp);
        return buf;
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>Use the <CODE>pack</CODE> and <CODE>unpack</CODE> functions to read data with a
specific byte-ordering.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fwrite, fgets, fopen, pack, unpack</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fseek"></A> <A NAME="ss10.13">10.13 <B>fseek</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Reposition a stream
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type fseek (File_Type fp, Integer_Type ofs, Integer_Type whence</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fseek</CODE> function may be used to reposition the file position
pointer associated with the open file stream <CODE>fp</CODE>. Specifically,
it moves the pointer <CODE>ofs</CODE> bytes relative to the position
indicated by <CODE>whence</CODE>.  If whence is set to one of the symbolic
offset is relative to the start of the file, the current position
indicator, or end-of-file, respectively.
<P>The function return zero upon success, or <CODE>-1</CODE> upon failure and sets
<CODE>errno</CODE> accordingly.
<DT><B> Example </B><DD><P>define rewind (fp)
if (0 == fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET)) return;
vmessage ("rewind failed, reason: %s", errno_string (errno));
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>The current implementation uses an integer to specify the offset.
One some systems, a long integer may be required making this
function fail for very large files, i.e., files that are longer than
the maximum value of an integer.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>ftell, fopen</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="ftell"></A> <A NAME="ss10.14">10.14 <B>ftell</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Obtain the current position in an open stream
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type ftell (File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The ftell function may be used to obtain the current position in the
stream associated with the open file pointer <CODE>fp</CODE>.  It returns
the position of the pointer measured in bytes from the beginning of
the file.  Upon error, it returns <CODE>-1</CODE> and sets <CODE>errno</CODE>.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fseek, fopen</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="fwrite"></A> <A NAME="ss10.15">10.15 <B>fwrite</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Write binary data to a file
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>UInt_Type fwrite (b, File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>fwrite</CODE> may be used to write the object represented by
<CODE>b</CODE> to an open file.  If <CODE>b</CODE> is a string or an array, the
function will attempt to write all elements of the object to the
file.  It returns the number of objects successfully written,
otherwise it returns <CODE>-1</CODE> upon error and sets <CODE>errno</CODE>
<DT><B> Example </B><DD><P>The following example illustrates how to write an integer array to a
file.  In this example, <CODE>fp</CODE> is an open file descriptor:
     variable a = [1:50];     % 50 element integer array
     if (50 != fwrite (a, fp))
       error ("fwrite failed");

Here is how to write the array one element at a time:
     variable a = [1:50];
     foreach (a)
          variable ai = ();
          if (1 != fwrite(ai, fp))
            error ("fwrite failed");
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>Not all data types may support the <CODE>fwrite</CODE> operation.  However,
it is supported by all vector, scalar, and string objects.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fread, fputs, fopen, pack, unpack</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="pclose"></A> <A NAME="ss10.16">10.16 <B>pclose</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Close an object opened with popen
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Integer_Type pclose (File_Type fp)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>pclose</CODE> function waits for the process associated with
<CODE>fp</CODE> to exit and the returns the exit status of the command.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>pclose, fclose</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="popen"></A> <A NAME="ss10.17">10.17 <B>popen</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Open a process
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>File_Type popen (String_Type cmd, String_Type mode)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P>The <CODE>popen</CODE> function executes a process specified by <CODE>cmd</CODE>
and opens a unidirectional pipe to the newly created process.  The
<CODE>mode</CODE> indicates whether or not the the pipe is open for reading
or writing.  Specifically, if <CODE>mode</CODE> is <CODE>"r"</CODE>, then the
pipe is opened for reading, or if <CODE>mode</CODE> is <CODE>"w"</CODE>, then the
pipe will be open for writing.
<P>Upon success, a <CODE>File_Type</CODE> pointer will be returned, otherwise
the function failed and <CODE>NULL</CODE> will be returned.
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>This function is not available on all systems.
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>pclose, fopen</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="printf"></A> <A NAME="ss10.18">10.18 <B>printf</B></A>

<DT><B> Synopsis </B><DD><P>Create and write a formatted string to stdout
<DT><B> Usage </B><DD><P><CODE>Int_Type printf (String_Type fmt, ...)</CODE>
<DT><B> Description </B><DD><P><CODE>fprintf</CODE> formats the objects specified by the variable argument
list according to the format <CODE>fmt</CODE> and write the result to
<CODE>stdout</CODE>.  This function is equivalent to <CODE>fprintf</CODE> used
with the <CODE>stdout</CODE> file pointer.  See <CODE>fprintf</CODE> for more
<P><CODE>printf</CODE> returns the number of characters written to the file,
or <CODE>-1</CODE> upon error.
<DT><B> Notes </B><DD><P>Many C programmers do not check the return status of the
<CODE>printf</CODE> C library function.  Make sure that if you do not care
about whether or not the function succeeds, then code it as in the
following example:
     () = printf ("%s laid %d eggs\n", chicken_name, num_egg);
<DT><B> See Also </B><DD><P><CODE>fputs, printf, fwrite, message</CODE>
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