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 The Dynamic Skeleton Interface
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<H1>Chapter&nbsp;12&nbsp;&nbsp; The Dynamic Skeleton Interface</H1>
<A NAME="chap:dsi"></A>
The Dynamic Skeleton Interface (or DSI) allows applications to provide
implementations of the operations on CORBA objects without static
knowledge of the object's interface. It is the server-side equivalent
of the Dynamic Invocation Interface.<BR>
This chapter presents the Dynamic Skeleton Interface and explains how
to use it. A toy example use of the DSI can be found in the omniORB
distribution in the <TT>src/examples/dsi</TT> directory. For further
information refer to the Dynamic Skeleton Interface and C++ Mapping
sections of the CORBA 2.3 specification.<BR>
The DSI interface has changed in CORBA 2.3. omniORB 3 uses the new
mapping, but since the mapping depends on
<TT>PortableServer::Current</TT>, which is not yet implemented, not all
facilities are available. This chapter describes an approach to
building DSI servers which works with omniORB 3.<BR>
<A NAME="toc65"></A>
<H2>12.1&nbsp;&nbsp; Overview</H2>When an ORB receives an invocation request, the information includes
the object reference and the name of the operation. Typically this
information is used by the ORB to select a servant object and call
into the implementation of the operation (which knows how to unmarshal
the parameters etc.). The Dynamic Skeleton Interface however makes
this information directly available to the application---so that it
can implement the operation (or pass it on to another server) without
static knowledge of the interface. In fact it is not even necessary
for the server to always implement the same interface on any
particular object!<BR>
To provide an implementation for one or more objects an application
must sub-class <TT>PortableServer::DynamicImplementation</TT> and
override the method <TT>invoke()</TT>. An instance of this class is
registered with a POA and is assigned an object reference (see below).
When the ORB receives a request for that object the <TT>invoke()</TT> method
is called and will be passed a <TT>CORBA::ServerRequest</TT> object
which provides:<BR>
 the operation name

<LI> context strings

<LI> access to the parameters

<LI> a way to set the returned values

<LI> a way to throw user-defined exceptions.
</UL><A NAME="toc66"></A>
<H2>12.2&nbsp;&nbsp; DSI Types</H2>
<H3>12.2.1&nbsp;&nbsp; PortableServer::DynamicImplementation</H3>This class must be sub-classed by the application to provide an
implementation for DSI objects. The method <TT>invoke()</TT> will be called
for each operation invocation.<BR>
namespace PortableServer {

  class DynamicImplementation : public virtual ServantBase {
    virtual ~DynamicImplementation();

    CORBA::Object_ptr _this();
    // Must only be called from within invoke(). Caller must release
    // the reference returned.

    virtual void invoke(CORBA::ServerRequest_ptr request) = 0;
    virtual char* _primary_interface(const ObjectId&amp; oid, POA_ptr poa) = 0;

    virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(const char* logical_type_id);
    // The default implementation uses _primary_interface(),
    // but may be overridden by subclasses.
<H3>12.2.2&nbsp;&nbsp; ServerRequest</H3>A <TT>ServerRequest</TT> object provides the interface between a dynamic
implementation and the ORB.<BR>
namespace CORBA {

  class ServerRequest {
    virtual const char* operation() = 0;
    virtual void        arguments(NVList_ptr&amp; parameters) = 0;
    virtual Context_ptr ctx() = 0;
    virtual void        set_result(const Any&amp; value) = 0;
    virtual void        set_exception(const Any&amp; value) = 0;

    inline ServerRequest() {}
    virtual ~ServerRequest();
</PRE><A NAME="toc67"></A>
<H2>12.3&nbsp;&nbsp; Creating Dynamic Implementations</H2>The application must override the <TT>invoke()</TT> method of
<TT>DynamicImplementation</TT> to provide an implementation for DSI
objects. This method must behave as follows:<BR>
 It may be called concurrently by multiple threads of execution,
and so must be thread-safe.<BR>

<LI> It may not throw any exceptions. Both user-defined and system
exceptions are passed in a value of type Any via a call to

<LI> The operations on the <TT>ServerRequest</TT> object must be
carried out in the correct order, as described below.
<H3>12.3.1&nbsp;&nbsp; Operations on the ServerRequest</H3><TT>operation()</TT> will return the name of the operation, and may be
called at any time. For attribute access the operation name is the IDL
name of the attribute, prefixed by <TT>_get_</TT> or
<TT>_set_</TT>. If the operation name is not recognised a
<TT>CORBA::BAD_OPERATION</TT> exception should be passed back
through <TT>set_exception()</TT>. This will allow the ORB to then see if it
is one of the standard object operations.<BR>
Firstly <TT>arguments()</TT> must be called passing a
<TT>CORBA::NVList</TT><A NAME="text27" HREF="#note27"><SUP><FONT SIZE=2>1</FONT></SUP></A> which must be initialised to contain
the type and mode of the parameters. The ORB consumes this value and
will release it when the operation is complete. At this point any
<EM>in</EM>/<EM>inout</EM> arguments will be unmarshalled, and when this
operation returns, their values will be in the <TT>NVList</TT>. The
application may set the value of <EM>inout</EM>/<EM>out</EM> arguments by
modifying this parameter list.<BR>
If the operation has user-context information, then <TT>ctx()</TT> must be
called after <TT>arguments()</TT> to retrieve it.<BR>
<TT>set_result()</TT> must then be called exactly once if the operation has
a non-void return value (unless an exception is thrown). The value
passed should be an Any allocated with <TT>new</TT>, and will be freed
by the ORB.<BR>
At any point in the above sequence <TT>set_exception()</TT> may be called
to set a user-defined exception or a system exception. If this happens
then no further operations should be invoked on the
<TT>ServerRequest</TT> object, and the <TT>invoke()</TT> method should return.<BR>
Within the <TT>invoke()</TT> method <TT>_this()</TT> may be called to obtain the
object reference. This method may not be used at any other time.<BR>
<A NAME="toc68"></A>
<H2>12.4&nbsp;&nbsp; Registering Dynamic Objects</H2>To use a <TT>DynamicImplementation</TT> servant, a CORBA object must be
created and associated with it, just as for any other servant. Dynamic
servants can also be created on demand by Servant Managers, just like
static servants.<BR>
<A NAME="toc69"></A>
<H2>12.5&nbsp;&nbsp; Example</H2>This implementation of <TT>DynamicImplementation::invoke()</TT> is taken
from an example which can be found in the omniORB distribution. The
<TT>echoString()</TT> operation is declared in IDL as:<BR>
string echoString(in string mesg);
</PRE>Here is the Dynamic Implementation Routine:<BR>
MyDynImpl::invoke(CORBA::ServerRequest_ptr request)
  try {
    if( strcmp(request-&gt;operation(), "echoString") )

    CORBA::NVList_ptr args;
    orb-&gt;create_list(0, args);
    CORBA::Any a;
    a.replace(CORBA::_tc_string, 0);
    args-&gt;add_value("", a, CORBA::ARG_IN);


    const char* mesg;
    *(args-&gt;item(0)-&gt;value()) &gt;&gt;= mesg;

    CORBA::Any* result = new CORBA::Any();
    *result &lt;&lt;= CORBA::Any::from_string(mesg, 0);
  catch(CORBA::SystemException&amp; ex){
    CORBA::Any a;
    a &lt;&lt;= ex;
    cout &lt;&lt; "echo_dsiimpl: MyDynImpl::invoke - caught an unknown exception."
  &lt;&lt; endl;
    CORBA::Any a;
</PRE><HR WIDTH="50%" SIZE=1><DL>
<DT><A NAME="note27" HREF="#text27"><FONT SIZE=5>1</FONT></A><DD> obtained by calling
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