

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 7951482483c36462a68254ed2ae1f759 > files > 7


* TODO list		-*- mode:indented-text; mode:outline-minor -*-

This file documents planned future features, known bugs, and that sort
of thing.

* Important in short-term

You should be able to choose what command gets run for help, such that
e.g. the default one would be "xterm -e info '(xzgv)%s'".

[was going to do this for 0.6 but need to think about it a bit more]
Look into sane ways to add shift-click behaviour for tagging multiple
files with the mouse. The main difficulty is in where you consider the
other end of the region to be - focus row seems bogus, selected row is
similarly bad, and last ctrl-click should be tolerable but is still a
bit odd.

want an option to fit the viewer (and thus the window) to the size of
the first image loaded if one or more images are specified on the
cmdline. Also (this suggested by Wolfram Kleff) a
fit-viewer-to-current-pic option; not a toggle, but a one-off `resize
now' kind of thing like (IIRC) ^e in the Gimp.

Need to *properly* block keyboard input to selector while loading an
image - I probably need to catch key_release, but it's not too clear.
Here's why - do mouse click in viewer to load an image, and press
space while it's loading. Often you'll end up with one file apparently
selected, but another file being viewed.

Document the way the keyboard cursor follows last-selected dir when
returning to a previously-visited one. (The logical place to document
this is in the "changing dir" node.) This is important for mouse-happy
users, who could conceivably not otherwise notice. [Perhaps not so
important since selector focus fix, but still worth pointing out.]

Some way to set the background colour in the viewer. Should make sure
it overrides any pixmaps in the theme. [Obvious approaches didn't
work; RTFS job on GTK+, I think...]

* Important in long-term

Make help suck less. And I think viewing HTML would suck *more* in
most cases, so this is going to be a bit tricky.

Add toolbar-ish thing (which should by disabled by default, but appear
at bottom of viewer window when enabled; could use alt-t for the
toggle, that's available) for mouse-based adjustment of
gamma/brightness/contrast. These are all difficult to deal with in a
scrollbar-friendly manner (especially gamma), so I'll have to think
about how best to do this. Having up/down adjustment buttons is
obviously the least painful approach, but that doesn't seem terribly
friendly. OTOH, it wouldn't take up much room, which would be helpful
if I decide to have other things on there (not sure).

Cursor left/right in selector (when filenames are longer than can fit)
don't work that well. Should take these over and tweak the hadj
manually, if possible (but IIRC it may not be easy :-/). Should also
add h/l equivalents if I do this.

The goto-dir dialog (and copy/move) should have some graphical means
of choosing a dir, in addition to the text-entry widget. The only
thing I've seen which looks reasonable is xmms's `DIR+' dialog, which
doesn't look like it'd be too hard to adapt (though it's hard to tell
for sure who I should credit this to if I did nick it :-)), but it
might be better to wait until GTK+ has some standard
file-selection-like thing for doing this. Anyway, even if I do add
some `pretty' dir chooser I *have* to ensure you can always just do
`G', type in the name, then enter (like you can now).

* Wishlist features (not too important)

Something to put current-file-or-tagged onto the clipboard would be
really neat. (Just the (full) filenames, not the contents.) A bit like
a more GUIfied version of `-T'. :-) (Good-ish name would be `copy file
location' or similar, as used in Netscape.)

`--selector-width' doesn't allow percentages. Should add that. This is
slightly hairy as we have to leave it as a float percentage until we
know we've got the actual window width. Also, it implies that the
percentage should be recalculated every time we resize the window!
(Not that we *set the selector* to the new size, just that we
recalculate the default setting for `~'.)

It might be nice if viewer shift-click changed scaling *around the
point clicked on* (rather than always the centre of the window). This
would be a bit hairy though, and since I tend to use the keyboard for
scaling anyway I'm not sure I'm likely to bother. :-)

Currently always uses a 48x48 icon pixmap. Should look into what hints
are available about icon size, and should also offer overrides in case
that's useless or whatever. :-)

main() has got a bit ugly, that could do with cleaning up. Actually,
main.c as a whole is a bit of a mess. :-)

* Trivia

[is this next one still the case?]
Incredibly, texi2html doesn't support @email, so you end up with e.g.
"you can email me at @email{}" in the output
HTML. Mmmm, classy. :-( Should I just use @code? IIRC the formatting
is much the same.

When you delete a file from the viewer (ctrl-d works there too), it
works fine, but the deleted picture stays in the viewer. It might be
better if it auto-closed the file (though this may be somewhat
disturbing visually, which is why I've not taken this approach

* Known bugs

- callback routines which call render_pixmap() should really be
  protected against recursion. Ok, this is basically done now, but the
  protections are independent - so e.g. do a mirror and flip at about
  the same time and it can still mess up. I expect I need to have a
  general `stop listening to the user' callback-defending thing to get
  this stuff truly fixed.

- If you change themes, the current picture isn't updated (more
  precisely, if you expose it afterwards it's not redrawn). This
  happens when `normal' and zoomed, but *not* when scaling up. You
  also get a GTK+ error of some kind IIRC.

- Imlib problem. Same filename, different dirs, different images, both
  recent - you don't get to see the 2nd image. :-( I'm not sure
  there's much I can do about this, at least not when relying on Imlib
  for picture-reading. Probably the best thing to do is add further
  readers of my own, as I already have for e.g. GIF and PNG.

- it doesn't apply any tranparency mask returned by Imlib. The
  practical result of this seems to be purple transparent bits in
  thumbnails and scaled-up pics, and black transparent bits elsewhere.
  This doesn't affect GIF or PNG files, though.

- in zoom mode, it copes with resizing the window as a whole, but
  *doesn't* when you change the size of the pane (apart from when
  hiding/showing selector or resizing from keyboard, but that's only
  'cos I kludged it :-)). Might be fixable by catching configure
  events on an event box containing sw_for_pic? [Tried it on clist
  ebox, which is resized whenever viewer win is, but it didn't seem to

- tagged filenames only appear in red when not selected. This doesn't
  appear to be trivial to work around, unfortunately, and I can't
  really see any other way of showing tagging which wouldn't look
  nasty or take up loads of room.

- 8-bit and/or dithering-related bugs:

  - when scaling up and Imlib is dithering, you end up with a
    crappy-looking picture if you drag the picture around slowly (since
    each exposed bit is dithered independently, with no regard given to
    matching up to any previous error-diffusion). But if I redrew the
    whole thing each time, it would be *really* slow (this was the
    approach I initially took in anticipation of this dithering problem,
    but the slowness was astounding). Probably the best kludge is to
    make sure it always redraws at least an NxN rectangle (N=20 might be
    reasonable), but even this is a bit hairy, and would still be
    somewhat ugly. [Though I've played about with xzgv in 8-bit mode a
    bit more since writing this, and I think it might actually be ok.]
  - thumbnails don't look so great in palette-based (e.g. 8-bit) modes.
    Should either dither them myself if depth<=8 (a bit painful but
    probably the way to go), or load them as Imlib images (easy but may
    prove very memory-hungry, and may possibly be slower).

- Imlib1 (1.9.7 and 1.9.8, at least) has problems with some GIFs and
  PNGs, but xzgv now uses its own GIF and PNG readers.

- if you use Tab (or the cursor keys) to move around in dialogs, it
  acts like there's an invisible widget in addition to the ones you
  can see. So in e.g. the file details (with only an Ok button) you
  press Tab and the highlight disappears from Ok - press it again and
  it returns. Investigation shows window->focus_widget is set to NULL
  when on this `invisible widget', so it's hard to tell WTF is going
  on, exactly. (A quick test of other GTK+ and Gnome programs seems to
  suggest this is a GTK+ `feature'.)

- Thumbnails are given an accurate width/height `IMGINFO' comment, but
  are always claimed to be "RGB", as Imlib doesn't provide any way for
  us to find out what type they are (other Gimp-style types are
  "Grayscale" and "Indexed", IIRC). I could possibly kludge this for
  common file types by reading the file's header, but this would be
  really ugly - is it worth it or not? (An xv-ish file type after the
  width/height would be easier, but still kludgey, and I'd much rather
  be Gimp-friendly than xv-friendly.) May be worth returning valid
  image-type info for own-reader types like GIF and PNG, though.

- interpolation seems to do some weird things at the right-hand edge
  of the picture. zgv seems to do the same, so this is probably a
  long-standing bug. It's not MMX-related either. (You have to double
  the scaling a few times to really see it, and it's tough to see on
  things other than cartoony-type images.)

- it seems Imlib doesn't `dirty' or copy images when you use its own
  image-modify functions (!), so sometimes (due to pixmap cacheing,
  which isn't easily avoided without constructing an entire config
  structure) a file you e.g. mirror, then came back to soon after, can
  have that mirrored version presented as if it were the actual image.
  Probably the only ways of avoiding this which wouldn't be crushingly
  slow are to a) copy images the first time they're modified and drop
  the original version, or b) put together a config structure :-( in
  order to disable the pixmap cache. [update: uh, isn't there some way
  to just dirty the image/pixmap instead?]