

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 9383028e5b5e6b6c2824e168b46388d9 > files > 49


  <title>Yadex game definition files</title>
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<img src="logo_small.png" alt="Fancy logo">
<br>Yadex 1.5.2 (2001-06-30)
<h1>Yadex game definition files</h1>


<p>Yadex game definition files (conventional extension
<code>.ygd</code>) are designed to contain all the information
relative to a particular game. The syntax and the semantics are
very simple&nbsp;; it's more like a database than a real script
language. For normal use, you don't ever need to read, much less
modify, ygd files.

	<h2>General syntax</h2>

<p>A file is a valid Yadex game definition file if its first
line contains exactly the following magic string&nbsp;:
(without the double quotes).

<p>The rest of the file is split in lines, each line separated
from the following by a newline. White space at the beginning
and end of a line is stripped. Each line is then split in
tokens, separated by one or more white space characters. A
double quote removes the special meaning of subsequent
white space characters until the next double quote. A token
formed of just two consecutive double quotes is an empty
token&nbsp;: its value is the empty string. Double quotes are
stripped from the token after the token splitting is done. There
is no way to include a double quote in the contents of a token.

<p>A hash mark ("<code>#</code>") at the beginning of a token
marks the beginning of a comment. Everything from the hash to
the end of the line is stripped. If no tokens remain, the line
is ignored. If at least one token remains, the first token must
be the name of a valid directive and the following form its
arguments. If the first token is not the name of a valid
directive or the number of arguments is wrong, the whole file is

<p>Note that the following common features are <em>not</em>
supported&nbsp;: breaking lines with "<code>;</code>", joining
lines with "<code>\</code>" at the end of the first line,
quoting with "<code>'</code>" or "<code>\</code>".

<p>The following lines are equivalent&nbsp;:
<pre>foo bar baz
foo bar baz      # You too can wear a nose mitten
foo bar  baz
foo "bar" baz
foo bar "b""a""z"""
foo bar ba""z
  foo bar baz</pre>

<p>The following lines are <em>not</em> equivalent to the above&nbsp;:
<pre>foo bar baz ""
foo bar "baz "



<p><dd>Defines a linedef type. Takes exactly 4 arguments.</p>

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>The linedef type. Must be a decimal integer.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>The linedef type group this linedef type belongs to.
	This field is silently truncated to 1 character. The
	group must have been prealably defined by an
	<code>ldtgroup</code> directive.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Description that will be displayed in the object info
	window. There is no limit on the length of this field
	but only the first 16 characters of it are shown in the
	object info window.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Description that will be displayed everywhere else.
	There is no precise limit on the length of this field
	but it's recommended to keep it within reasonable

  <p>There should be at least one linedef type for each group
    defined. There is no precise upper limit but defining more
    than 30 in the same group will cause problems. You should
    not define the same linedef type more than once.</p>



<p><dd>Defines a group of linedef types. Takes exactly 2

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>The identifier of the linedef types group. It is
	silenty truncated to 1 character.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Description. There is no precise limit on the length
	of the this field but it's recommended to keep it within
	reasonable limits.

  <p>There is no upper or lower limit on the number of groups
    but defining more than 20 will cause problems. You should
    not define the same group more than once.</p>



<p><dd>Indicates the format in which levels are stored in the
  wad. There is only one argument. It can have the following

  <p><table border>
    <td valign="top"><code>alpha</code>
    <td>Doom alpha format, 7 directory entries per level (label,
    <code>FLATNAME</code>, <code>POINTS</code>,
    <code>LINES</code>, <code>SECTORS</code> and
    <td valign="top"><code>doom</code>
    <td>Normal Doom format, 11 directory entries per level (label,
    <code>THINGS</code>, <code>LINEDEFS</code>,
    <code>SIDEDEFS</code>, <code>VERTEXES</code>,
    <code>SEGS</code>, <code>SSECTORS</code>, <code>NODES</code>,
    <code>SECTORS</code>, <code>REJECT</code> and
    <td valign="top"><code>hexen</code>
    <td>Hexen format, 12 directory entries per level (same as for
    <code>doom</code> then <code>BEHAVIOR</code>).

  <p>Reading is supported for all formats but writing is not
  supported for <code>hexen</code>. For <code>alpha</code>,
  writing is done in <code>doom</code> format.</p>

  <p>This directive is mandatory. If there are several
  <code>level_format</code> directives, it's the last one that



<p><dd>Indicates whether the level names for that game are of
the form <code>E<var>n</var>M<var>n</var></code> or of the form
<code>MAP<var>nm</var></code>. There is only one argument. It
can have the following values&nbsp;:</p>

  <p><table border>
    <td valign="top"><code>e1m1</code>
    <td><code>E<var>n</var>M<var>m</var></code> (Doom, Doom
    press release and Heretic).
    <td valign="top"><code>e1m10</code>
    <td><code>E<var>n</var>M<var>m</var></code> or
    <code>E<var>i</var>M<var>jk</var></code> (Doom alpha only)
    <td valign="top"><code>map01</code>
    <td><code>MAP<var>nm</var></code> (Doom II, Hexen and

  <p>The influence of this directive on the behaviour of Yadex is
  in the choice of the default name for new levels and the way
  shorthand arguments to the <code>edit</code> and
  <code>create</code> commands are interpreted.</p>

  <p>This directive is mandatory. If there are several
  <code>level_name</code> directives, it's the last one that



<p><dd>Indicates in which format the pictures are stored in the
  wads. There is only one argument. It can have the following

  <p><table border>
    <td valign="top"><code>alpha</code>
    <td>The obsolete format used in Doom alpha 0.2, 0.4 and 0.5.
    <td valign="top"><code>pr</code>
    <td>The obsolete format used in the Doom press release pre-beta.
    <td valign="top"><code>normal</code>
    <td>The normal format used by all other iwads.

  <p>This directive is optional. If it's missing, the default is
  <code>normal</code>. If it's repeated, it's the last occurrence
  that counts.</p>



<p><dd>Specifies the name of the flat used for skies. This is
    important to Yadex as far as upper and lower texture
    checking is concerned (upper/lower textures are not rendered
    if both sectors have a sky ceiling/floor). The argument is
    matched against the sector's flat name in a case-insensitive
    fashion where at most the 8 first characters matter. I
    personally use lower case and recommend that you follow the
    same convention.</p>

  <p>This directive is optional. If it's missing, all flats will
    be considered normal. If it's repeated, it's the last
    occurrence that counts.</p>



<p><dd>Defines a sector type. Takes exactly 3 arguments</p>

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Must be a decimal integer.
    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Short description that will be displayed in the object
	info window. There is no limit on the length of the
	short description but only the first 14 characters are
	shown in the object info window.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Long description that will be displayed everywhere
	else. There is no precise limit on the length of this
	field but it's recommended to keep it within
	reasonable limits.

  <p>There is no lower limit on the number of <code>st</code>
  directives. If there are too many of them, the menu will not
  fit in the window so don't do that. You should not define the
  same sector type more than once.</p>



<p><dd>Indicates in which format the textures are stored in the
  wads. There is only one argument. It can have the following

  <p><table border>
    <td valign="top"><code>nameless</code>
    <td>The obsolete format used in Doom alpha 0.4 (no texture
    <td valign="top"><code>strife11</code>
    <td>The format used by Strife 1.1 and later. Note that
    Strife 1.0 uses the regular format (<code>normal</code>).
    <td valign="top"><code>normal</code>
    <td>The normal format used by all other iwads.

  <p>This directive is optional. If it's missing, the default is
    <code>normal</code>. If it's repeated, it's the last
    occurrence that counts.</p>


<p><dd>Indicates in which lump(s) is the list of textures for
  that game. There is only one argument. It can have the
  following values&nbsp;:</p>

  <p><table border>
    <td valign="top"><code>textures</code>
    <td>There is only one lump and it's called
    <code>TEXTURES</code> (Doom alpha 0.4 and 0.5).
     <td valign="top"><code>none</code>
     <td>There is no textures lump (Doom alpha 0.2)
    <td valign="top"><code>normal</code>
    <td>There is <code>TEXTURE1</code> and optionally
    <code>TEXTURE2</code> (all other iwads).

  <p>This directive is optional. If it's missing, the default is
    <code>normal</code>. If it's repeated, it's the last
    occurrence that counts.</p>



<p><dd>Defines a thing type. Takes 5 or 6 arguments.</p>

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Must be a decimal integer.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>The thing type group this thing type belongs to. This
	field is silently truncated to 1 character. The group
	must have been prealably defined by a
	<code>thinggroup</code> directive.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Should be either "<code>s</code>" for things that have
	a spectral or translucent look (like Doom's spectres and
	Heretic's ghosts) or "<code>-</code>" for the others.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Radius. Must be a strictly positive integer.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Description. There is not
	limit on the length of this field but only the first 19
	characters of it are shown in the object info window.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>The root of the name of the sprite associated with
	the thing type. Yadex will display the first (in
	alphabetical order) sprite whose name begins with those
	characters. For example, if the root is
	<code>CEYE</code> and the iwad contains sprites
	<code>CEYEA0</code>, <code>CEYEB0</code> and
	<code>CEYEC0</code>, the sprite displayed will be
	<code>CEYEA0</code>. If this field is omitted, Yadex
	will show no sprite for this thing type. This is
	appropriate for things that have no visual
	representation, like sound sources. The present
	convention is to use upper case (and I've not tested
	whether lower case works).


  <p>There should be at least one thing type for each thing type
    group defined. There is no precise upper limit but defining
    more than 30 thing types in the same group will cause
    problems. You should not define the same thing type more
    than once.</p>



<p><dd>Defines a group of thing types. Takes exactly 4 arguments.</p>

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>The identifier of the thing types group. It is silenty
	truncated to 1 character.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>The colour in which things pertaining to this group
	will be displayed the editing window. It's an X11-style
	colour specification. The syntax is
	where <code><var>r</var></code>,
	<code><var>g</var></code> and <code><var>b</var></code>
	are each one or more hexadecimal digits.

    <tr valign="top">
      <td>Description. There is no precise limit on the length
	of the this field but it's recommended to keep it within
	reasonable limits.

  <p>There is no upper or lower limit on the number of groups
    but defining more than 20 will cause problems. You should
    not define the same group more than once.</p>


<p><hr>AYM 2000-06-03