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<TITLE>Source: kextsock.h</TITLE>

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		<h1>Source: kextsock.h</h1>
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 *  This file is part of the KDE libraries
 *  Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Thiago Macieira <>
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Library General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 *  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 *  Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef KEXTSOCK_H
#define KEXTSOCK_H

#include <sys/time.h>

#include <qobject.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qiodevice.h>
#include <qsocketnotifier.h>

#include "kbufferedio.h"
#include "ksockaddr.h"

/* External reference to netdb.h */
struct addrinfo;
struct kde_addrinfo;
class KAddressInfo;		/* our abstraction of it */

 * This is extending QIODevice's error codes
 * According to qiodevice.h, the last error is IO_UnspecifiedError
 * These errors will never occur in functions declared in QIODevice
 * (except open, but you shouldn't call open)
#define IO_ListenError		(IO_UnspecifiedError+1)
#define IO_AcceptError		(IO_UnspecifiedError+2)
#define IO_LookupError		(IO_UnspecifiedError+3)

 * The extended socket class.
 * This class should be used instead of @ref KSocket whenever the user needs
 * fine-grained control over the socket being created. Unlike KSocket, which
 * does everything at once, without much intervention, KExtendedSocket allows
 * intervention at every step of the process and the setting of parameters.
 * This class allows for the creation of both server and client sockets. The
 * only difference is that the passiveSocket flag must be passed either to
 * the constructor or to @ref setSocketFlags(). If passiveSocket is used, the class will
 * enable functions @ref listen() and @ref accept() and related signals, and will
 * also disable @ref readBlock() and @ref writeBlock().
 * To create a Unix socket, one would pass flag unixSocket to the constructor
 * or @ref setSocketFlags(). The hostname and service/port can be set to whatever is 
 * necessary. If no hostname is given, but a service/port is, the socket created
 * will be implementation dependant (usually in /tmp). In any other case, the
 * fields will be concatenated.
 * To create an Internet socket, inetSocket flag can be used. If, on the other
 * hand a specific IP protocol is desired, ipv4Socket and/or ipv6Socket can be
 * used.
 * Note that the socket type selection flags are cumulative. One could select
 * Unix and Internet sockets by using unixSocket | inetSocket. Or, for instance,
 * to make sure only IPv4 and IPv6 sockets are selected, even if future implementations
 * support newer IP protocols, ipv4Socket | ipv6Socket is your guy.
 * @author Thiago Macieira <>
 * @version $Id: kextsock.h,v 2001/10/24 19:43:45 waba Exp $
 * @short an extended socket
class KExtendedSocket: public KBufferedIO // public QObject, public QIODevice

   * flags that can be passed down to the member functions
  enum Flags
    /* socket address families */
     * NOTE: if you change this, you have to change function valid_socket() as well
     * These values are hard coded!
    anySocket = 0x00,
    knownSocket = 0x01,
    unixSocket = knownSocket | 0x02,
    inetSocket = knownSocket | 0x04,
    ipv4Socket = inetSocket | 0x100,
    ipv6Socket = inetSocket | 0x200,

    passiveSocket = 0x1000,	/* passive socket (i.e., one that accepts connections) */
    canonName = 0x2000,		/* request that the canon name be found */
    noResolve = 0x4000,		/* do not attempt to resolve, treat as numeric host */

    streamSocket = 0x8000,	/* request a streaming socket (e.g., TCP) */
    datagramSocket = 0x10000,	/* request a datagram socket (e.g., UDP) */
    rawSocket = 0x20000,	/* request a raw socket. This probably requires privileges */

    inputBufferedSocket = 0x200000, /* buffer input in this socket */
    outputBufferedSocket = 0x400000, /* buffer output in this socket */
    bufferedSocket = 0x600000	/* make this a fully buffered socket */

   * status of the class
   * The status are sequential. If a change to one status is requested,
   * all the prior status will be passed and their actions, performed
  enum SockStatus
    // the numbers are scattered so that we leave room for future expansion
    error = -1,			// invalid status!

    nothing = 0,		// no status, the class has just been created

    lookupInProgress = 4,	// lookup is in progress. Signals will be sent
    lookupDone = 5,		// lookup has been done. Flags cannot be changed
				// from this point on

    created = 10,		// ::socket() has been called, a socket exists
    bound = 11,			// socket has been bound

    connecting = 20,		// socket is connecting (not passiveSocket)
    connected = 21,		// socket has connected (not passiveSocket)

    listening = 20,		// socket is listening (passiveSocket)
    accepting = 21,		// socket is accepting (passiveSocket)

    closing = 35,		// socket is closing (delayed close)
    done = 40			// socket has been closed

   * Creates an empty KExtendedSocket

   * Creates a socket with the given hostname and port
   * @param host	the hostname
   * @param port	the port number
   * @param flags	flags
  KExtendedSocket(const QString& host, int port, int flags = 0);

   * Creates a socket with the given hostname and service
   * @param host	the hostname
   * @param serv	the service
   * @param flags	flags
  KExtendedSocket(const QString& host, const QString& service, int flags = 0);

   * Destroys the socket, disconnecting if still connected and
   * freeing any related resources still being kept.
  virtual ~KExtendedSocket();

   * --- status, flags and internal variables --- *

   * Returns the class status
  inline int socketStatus() const
  { return m_status; }

   * Returns the related system error code
   * Except for IO_LookupError errors, these are codes found in
   * errno
  inline int systemError() const
  { return m_syserror; }

   * Sets the given flags. Will return the new flags status, or
   * -1 if flags can no longer be set.
   * @param flags	the flags to be set
  int setSocketFlags(int flags);

   * Returns the current flags
  inline int socketFlags() const
  { return m_flags; }

   * Sets the hostname to the given value
   * Returns true on success, false on error
   * @param host	the hostname
  bool setHost(const QString& host);

   * Returns the hostname
  QString host() const;

   * Sets the port/service
   * @param port	the port
  bool setPort(int port);
  bool setPort(const QString& service);

   * Returns the port/service
  QString port() const;

   * Sets the address where we will connect to
   * @param host	the hostname
   * @param port	port number
  bool setAddress(const QString& host, int port);

   * Sets the address where we will connect to
   * @param host	the hostname
   * @param serv	the service
  bool setAddress(const QString& host, const QString& serv);

   * Sets the hostname to which we will bind locally before connecting.
   * Returns false if this is a passiveSocket, otherwise true.
   * @param host	the hostname
  bool setBindHost(const QString& host);

   * Unsets the bind hostname. That is, don't request a binding host.
  bool unsetBindHost();

   * Returns the hostname to which the socket will be/is bound
  inline QString bindHost() const;

   * Sets the port/service to which we will bind before connecting
   * @param port	the port number
  bool setBindPort(int port);
  bool setBindPort(const QString& service);

   * Unsets the bind port/service.
  bool unsetBindPort();

   * Returns the service to which the socket will be/is bound.
  QString bindPort() const;

   * Sets both host and port to which we will bind the socket. Will return
   * -1 if this is a passiveSocket
   * @param host	the hostname
   * @param port	the port number
  bool setBindAddress(const QString& host, int port);

   * Sets both host and service to which we will bind the socket. Will return
   * -1 if this is a passiveSocket
   * @param host	the hostname
   * @param serv	the service
  bool setBindAddress(const QString& host, const QString& service);

   * Unsets the bind address for the socket. That means that we won't
   * attempt to bind to an address before connecting
  bool unsetBindAddress();

   * Sets the timeout value for the connection, if this is not passiveSocket, or
   * acception, if this is a passiveSocket. In the event the given function
   * (connect or accept) returns due to time out, it's possible to call it again.
   * Setting the timeout to 0 disables the timeout feature.
   * Returns false if setting timeout makes no sense in the context.
   * @param secs	the timeout length, in seconds
   * @param usecs	the timeout complement, in microseconds
  bool setTimeout(int secs, int usecs = 0);

   * Returns the timeout value for the connection
  timeval timeout() const;

   * Sets/unsets blocking mode for the socket. When non-blocking mode is enabled,
   * I/O operations might return error and set errno to EWOULDBLOCK. Also,
   * it's not recommended to use this when using signals. Returns false on
   * error.
   * @param enable	if true, set blocking mode. False, non-blocking mode.
  bool setBlockingMode(bool enable);

   * Returns the current blocking mode for this socket
  bool blockingMode();

   * Sets/unsets address reusing flag for this socket.
   * This function returns true if the value was set correctly. That is NOT
   * the result of the set.
   * @param enable	if true, set address reusable
  bool setAddressReusable(bool enable);

   * Returns whether this socket can be reused
  bool addressReusable();

   * Sets the buffer sizes for this socket.
   * This implementation allows any size for both parameters. The value given
   * will be interpreted as the maximum size allowed for the buffers, after
   * which the functions will stop buffering. The value of -1 will be
   * interpreted as "unlimited" size.
   * Note: changing the buffer size to 0 for any buffer will cause the given
   * buffer's to be discarded. Likewise, setting the size to a value less than
   * the current size will cause the buffer to be shrunk to the wanted value,
   * as if the data had been read.
   * Note 2: if we are not doing input buffering, the #ref closed signal will
   * not be emitted for remote connection closing. That happens because we aren't
   * reading from the connection, so we don't know when it closed.
   * @param rsize	read buffer size
   * @param wsize	write buffer size
  virtual bool setBufferSize(int rsize, int wsize = -2);

   * Returns the local socket address
  const KSocketAddress *localAddress();

   * Returns the peer socket address. Use KExtendedSocket::resolve() to
   * resolve this to a human-readable hostname/service or port.
  const KSocketAddress *peerAddress();

   * Returns the file descriptor
  inline int fd() const
  { return sockfd; }

   * -- socket creation -- *

   * Performs lookup on the addresses we were given before
   * Returns 0 or an error. Codes are the same as for <em>getaddrinfo</em>
   * This will perform lookups on the bind addresses if they were given
  virtual int lookup();

   * Starts an asynchronous lookup for the addresses given
   * This function returns 0 on success or -1 on error. Note that
   * returning 0 means that either we are in the process of doing
   * lookup or that it has finished already.
   * When the lookup is done, the lookupReady signal will be emitted.
   * Note that, depending on the parameters for the lookup, this function might
   * know the results without the need for blocking or queueing an
   * asynchronous lookup. That means that the lookupReady signal might be
   * emitted by this function, so your code should be prepared for that.
   * One such case is when noResolve flag is set.
   * If this function were able to determine the results without queueing
   * and we found an error during lookup, this function will return -1.
  virtual int startAsyncLookup();

   * Cancels any on-going asynchronous lookups
  virtual void cancelAsyncLookup();

   * Place the socket in listen mode. The parameters are the same as for
   * the system listen() call. Returns 0 on success, -1 on system error (errno
   * available) and -2 if this is not a passiveSocket.
   * @param N		the queue length for pending connections
  virtual int listen(int N = 5); // 5 is arbitrary

   * Accepts an incoming connection from the socket. If this socket is in
   * blocking mode, this function will block until a connection is received.
   * Otherwise, it might return with error. The sock parameter will be
   * initialised with the newly created socket.
   * Returns 0 on success, -1 on system error (errno set) and -2 if this is
   * not a passiveSocket and -3 if this took too long (time out)
   * @param sock	a pointer to an KExtendedSocket variable
  virtual int accept(KExtendedSocket *&sock);

   * Attempts to connect to the remote host. The return values are:
   * 0: success
   * -1: system error, errno was set accordingly
   * -2: this socket cannot connect(); this is a passiveSocket. It can also
   *   mean that the function was unable to make a connection with the given
   *   bind address or that an asynchronous connection attempt is already
   *   in progress.
   * -3: connection timed out
  virtual int connect();

   * Starts an asynchronous connect. This works exactly the same as @ref connect,
   * except that the connection result won't be returned. This function will 
   * return either 0 on successful queueing of the connect or -1 on error. If 
   * this function returns 0, then the connectionSuccess or the connectionFailed
   * signals will be emitted.
   * Note that those signals might be emitted before this function returns, so your
   * code should be prepared for that condition.
  virtual int startAsyncConnect();

   * Cancels any on-going asynchronous connection attempt.
  virtual void cancelAsyncConnect();

   * Implementation of QIODevice's open() pure virtual function.
   * This depends on the target host address already being there.
   * If this is a passiveSocket, this is identical to call listen(); else, if
   * this is not a passiveSocket and no connection attempt is in progress, this
   * is like connect(). If one is in progress, this function will fail.
   * @param mode	the open mode. Must be IO_Raw | IO_ReadWrite
  virtual bool open(int mode = IO_Raw | IO_ReadWrite);

   * Closes the socket. If we have data still in the write buffer yet to be
   * sent, the socket won't be closed right now. It'll be closed after we managed
   * to send everything out.
   * If you want to close the socket now, you may want to call @ref flush first,
   * and then @ref closeNow.
  virtual void close();

   * Closes the socket now, discarding the contents of the write buffer, if any.
   * The read buffer's contents are kept until they are emptied by read operations
   * or the class is destroyed.
  virtual void closeNow();

   * Releases the socket and anything we have holding on it. The class cannot 
   * be used anymore. In other words, this is just like closeNow(), but it does 
   * not actually close the socket.
   * This is useful if you just want to connect and don't need the rest of the
   * class.
   * Note that the buffers' contents will be discarded. And usage of this
   * method is discouraged, because the socket created might be such that
   * normal library routines can't handle (read, write, close, etc.)
  virtual void release();

   * -- I/O --

   * Flushes the socket buffer. You need not call this method during normal 
   * operation as we will try and send everything as soon as possible.
   * However, if you want to make sure that data in the buffer is being sent
   * at this moment, you can call this function. It will try to send as much
   * data as possible, but it will stop as soon as the kernel cannot receive
   * any more data, and would possibly block.
   * By repeatedly calling this function, the behaviour will be like that of
   * a blocking socket. Indeed, if this function is called with the kernel not
   * ready to receive data, it will block, unless this is a non-blocking socket.
   * This function does not touch the read buffer. You can empty it by calling
   * @ref readBlock with a null destination buffer.
  virtual void flush();

   * Returns length of this socket. This call is not supported on sockets
  virtual inline uint size() const
  { return 0; }

   * Returns relative position from start. This call is not supported on sockets
  virtual inline int at() const
  { return 0; }

   * Returns true if we are at position. This is not supported on sockets
  virtual inline bool at(int)
  { return true; }

   * Returns true if we are at the end. This is not supported on sockets, but
   * we always are at the end in a socket...
  virtual inline bool atEnd() const
  { return false; }

   * reads a block of data from the socket
   * If the socket is not buffered, this function will simply call the underlying
   * read method. This function will block if the socket is not on non-blocking mode
   * (see @ref setBlockingMode) and there is not enough data to be read in the
   * Operating System yet. If we are in non-blocking operation, the call will
   * fail in this case.
   * However, if we are buffering, this function will instead read from the
   * buffer while there is available data. This function will never block
   * in buffering mode, which means that if you try to read while the buffers
   * are empty, this function will always return -1 and set the system error to
   * EWOULDBLOCK (aka EAGAIN), so as to mimic non-blocking operation.
   * The return value for this function is the number of bytes effectively
   * read. If the @p data param is not null, then this is also the number
   * of bytes copied into that buffer. If the return value is different than
   * @p maxlen, then this function encountered a situation in which no more
   * bytes were available. Subsequent calls might cause this function to one
   * of these behaviours:
   * - block, if we are not buffering and we are not in non-blocking mode
   * - return an error, with EWOULDBLOCK system error, if we buffering
   *   or we are in non-blocking mode
   * This function returns 0, if the function detected end-of-file condition
   * (socket was closed)
   * @param data	where we will write the read data to
   * @param maxlen	maximum length of data to be read
  virtual int readBlock(char *data, uint maxlen);

   * writes a block of data to the socket
   * If the socket is not buffered, this function will simply call the underlying
   * write method. This means that the function might block if that method blocks
   * as well. That situation is possible if we are not in non-blocking mode and
   * the operating system buffers are full for this socket. If we are in
   * non-blocking mode and the operating system buffers are full, this function
   * will return -1 and the system error will be set to EWOULDBLOCK.
   * If we are buffering, this function will simply transfer the data into the
   * write buffer. This function will always succeed, as long as there is
   * enough room in the buffer. If the buffer size was limited and that limit
   * is reached, this function will copy no more bytes than that limit. Trying
   * to write with a full buffer will return -1 and set system error to
   * The function returns the number of bytes written from @p data buffer.
   * The return value might be less than @p len if the output buffers cannot
   * accomodate that many bytes.
   * @param data	the data to write
   * @param len		the length of data to write
  virtual int writeBlock(const char *data, uint len);

   * peeks at a block of data from the socket
   * This is exactly like read, except that the data won't be flushed from the
   * read buffer.
   * If this socket is not buffered, this function will always return with
   * 0 bytes copied.
   * The return value of 0 does not mean end-of-file condition.
   * @param data	where to store the data
   * @param maxlen	how many bytes to copy, at most
  virtual int peekBlock(char *data, uint maxlen);

   * reimplementation of unreadBlock method. This is so because unreading in 
   * sockets doesn't make sense, so this function will always return -1 (error)
   * and set the system error to ENOSYS.
  virtual int unreadBlock(const char *data, uint len);

   * Waits @p msec milliseconds for more data to be available, or 0 to
   * wait forever. The return value is the amount of data available for
   * read in the read buffer.
   * This function returns -1 in case of system error and -2 in case of
   * invalid socket state
   * @param msec	milliseconds to wait
  virtual int waitForMore(int msec);

   * gets a single character from the stream
  virtual int getch();

   * writes a single character to the stream
   * @param ch		character to write, converted to char
  virtual int putch(int ch);

   * unreads one character from the stream. This is not possible on sockets
  virtual int ungetch(int)
  { return -1; }

   * Toggles the emission of the readyRead signal
   * Note that this signal is emitted every time more data is available to be
   * read, so you might get flooded with it being emitted every time, when in
   * non-buffered mode. However, in buffered mode, this signal will be
   * emitted only when there is data coming in from the wire.
   * By default, this flag is set to false, i.e., signal not being emitted.
   * @param enable	if true, the signal will be emitted
  virtual void enableRead(bool enable);

   * Toggles the emission of the readyWrite signal
   * Note that this signal is emitted only when the OS is ready to receive more
   * data, which means that the write buffer is empty. And when that is reached,
   * this signal will possibly be emitted on every loop, so you might
   * want to disable it. By default, this flag is set to false.
   * @param enable	if true, the signal will be emitted
  virtual void enableWrite(bool enable);

   * This signal is emitted whenever an asynchronous lookup process is done.
   * The parameter @p count tells how many results were found.
  void lookupFinished(int count);

   * This signal is emitted whenever we connected asynchronously to a host.
  void connectionSuccess();

   * This signal is emitted whenever our asynchronous connection attempt
   * failed to all hosts listed.
   * @param error	the errno code of the last connection attempt
  void connectionFailed(int error);

  int m_flags;			// current flags
  int m_status;			// status
  int m_syserror;		// the system error code

  int sockfd;			// file descriptor of the socket

protected slots:

  void socketActivityRead();
  void socketActivityWrite();
  void dnsResultsReady();
  void startAsyncConnectSlot();
  void connectionEvent();

  class KExtendedSocketPrivate;
  KExtendedSocketPrivate *d;

  // protection against accidental use
  KExtendedSocket& operator=(KExtendedSocket&);

   * Sets the error code
  void setError(int errorkind, int error);

  inline void cleanError()
  { setError(IO_Ok, 0); }

   * This is actually a wrapper around getaddrinfo()
   * @internal
  static int doLookup(const QString& host, const QString& serv, addrinfo& hint,
		      kde_addrinfo** result);

   * Performs resolution on the given socket address
   * That is, tries to resolve the raw form of the socket address into a textual
   * representation.
   * @param sockaddr	the socket address
   * @param host	where the hostname will be written
   * @param port	where the service-port will be written
   * @param flags	the same flags as getnameinfo()
  static int resolve(sockaddr* sock, ksocklen_t len, QString& host, QString& port, int flags = 0);
  static int resolve(KSocketAddress* sock, QString& host, QString& port, int flags = 0);

   * Performs lookup on the given hostname/port combination and returns a list
   * of matching addresses.
   * The error code can be transformed into string by @ref KExtendedSocket::strError
   * with code of IO_LookupError.
   * IMPORTANT: the result values of the QList must be deleted after use. So,
   * if you don't copy the KAddressInfo objects, the best way to assure that
   * is to call setAutoDelete(true) on the list right after this function 
   * returns. If you do copy the results out, you must assure that the objects
   * get deleted when they are not needed any more.
   * @param host	the hostname to look up
   * @param port	the port/service to look up
   * @param flags	flags to be used when looking up, @see Flags
   * @param error	pointer to a variable holding the error code
  static QList<KAddressInfo> lookup(const QString& host, const QString& port, int flags = 0, int *error = 0);

   * Returns the local socket address
   * Remember to delete the returned object when it is no longer needed.
   * @param fd		the file descriptor
  static KSocketAddress *localAddress(int fd);

   * Returns the peer socket address. Use KExtendedSocket::resolve() to
   * resolve this to a human-readable hostname/service or port.
   * Remember to delete the returned object when it is no longer needed.
   * @param fd		the file descriptor
  static KSocketAddress *peerAddress(int fd);

   * Returns the representing text of this error code
   * @param code	the error code, as seen in status()
   * @param syserr	the system error, as from systemError()
  static QString strError(int code, int syserr);

class KAddressInfo
  addrinfo *ai;
  KSocketAddress *addr;

  inline KAddressInfo() : ai(0), addr(0)
  { }

  KAddressInfo(addrinfo *ai);
  KAddressInfo(KAddressInfo&) { }
  KAddressInfo& operator=(KAddressInfo&) { return *this; }


  inline operator const KSocketAddress*() const
  { return addr; }

  inline operator const addrinfo&() const
  { return *ai; }

  inline operator const addrinfo*() const
  { return ai; }

  inline const KSocketAddress* address() const
  { return addr; }

  int flags() const;
  int family() const;
  int socktype() const;
  int protocol() const;
  const char* canonname() const;

  inline int length() const
  { if (addr) return addr->size(); return 0; }

  friend class KExtendedSocket;

#endif // KEXTSOCK_H
	<tr><td><small>Generated by: qateam on on Mon Dec 30 16:08:56 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.</small></td></tr>