

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 75c82b378642e826125716632fe5a4b6 > files > 15


The Mailman Wishlist

    You should consider this list of items a good basis for the
    requirements for Mailman 3.0.  It essentially contains a dream
    list of all the things that are too painful or destabilizing for
    the 2.x series.

Email Handling
    - Use VERP or DSN for address tracing, perhaps tied to the monthly
      password reminders, or VERPing the occasional regular message.
    - Re-implement bulk mailer the Right Way: an asynchat/asyncore
      server to do DNS lookups and remote MTA delivery directly
    - Plain text digests should conform to RFC 1153.
    - If a message has MIME parts and the header/footer is going to be
      added, the message should be transformed into a mulitpart/mixed
      with the header and footer added as text/plain parts.

    - A detailed feature list
    - A user's guide
    - A site-admin's guide
    - A list-admin's guide
    - More on-line documentation and UI help
    - A developer's guide w/ architecture and API information
    - manpages for the scripts in bin and cron
    - Integrate Christopher Kolar's documentation

General Web UI
    - All web UI must be configurable so that it more easily
      integrates into an existing site's design.  Probably means using
      a template language/system like Quixote or PHP.
    - Default UI should add a navigation sidebar to all web pages.
    - A heirarchy of page designs and information: e.g. the most
      specialized of the following wins: site, virtual host, list,
      language, user.
    - Web pages should never mention turned-off features.

List Administration
    - Separate list admin role from list moderator role
    - Allow the moderator to edit posts being held for approval (make
      it evident, either through a header or other means that the
      message was edited by the moderator).
    - Allow "urgent" postings to all members by the list admin which
      bypasses normal digest delivery.
    - A button that will bundled and deliver a digest Right Now.
    - Allow the list-admin to require approvals for unsubs
    - Allow the admin to disable option settings by users
    - Ability to set defaults for the various user settings from the
      "Membership Management" page.
    - Allow admins to control and set individual headers, adding,
      removing, or overriding those in the original message (sometimes
      very useful, but could be dangerous!)
    - Member management page should display case-preserved email
      addresses (but still sort case-insensitively).
    - Member management page should work better for humongous lists,
      both in terms of performance, and in usability
    - Searching for members/addresses with regular expressions from
      both the command line and web interface.
    - New moderation choice: archive but don't send to list.
    - New moderation choice: annotate and send to author for resubmittal.
    - Make it easier for an admin who manages multiple lists to
      handling pending requests sitting on all those lists.
    - Ability to ban specific troublesome users (from posting,
      subscribing, etc).  Posts from banned users would be discarded.
    - Better integration with moderated newsgroups (and allow some
      addresses to bypass even that moderation and be delivered to a
      secondary channel, like
    - Ability to set the next digest volume and issue number from the
    - Add an option to include Reply-To: header in the membership test
      for a members-only list posting

List Membership
    - Editing your user options should put you back to the edit-options page
    - Allow the user to be excluded from postings if they're getting
      them in the to: or cc: headers.  Be smarter about filtering out
      duplicate deliveries.
    - Have one account per user per site, with multiple email
      addresses and fallbacks.  Allow them to subscribe whichever
      address they want to whichever list, with different options per
    - Allow the user to get BOTH normal and digested delivery (but I
      still don't understand why someone would want this)
    - More flexible digests: index digests (subject and authors only,
      with URLs to retrieve the article)
    - Allow users to subscribe without selecting a password and have
      Mailman create a password for them.
    - Timed vacations, allowing a user to postpone or discard email
      for a certain number of days or weeks.

Site Administration
    - Allow the site admin to define list styles or themes, and list
      admins to choose one of the canned styles to apply to their
    - Full creation, deletion, renaming, etc. of lists through the web
      (and email?), including fixing aliases file updates.
    - add_members should have a switch to disable admin notifications

Other Usability Improvments
    - Allow individuals to turn off password reminders
    - Confirmations should be both email and web based, and be used
      for both subscription and unsubscription (configurable by the
      list admin).
    - A better strategy is needed for sub-lists and super-lists,
      including dealing with the resulting password reminders and
      authorization to modify the sub & superlists.  Majordomo2 is
      reported to have some good features in this regard.
    - Add a limit on the number of posts from any one individual
      within a period of time (1 post per day, 10 per week, etc).
    - Don't use the first public mailing list as the `originator' of
      password reminders.

Mailcmd interface
    - Provide an email interface to all administrative commands
    - Allow email unsubs from matching address to unsubscribe,
      possibly adding an "allow open unsubscribes" option to control
      this.  Also, adding a confirmation with hit-reply to
    - Add -join and -remove addresses for easy subscription,
    - For email subscribes, keep an audit of where requests are coming
      from, and send the original request headers in the confirmation
      message.  Helps track down subscribe bombs.
    - Investigate Majordomo2's email admin capabilities.
    - Support the `which' command.

Portability & architecture
    - Replace cron stuff with our own scheduling mechanism.
    - Get rid of the one-shot process model altogether in favor of a
      multithreaded monolithic architecture.
    - Better support for distributed processing
    - Use a real transactional database for all information, and allow
      various bits of information to come from different sources (a
      relational database, ZODB, LDAP, etc)
    - Keep a members Real Name with their email address
    - Member profiles
    - Do a serious and thorough security audit
    - Allow lists of the same name in two different virtual domains
    - More sophisticated attachment handling: strip and discard
      attachments, post attachments (e.g. via WebDAV) and rewrite to
      include URLs, etc.  Should be admin configurable based on MIME
      type.  Check out Bill Bumgarner's work on this.
    - Should include a --with-username=NAME option to configure (and
      not require it be literally "mailman").
    - Should be able to gather statistics, such as deliveries/day,
      performance, number of subscribers over time, etc.
    - Implement something like Roundup's nosy lists, maybe even
      integrate with Roundup.
    - Split Mailman into libraries so, e.g. the delivery part could be
      used by other projects.

Bounce handling
    - Make a distinction between disabled addresses due to bouncing
      and a user's explicit disabling of an address
    - Add more patterns for bounce handling (never ending)
    - Occasionally remove stale bounce entries
    - Send mail to people who are being removed without their knowledge
      (even though they're likely not to get it).
    - Reminders to disabled addresses.  The idea is that if an addr is
      disabled due to bouncing, we should send out periodic reminders.
      We may want to do this for explicitly disabled addrs too, but
      perhaps with a different schedule.
    - Delete bounce disabled address after some period of retry

Pipermail + Archiving mechanism
    - Search engine for archives
    - Provide downloadable tar.gz's of the html archives
    - sort by date should go most-recent to oldest
    - allow list owner to edit archive messages
    - archive link should do *something* reasonable before the first
      message has been posted to the list.
    - optional form front-end to public interfaces as a filter to
      address harvesters.
    - clobber_date should support third option: only munge the date if
      the Date: field is unreasonable (far in the future or far in the
    - In general the whole Pipermail subsystem needs a good rewrite.

Code cleanup
    - Use all the new wizzy Python 2.0 features
    - Use the re module where regexp and regsub are used (not many left)
    - Refine any remaining unqualified exception guards to specify
      target exceptions, when appropriate.
    - Turn all remaining string exceptions into class exceptions
    - Remove dead code.
    - Unit and system test suite!

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