

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 6dad36cb60e267f82fe69d929f7a4a46 > files > 67


Changes File, see tail for latest.

pl3 - pl4 : Tue Jul 13 15:42:29 PDT 1993

	Fixed daemon and gcc problem with writeable strings. - Mark Levine.
	Many many SYSV changes and mods for sequent machines - Kurt Siegl.
	rsa-server.c added to the standard distribution.    - Nick Trown

pl4 - pl5 : Mon Jul 19 12:47:13 PDT 1993
	improved the update daemon and fixed small errors.  - Nick Trown

pl5 - pl6 : Wed Jul 21 11:24:04 PDT 1993
	added more config files based on INL config files. Supported
	  systems now include: hpux, sun, ultrix, aix, sgi,
	  and ptx.					    - Nick Trown
	Fixed makefiles to support parallel makes.	    - Kurt Siegl.
	small enhancements to updated.			    - Nick Trown
	added sysdef for t-mode scumming checking.	    - Nick Trown
	"make install" now makes a startup script for you.  - Nick Trown

pl6 - pl7 : Tue Jul 27 12:46:34 PDT 1993
	fixed timecheck/closed checking.		    - Nick Trown
	Misc. changes to the makefile.			    - Nick Trown
	small changes in RESTRICT_BOMBING and daemonII robot
	  calling handling.				    - Nick Trown
	Added more support for xsg.	  		    - Nick Trown
pl7 - pl8 : Thu Jul 29 16:12:49 PDT 1993
	added comments and more options to .features file.  - Nick Trown
	Added NEWSHIP define to select between normal ships
	  and riovista style ships. (Battleship's phasers
	  don't cost as much, assault's torpcost doesn't
	  cost as much, higher wpntemp for SBs)		    - Nick Trown / jmn
	Now supports Linux.				    - Kurt Siegl.
	Added Daemon Sychronization.			    - Tedd Hadley / NBT
pl8 - 2.01pl0 : Wed Aug 18 21:54:34 PDT 1993
	More fixes for robots when all players leave the
	   game 					   - Mark Levine.
	Made the Makefiles smarter. Now checks for Makefile
	   in res-rsa since PGP doesn't come with one. Also
	   checks to see if LIBDIR exists.		   - Nick Trown
	Fixed many many links for defs.h, data.h, data.c, 
	   and getpath.c				   - Nick Trown
	The tools are now installed in LIBDIR/tools (if
	   you're upgrading from an older version then you
	   should rm LIBDIR/*). 			   - Nick Trown
	More Linux support of SLS 1.2 and 1.3		   - Kurt Siegl.
	Defines are removed from the .mk files. A new file
	   in config called config.h has all the defines
	   and also machine dependent include file
	   checking.					   - Kurt Siegl.
	Server messages and warnings use varargs now to
	   reduce the amount of temporary buffers and use
	   of sprintf.					   - Nick Trown
	Fixed small bug with CHAIN_REACTION taking away
	   your kills when TEAM kill happens.		   - Nick Trown
	New Getentry team selection function that should
	   be better and faster than the old one. It
	   allows for more choice in team selection and
	   is less rigid than the old one.		   - Mark Levine.
	Added support for the .clue-bypass. It uses the 
	   same format and the bypass file. What happened
	   to it? 					   - Nick Trown
	Added support for NTSERV in makescript.		   - Dave Gosselin
	Added new CHAIN_REACTION code from INL server.     - Tedd Hadley / NBT
	Fixed small date problem with updated		   - Brian O'Neill
	Added !confirm to features.c. This sends a string 
	   to only a client that is older than the version 
	   specified.					   - Nick Trown
	Fixed conquer message flags.			   - Nick Trown
	Short Packets have been updated to pl14.	   - Hadley, Heiko, nbt	
	Added support for 64 bit machines (alpha)	   - nbt, Pagnucco
	Got rid of hard-coded message sizes		   - Nick Trown
	Made features.c smarter				   - Nick Trown
	Added variable distress code			   - jmn, jn, nbt
	Added Max pop code for non-tmode		   - Nick Trown
	Added SB kills/hours to scores.c		   - Alec Habig
	Added pledit.					   - Habig, nbt
	Updated to new puck code (from ksu)		   - Kantner
2.01pl0 - 2.01pl1 : Mon Sep 27 18:19:21 PDT 1993
	Ultrix fixes					   - Habig
	Makescript fixes				   - Habig , nbt
	distress.c (RCD) fixes				   - nbt, nelson, jmn
	class field added to rsa_keycomp		   - Hadley
2.01pl2 - 2.01pl2 : Mon Oct  4 13:06:50 PDT 1993
	More ultrix / alpha fixes			   - O-Neil, Habig
	distress.c (RCD) non-rcd client fix		   - nbt
	Cleaner Makefiles				   - Habig, nbt
	configure script				   - Siegl
2.01pl2 - 2.01pl3 : Thu Oct 14 16:20:19 PDT 1993
	Short Packet fixes for watchmes, showgalaxy, xsg   - Habig
	More code cleanup				   - nbt
	Distress.c changes				   - jmn, Nelson, nbt
	Autoconf changes				   - Siegl
	Transwarp option added				   - Habig
2.01pl3 - 2.01pl4 :
	Ran server through lint				   - nbt
	5x bonus for last planet army bombed define	   - Habig
	SGI Patches					   - Siegl, Pregler
	More ship customization defines			   - Habig
	Fixed ntserv spinning bugs			   - nbt
	Made gwrite more robust to errors		   - nbt
	Updated ping.c code				   - nbt, Hadley
	Fixed loadcheck code				   - Pregler
	Added class exclude to rsa_keycomp		   - nbt
	Fixed unwarring bombing so you can bomb enemy
	   planets in 3rd space				   - Habig	
	Fixed war status bug for feds			   - nbt
	Added date to t-mode scum checking		   - Habig	
	Added initial army limit for planets
	   (sysdef START_ARMIES)			   - Habig
	Fixed watchmes and showgalaxy for RCDs		   - Habig
	Added Error file control (sysdef ERROR_LEVEL)      - nbt
	Added base practice code			   - Siegl
	Updated hockey code				   - Kantner
2.01pl4 - 2.01pl5:
	Fixed uint, ushort, uchar type defines		   - nbt
	Fixed start_server script			   - nbt
	made transwarping not allowed during red alert	   - Habig
	Fixed 64bit problem with pledit			   - O-Neil
	Fixed features bug				   - nbt
	Fixed metaserver player listing			   - nbt
2.01pl5 - 2.02:
	Fixed Makefile for pledit			   - Habig
	Added planet credit for throwing a coup		   - Habig
	Added NEW_CREDIT define. 1/3 credit for neuting,   - Habig
	    2/3 for destroying
	Added FASTER_SB_MAXUPDATES which allows SBs 	   - Habig, Sheldon
	    10 ups/sec.					   
	minor sgi, linux and ptx config fixes.		   - Siegl
	Basepractice server controllable via .sysdef	   - Siegl
	Fixed FLAT_BONUS define. It  was not adjusting the - Habig
	    global armies bombed correctly.
	Added Basepractice support to updated		   - Siegl
	SB stats only updated in tmode			   - Habig
	Send someone a ^ for SB stats			   - Habig
	Fixes to pledit, main and ntserv Makefiles	   - Habig
	SBHOURS .feature added - add a SBHOURS line to 	   - Habig
	    the COW entry in .feature
	update.c made a "-t" file due to misordered 	   - Habig
	    parameters to keycomp call
	Included Dogfighting "mars" robot		   - Nelson, nbt
	Made new command interface			   - nbt
	Fixed conquer/genocide bug			   - Habig
	make xtkill use correct paths			   - Habig
	Don't allow ship out of transwarp until 12.5% left - Habig
	SCO patches					   - Sheldon
	Vector torps from Calvin			   - Sheldon
	Fixed wander code				   - Sheldon
	Added code to redefine ship stats from .sysdef	   - Sheldon
	SB contruction time is not reset out of tmode	   - Habig
	Puck, Mars, and pickup use new command interface   - nbt
	Fixed .bypass.					   - Habig
	Added more functionality to scores tool.	   - Habig
	Fixed repair flag while etemped bug.		   - Habig
	Fixed topgun and angels problem			   - Siegl
2.2 - 2.2pl1:
	Fixed getship sysdefaults			   - Sheldon
	Made changes to eject/command.c			   - nbt
	   1) Eject messages sent to player only
	   2) Whole team has to agree to eject player 
	   3) ALLOW_EJECT turned off by default
	Made message array larger.			   - nbt
	Fixed SB refitting docking permissions		   - Habig
	Fixed SB refitting while a player is t-warping     - Habig
	Fixed newscore problem				   - Habig
	Makefile bugfixes (for robots)			   - Habig
	Added links for strdup.c			   - Habig, nbt
	Added TIME command				   - Habig
	Added QUEUE command				   - nbt
2.2 - 2.5:
	Included INL's Observer code 			   - nbt
	Made Split queue.				   - Siegl
	Started INL robot				   - nbt
	Fixed watchmes to use MAXMESSAGE		   - Kantner
	Fixed robots to use MAXMESSAGE			   - Kantner
	Made transwarp only work in green alert		   - Habig
	Added multi-line macro ignore.			   - nbt
	Added lost planet packet fix.			   - Hadley
	Fixed Xsg for sysdefaults and MAXMESSAGE	   - Habig
	Fixed short packet bug for "sending variable and
	   short packets." message.			   - Heiko
	Made dog-fighting robot save stats.		   - Nelson
	Merged players_d into newstartd.		   - nbt
	Added openmem.c file to get rid of redundancies.   - Kantner
2.5 - 2.5pl1:
	Fixed mess tool message insertion.		   - nbt
	Added genocide counter option.			   - Habig
	Added features packet code.			   - Hadley, Rumsey	
	Added additional cloak detection.		   - Rumsey
	Fixed split-queue wait queue problem.		   - nbt
	Various basep & robot improvements.		   - Siegl
	Fixed potential course bug.			   - Siegl
	make players_d use openmem.c.			   - nbt
	Added independent-planet update fix		   - Hadley
	Added short-packets precision loss fixes.	   - Hadley
	Made keycomp produce nicer motd key listings	   - Hadley
	Made cluecheck verify when turned on by .time	   - nbt
	Added support for features port 3531 to updated.   - nbt
2.5pl1 - 2.5pl2:
	misc. Makefile cleanups				   - nbt
	Dynix patches					   - Mehlhaff
	death detection (still in test stage)		   - nbt
2.5pl2 - 25.pl3:
	Added touching enemy planet bonus to FLAT_BONUS	   - Habig
	Fix SB updates after it dies.			   - Habig
2.5pl3 - 2.5pl4:
	Added ship info packets for different ship stats   - Habig
	Made changes to creditting system		   - Habig
	Improved voting					   - Kantner
	Improved robots (commands, functionality)	   - Siegl
	Improved INL robot commands			   - Siegl
	Added gametime to INL robot			   - nbt
	Fixed pickside in INL robot			   - nbt
	Changed teleport delay to smaller value for mars   - ctso
	Added scout round, matchnum reset, reset 
	   toolate2join					   - ctso

2.5pl4 - 2.6pl0:
	Added BALANCE and TRIPLE votes			   - Cameron
	Merged COW and VANILLA configuration		   - Siegl
	Replaced wait queue logic			   - Kantner
	Votes & commands abbreviation removed		   - Kantner
	Changes to PUCK					   - Kantner
	Common Robot Code				   - Kantner
	Fixes to build on DEC OSF/1 AXP			   - Ollis
	Can't tractor off planet bug			   - McFadden
	Fixes to XSG					   - Pregler
	Moved bounce commands out of socket.c		   - Trown
	Keycomp fix					   - Hadley
	Solaris aix fixes				   - Trown
	New flags for updated				   - Trown
	Touch .bypass in makefile                    	   - Trown
	Game pausing changes				   - Kantner
	Place MESSAGES_ALL_TIME in		   - Habig
	Distribution symbolic link fixups		   - Kantner
	INL robot timing fix (PERSEC)			   - Cameron
	Tail wagging fix (midflight wobble)		   - Cameron

2.6pl0 - 2.6pl1:
	Fixed lack of queue source in manifest             - Cameron
	Merged XSG into source tree                        - Cameron
        Misc small release fixes                           - Cameron

2.6pl1 - 2.6pl2:
	Configure fixes					   - Siegl
	BALANCE and TRIPLE messaging fixes		   - Cameron
	No more abbreviated command messages               - Kantner
	Fixes to README to remove references to playerd    - Trown
	Pollux & Castor become Praxis & Achernar	   - Habig (NBR)
	Changed keycomp/struct.h to a symbolic link	   - Cameron
	HOMEWQ -> QU_HOME etc in inl.c, inldefs.h          - KantnerĀ
	Gameup constants renamed in struct.h               - Kantner
	Avoid BALANCE in INL robot			   - Cameron
	Avoid typedef enum diagnostics (pledit.h)          - Barnes
	Fix watchmes.c corruption of shared memory msgs    - Siegl
	Fix SIGTERM handling in ntserv			   - Kantner

2.6pl2 - 2.6pl3:
	Robot patches					   - Siegl
	Trivial data.c other1 patch                        - Habig
	Fixed planet wandering				   - Kantner
	Fixed wait queue bug				   - Kantner
	Fixed xtkill slot free logic to use slotmaint.c	   - Habig
	Linux fixes: Mars signals, zombies and performance - Siegl
	Autostart and terminate of robots		   - Siegl
	Mars not resetting stats, bad sizeof()		   - Forsman
	Fixed xsg slot free logic to use slotmaint.c       - Habig
	Remove obsolete co-pilot bug fixes		   - Kantner
	Minor code cleanup: daemonII.c and openmem.c	   - Kantner
	Added Geno count logic to scores.c		   - Habig
	Reset surrender and SB rebuild timeouts setgalaxy  - Habig
	Fixed runaway observer ntserv (redraw.c)	   - Kantner
	Minor code cleanup: tournamentMode()		   - Kantner
	Minor nint() fixes for hpux			   - Trown
	Minor docs/tools.doc nit			   - Ellis
	Autoconfig upgrade to release 2.x		   - Siegl
	Add external rint replacement function		   - Siegl
	Planet orbit bug (ex tractor/orbit fix) fixed      - Habig
	Puck changes that allow inhl port usage            - Kantner

2.6pl3 - 2.6pl4:
	Replaced docs/Makefile					- Habig
	Removed include of sys/shm.h from daemonII.c		- Kantner
	Include references for GENO_COUNT behaviour		- Habig
	Add high clue checking; skill questions			- Siegl
	Symbolic link for robots/data.c missing                 - Pirnie
	Add repeat clue checking based on team message usage	- Habig
	Fixes to newstartd for Linux                            - Pirnie
	Avoid symbolic links for "make patches"			- Cameron
	Remove docs/makescript from manifest			- Cameron
	Document usage output from ntserv			- Cameron
	Added touch .nocount to docs/Makefile			- Cameron

2.6pl4 - 2.7pl0:
	Added keycomp/rint.c to manifest, was missing		- Pirnie   01
	Robot messaging patches					- Kantner  02
	Repeat clue check only if wait queue			- Habig    03
	Replaced orbit.c					- Leonard  04
	Fixed atof() for MAXLOAD in ntserv/sysdefaults.c	- Pirnie   05
	Practice robot random ship type				- Pirnie   06
	Replaced phaser.c					- Leonard  07
	Replaced detonate.c					- Leonard  08
	Added Galaxy ship class					- Pirnie   09
	Added cluerank to .sysdef				- Pirnie   09
	Changed HOSEFUSE to 30 minutes				- Pirnie   09
	Changed terminators to Galaxy class			- Pirnie   09
	Added support for random practice robot class		- Pirnie   09
	Added master motd's to install				- Pirnie   09
	Make keycomp/defs.h symbolic link			- Habig    10
	Make keycomp/data.h and getpath.c symbolic links	- Trown    11
	Avoid observer induced t-mode				- Habig    12
	Remove duplicate numShips() code			- Habig    13
	Minor starbase docking patch (not short packets)	- Dickens  14
	Added observer logon message				- Sudish   15
	Fix crash on observer messaging self			- Habig    16
	Make robots/util.c symbolic link			- Habig    17
	Restrict observer team changing				- Kantner  18
	Fix queue player query commands				- Kantner  19
	Remove NEWMASK define references			- Kantner  20
	Update tools/stat for new information available		- Kantner  21
	Document default .ports file changes			- Kantner  22
	Also touch .banned and .bypass during virgin install	- Kantner  23
	Robot patches for observers				- Kantner  24
	(2.7pl0 was pre-released at this state on 17th June 1995)

	Further restrict observer team selection		- Kantner  25
	Major torpedo unity patches                             - Leonard  26
	Solaris compile fixes (bcmp->MCMP et al)		- Lindqvist27
	War settings and player name optimisation		- Leonard  28
	Fix to random robot class				- Pirnie   29
	Phaser.c patches					- Leonard  30

	(2.7pl0 was formally released for beta testing on 22nd June 1995)

2.7pl0 - 2.7pl1:
	Remove duplicate CLUERANK from sample_sysdef		- Habig    01
	Minor defs.h and struct.h patch				- Habig    02
	Add high cluecheck to .sysdef				- Siegl    03
	Make p_lastseenby a signed char				- Siegl    04
	Change to phaser.c for legibility of code		- Leonard  05
	Minor edits to compile on OSF V3.0			- Habig    06
	Phaser fix Alphas, nint(sqrt((double)range_sq))		- Leonard  07
	Minor docs patch CHECK_MESG in CUSTOMIZATION		- Campbell 08
	More CHAOS modifications				- Pirnie   09
	Allow multiple practice robots to be called in		- Cameron  10
	Change practice robots to ignore each other		- Cameron  11
	Reset updates per second on refit out of base		- Habig    12
	Include extern struct plasmatorps in data.h		- Kantner  13
	Messages to God modifications				- Kantner  14
	Minor changes to xsg signals				- Kantner  15

	(2.7pl1 was released 12-Oct-1995)

2.7pl1 - 2.7pl2:
	Allow xsg to use web downloaded recordings		- Cameron  01
	Global double changes (must use "make install"!)	- Trown    02
	Minor makefile buglet (touch .clue-bypass)		- Habig    03
	Observer voting patch (they may not vote)		- Habig    04
	Clue ejection (text on stdout, no observer army drop)   - Habig    05
	Allow CHAIN_REACTION for sgi and Solaris		- Siegl    06
	Fixes for compilation on AIX				- Wengler  07
		(note: some text of mail not understood)
	Dogfight robot fixes					- Ellis    08

	(Change numbers now refer to VANILLA-L message numbers)
	Observers should not be clue checked			- Habig	    4
	Change "queue" to "pqueue" for Solaris			- O'Conner 16
		(note: patch incomplete, name changed to pqueue)
	INL statistics with event logging			- Siegl    19
	Fix 180 degree phaser bug				- O'Conner 22
	Restore nasty ping message hack				- Trown    25
		(note: patch was reversed)
	Multiple changes					- Trown    30
	Eek on mzero in freeslot()				- Trown    38
	Add sortdb tool						- Trown    39
		(note: ref to should be se[num_players].name)
	Hockey robot slot count fix                             - Glamm    46
	Memory leak fix for update.c				- Kantner  48
	(2.7pl2 was released 09-Jan-1996)

2.7pl2 - 2.7pl3:
	Update bigbang ships define in docs/sample_sysdef	- Habig    51
	Ejection message to stdout fix				- Habig    61
	Observer clue check causes accvio or alpha loop		- Habig    66
	ntserv/defs.h NODET (char) cast				- Heiko    84
	Updates to docs/sample_features				- Habig    89
	Daemon Synchronisation #ifdef Removal			- Kantner  163-7
	Linux (Posix) setjmp fixes				- Siegl    234
	Include Digital Game Sequencer				- Cameron

	(2.7pl3 was released 25-Jul-1996)

2.7pl3 - 2.7pl4:

    [VANILLA-L:252] Re: Why make install builds xsg?
    	Alec Habig
    	Not applied, couldn't figure it out.
    Re: [VANILLA-L:270] Server 2.7pl3 Released
    	Sven Neuhaus
    	Not applied, couldn't figure it out.

    [VANILLA-L:272] typo in 2.7pl3
        Sven Neuhaus
    [VANILLA-L:289] Cloaking fixes
    	Brian Paulsen via Alex Habig

    [VANILLA-L:298] Vector torp code fix
        Brian Paulsen

    [VANILLA-L:301] Fixes to watchmes.c
    	Brian Paulsen
    [VANILLA-L:304] guest observers and counting bugs
    	Alec Habig
    	Applied. "Server question..." lindner.844700879@babylon4
        David Lindner
    [VANILLA-L:319] Perl script
    	Kurt Siegl
    [VANILLA-L:318] PWstats (Server diffs)
    	Kurt Siegl
    [VANILLA-L:328] Problems with newstartd under IRIX (solved!)
    	Rob Lindenbusch
    	Not applied, nowhere to put it? "Re: Plasma damage?" 57tqcf$
        Dean Yasuda via Alec Habig
        Not applied, untested
	(2.7pl4 was released improperly 10-Apr-1997)

2.7pl4 - 2.7pl5:

	Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 23:19:34 -0800 (PST)
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:465] INL Robot server mods - part 2

	Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 23:38:56 -0800 (PST)
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:466] INL Robot server mods - part 1

	Date: Sat, 5 Apr 1997 01:36:16 -0800 (PST)
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:467] INL Robot patches

	Date: Tue, 8 Apr 1997 23:59:55 -0700 (PDT)
	From: (Alec Habig)
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:470] tmode and surrender setting bug fix

	Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 17:14:36 -0700 (PDT)
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:492] Re: Kevin & Kurt's changes to robots/inl.c

	Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 12:17:27 -0700 (PDT)
	From: Kurt Siegl <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:494] Log file base pwstats

2.7pl5 - 2.7pl6:

	Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 22:28:32 -0700 (PDT)
	From: RHS Linux User <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:499] Assorted bug fixes.

	Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 23:14:16 -0700 (PDT)
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:502] Fix to mess.c

	Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 18:45:23 -0700 (PDT)
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:505] Re: Fix to mess.c

2.7pl6 - 2.7pl7:

	Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 17:01:31 -0700 (PDT)
	From: Bob Tanner <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:541] 2.7pl6 diffs for Solaris 2.5.1

	Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 01:27:51 -0700 (PDT)
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:544] Re: Just announcing them

	Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 23:40:15 -0700 (PDT)
	From: James Cameron <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:546] Patch to allow BALANCE in INL pre-game

	From: Michael Kantner <>
	Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 15:17:29 -0700 (PDT)
	Subject: tools/ patches

	From: Michael Kantner <>
	Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 15:17:44 -0700 (PDT)
	Subject: ntserv/ patches

2.7pl6 - 2.7pl7:

        Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 17:01:31 -0700 (PDT)
        From: Bob Tanner <>
        Subject: [VANILLA-L:541] 2.7pl6 diffs for Solaris 2.5.1

        Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 01:27:51 -0700 (PDT)
        From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
        Subject: [VANILLA-L:544] Re: Just announcing them

        Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 23:40:15 -0700 (PDT)
        From: James Cameron <>
        Subject: [VANILLA-L:546] Patch to allow BALANCE in INL pre-game

        Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 00:41:18 -0700 (PDT)
        From: (James Cameron)
        Subject: [VANILLA-L:573] Proposed xsg modifications for 2.7pl7

        Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 15:17:29 -0700 (PDT)
        From: Michael Kantner <>
        Subject: tools/ patches

        Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 15:17:44 -0700 (PDT)
        From: Michael Kantner <>
        Subject: ntserv/ patches

	Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 10:42:59 -0700 (PDT)
	From: Kurt Siegl <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:598] fixes

	Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 09:49:03 -0700 (PDT)
	From: Michael Kantner <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:604] Patches for puck and a .sysdef addition.

	Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 09:49:44 -0700 (PDT)
	From: Michael Kantner <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:605] Minor puck patches for robots/ directory

2.7pl7 - 2.8pl0:

	Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 21:27:12 -0700 (PDT)
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:629] Minor INL robot upgrade
	Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 23:56:23 -0600
	From: Bob Tanner <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:722] Eject/Eject patch

	Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 23:33:31 -0500
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:787] socket.c
	Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 23:36:34 -0500
	From: "Kevin O'Connor" <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:788] genspkt.c
	Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 00:14:36 -0500 (EST)
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:789] Cambot patch

	Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 17:29:31 -0500 (EST)
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:804] Change to default sysdef file( removal of auto-doosher )

        Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 14:05:41 +1100
        From: James Cameron <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:820] Metaserver Solicitation Daemon Crash

	Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 09:10:30 -0400 (EDT)
	From: Jeffrey Nowakowski <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:838] Vicious eject bug fix

	Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 12:04:21 +1000
	From: James Cameron <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:847] Overheat state propogated to refitted ships

	(2.8pl0 released 23-Apr-1998)

2.8pl0 - 2.8pl1:

	Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 05:12:09 -0400 (EDT)
	From: Jeffrey Nowakowski <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:1067] Patch: Reset galaxy and INL robot

	Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 17:47:07 -0400 (EDT)
	From: Jeffrey Nowakowski <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:1069] Patch: .global, convert.c

	Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 02:29:11 -0400 (EDT)
	From: Jeffrey Nowakowski <>
	Subject: [VANILLA-L:1087] Re: [VANILLA-L:1086] Problem with 2.8pl0


	Source has been moved to CVS on
	We are not yet sure how to handle this change log.

	14th November 1998
	Removal of setjmp/longjmp from ntserv.

	16th November 1998
	Edit voting status messages to indicate who we are waiting on.