

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 4848af60af0367b58e199c096f032e42 > files > 23


The GtkMdkDialog widget is derivated from GtkDialog.

Its purpose is to provide unified and easy-to-use dialog boxes.

It basically looks like this:

       |                                           |
       | A Nice        Some descriptive text       |
       |  icon                                     |
       |   [ Button ]  [ Button ]  [ Button ]      |


  The GtkMdkDialog widget provide ready-to-use and simple dialog window.

  The programmer can choose the icon out of three, and the buttons thats are
in the 'action area'.


The GtkMdkDialog widgets are created with this function:
GtkWidget *gtk_mdk_dialog_new(GtkMdkDialogType type,
                              GtkMdkDialogIcon icon,
                              gchar *title,
                              gchar *text);
where 'type' defines which button you want to be present in the dialog.
It must have one of these values:
'icon' defines the icon you want to be displayed at the left of the dialog.
It can be one of these:
  STOP_ICON: Guess what?
  ASK_ICON:  a '?' in a circle: (?)
  BANG_ICON: a '!' in a triangle: /!\
  NONE_ICON: no icon at all!
'title' is the title of the dialog window and
'text' the text displayed at the right of the dialog.

Other functions can be used with GtkMdkDialog:

- void gtk_mdk_dialog_set_parent(GtkMdkDialog *dialog, GtkWindow *parent);
  This function lets you define a 'parent window' for the dialog.
  A parent window is guarantied to always be below the dialog.

These two functions can help to connect a button to the "clicked" signal.
void gtk_mdk_dialog_button_connect(GtkMdkDialog *dialog,
                                   gint button,
                                   GtkSignalFunc callback,
                                   gpointer data);
void gtk_mdk_dialog_button_connect_object(GtkMdkDialog *dialog,
                                          gint button,
                                          GtkSignalFunc callback,
                                          GtkObject *obj);
The 'button' parameter is the index of the button you want to connect the
signal to, starting with 0.

- gint gtk_mdk_dialog_run(GtkMdkDialog *dialog);
  This function run the dialog, making it modal. The return value is the 
  index of the pressed button, or -1 if no button was pressed.

- gint gtk_mdk_dialog_run_and_close(GtkMdkDialog *dialog);
  This function does the same as the previous one and close the window, even
  if close_on_click is false.

- void gtk_mdk_dialog_set_default(GtkMdkDialog *dialog, gint button);
  This set the default button (the default button can be activated with the
  'Return' key.

- void gtk_mdk_dialog_set_accelerator(GtkMdkDialog * dialog,
                                      gint button,
                                      const guchar accelerator_key,
                                      guint8 accelerator_mods);
  This function can be used to set an accelerator for a button.

- void gtk_mdk_dialog_close(GtkMdkDialog *dialog);
  Closes the dialog (or hides it if just_hide is TRUE)

- void gtk_mdk_dialog_close_hides(GtkMdkDialog *dialog,
                                  gboolean just_hide);
  If 'just_hide' is true, then the dialog will only be hidden when request for
  closure (default is FALSE).

- void gtk_mdk_dialog_close_on_click(GtkMdkDialog * dialog,
                                     gboolean close_on_click);
 If 'close_on_click' then a click on any button will close the dialog.
 Default is TRUE.

  The GtkMdkDialog widget introduces two new signals:
  - "clicked": This signal is emitted when a button is clicked on.
     Callback's full prototype is:
     void callback(GtkMdkDialog *dialog, gint button_number, gpointer data);
     where 'button_number' is the index of the clicked button.

  - "close": This signal is emitted when the dialog is close (on hidden...).
     Callback's full prototype is:
     void callback(GtkMdkDialog *dialog, gpointer data);

  To be filed.
   No fields should be accessed directly.