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<TITLE>Source: kglobalaccel.h</TITLE>

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		<h1>Source: kglobalaccel.h</h1>
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/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (C) 1997 Mark Donohoe <>
   Copyright (C) 1997 Nicolas Hadacek <>
   Copyright (C) 1998 Matthias Ettrich <>

	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
	License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
	version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	Library General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
	along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
	the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
	Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


#include <qobject.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include "kaccel.h"

class KGlobalAccelPrivate;

 * Returns the X key modifier for the key code keyCode.
uint keyToXMod( int keyCode );

 * Returns the X key sym for the key code keyCode.
uint keyToXSym( int keyCode );

 * The KGlobalAccel class handles global keyboard accelerators, allowing a
 * user to configure key bindings through application configuration files or
 * through the KKeyChooser GUI.
 * A KGlobalAccel contains a list of accelerator items. Each accelerator item
 * consists of an action name and a keyboard code combined with modifiers
 * (SHIFT, CTRL and ALT.)
 * For example, "CTRL+SHIFT+M" could be a shortcut for popping-up a menu of
 * monitor setting choices anywhere on the desktop. The key codes are listed
 * in kckey.cpp. "Monitor settings" could be the action name for this
 * accelerator. The action name indentifies the key binding in configuration
 * files and the KKeyChooser GUI.
 * When pressed,an accelerator key calls the slot to which it has been
 * connected. Accelerator items can be connected so that a key will activate
 * two different slots.
 * Key binding configuration during run time can be prevented by specifying
 * that an accelerator item is not configurable when it is inserted.
 * It is possible for a user to choose to have no key associated with an action.
 * The translated first argument for insertItem is only used in the
 * configuration dialog.
 * ...
 * ga = new KGlobalAccel();
 * ga->insertItem( i18n("Monitor settings"), "Monitor settings", "CTRL+SHIFT+M" );
 * ga->connectItem( "Monitor settings", myObject, SLOT( popupMenu() ) );
 * ga->readSettings();

class KGlobalAccel : public QObject
	friend class KGlobalAccelPrivate;

	 * Creates a KGlobalAccel object.
	KGlobalAccel( bool _do_not_grab = false);
	   Creates a KGlobalAccel object with a parent and a name. The
	   parent has the only effect that the KGlobalAccel object
	   will be automatically destroyed in the parent's destructor,
	   thus releaseing the keys.
	KGlobalAccel(QWidget * parent, const char *name = 0, bool _do_not_grab = false);

	 * Destroys the accelerator object.and ungrabs any allocated key bindings.

	 * Removes all accelerator items.
	void clear();

	 * Connect an accelerator item to a slot/signal in another object.
	 * Arguments:
	 *  @param action is the accelerator item action name.
	 *  @param receiver is the object to receive a signal
	 *  @param member is a slot or signal in the receiver
	 *  @param activate indicates whether the accelrator item should be
	 *  enabled immediately
	void connectItem( const QString& action,
			  const QObject* receiver, const char *member,
                          bool activate = true );

	* Returns the number of accelerator items.
	uint count() const;

	* Returns the key code of the accelerator item with the action name
	* action, or zero if either the action name cannot be found or the current
	* key is set to no key.
	int currentKey( const QString& action ) const;

	* Returns the default key code of the accelerator item with the action name
	* action, or zero if the action name cannot be found.
	int defaultKey( const QString& action) const;

	 * Disconnects an accelerator item from a function in another object.
	void disconnectItem( const QString& action,
			     const QObject* receiver, const char *member );

	 * Returns that identifier of the accelerator item with the keycode key,
	 * or zero if the item cannot be found.
	QString findKey( int key ) const;

	 * Inserts an accelerator item and returns false if the key code
	 * 	defaultKeyCode is not valid.
	 * Arguments:
	 *  @param action is the accelerator item action name.
	 *  @param defaultKeyCode is a key code to be used as the default for the action.
	 *  @param configurable indicates whether a user can configure the key
	 *	binding using the KKeyChooser GUI and whether the key will be written
	 *	back to configuration files on calling writeSettings.
	 * If an action already exists the old association and connections will be
	 * removed..
	bool insertItem( const QString& descr, const QString& action,
			 int defaultKeyCode,
			 bool configurable = true );
	bool insertItem( const QString& descr, const QString& action,
			 KKey defaultKeyCode3, KKey defaultKeyCode4,
			 bool configurable = true );

	 * Inserts an accelerator item and returns false if the key code
	 * 	defaultKeyCode is not valid.
	 * Arguments:
	 *  @param action is the accelerator item action name.
	 *  @param defaultKeyCode is a key plus a combination of SHIFT, CTRL
	 *	and ALT to be used as the default for the action.
	 *  @param configurable indicates whether a user can configure
	 *  the key
	 *	binding using the KKeyChooser GUI and whether the key
	 *	will be written back to configuration files on calling
	 *	writeSettings.
	 * If an action already exists the old association and connections
	 * will be removed..

	bool insertItem( const QString& descr, const QString& action,
			 const QString& defaultKeyCode,
			 bool configurable = true );
	//bool insertItem( const QString& descr, const QString& action,
	//		 const QString& defaultKeyCode3, const QString& defaultKeyCode4,
	//		 bool configurable = true );

	bool isEnabled() const;
	bool isItemEnabled( const QString& action ) const;

	* Returns the dictionary of accelerator action names and KKeyEntry
	* objects. Note that only a shallow copy is returned so that
	* items will be lost when the KKeyEntry objects are deleted.
	KKeyEntryMap keyDict() const;

	 * Read all key associations from @p config, or (if @p config
	 * is zero) from the application's configuration file
	 * @ref KGlobal::config().
	 * The group in which the configuration is stored can be
	 * set with @ref setConfigGroup().
	void readSettings(KConfig* config);
        // BCI merge with the one above
	void readSettings();

	 * Removes the accelerator item with the action name action.
	void removeItem( const QString& action );

	void setConfigGroup( const QString& group );

	QString configGroup() const;

	 * Enables the accelerator if activate is true, or disables it if
	 * activate is false...
	 * Individual keys can also be enabled or disabled.
	void setEnabled( bool activate );

	 * Enables or disables an accelerator item.
	 * Arguments:
	 *  @param action is the accelerator item action name.
	 *	@param activate specifies whether the item should be enabled or
	 *	disabled.
	void setItemEnabled( const QString& action, bool activate );

	* Sets the dictionary of accelerator action names and KKeyEntry
	* objects to nKeyMap. Note that only a shallow copy is made so that items will be
	* lost when the KKeyEntry objects are deleted.
	bool setKeyDict( const KKeyEntryMap& nKeyMap );

	 * Write the current configurable associations to @p config,
         * or (if @p config is zero) to the application's
	 * configuration file.
	void writeSettings(KConfig* config) const;
        // BCI merge with the one above
	void writeSettings() const;
	 * Enables or disables raw mode on an accelerator item.
	 * Raw mode means that KGlobalAccel will not ungrab the key
	 * before emitting the signals. In raw mode, this is the 
	 * responsibility of the caller. 
	 * Do not use this until you really really really know what you
	 * are doing.
	 * Arguments:
	 *  @param action is the accelerator item action name.
	 *	@param activate specifies whether raw mode for the 
	 *	item should be enabled or disabled.
    	void setItemRawModeEnabled( const QString& action, bool activate );

	// Attempts to make a passive X server grab/ungrab of the specified key.
	//  Return true if successful.
	// Modifications with NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock, and ModeSwitch are
	//  also grabbed.
	bool grabKey( const QString& action, bool bGrab );

	 * Filters X11 events ev for key bindings in the accelerator dictionary.
	 * If a match is found the activated activated is emitted and the function
	 * returns true. Return false if the event is not processed.
	 * This is public for compatibility only. You do not need to call it.
	bool x11EventFilter(const XEvent *);

	void activated();
	void activated( int );

	int aAvailableId;
	KKeyEntryMap aKeyMap;
	bool bEnabled;
	QString aGroup;
	bool do_not_grab;
	KGlobalAccelPrivate* d;

	// Setting this to false shuts off processing of KeyPress events in
	//  x11EventFilter(). It will still be called, but won't act on them.
	// This is a more effecient means for briefly suspending processing
	//  than setEnabled(false) ... setEnabled(true).
	static void setKeyEventsEnabled( bool enabled );
	static bool areKeyEventsEnabled();

#endif // _KGLOBALACCEL_H_
	<tr><td><small>Generated by: qateam on on Mon Dec 30 16:08:56 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.</small></td></tr>