

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > c5613f7dc1a58d699cff73d9eba5f63c > files > 19


Working in Gnumeric

   When writing Gnumeric our priorities are

	1) Correctness.
	2) Maintainable & Documented
	3) Modular and well designed
	and a distant
	4) Fast

    When you submit code to me for inclusion in Gnumeric, or when you modify
the sources directly on the CVS repository, please keep those things in mind.
While performance is important please note that we do not want to hand tune
code to shave milliseconds at this point.  Well designed algorithms and data
strucutures are fertile areas for development, obfuscated code to make a loop
3% faster is not.  Specifically, this means:

	- Clarity of design and function are paramount
	- Make sure your code does not generate warnings at all.
	- Please follow the coding style used Gnumeric.

The Gnumeric coding style.

   The coding style of Gnumeric is a mix of various styles, make
yourself familiar with the GNU coding standards (shipped with most
GNU/Linux systems as the file), then read the Linux
kernel coding standards and ignore Linus' jokes.  Then look at the
Gtk+ header files to get aquainted on how to write nice header files
that are almost self documenting. 

   Remember: Use 8 space tabs for indentation: that will keep your
code honest as you will be forced to split your routines in more
modular chunks (as detailed by Linus). 
   Emacs users can get the default indentation style with this:
  (set-c-style "K&R")
  (setq c-basic-offset 8)

   On top of that, you will have to:

	- Follow the Gtk+ cleanliness conventions for function

	- Follow the Gtk+ namespace convention for function names. 

	- Make sure your code does not have a single warning (with the
	  default strong warnings that Gnumeric compiles with) before
	  your code is submited. (Although we do not advocate -Werror)

	- Every entry point to a public routine should use the
	  g_return_if_fail and g_return_val_if_fail macros to verify
	  that the parameters passed are valid.

	- Use g_assert internally to establish pre-conditions on the
	  non-exported routines.

	- Under no circunstances use magic variables.  Use typedef
	  enum { ... } type; to create enumerations.  Do not use
	  integers to hold references to enumerations, the compiler
	  can help catch various errors.

	- Use g_warning to mark spots that need to be reviewed or are
	  not finished to let me fix it eventually.

	- Do not submit code that is just a temporary workaround for a
	  full fledged feature.  i.e. don't submit a quick hack at
	  "search text" which is not designed to be expanded upon.  We
	  do not want to maintain limited features.  It is better submit an
	  implementation that has been designed to be expanded and enhanced,
	  even if it is not completely finished.

	- It is more important to be correct than to be fast.  

	- Do not optimize unnecesarly.  Do profile, do look for the
	  weak spots before applying "optimization by feeling".  This
	  is not a Ouija-based project. 

	- It is more important to keep the code maintainable and
	  readable than to be fast.  If you have a great idea about
	  optimizing the code, make sure it is implemented cleanly,
	  that there is a clean and maintainable way to do it:  

        - Fast code that is difficult to maintain has no place in
	  Gnumeric and will be dropped.

	- Follow the Gnumeric commenting style, which is not the Gtk
		/* ie. use this for
		 * multi-line comments

	- Gnumeric is intended to be run in various countries with
	  different currency conventions, number formatting
	  conventions and different languages.  Use the locale
	  functions to make sure your code will work on countries that
	  have different conventions than your country.  

   All of this is to ensure the Gnumeric code will be kept within
reasonable margins of maintainability for the future: Remember, in two
years you will probably be far too busy to maintain your own
contributions, and they might become a burden to the program maintainers.

   Gnumeric is the foundation for a large spreadsheet project and
various other projects in the GNOME desktop (the document model and
CORBA service provision).

   Cleaning code in Gnumeric is more important than trying not to break
existing code.  By all means, code clean ups are always welcome. 

Extra Spreadsheet functions

   When you write new functions, keep the following in mind:

	- Be compatible with the Excel functions as much as possible.

	- Provide an online help description.  If you can provide
	  examples of use in the documentation, that is even better.

Things that are usually missed

Make sure that dialogs work well without using the mouse. GnomeDialog
solves some of this automatically, but by no means all. Some dialogs
aren't GnomeDialogs at all, and you have to do more work manually.

- Pressing the escape key should dismiss the dialog.  

  GnomeDialog does this. If your dialog does not inherit from
  GnomeDialog, write a handler like src/file.c:fs_key_event and
  connect it to "key_press_event". See src/file.c:workbook_save_as for
  an example.

- Initial keyboard focus should be assigned.

  This means that when the dialog pops up, keystrokes should go to one
  of the widgets in the dialog, often the top left widget. In glade,
  you set initial focus by selecting "Has Focus" in the "Basic" panel
  of the Property Editor. In C, you use gtk_widget_grab_focus (widget).

  In multipage dialogs (druid, notebook, propertybox), you have to set
  initial focus each time you switch pages. This means that you have
  to do it from C, even if it's a glade dialog.

  You also have to do it from C in OK/warning/error dialogs.

- There should be a keyboard accelerator for each widget.

  The user can navigate to the widget with Alt + <letter>, where
  <letter> is an underlined letter in the widget label. It should
  ideally be the first, but that's often not possible. 

  In glade, you define the accelerator by inserting an "_" in the
  label. Like this: "_File" makes F the accelerator. To make an
  accelerator for a text field, insert an "_" in the label, and make
  the field the "focus target" of the label. This can be done in the
  widget panel of the property editor.

  It's rather awkward to define accelerators for the "OK", "Cancel",
  etc. buttons in a GnomeDialog using glade, and so far we have left
  them alone.

  There's a problem with accelerators in notebooks: You cannot use the
  same letter in two different pages. This is either a bug in gtk or
  in glade. For simple dialogs, it's possible to work around the
  limitation, but for complex cases it is probably best to ignore it
  and assume that it will eventually be fixed.

- There should be a default button. This is activated when the user
  presses <Enter>.

  In glade, you achieve this with the "can default" and "has default"
  properties in the "basic" pane of the property editor. Glade sets
  "can default" on all buttons in the action area. This makes the
  rightmost button the default. If you want another default, enable
  "has default" on that button. Do not hesitate to make "OK" the
  default, unless the operation is destructive.

  In a druid, setting the default button from glade doesn't work.

  In C, you use gtk_widget_grab_default (widget).

- Pressing <Enter> in text fields should activate the default button.

  This behavior isn't enabled by default. Invoke
  gnome_dialog_editable_enters (dialog, editable) on all text fields,
  including the entry fields of spinboxes and combos. If the dialog
  does not inherit from GnomeDialog, use gnumeric_editable_enters
  (window, editable) instead.

- The dialog should be a transient child of the window it was popped up
  for. Most window managers will then iconize it with the parent.
  For modal GnomeDialogs, gnumeric_dialog_run (workbook, dialog) takes
  care of this. For other dialogs, use gnumeric_set_transient
  (context, window).

- Clist headers should only be active if they do something useful.

  Keep them active e.g. if it is possible to change the sort order by
  clicking on the header. Otherwise, make them passive with
  gtk_clist_column_titles_passive (clist). There is no way to do this
  in glade, yet.

- Dialogs shouldn't flicker when popping up.

  glade dialogs should have the "visible" property in the "basic" pane
  set to "No". You should also not call gtk_widget_show / show_all on
  the dialog before calling gnumeric_dialog_run / gnome_dialog_run,
  because the dialog_run functions reposition the dialog.

Guidelines for designing dialogs

Spacing and border properties can be used to tidy a dialog, but this
is not much use if everyone uses different values for these properties
everywhere. For consistency the following rules have been made, all
dialogs in Gnumeric should adhere to these rules :
- Any container which can contain only a single widget (GtkWindow,
  GtkFrame, etc..) should not have it's border set to anything other than
- Widgets which can host multiple other widgets must have a border of 4,
  but only when it's not a child of a widget that already has border (or
  spacing) set or the (indirect) child of a GtkWindow (this to avoid a
  superfluous dialog border)
- Spacing should always be set to 4 for GtkTable, VBoxes and HBoxes,
  except for the toplevel VBox or HBox on a dialog which should have a
  spacing of 8. (we don't want to mess with GnomeDialogs default setup)