

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > a4c2fca7d628f19cd4b5ee739cd7513c > files > 7


** Bugs **

- mput will try to upload directories

** Requested Features **

From Jules <>:
> Now the request: I use gvim -f as my editor and it would be great if 
> there was an option for Cadaver to upload the file on each :w (or a
> switch in my ~/.cadaverrc). That way I wouldn't have to save and quit
> gvim each time I wanted the file to go back on the server.

** Definitely Required Features **

- Abort download/uploads?
- Places where a server request is made before an UI feedback is given after
  running a command: do_copymove
- Copy/move over existing file gives 412 failed. PROPFIND the destination
  and prompt/fail (option!).
- restart downloads/uploads if they time out: use byte ranges? 
- If PUT in 'edit' sequence fails, offer to save locally (idea from Lee M)
- redirectref: What command to use? 'ln' == HARD links == DAV BIND !=
  DAV refres. 'alias' might be good, since it is like Apache's Alias
  directive, and is equivalent. Or 'mkref', like the old spec had MKREF.
- 'rget' and 'rput' to do recursive get/put: mkcol/mkdir where necessary
  ...use infinite-depth PROPFIND?
- configurable sort order of 'ls' response
- the need for some kind of resource state caching is increasing: 
  remote glob expansion needs it. we need to know whether ANY resources
  we act on are collections to do locking properly, so locking needs it too.
  we really want to do this is a little hash table, indexed by URI, which
  is only used for one command execution cycle:
   parse -> expand globs -> add trailing slashes -> execute
  We are very chatty over the wire at the moment.
  One way of implementing this would be on TOP of neon (i.e., cache the 
  decoded RESULTS of the PROPFIND).  Another way to do this would be
  INSIDE of neon: cache (like a normal Web browser caches stuff) the 
  PROPFIND response entity-body and supply that on demand.  But the RFCs
  say no-go to caching PROPFINDs, so probably not an option.
- Test progress bar over slow links.
    - Show activity with a spinning bar |/-\
    - Bytes done / todo as human-readable strings: 15k/200k
    - Maybe a speed too, but these are often misleading/badly calculated
    - Danger of information overload.

  Download  [===============>            ] 88% (15K/2Mb) at 2.5Kb/s /

- Some better handling of mv/cp over same resource: 'mv foo foo' could
  give better error.
- ls is inflexible, should take multi-args, maybe not default to 'ls -l'
  style... allow different properties to be displayed.
  would be ultra-swish: dav> dcls
  Type  Name             Title
  Res   rfc2518.txt      HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV
  Res   rfc2616.txt      Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
  Completely configurable fields/widths/orders would be nice.
  It would be rather groovy to have a DAV-enabled Dublin-Core indexed RFC archive.
- properties: display all... display from namespace 
  (draft-stracke-webdav-propfind-space)... display Dublin Core...
  set specific. Lots of scope.
- verbosity level for connection status messages
- man page
- PROPFIND issues, try

** Longer-term Required Features **

- DASL searching, redirect references, ordered colls, binding... 
  some server support for the last three would be nice first ;)
  We have better XML response support now, so these shouldn't be quite
  such a beach to implement.

** Code Issues **

- Maybe put a union in struct command to get better typesafeness...
  the Apache 2 config uses some GCC trickery to help.
- set_path/is_collection is screwy.
- may have to consider some "proper" URI handling, i.e., using a URI
  ADT... this is bothersome, since thus far, we have managed to cope
  with just using strings (i.e. the absPath segment), which makes for
  a nice simple, efficient, easy-to-use API.
- should probably get rid of the global state in cadaver.c/commands.c etc
- Better mapping between aliases and commands: ideally, the aliases would
  be declared statically in the command structure, but I can't see any
  way to do this in C. It would be nice to be able to do command->aliases
  mapping easily, too.

** WebDAV issues **

** WebDAV Locking Issues **

- 'capable' command, or something, for capability discovery.
  this could be not specific to locking, doing OPTIONS too?
- shared locks
- put full URI in lock->uri
- have locks follow MOVE's?

** Possible features **

- Have edit poll for changes, and PUT on modification?
- Run a command from the command line, e.g.
       cadaver --command="get asda.txt"
- at the mo, 'cd' does a PROPFIND/depth0... could (optionally?) do a
  PROPFIND/depth1 instead to save a round-trip, and cache the results.
  ditto for globbing.
- Generic mechanism for running commands locally (optionally, passing
  a downloaded remote file?)... abstract out "edit" functionality, which
  has two parts:
     1) the LOCK -> (do stuff) -> UNLOCK  sequence
     2) Download resource to temp file, execute command, passing temp file
- could also interpret known status-codes with more friendly responses.
  e.g. 423... 401... 404... maybe some extra explanation for 5xx responses,
  since they tend to be "something is broken" type errors.
- command options
- color 'ls'
- read sitecopyrc file for host/username/password+proxy
- netrc files are a bit outdated... maybe extend the syntax
  somewhat? Better, invent "~/.inetrc"? index by URL:
     username joe
     password secret
   location etc etc.
  would be nice, can store different username/passwords for
  different services then... imap:// too etc.

** Misfeatures (a.k.a. known bugs) **

- See INTEROP for known interoperability problems
- rm * is a bit dangerous... 'interactive' option makes like -i option
  to shell tools.