

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 8a80864b07c5f16e9ba9be320c149cfa > files > 14


Disassembling from bytecode file: testcode/hcinterp_examples.lp
Bytecode version: 1
Module name: hcinterp_examples
Bytes needed for strings: 136
Bytes needed for type skeletons: 416
Bytes needed for header information: 124
Bytes needed for code: 484
Predicate search function type: hash
Number of segments of clauses: 0

LABEL       INSTRUCTION                  OPERANDS

<local cons try_me_else                  #3, L4
            get_list                     A2, L2
            unify_envty_l_value_t        A3
L2          unify_l_value_t              A1, #1
            unify_p_variable_t           A255, <tyskel #20>, L3
            unify_envty_value_t          A3
L3          proceed_finish_unify
L4          trust_me                     #3
            get_list                     A2, L5
            unify_envty_l_value_t        A3
L5          unify_p_variable_t           A255, <tyskel #22>, L6
            unify_envty_value_t          A3
L6          unify_p_variable_t           A2, <tyskel #23>, L7
            unify_envty_value_t          A3
L7          execute_finish_unify         #3
            execute                      <local const>
hc_interp   execute                      backchain
backchain   allocate                     #4
            get_variable_p               Y1, A1
            get_variable_p               Y2, A2
            put_type_const               A3, form
            put_m_variable_p             Y3, <tyskel #28>, A1
            put_value_p                  Y1, A2
            call                         #3, <local const>
            put_value_p                  Y1, A1
            put_unsafe_value             Y3, A2
            put_value_p                  Y2, A3
            execute                      try_clause
try_clause  try_me_else                  #3, L11
            allocate                     #1
            get_m_structure              A2, lall, #1
            unify_m_variable_t           A4, <tyskel #31>
            call_finish_unify            #0, #4
            put_capp                     A2, A4, #1
            set_m_variable_t             A255, <tyskel #32>
            execute                      try_clause
L11         retry_me_else                #3, L12
            simpl_t                      A2, A3
L12         trust_me                     #3
            get_m_structure              A2, imp, #2
            unify_m_variable_t           A2, <tyskel #37>
            unify_l_value_t              A3, #2
            execute_finish_unify         #2
            execute                      hc_interp
<local cons get_list                     A1, L14
            unify_type_constant          form
L14         unify_variable_t             A255
            unify_variable_t             A254
            get_m_structure              A255, adj, #2
            unify_m_constant             a
            unify_m_constant             b
            get_list                     A254, L15
            unify_type_constant          form
L15         unify_variable_t             A255
            unify_nil                    L16
            unify_type_constant          form
L16         get_m_structure              A255, lall, #1
            unify_variable_tty           A255, #1
            put_m_const                  A252, lall
            put_m_const                  A249, imp
            put_m_const                  A247, adj
            put_fapp                     A248, A247, #2
            set_index                    #2
            set_index                    #1
            put_m_const                  A246, path
            put_fapp                     A247, A246, #2
            set_index                    #2
            set_index                    #1
            put_fapp                     A250, A249, #2
            set_value_t                  A248
            set_value_t                  A247
            put_fheavylambda             A251, A250, <string #0>
            put_fapp                     A253, A252, #1
            set_value_t                  A251
            put_fheavylambda             A254, A253, <string #1>
            simpl_t                      A254, A255
pathfroma   allocate                     #3
            get_variable_p               Y1, A1
            put_m_variable_p             Y2, <tyskel #39>, A1
            call                         #2, <local const>
            put_unsafe_value             Y2, A1
            put_m_const                  A255, path
            put_capp                     A2, A255, #2
            set_m_constant               a
            globalize_pt                 Y1, A255
            set_value_t                  A255
            execute                      hc_interp

Global kind table:
0: term/0
1: form/0

Local kind table:

Type skeleton table:
0: term
1: term
2: term
3: [term]->term
4: [term, term]->form
5: [term, term]->form
6: form
7: form
8: [form, form]->form
9: [form, form]->form
10: [form, form]->form
11: [[term]->form]->form
12: [[term]->form]->form
13: [term]->o
14: [(list form), form]->o
15: [(list form), form, form]->o
16: [(list form), form]->o
17: [(list form)]->o
18: [t0, (list t0)]->o
19: t0
20: (list t0)
21: t0
22: t0
23: (list t0)
24: (list form)
25: form
26: (list form)
27: form
28: form
29: (list form)
30: form
31: [term]->form
32: term
33: (list form)
34: form
35: (list form)
36: form
37: form
38: term
39: (list form)

Global constant table:
0: a (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #0 (type preserving)
1: b (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #1 (type preserving)
2: c (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #2 (type preserving)
3: f (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #3 (type preserving)
4: path (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #4 (type preserving)
5: adj (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #5 (type preserving)
6: perp (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #6 (type preserving)
7: tru (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #7 (type preserving)
8: land (infixr, precedence 120)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #8 (type preserving)
9: lor (infixr, precedence 120)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #9 (type preserving)
10: imp (infixr, precedence 110)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #10 (type preserving)
11: lall (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #11 (type preserving)
12: some (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #12 (type preserving)
13: pathfroma (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #13 (type preserving)
14: backchain (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #14 (type preserving)
15: try_clause (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #15 (type preserving)
16: hc_interp (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #16 (type preserving)

Local constant table:
0:  (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 0, Type skeleton: #17
1:  (no fixity, precedence 0)
	Env size: 1, Type skeleton: #18

Import tables:

String table:
0: Y
1: X

Hidden constant table:

Implication Tables:

Hash tables:

Bound variable indexing tables: