

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 44cf67368a0eb18a4220d75ec8d36d9c > files > 31


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Description: 
# This program, given an OID reference as an argument, creates some
# template mib module files to be used with the ucd-snmp agent.  It is
# far from perfect and will not generate working modules, but it
# significantly shortens development time by outlining the basic
# structure.
# Its up to you to verify what it does and change the default values
# it returns.

my $havesnmp = eval {require SNMP;};

if (!$havesnmp) {
    print "
ERROR: You don't have the SNMP perl module installed.  Please obtain
this by getting the latest source release of the ucd-snmp toolkit from .  The perl module is contained in
the perl/SNMP directory.  See the INSTALL file there for instructions.


if ($havesnmp) {
    eval { import SNMP; }
use FileHandle;

#use strict 'vars';

$nostats = 0;

sub usage {
    print "$0 [-h] [-c configfile] [-f prefix] mibNode\n\n";
    print "  -h\t\tThis message.\n\n";
    print "  -c configfile\tSpecifies the configuration file to use\n\t\tthat dictates what the output of mib2c will look like.\n\n";
    print "  -f prefix\tSpecifies the output prefix to use.  All code\n\t\twill be put into prefix.c and prefix.h\n\n";
    print "  mibNode\tThe name of the top level mib node you want to\n\t\tgenerate code for.  By default, the code will be stored in\n\t\tmibNode.c and mibNode.h (use the -f flag to change this)\n\n";
    print "  -d\t\tdebugging output (dont do it.  trust me.)\n\n";
    print "  -s\t\tDon't display statistics at the end\n\n";

while($#ARGV >= 0) {
    $_ = shift;
    $configfile = shift if (/^-c/);
    $debug = 1 if (/^-d/);
    $nostats = 1 if (/^-s/);
    usage && exit(1) if (/^-h/);
    $outputName = shift if (/^-f/);
    $oid = $_ if (/^[^-]/);
# internal conversion tables

%accessToUCD = qw(ReadOnly RONLY ReadWrite RWRITE 
		  WriteOnly RWRITE Create RWRITE);

#  The lengths of the defined 'variableN' structures
@varLengths = (2,4,7,8,13);

if (!defined($oid)) {
    print STDERR "You didn\'t specify a mib oid to convert!\n";

$mib = $SNMP::MIB{$oid};
$_ = $commaoid = $fulloid = $mib->{'objectID'};
if (!defined ($fulloid)) {
    print STDERR "Couldn\'t find mib reference: $oid\n";
$commaoid =~ s/\./,/g;
$commaoid =~ s/^,//g;

$outputName = $mib->{'label'} if (!defined($outputName));
$OUTPUTNAME = uc($outputName);
print "outputting to $outputName.c and $outputName.h ...\n";

#   Walk the MIB tree, and construct strings
#     holding the various fragments of code needed.
#   'loadMib' returns the length of the longest OID suffix
#     encountered.
#   The variables constructed and used are:
#   (in the header file)
#	functionInfo :	A list of definitions for the table-handling functions,
#			and routines for SETtable variables.
#			(The main scalar handling routine is handled implicitly)
#   (in the code file)
#	structinfo :	The contents of the variableN structure listing
#			the variables handled, including type, access level,
#			OID suffix and 'magic number'
#	caseStatements:	A hash array (indexed by variable routine name)
#			containing the body of the switch statement
#			used for returning the appropriate values.
#			At a minimum, this consists of the various 'case' labels
#			If full type information is available (from mib2c.conf)
#			then this will also include a default initialiser,
#			and setting of a 'write_method' (if appropriate).
#	writeFuncs:	A list of function skeletons for setting variables
#			(for variables with suitable access levels).
#			Note that this list will not include functions
#			for variables which don't provide type information
#			in the mib2c.conf file (even if such variables are
#			defined as writeable in the variableN structure).
$count = 0;
$depth = loadMib($mib,0)-1;

#  Determine which 'variableN' structure is needed
for($varlen = 0; $varlen <= $#varLengths; $varlen++) {
  last if ($depth <= $varLengths[$varlen]);
$varlen = $varLengths[$varlen];

#	Table-handling routines.
foreach $vtable (@table_list) {
    foreach $ptable (@processtable) {
	$variables{$ptable}{'processed'} .= 
	    (eval "\"$variables{$ptable}{'code'}\"") . "\n\n";
    $var_routines .= 
	(eval "\"$variables{'code-var_table'}{'code'}\"") . "\n\n";

#   Output the header file
print DOTH (eval "\"$variables{'code-dot-h'}{'code'}\"") . "\n";

#   Output the code file:
#	Initialisation and main variable routine.

print DOTC (eval "\"$variables{'code-main-part'}{'code'}\"") . "\n\n";;

# Everyone loves statistics.
print "  depth: $depth\n";
print "  Number of Lines Created:\n";
system("wc -l $outputName.c $outputName.h");
print "Done.\n\n";
print "NOTE: the code that has been created for you is merely a starting template.\n";
print "      You will have to modify it in order to make it work properly.\n";

#  loadMib:
#	Recursive routine to walk the mib,
#	and construct the various code fragment strings.
sub loadMib {
    my $mib = shift;
    my $i;
    my $depth = shift;
    $depth = $depth + 1;
    my $name = $mib->{'label'};
    my $NAME = uc($name);
    print "doing $mib->{label} : $mib->{objectID}\n" if $debug;
    if (defined($mib->{'access'}) && 
	$mib->{'access'} =~ /ReadOnly|ReadWrite|WriteOnly|Create|NoAccess/) {
	$count = $count + 1;
	$subid = $mib->{'objectID'};
	$subid =~ s/$fulloid\.//;
	$subid =~ s/\./,/g;
	if (!defined($variables{$mib->{'type'}})  && !defined($mib->{'indexes'})) {
	    print STDERR "unknown type:  $mib->{type} for $mib->{label} $mib->{'access'}\n";
	    print STDERR "unknown type:  no information generated for $mib->{label}\n";
	} else {
	    foreach $i (@process) {
		next if (defined($variables{$i}{'skipif'}) &&
			 eval $variables{$i}{'skipif'});
		my $result = (eval "\"$variables{$i}{'code'}\"");
		$variables{$i}{'processed'} .= "$result\n";
		$variables{$vroutine}{$i}{'processed'} .= "$result\n";
	if (defined($mib->{'indexes'})) {
	    print "indexes: ", join(", ",@{$mib->{'indexes'}}),"\n" if ($debug);
	    $variables{$vroutine}{'indexes'} = $mib->{'indexes'};
	    foreach $i (@{$mib->{'indexes'}}) {
		$variables{$vroutine}{$i}{'isanindex'} = 1;
    my $children = $$mib{'children'}; 
    my $i;
    my $newdepth = $depth;
    foreach $i (sort {$a->{subID} <=> $b->{subID}} @{$children}) {
	if ( $name =~ /Table$/ ) {
	    push @table_list, $name;
	    $newdepth = max(loadMib($i, $depth), $newdepth);
	else {
	    $newdepth = max(loadMib($i, $depth), $newdepth);
    return $newdepth;

sub max {
    my $x = shift;
    my $y = shift;
    return ($x > $y) ? $x : $y;

sub read_config() {
    my $configfile = shift;
    my ($type, $lasttoken);
    my $fh = new FileHandle;
    $configfile = "/usr/local/share/snmp/" . $configfile if (!(-f $configfile));
    if ( $fh->open("<$configfile") ) {
	while(<$fh>) {
	    next if (/^\s*\#/ || /^\s*$/);
	    if (/^\s*type:\s*(.*)/) {
		if (defined($type) && defined($lasttoken) && 
		    defined ($variables{$type}{$lasttoken})) {
		$type = $1;
	    } elsif (/include:\s*(.*)/) {
	    } elsif (/process:\s*(.*)/) {
		push (@process, $1);
	    } elsif (/processtable:\s*(.*)/) {
		push (@processtable, $1);
	    } elsif (/delete:\s*(.*)/) {
	    } elsif (/copy:\s*(.*)/) {
		my $item;
		my $arg = $1;
		foreach $item (keys(%{$variables{$arg}})) {
		    $variables{$type}{$item} = $variables{$arg}{$item};
	    } else {
		if (/\s*([^:]*):(\s*.*)/) {
		    if (!defined($variables{$type}{$1})) {
			if (defined($type) && defined($lasttoken) && 
			    defined ($variables{$type}{$lasttoken})) {
			$variables{$type}{$1} = $2;
			$lasttoken = $1;
			$variables{$type}{$1} =~ s/^\t+//;
		    } else {
			# duplicate entry:  tack it on.
			my ($x, $y) = ($1, $2);
			$y =~ s/^\t+//;
			$variables{$type}{$x} .= "\n" . $y;
		} else {
		    # continuation line, it started with spaces or a +
		    $variables{$type}{$lasttoken} .= "\n" . $_;
    } else {
	warn "Config file ($configfile) not found.\n";

sub evalstr {
    my $str = shift;
#    if ($str !~ /^\"/) {
	$str = "\"$str\"";  # surround by quotes.
#    }
    eval ($str);            # should return a string, with variables expanded

sub evalrstr {
    my $rstr = shift;
#    if ($str !~ /^\"/) {
#	$$rstr = "\"" . $$rstr . "\"";  # surround by quotes.
#    }
    eval ("\"$$rstr\"");            # should return a string, with variables expanded