

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 8a80864b07c5f16e9ba9be320c149cfa > files > 92


/* File logic.sig. This file identifies the signature for a simple, 
first-order (object) logic.                                      */

sig logic.

kind    i       type.
kind    bool    type.

type    and     bool -> bool -> bool.
type    or      bool -> bool -> bool.
type    imp     bool -> bool -> bool.
type    neg     bool -> bool.
type    forall  (i -> bool) -> bool.
type	some    (i -> bool) -> bool.
type    perp    bool.

infixr  and 140.
infixr  or  140.
infixr  imp 130.


/* File nonlogical.sig. This file defines the encoding of the non-logical 
vocabulary of a first-order logic. */

sig  nonlogical.

accum_sig  logic.

type    a               i.
type    b               i.
type	jar		i.

type    p               i -> bool.
type    q               i -> bool.
type	sterile		i -> bool.
type	dead		i -> bool.
type	animal		i -> bool.
type	bug		i -> bool.
type	heated		i -> bool.

type	in		i -> i -> bool.


/* File ndproofs.sig. This file defines the the signature for proof terms in 
a natural deduction setting.  */

sig  ndproofs.

accum_sig  logic.

kind    proof_object	type.

type    and_i           proof_object -> proof_object -> proof_object.
type    or_i1           proof_object -> proof_object.
type    or_i2           proof_object -> proof_object.
type    imp_i           (proof_object -> proof_object) -> proof_object.
type    forall_i        (i -> proof_object) -> proof_object.
type    exists_i        i -> proof_object -> proof_object.
type    and_e1          proof_object -> proof_object.
type    and_e2          proof_object -> proof_object.
type    imp_e           proof_object -> proof_object -> proof_object.
type    forall_e        i -> proof_object -> proof_object.
type    or_e            proof_object -> (proof_object -> proof_object) ->
                         (proof_object -> proof_object) -> proof_object.
type    exists_e        proof_object ->
                         (i -> proof_object -> proof_object) ->


/* File goaltypes.sig. This file contains the type declarations for 
building goal expressions.           */

sig  goaltypes.

kind    goal            type.

type    truegoal        goal.
type    andgoal         goal -> goal -> goal.
type    allgoal         (A -> goal) -> goal.


/* File listmanip.sig. Signature file for list manipulating predicates
used in the theorem prover */

sig listmanip.

type    member                  A -> (list A) -> o.
type    member_and_rest         A -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
type    nth_item                int -> A -> (list A) -> o.
type    nth_item_and_rest       int -> A -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
type    member_move_to_end      A -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
type    add_to_end              A -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.


/* File listmanip.sig. Various simple list manipulation programs
needed for writing our theorem provers are defined here.  All of these
programs are essentially first-order and correspond to code one would
write in normal Prolog.  */

module listmanip.

type    member                  A -> (list A) -> o.
type    member_and_rest         A -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
type    nth_item                int -> A -> (list A) -> o.
type    nth_item_and_rest       int -> A -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
type    member_move_to_end      A -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
type    add_to_end              A -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.

member X (X::L) :- !.
member X (Y::L) :- member X L.

member_and_rest A (A::Rest) Rest.
member_and_rest A (B::Tail) (B::Rest) :-
  member_and_rest A Tail Rest.

nth_item 0 A List :- !, member A List.
nth_item 1 A (A::Rest) :- !.
nth_item N A (B::Tail) :-
  (N1 is (N - 1)), nth_item N1 A Tail.

nth_item_and_rest 0 A List Rest :- !,
  member_and_rest A List Rest.
nth_item_and_rest 1 A (A::Rest) Rest.
nth_item_and_rest N A (B::Tail) (B::Rest) :-
  (N1 is (N - 1)),
  nth_item_and_rest N1 A Tail Rest.

member_move_to_end A (A::Rest) NewList :-
  add_to_end A Rest NewList.
member_move_to_end A (B::Tail) (B::NewList) :-
  member_move_to_end A Tail NewList.

add_to_end A nil (A::nil).
add_to_end A (Head::Tail) (Head::NewTail) :-
  add_to_end A Tail NewTail.


/* File ndtac.sig, The interface file for a set of primitive tactics
for a fragment of first-order logic. */

sig  ndtac. 

accum_sig goaltypes, ndproofs, logic.

kind    judgment	type.
kind    answer		type.

type    of_type		proof_object -> bool -> judgment.
type    -->		(list judgment) -> judgment -> goal.

type	yes		answer.

type	exists_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	or_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	forall_e_query	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	forall_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	fchain_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	bchain_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	imp_e_retain	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	imp_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	and_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	exists_i_query	goal -> goal -> o.
type	exists_i_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	forall_i_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	imp_i_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	or_i2_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	or_i1_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	and_i_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	close_tacn	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	close_tac	goal -> goal -> o.

infix   of_type 120.
infix   --> 110.


/* File ndtac.mod. This module defines primitive tactics for a
fragment of first-order logic. The proof objects that are built to
complement the use of the tactics here are in the form of natural
deduction proofs.  */

module ndtac.

accum_sig goaltypes, ndproofs, logic.

accumulate listmanip.

kind    judgment	type.
kind    answer		type.

type    of_type		proof_object -> bool -> judgment.
type    -->		(list judgment) -> judgment -> goal.

type	yes		answer.

type	exists_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	or_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	forall_e_query	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	forall_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	fchain_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	bchain_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	imp_e_retain	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	imp_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	and_e_tac	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	exists_i_query	goal -> goal -> o.
type	exists_i_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	forall_i_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	imp_i_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	or_i2_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	or_i1_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	and_i_tac	goal -> goal -> o.
type	close_tacn	int -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	close_tac	goal -> goal -> o.

infix   of_type 120.
infix   --> 110.

close_tac (Gamma --> (P of_type A)) truegoal :-
  member (P of_type A) Gamma.

close_tacn N (Gamma --> P of_type A) truegoal :-
  nth_item N (P of_type A) Gamma.

and_i_tac (Gamma --> (and_i P1 P2) of_type A and B)
          (andgoal (Gamma --> P1 of_type A) (Gamma --> P2 of_type B)).

or_i1_tac (Gamma --> (or_i1 P) of_type A or B)
          (Gamma --> P of_type A).

or_i2_tac (Gamma --> (or_i2 P) of_type A or B)
          (Gamma --> P of_type B).

imp_i_tac (Gamma --> (imp_i P) of_type A imp B)
          (allgoal PA\ (((PA of_type A) :: Gamma) --> (P PA) of_type B)).

forall_i_tac (Gamma --> (forall_i P) of_type forall A)
             (allgoal T\ (Gamma --> (P T) of_type (A T))).

exists_i_tac (Gamma --> (exists_i T P) of_type some A)
             (Gamma --> P of_type (A T)).

exists_i_query (Gamma --> (exists_i T P) of_type some A)
               (Gamma --> P of_type (A T)) :-
  print "Enter substitution term: ", read T.

and_e_tac N (Gamma --> PC of_type C)
            ((((and_e1 P) of_type A) :: (((and_e2 P) of_type B) :: Gamma1)) 
                     --> PC of_type C) :-
  nth_item_and_rest N (P of_type A and B) Gamma Gamma1.

imp_e_tac N (Gamma --> PC of_type C)
            (andgoal (Gamma1 --> PA of_type A)
                     ((((imp_e PA P) of_type B)::Gamma1) --> PC of_type C)) :-
  nth_item_and_rest N (P of_type A imp B) Gamma Gamma1.

imp_e_retain N (Gamma --> PC of_type C)
               (andgoal (Gamma --> PA of_type A)
                        ((((imp_e PA P) of_type B) :: Gamma) 
                                        --> PC of_type C)) :-
  nth_item N (P of_type A imp B) Gamma.

bchain_tac N (Gamma --> (imp_e PA P) of_type B)
             (Gamma1 --> PA of_type A) :-
  nth_item_and_rest N (P of_type A imp B) Gamma Gamma1.

fchain_tac N (Gamma --> PC of_type C)
             ((((imp_e PA P) of_type B)::Gamma2) --> PC of_type C) :-
  nth_item_and_rest N (P of_type A imp B) Gamma Gamma1,
  member_and_rest (PA of_type A) Gamma1 Gamma2.

forall_e_tac N (Gamma --> PC of_type C)
               ((((forall_e T P) of_type (A T)) :: Gamma1) --> PC of_type C) :-
  nth_item_and_rest N (P of_type forall A) Gamma Gamma1.

forall_e_query N (Gamma --> PC of_type C)
                 ((((forall_e T P) of_type (A T))::Gamma1) --> PC of_type C) :-
  print "Enter substitution term: ", read T,
  print "Remove hypothesis? ",
  (read yes, nth_item_and_rest N (P of_type forall A) Gamma Gamma1;
   Gamma1 = Gamma, nth_item N (P of_type forall A) Gamma).

or_e_tac N (Gamma --> (or_e P P1 P2) of_type C)
          (andgoal (allgoal PA\ (((PA of_type A)::Gamma1) 
                                          --> (P1 PA) of_type C))
                   (allgoal PB\ (((PB of_type B)::Gamma1) 
                                          --> (P2 PB) of_type C))) :-
  nth_item_and_rest N (P of_type A or B) Gamma Gamma1.

exists_e_tac N (Gamma --> (exists_e P PC) of_type C)
               (allgoal T\ (allgoal PA\
                 (((PA of_type (A T))::Gamma1) --> (PC T PA) of_type C))) :-
  nth_item_and_rest N (P of_type some A) Gamma Gamma1.


/* File goalred.sig. Interface to a module for simplifying goals */

sig  goalred.

accum_sig   goaltypes. 

type    goalreduce      goal -> goal -> o.


/* File goalred.mod. This module contains code for simplifying
goals. Currently the only simplification is that of removing trivial
goals (truegoal) from larger goal expressions. */

module goalred.

accum_sig  goaltypes.

type    goalreduce      goal -> goal -> o.

goalreduce (andgoal truegoal Goal) OutGoal :-
  !, goalreduce Goal OutGoal.

goalreduce (andgoal Goal truegoal) OutGoal :-
  !, goalreduce Goal OutGoal.

goalreduce (allgoal T\ truegoal) truegoal :- !.

goalreduce Goal Goal.


/* File tacticals.sig. Interface for a module that contains code for
combining simpler tactics into more involved ones. */

sig  tacticals. 

accum_sig  goaltypes.

type    maptac          (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    then            (goal -> goal -> o)
                          -> (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    orelse          (goal -> goal -> o)
                          -> (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    idtac           goal -> goal -> o.
type    repeattac       (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    try             (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    complete        (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.


/* File tacticals.mod. Tacticals provide a calculus for combining
primitive tactics into compound tactics.  Several tacticals are
defined below. */

module tacticals.

accumulate  goalred.

type    maptac          (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    then            (goal -> goal -> o)
                          -> (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    orelse          (goal -> goal -> o)
                          -> (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    idtac           goal -> goal -> o.
type    repeattac       (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    try             (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.
type    complete        (goal -> goal -> o) -> goal -> goal -> o.

%  maptac will map a tactical over a compound goal structure.  This
%  is useful since we only need to have primitive tactics work on
%  primitive goals.

maptac Tac truegoal truegoal.

maptac Tac (andgoal InGoal1 InGoal2) OutGoal :-
  maptac Tac InGoal1 OutGoal1,
  maptac Tac InGoal2 OutGoal2,
  goalreduce (andgoal OutGoal1 OutGoal2) OutGoal.

maptac Tac (allgoal InGoal) OutGoal :-
  pi T\ (maptac Tac (InGoal T) (OutGoal1 T)),
  goalreduce (allgoal OutGoal1) OutGoal.

maptac Tac InGoal OutGoal :-
  Tac InGoal OutGoal.

%  The next three clauses define three familar and basic tactics.

then Tac1 Tac2 InGoal OutGoal :-
  Tac1 InGoal MidGoal,
  maptac Tac2 MidGoal OutGoal.

orelse Tac1 Tac2 InGoal OutGoal :-
  Tac1 InGoal OutGoal,!;
  Tac2 InGoal OutGoal.

idtac Goal Goal.

% The next three clauses define certain other useful tacticals.

repeattac Tac InGoal OutGoal :-
  orelse (then Tac (repeattac Tac)) idtac InGoal OutGoal.

try Tac InGoal OutGoal :-
  orelse Tac idtac InGoal OutGoal.

complete Tac InGoal truegoal :-
  Tac InGoal truegoal.


/* File formulas.sig. Interface to a module containing the encodings of
a set of formulas. */

sig  formulas. 

accum_sig  logic, nonlogical. 

kind  name  type. 

type  bugs, baffler, cases1   name.

type  formula  name -> bool -> o. 


/* File formulas.mod. This file contains an encoding of some
first-order formulas */

module formulas.

accum_sig  logic, nonlogical.

kind	name		type.

type	formula		name -> bool -> o.

formula bugs
 (((heated jar) and (forall X\ ((bug X) imp (animal X))) and
   (forall X\ (forall Y\ (((heated Y) and (in X Y) and (animal X))
                            imp (dead X)))) and
   (forall Y\ ((forall X\ (((in X Y) and (bug X)) imp (dead X)))
    imp (sterile Y))))
  imp (sterile jar)).

formula baffler (some X\ (forall Y\ ((p X) imp (p Y)))).

formula cases1 (((q a) or (q b)) imp (some X\ (q X))).


% File inter.sig. Interface to an interactive theorem prover

sig  inter.

accum_sig  logic, nonlogical, formulas, ndproofs, ndtac, tacticals.

type	inter_top	name -> proof_object -> goal -> o.
type	inter		goal -> goal -> o.
type	do		o -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	quitg		goal -> goal -> o.
type	backup		goal -> goal -> o.
type	print_form_list	list judgment -> int -> o.
type    nl              o.
type    write           A -> o.


/* File inter.mod. An interactive theorem prover based on the use of
tactics and tacticals. */

module inter.

accum_sig  formulas.

accum_sig  logic, nonlogical, formulas, ndproofs, ndtac.

accumulate ndtac, tacticals, formulas.

type	inter_top	name -> proof_object -> goal -> o.
type	inter		goal -> goal -> o.
type	do		o -> goal -> goal -> o.
type	quitg		goal -> goal -> o.
type	backup		goal -> goal -> o.
type	print_form_list	list judgment -> int -> o.
type    nl              o.
type    write           A -> o.

inter_top Name P OutGoal :- formula Name Formula,
  inter (nil --> P of_type Formula) OutGoal.

inter (Gamma --> P of_type A) NewGoal :-
  nl, print "Assumptions: ",
  nl, print_form_list Gamma 1,
  nl, print "Conclusion: ",
  nl, write A, nl,
  print "Enter tactic: ", read Tac,
  process_input Tac (Gamma --> P of_type A) NewGoal.

process_input backup _ _ :- !, fail.
process_input quitg NewGoal NewGoal :- !.
process_input (do G) OldGoal NewGoal :- G, inter OldGoal NewGoal.
process_input Tac OldGoal NewGoal :-
  Tac OldGoal MidGoal, maptac inter MidGoal NewGoal.
process_input _ OldGoal NewGoal :- 
  inter OldGoal NewGoal. 

print_form_list nil N.
print_form_list ((P of_type A)::Tail) N :-
  write N, print " ", write A, nl,
  (N1 is (N + 1)),
  print_form_list Tail N1.

write A :- term_to_string A Str, print Str.
nl :- print "\n".